Some hilariously bad shit gets put into a video game

Some hilariously bad shit gets put into a video game

Old Anon Babble: Memes for days, a buncha jokes and goofs and edits, everyone's laughing at taking the piss out of it in various creative ways, tons of OC

Some hilariously bad shit gets put into a video game

2024 Anon Babble: REEEEEEEEEEEEEE [posts screenshot] -EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [posts the same screenshot] EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [post the same screenshot again]

there's been tons of OC for shit like forspoken, tlou2 and so on
failguard is so repulsive it's difficult to even joke about it

it's only "difficult to joke about" anything if you're unimaginative
and the NPC tourists that make up the majority of Anon Babble are, all they can do is reference the scene over and over again because, truth be told, they're not laughing at how absurd the scene is, they're seeking validation from the collective because that's what all the cool kids are doing, right? mocking this game? repeating the same thing over and over? am i in the club yet? am i cool?

like i can think of about fifty funny gags and memes that could've evolved from this back in like 2010 but nowadays it's just outrage day in and day out

I feel like it's a case of fatigue, hilariously bad shit in games used to be the exception, not the norm.

There's no point making fun of something when getting actually mad gets better results

Lol no it's not, if it was fatigue people would wanna talk about it less, when you're tired of something you don't spam it all day every day 24/7.
Anon Babble actually loves every single thing they claim to hate- Identity politics, legbutts and negroes and DEI and all that shit...
They love it because it gets them online (You)s, if they hated it they would want to foster an online space where you don't have to see it every day and Anon Babble would be a paradise mostly free from it all.

Anon Babble """"""""hates"""""""" this stuff, in the same way that a school aged boy """"""""hates"""""""" that girl who's ponytail he keeps pulling to get her to notice him.

bizarre logic. complaining about something = liking it?
the world sucks, you think being complacent and not complaining is the way to go? i'm sure not giving any amount of cash to these freaks

all lowercase

reddit spacing

reddit whining

This is an AI, it's only purpose is to be an agitator.
Anons, mark this shape in your mind, it is not human.
It does not breathe, it does not think, and it does not change.
Chickaboom juapp whip ehoop yigga beow

it's AI because it types in ways i don't approve of and makes statement i don't agree with

are you (and notice me saying the following words very, very carefully as proof that i am not, in fact, an AI) a retarded, gay, faggot idiot nigger?

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you fuck spiders

Maybe the same DEIslop over and over again isn't novel to even look at, you dumb nigger
Why don't you go make the same thread on Anon Babble about female romance novels


Catch a bullet, fucking mewling dog

hey buddy reply to the previous post

See you're doing that thing where you honestly believe that not bringing it up will just 'allow' these people to propagate here, but truth is these "tranny leftist game shills" are highly rare
Even IF they existed- getting mad and REEEEing won't work, because if they are here to start shit then you're just falling for their trap and letting them accomplish their goal
But truth is, they're not usually here, 99% of posts on the topic aren't made by them, they're baiting trolls who have managed to fool you and you're, again, falling to their trap by letting it dictate how you post and behave and interact with the board

You must love it if you say you hate it!

No anon, that's not what I meant. It's not "you hate spiders? Ha, you wanna fuck spiders!" It's "the man who hates spiders made it his job to exterminate them, so now he loves them because they give him a career." They love posting about them.

Imagine yourself a board where you never have to hear about any of this crap, where you can discuss what you like and never have to see dogshit DEI games- THAT'S what a board run by people who genuinely dislike them would look like, not a board where you walk in every day and 2/3ds of the catalog is "GAIS, RECENT DEI GAME!" "GAIS LOOKIT LOOKIT LOOKIT!" "DIDJA SEE GAIS? DIDJA SEE?"

If game is good, goofy shit is a novelty.
If game is bad, goofy shit is a flaw.
Simple as

youre arguing pointlessly because everyone on this board has convinced themselves that chimping out is actually some kinda form of activism that will eventually clean out the board and gatekeep out undesirable people
saying anything that goes against what they convinced themselves of will paint you as the enemy trying to subvert them or something

I shit you not, there was a period were Anon Babble would go fucking mental against anyone making OC calling them attention whores, shills and of they had any social media or was scorched earth of shitposting. I don't blame people for not wanting to make shit when the board became so ungrateful

It goes back to that old analogy:
You walk outside, you see shit smeared on the sidewalk and you hate it, fair enough, who wouldn't?
But why the fuck would you bring it inside into your clean living room, shove it in your roommate's face and go "Look at what I found outside!" and make it (You)r problem. If he complains about it you might even accuse him of being the one who took the dump on the sidewalk.
That's what bringing drama here feels like.

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we just post le epic twitter screencap falseflag bait, its based and redpilled

I think you misunderstood me, I meant fatigue as in it's the same joke over and over again, it gets stale and after that there is nothing left to do but complain about it.
Don't try to tell me you haven't seen the same sort of reaction from people when some TV-show keeps overdoing the same joke over and over again for example.
Also sure, some of the posts are definitely just for garnering (You)'s, but you can usually see those ones a mile away.

i'd wager current day Anon Babble is at least 90% post-2016 newfags, and probably like 50% post-2020 newfags at this point
hell, a good chunk of them might even be newfags to the internet at large, only having come here after getting their first iphone recently, so they try really hard to act how they think the Anon Babble of old would've wanted them to act based on having speed listened to a buncha greentext reading videos

they all think it's hip to be as obnoxious as possible and having any kinda fun is lame and gay
they all think they're the only person online who has discovered the arcane arts of trolling, baiting and lying, and everything everyone else says is 105% super serious
and they think not upkeeping this behavior will get them noticed and excommunicated from the board, when in reality they're the ones maintaining this mindset and spreading this

Huh, I see fair enough
But again- there wouldn't be fatigue if people memed in a way that's actually funny and unique

When's the last time you've seen a joke on here recently? Take the Dragonvine Dildogourd or whatever that game is... Every post I've seen in the past week has been

Screenshot from the scene


Screenshot from the scene




Screenshot from the scene





It gets tiring BECAUSE people forgot how to meme

that was shortly around the time of TLOU2; anons were shitting on us for trying to make the collage video because 'reddit's gonna steal it and take credit' or something. It's odd that 4ch used to be a meme maker for the free and fun of it and now anons, many from reddit and twitter themselves, are more zealous about being anti-reddit than before to sort of announce they 'fit in'. That and the nature of sites like those is that credit for your work is tied to rising social capital; this site being anonymous eschews that so it makes sense that it was less concerned about credit than before screenshot threads are still cancer tho

people forgot how to meme

no truer words have been uttered to express the issue with the web at large

it's like the world's shittiest circus
nothing is serious, nothing is genuine, everyone is a bad clown who's mind is riddled with the AIDS that is irony poisoning and yet everyone forgot how to tell a legitimately good joke

nobody was bringing up tranny leftist shills. there are tranny shills who defend their slop vehemently, sure, but it's their opinion, they post it. whatever. they exist, as repulsive as they are

never have to see dogshit DEI games

wow, what a beautiful world that would be. you know what that would require? for the most profilic games coming to day to NOT be ultra pozzed beyond belief! do we live in that reality, dear anon? it's not going to disapper if you don't look at it, no matter if you create a space for it
for the record, i don't make any anti dragon age threads, i don't start any idpol discourse around here. but nothing will change my hate for all of it, and i don't mind seeing people complain about it, because it deserves being complained about

Nobody online has fun anymore, there's this weird feeling like everyone is doing everything expecting a returt
Nobody discusses anything because they want to, nobody makes jokes for a laugh or talks about things they love out of passion, even when people talk about things they hate it's not actual passionate critique anymore
Everything is now for e-currency

wow, what a beautiful world that would be. you know what that would require? for the most profilic games coming to day to NOT be ultra pozzed beyond belief! do we live in that reality, dear anon? it's not going to disapper if you don't look at it, no matter if you create a space for it

I'm not asking for it to disappear, I'm asking that if, IF it has to exist- The least we can do is not punish ourselves and eachother because of it

I don't need doodoo on my clean rug because someone in India shat on his
The old web understood this

Zoomers and gen alpha retards can't make OC, most of them can barely draw.

because something i hate exists, i need to constantly be annoyed by it's presence in my face and immediate vicinity until it ceases to exist from the world!

this is why you people on here are miserable

making OC didn't even used to require skill, people would make it because they felt like it
what the current gen im not using your tarded memespeak lacks is drive and creativity and the ability to express their opinions in a way that isnt approved of by the collective hivemind

the old web is different. you obviously know this yet you prolong this retarded conversation. the world is different. a person who liked dragon age 1 and by small extent 2, is going to despise veilguard. that person is going to voice his opinion. he's not flagellating himself because he is pointing it out. what the fuck do you even WANT? a writing disaster just came out, a fucking abortion of a video game, something that most reasonable people should hate. it's getting dunked on, deservingly so. you have video game threads, but you're asking for hot popular topics to not be discussed for fuck sake
why am i fucking arguing with someone who is intentionally acting obtuse?

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And it's a cancer mentality because EVERYTHING suddenly had to go through some sort of security check or else it deserved some sort of punishment? I searched reddit and noticed they had a post similar to yours, I'll shit on your thread. I searched the image and it's from Tumblr, I shit on your thread. You drew the image yourself for the thread BUT I searched your style and found out you have opinions, I shit on your thread. You made OC and disappeared without a trace? Cool, based, the next time I'll see it I'll call you out for spamming your shit and I'll shit on your thread
It became more about policing the board than actually having fun in it, and Anon Babble's special brand of autism which dictates anything that's considered annoying should be forced down everyone's throats for the lulz

Silence is acceptance, little buddy. No normal folk should accept Bioware's newest travesty

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it's getting dunked on, deservingly so

No it's not, it's getting used for personal public masturbation
What I want is a sense of genuiness that allowed people to laugh at something without constantly looking around to see who's approving and who's "losing" or "winning"

To be fair the right side comic was mostly Anon Babble trying to rile up people, same as the anons that keep cutting up comics because "brevety is wit"

all the people terminally online on Anon Babble make yet another thread about how much they hate Anon Babble so they can all circlejerk whine together

So why don't you just leave? Like close the tab on your browser? ...the fuck?

Silence is acceptance

shut up commie

you got it right
Anon Babble is fucking paranoid right now
i mean the whole web is, but it's so depressing to see Anon Babble behave that way too since it was always an outlier
everyone is neurotically making sure they hold the correct opinions that aren't shared by the wrong people and are approved of by the right sources and behaving in the approved manner
if you disagree on something with anyone for any reason they'll form an entire multiverse of headcanons about you, your identity, your beliefs, your political affiliation, even shit that makes no sense and isn't related but is the opposite of what they believe in because their entire identity and sense of self is tied to this argument, and then argue with that puppet of you they built instead of arguing with you directly
all because they're deathly afraid of ever being wrong or thinking something the wrong person thinks

in a way
they're not that different from hypersocialized ultra normalfags, are they?

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you're asking for the "good old times" to be back, you faggot.


woe is me. you live in this vile world now. i didn't ask for this world nor did i work for it, but both sides are extremely radicalized at this point. it's not called a culture war for nothing.
you can expect things to go back to how you want it to be if there is ever a big reset or somehow peace is achieved between both sides

you'll still see people memeing about funny stuff but generally it's a bunch of poor shitskins talking about player counts and sales as if they are investors
it's genuinely so pathetic. steam charts and sales number threads should be outright banned. It's extremely gay

How come peace was never necessary between "both sides" in the past to cause this? How come even when the world was falling to shit, Anon Babble still sat and laughed, until a while back? I know my enemy and I'm blaming them directly- it's modern Anon Babble users

no guys we genuine true and honest hwite Anon Babble oldfolks are memeing good and proper, it's the [boogeymen] that are posting bad stuff!

where, bitch? where? what, is posting the 93775th closetup of some ugly character and going "haha le barv" is your idea of good memes? cause if not, go back to the alternative universe you live in, you must be confused because that shit isn't here, i've not seen a single good or creative joke or meme

you people need to accept that it's Anon Babble users causing problems
not some specific group of people you can point at and go "if we just removed THEM from Anon Babble all would be good" it's Anon Babble, it's the current state of Anon Babble, it's all of ours problem

holy shitskin reply
kill yourself nigger

because the past decade and a half brought many new problems for europe and america, the cultural centers of the world. and most people are very divided on those problems
"vee" was like this since around gamergate, which is when things started spiraling really fucking bad downwards everywhere, and it was MUCH worse during those years than now, newfag-kun

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Anon Babble is so contrarian, but so very contrarian, that it has reverted back to catholic guilt, now most trolls act like Facebook moms until they notice too late others took the act seriously, and when you least expect it you have anons spamming religious texts because the OP had an anime girl

see? this kinda behavior
this post has everything
1. irony poisoning, if i don't talk many worde otha guy no know my feelfeelers and no laughy at me ): i winrar now
2. everyone who disagrees with me must be the enemy because i'm delicate and emotionally immature
3. boogeyman thinking

there's nothing ironic about it. stop being a fucking faggot and saying shit like "oooohhh we are all part of the problem my brothers we must all take equal responsibility" like some kind of literal fucking kike

I've made OC, I like making fun of games, I like talking about games

I don't like some fucking dipshit bitch trying to go

oh no no no no steam charts xisters are we losing?

or whatever the fuck else in broken English. it's always in broken English. how about you join me in being the change you want to see instead of straight up defending this insane faggotry?

cunt i didn't see it's literally each and every single individual that's shitting up the board, i said it's Anon Babble users in general and that makes it all of our's problem
delegating it to one tiny group is a huge cope that attempts to distance the issue
i'm not blaming you specifically for doing it but i am bullying you for not seeing that actual regular plain ol Anon Babble users engages in this behavior

We have push-ups at least

I don't like some fucking dipshit bitch trying to go

>oh no no no no steam charts xisters are we losing?

If you see the problem then I don't know how you can disagree with anon in saying people from Anon Babble are causing the problem

The "ESL" meme has mindbroken people into thinking every bit of broken English must be ESL, when in reality it's more likely typos (because they don't care), phone mistakes and autocorrect, or just hurried typing or incorrect English because they're idiots
Fact of the matter is people on here constantly want to believe everyone who's causing problem is some enemy they can point away because it makes them feel better

in a way...they're not that different from hypersocialized ultra normalfags, are they?

anon, what do you think they are? something something people who act like idiots in fun attract actual idiots who think they're in good company - sun tzu

the issue is that "actual plain old Anon Babble users" are not primarily young adult, English speaking nerds anymore
they are underage and ESL. just look at the posts being made and it's blatantly obvious. the amount of thirdies that infest every corner of the internet now is undeniable and they ruin those places too. Anon Babble isn't even a unique casualty to this

Idk what to tell you OP if your post was actually referering to veilguard then that has nothing to do with "le old Anon Babble vs nu/v/".
There's a difference between a charming scrappy indie game with so bad it's good moments and sterile corporate boring shit.

it wasn't referencing it specifically, it just so happens to be the thing of the month so that flies I guess
But you're wrong in saying it needs to be different and that screeching about something is fair and valid because it's "super seriously really bad" and not "haha funny bad like The Room", old Anon Babble would have absolutely had a field day with something as terrible as Veilguard

Nothing as terrible as Veilguard came for the old Anon Babble. Wish i could go back myself, but it is what it is. The worst we got is Dragon Age 2, but even that looks like a masterpiece compared to the shit of today

Have you guys Noticed^tm how often bad threads have mobile images? Either obviously phone screenshots or iPhone filenames?

I never understood why people hated phoneposters back in ye olden times, but now I see the issue
It's not just people who happen to be on their phone, it's perma phoneposters, people who's entire access to the web is through their iPhone and likely never owned a PC or engaged in old web culture before they got their first smartphone

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What does it matter? You really think old Anon Babble wouldn't be joking and shitposting with plenty of OC over a game as bad as that in, say, 2010? Or that when some shit that's only mildly bad comes out now, the entire discussion around it isn't equally stale and outrage focused? You think it's really an issue that can be blamed on some kinda numerical quality, like there's a bar that needs to be crossed between "we can laugh at this" and "this one is so bad it requires every single person on the board to squat down and shoot poo out of our asses at projectile speeds, it's just *too* bad to properly meme about!"

like there's a bar that needs to be crossed

yeah, it has been. sorry you're too naive and young to see it

The only bar that was crossed is the one barring retarded normies from coming to Anon Babble in drove and ruining it, and if you're content with it, than you must have seen it first-hand when you crossed it yourself

the real issue is normalfags

why does the web suck nowadays? normalfags
why do vidya suck nowadays? normalfags
why does Anon Babble suck nowadays? you guessed it, it's full of normalfags
they can't do anything good, make anything good, have any fun, be creative, communicate and discuss in any way other than repetitive memespeak memespeak memespeak memespeak memespeak
their brains are fixated on socially approved behavior
their lives revolve around the current drama and gossip
they always communicate in ways that are overemotional, passive aggressive and meaningless
and they cannot be happy unless they are farming that happiness form someone else like some kinda demon

blame normalfags
and the only thing you can do to fight them is continue to be yourself, be genuine, meme and shitpost as you would've and not fall for their soulsucking NPC behavior and let them corrupt you
stay real, stay cool, stay hating normalfags

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Gee Bill, how come your mom let's you have so much TRVTH?

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why aren't people making funny memes about a boring game

wow anon who could possibly figure this mystery out. The shittiest games that got traction and OC in Anon Babble were things like Oblivion or Skyrim, which were just orders of magnitude above the corposlop we get these days.

finds the word "why" in a post that didn't ask why, but simply pointed out that it's the case

also this sure doesn't stop people from making the same one singular post over and over again about the same boring game

AI killed drawfags so OC is gone

I dunno OP. Concord got no shortage of memes.

because OC was so so prevalent back in 2019 amirite????

AI sucks because every funny thread now some faggot comes along and ruins it with AI

haha imagine if this character did this silly thi-


someone should voice this character saying these lines-


wouldn't it be cool if this were to happen-


completely takes the fun out of it because some people have no internal visualisation abilities and need some some prosthetic imagination to create the picture for them and take the humor and fun out of it for the entire thread

AI appeals to people who
1. Have no imagination so they can't think funny things and that makes them feel left out
2. Have no skill or appreciation for OC, they can't enjoy it unless *they're* the ones delivering and getting (You)s so they need to butt in as soon as possible and show what they did

Actually, that probably goes back to what anons ITT said about how everything people do online now is for some kinda payment
Nobody communicates for fun, people only talk to remind themselves they exist by having people acknowledge them, attention is a form of payment

old Anon Babble felt like a buncha guys in a room poking eachother going 'haha check this out' looking to have a laugh with the bros
new Anon Babble feels like a buncha BPD skanks who all live in solipsism looking to prove to all the others that they're the only real human being in the room

pic unrelated i wanted to post a different one but noticed i have this saved and idk why so just have it i guess lol

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Anon Babble also splintered into /vr Anon Babble Anon Babble Anon Babble Anon Babble Anon Babble

there's even a Anon Babble which i never even knew existed, until just now.

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there's more at stake now

ive seen kiwi ravaging dustborn wiki it was fun as hell, i still have floydnet webm from there

This post appears AI generated