Oh boy another fucking Adventure Time character...

Oh boy another fucking Adventure Time character, man isn't it great that it's the only fucking series that gets representation of it's era.
Like Marcy isn't even a bad pick but come on, put a fucking Regular Show or Amazing World of Gumball.

I just want to play as Muscleman or Nichole.

Is this game still fucked? Is it still impossible to unlock a single character?

I actually like both of these characters but eh, don't really feel like playing anymore.



It's perfect

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cant wait to see her model ripped


Fuck off

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maaaaaan I ain't playing this smashie battlepass trash

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I like Marceline too, I just find the fact that she's the 4th AT rep while we still haven't gotten a single 2010s show oustide of Rick and Morty, Steven Universe and Adventure Time.
There are more AT reps than 2000s characters.

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I forgot to end my sentence. I find it annoying. I'm a dummy.

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Is it true that only the first 2 seasons of adventure time are good and then it turns into vaginal gay shit?

It is, sadly.

Does anyone even play this game still? Why does it matter?

The first 2 aren't good either.

they're phasing out the fighter currency and instead letting you unlock characters by playing the game

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petite teen raven SEEEEEEEEXXX!!!!

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Season 3 and 4 is pretty decent and 5 has some good episodes but yeah then it gets pretty "woe is me, relationships are hard, uwu lesbians are you heckin' epic" shit.
A lot of people blame Sugar which is partially correct, more accurately it's due to Sugar leaving which caused it as less talented people trying to capture her style. Sugar can write some decent melodrama, the rest of the crew couldn't.

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Who gives a fucking shit, how is this game still alive? After all the controversy from BOTH the game and warner bros?

Is this Raven design from anything in particular? I don't know anything about the comics and people thought she would be her Teen Titans Go version.

I hate women.

I don't think so, I mean it's kinda similar to some of the modern comics but she usually has purple highlights in those.

they made the game worse, slightly fixed the servers from unplayable to fucked, and made unlocking characters impossible. the game is gonna be dead no matter what they do

Do people here still play Slap City, Bralhalla or did they all jump to RoA2/Ultimate indefinitely?


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She destroyed the core premise of the show and then left to do her own (which never confirmed any of the hinted gay ships)

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How has this game not been shut down yet?

They made a whole mini-series both animated and in comic about Marceline and PB being faggots.

Nah it's over. They update too slowly once again and after having shut the game down for almost 2 years and they don't quickly adjust things that actively made the game unfun like Samurai Jack's side special being spammed in 95% of matches. Unlocking things was an unholy amount of grind and I had spent all of the character redemption tickets from the early access bundle instead of the gold currency from the beta, which got converted into a shitty profile banner. After that Agent Smith grind, I tapped out.

I'm talking about Sugar's own show (Steven Universe) never confirming gay ships

just a mashup of her most popular designs i think

theyll shut it down again and pretend to have another launch to fix things like they did with the "beta"

Garnet is a gay ship. Pearl and some rando that looks like Rose is a gay ship. The show is ends on gay ships and hugs.

people are giving them money

I forgot this game existed, how is it on Season 4? Who's still playing this trainwreck?

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Garnet is a gay ship.

That was just dropped out of nowhere as pre-existing

Pearl and some rando that looks like Rose is a gay ship

Didn't end up together

Sugar didn't even ship Marcy and PB, that's just headcanon that she goes along with so to not piss of her fanbase.

Read the image

dropped out of no where

fusion, gem racism and the fact she had two gems was a thing through out. And it's still canon.

Didn't end up

still was pursued, like Sadie going after a no-named Townie.

Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire) even get married. The show is trite, but you're not picking the right battles.

Cause Sugar had her own agenda.

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Gen Z is carrying hard since they're discovering old cartoons. I'm not sure what happened in this competitive scene since they added smash bro shields

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they put a banana over gandalf

Tolkien estate said no LoTR, Toho said no Godzilla, at best we'll get more Hannah Barbara and Cartoon Network veterans.

cake has been in since day 1

5 seasons and two years in still no fiona

Where the fuck is she?

They put him in over any other 2010 candidate.

Four (4) fucking AT characters

Not grabbing any monster or whatever from Gumball or Regular Show

Not referencing older eras of CN with Courage, Eds, or Grimm

Not grabbing any other DC shit people like

Not even dipping into film with Mad Max

This ain't shit dog.

They do have PPG and Jack but the fact there are more AT characters than 2000s is embarrassing.

rigby after transition

How shit would this rooster be?

space dandy nodiffs everyone

no courage

but let's have a fucking RWBY character

what the fuck are you smoking

This would be a roster if they still did flash games. Minus the RWBY character, BE REAL ANON AHAhAhaha

Look I made this image when Rooster Teeth still existed. At the same time there's already like 9-10 2000s characters so adding courage is a bit much.
Also Yang got some nice tits.

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they're phasing out the fighter currency

AGAIN? They already got rid of the previous version when it was called gold. I was saving my fighter currency for Raven. God this company is so fucking stupid.

So what is going to happen to the fighter currency I have? I ask knowing full well it’s going go be the skill currency nobody uses in the first place

That guy is a dumb faggot. Fighter currency is staying; it just means there's a second option that allows you to unlock characters much faster. Why do you faggots always fly off the handle when something new and positive is introduced in any game?


ANOTHER superman skin


2 goth waifus

They're desperate

It's over

with remaining fighter currency

oh whoops you forgot to grind to 6000k and only have 5999k? Looks like you're out of luck buddy, just buy [new currency] instead!

Fuck these hacks and fuck and for shilling for these faggot ass developers.

put ANY regular show character in. God damn, whats taking so long?!?

The people who are making the game are millennials and gen xers whose knowledge of the 2010s are like 3 shows.

Have they also stopped with the bullshit "You need the battle pass to get 'New Character'" shit? Because I have wasted my BP tokens just about every time I thought the game could win me back through a new character now and I have more character tokens than I know what to do with

Why does raven have pectorals?

God please take off your shoes Raven

You can thank Teen Titans Go for that.

If they knew what Zoomers actually wanted they could have a chance.

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if there's something i can thank teen titans go for, it's this

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you WILL pay $14.99 for the beach skin

Cake is “black-coded” because of her VA so she took priority

i hate how autistic shaggy is like


Just give us the fucking characters you goddamn jews

I blame millennials.


No Eds

Their Cartoon Network selection is dogshit.

Unironically just uninstalled Slap City yesterday

They're making a second Fionna and Cake season, this is their way of promoting that since they confirmed the next season would be Fionna helping Finn (if anything they should add Huntress Wizard in the game)

I think they need Antonucci's permission to use the Eds and he's very protective of them. Pretty based if you ask me, but multiversus is probably the only place where they could be properly represented nowadays

Unironically I'd say the game is kind of worth it to jump into because after years of drip feeding there's a decent amount of content in the game now. Problem is if you're coming in as a fresh new player you're gonna probably have to pay real money for shit if you actually want characters.

Right now? No.
If it survives two years from now then yeah, it'll definitely be worth jumping into

I mean, 31 characters is a great sized roster, plus there's a bunch of new stages now and all the backlog content from the past year of events. Some people argue the 1v1 gameplay at a high level is boring but I'm too much of a shitter to notice. The game is literally free so you're not losing much by trying it.
