What controller should I get if I don't care about console and just want one for certain games on PC?
What controller should I get if I don't care about console and just want one for certain games on PC?
anything you can get for cheap desu
yeah, i was thinking of getting some cheap ass PS2 controller or smth but i don't know if there's compatibility issues
playstation controllers might not work outside of steam so you should get something else, like pic related
The Flydigi Vader 3 Pro is a good choice. I also like the 8Bitdo SN30 Pro 2; although it doesn't have hall effect sensors, I still prefer it over the Ultimate. The Thrustmaster eSwap feels the most comfortable. The Flydigi Vader 3 Pro/4 is probably the best bang for the buck.
Absolutely no point in paying almost 100 dollars for chinkshit
Just get a cheap Logitech or 8bitdo
I also like the 8Bitdo SN30 Pro 2; although it doesn't have hall effect sensors
It does now
Hall effect sticks are par on all their controllers except older wired models now
Wait for the release bro.
still not really that on board with the fuck hueg trackpads and all the other buttons are just squished afterthoughts
Correct, it should just have 1 stick 5 trackpads and 4 paddles on the back.
Steam Deck is actually insanely comfortable to use, if most of the controller's weight is kept up towards the top or even if it's just given a solid weight in the middle to mime the Steam Deck's weight distribution that Steam Controller 2.0 would actually kick some serious ass.
Vader pro 4 for asymmetric
Tarantula pro for symmetric
Big thing worth mentioning is Tarantula Pro is micro-switch dpad so it's kinda bad for fighting games, lots of people report the diagonals are *under*sensitive.
DualShock 4 is my favorite for a PC gamepad. DS4 windows is great, and steam support isn't too shabby either these days. Wish they'd sell these wired.
You want something cheap but the analogs don't have dead zones on the cardinal direction.
100 dollar chinkshit
Yeah no thanks, if they were like 30 bucks maybe
It's pretty good though. The buttons and sticks are in an extremely comfortable position.
All controllers are chinkshit, lad.
you can get gamesirs for $30
Not all of them are priced appropriately for chinkshit though
Paying more than 30 dollars for chinkshit is peak retardation
playstation controllers might not work outside of steam
just use DS4
this one is good but I used the wired version instead of wireless
Not all of them are priced appropriately for chinkshit though
First-party controllers are ripoffs, you say? Then we agree
Gamesaars and flydicky sell their controllers for first party prices
I like this one. I've also got a few DS4s lying around, but since I usually like to use my controllers over USB instead of bluetooth I much prefer this one.
The micro USB port on the DS4 is a pain in the ass compared to the USB-C port on my other controller, and the battery life isn't great when used wirelessly, either.
Of course they do, they have more features than first-party controllers. If you want a controller that's actually a fucking ripoff, go look at the turds SCUF pushes out.
Xbox Series controller, it's the most compatible out of the box with everything.
Best controller for the money
Cant go wrong with this controller
The tarantula pro is real nice if you ask me.
I dont need worthless bullshit tacked on to artificially inflate your bullshit price for a chinkshit garbo controller that will stop working after six months regardless
Haven't used it, guess it's one of those things that feels better than it looks. The opposite of paizuri.
Real expensive too
Should be 30 dollars
the thumbsticks felt laggy for me
does anybody have one of these? I used to work at a London Drugs and I used to eyefuck the shit out of it, but I never had the balls to drop 200 big ones on it. It's probably as gimmicky as it looks, right? Being able to swap out the thumb stick positions and shit.
madcatz cultist
i use ds4 but i absolutely hate the dpads on them. i have no clue how people play, for example, fighting games on them. hurts my wrist after 2 minutes
Series x controller. works great with pc. you can also get one from 8bitdo
it's (almost) peak
i feel the face buttons are spaced just a bit too far. the triggers also have a bit too much throw despite being digital
That is one real faggy fisher price looking piece of shit you got there
and it still performs better than your shitbox controller
I doubt it
Bet it costs more though
Best third party controller on the market right now.
It's one of those things where you actually do need to get a handle on it to try it out, yeah. For the Steam Deck's high, centered weight the control scheme is actually completely perfect, all buttons, trackpads and sticks are easy to reach and use and it's not fatiguing to hold the system.
I dont need worthless bullshit tacked on to artificially inflate your bullshit price for a chinkshit garbo controller
anon he brought up scuf because they don't do anything a normal PS4 or PS5 controller couldn't do with a $20 attachment and they want $130 minimum. sometimes they charge you to REMOVE features like charging $25 to change triggers to digital instead of analog for EPIC and GAMERPILLED faster trigger pulls in MOUNTAIN DEW first person shooters
Just got me an 8bitDo Pro 2, and it's been doing very well. Still not sure what to bind the back buttons to yet, but the turbo function's already come in handy.
Putting aside A Steam Deck 2.0 layout controller in the future your options are primarily
less shitty chinkshit, - 8bitdo, Gulikit, etc
looks good on paper but has serious limitations or issues at times, driver shit etc.
1st party major controllers both standard and elite variants - DualSense / DualSense Edge , Xbox Series X/S / Elite S2, Switch Pro etc...
Reliable, each wth their own benefits and limitations
The real questions are
What do you plan to play with it?
Modern or retro only? Emulators? Cross platform/native supported titles both AAA and indie?
Do you have preferences for symmetrical or asymmetrical sticks
Wireless desirable as an option or not really?
Open to "luxury" variants that are easy to mod/swap components, but are more costly
Etc.. there's lots of things that go into it.
My fingers naturally want to rest on the triggers so I ended up binding my back buttons to L1 and R1 on my Pro 2. If you don't like the sticks it comes with I recommend buying those Dualsense Edge stick caps from Extremerate and replacing them, or any other aftermarket PS4 or Dualsense stick caps that catch your eye.
unironically 8bitdo or gamesir or really any of the third parties. there's no reason whatsoever to buy first party anymore when you can get more features for less money
Just don't use it in a small submersible.
You use their app on your phone of their desktop program
default sticks
They were a little odd coming from a DS3, but I'm starting to warm up to them. Might take a look at different ones in the future.
Older Playstation controllers are actually the exact reason I changed my sticks, I didn't think the DS4 sticks they come with look era-appropriate for the Game Boy color-scheme I bought. amazon.com
Your bro's controller of course
These controllers have big square deadzones on the sticks, don't get tricked. They'll be $15 and last forever but it's not even worth it.
There are better options these days even with the $15 price tag. An 8bitdo Ultimate wired is $20 on sale right now, an Ultimate C is normally $20 normally but $17 on sale now, Anbernic is just now releasing an Ultimate 2.4ghz clone for $15 earlybird.
I'll swear by my PS4 controller.
I've had 4 different Xbox controllers and they all broke their D pad.
PS4 controller is 3 years now and still as new.