See you're doing that thing where you honestly believe that not bringing it up will just 'allow' these people to propagate here, but truth is these "tranny leftist game shills" are highly rare
Even IF they existed- getting mad and REEEEing won't work, because if they are here to start shit then you're just falling for their trap and letting them accomplish their goal
But truth is, they're not usually here, 99% of posts on the topic aren't made by them, they're baiting trolls who have managed to fool you and you're, again, falling to their trap by letting it dictate how you post and behave and interact with the board
You must love it if you say you hate it!
No anon, that's not what I meant. It's not "you hate spiders? Ha, you wanna fuck spiders!" It's "the man who hates spiders made it his job to exterminate them, so now he loves them because they give him a career." They love posting about them.
Imagine yourself a board where you never have to hear about any of this crap, where you can discuss what you like and never have to see dogshit DEI games- THAT'S what a board run by people who genuinely dislike them would look like, not a board where you walk in every day and 2/3ds of the catalog is "GAIS, RECENT DEI GAME!" "GAIS LOOKIT LOOKIT LOOKIT!" "DIDJA SEE GAIS? DIDJA SEE?"