Anon Babble will deny this

Anon Babble will deny this

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OP will make this thread every day

live in a cozy small town

talk with qt3.14 milf every day

have cool police partner

What was his problem?

His problem is that he is zoomer brained so he needs stimulus injected every second of his existence in his brain else he'll get mentally ill. He can't appreciate a normal life

log off

what milf?

I see this guy everywhere and I don’t know if people are meming about him being evil

Adachi is a pretty good litmus test to see if people have actually interacted with successful people.

bitch you are a privileged motherfucker and have done fuck all with it. you had college paid for you and did nothing with it. by your own admission you halfassed your career and only went to the police because you wanted a gun, then you fucked up so hard even the thick as thieves japanese police force had to stuff you in a corner. and even then what was your punishment?

oh woe is me I am stuck in a small town where nothing happens.

yeah truly, this is nothing but the most horrible of tortures. everyone in this town wants to reach out to you and you refuse because you can't be arsed to put in the slightest effort to make friends. you had talent, Adachi, you had everything to succeed and you wasted it. you reaped what you sowed. get fucked

He is.
He's a successful man turned murderer for fun who uses his mediocrity and nihilism as a shield. He is the definition of ungrateful.

le talented le people le succeed

given le superpowers

does le nothing

He WAS his problem. Complete arrogance and disdain for the people around him, and he couldn't appreciate there were people who cared about him in Inaba. He felt like he was entitled to whatever he wanted, and it was the world's fault for not handing it to him.

People miss the point constantly, but Yu and Adachi were both ripped out of their status quo and thrown to the town as nobodies, but Yu constantly struggled to better himself and work for the sake of others with his new powers, while Adachi basically just used them for an ego trip. They both were given the same tools, and used them differently, but he wants to pretend it was just a gap of talent.

Writters have no rebuttals for any of his arguments

The Anime tries to weaken his redpill to normalfags by making him a rapist(even though both girls were said to be loose in the game)

He won.



Bad ending
Best ending

Writters have no rebuttals for any of his arguments

That's just because they writers were really fucking stupid though, there are plenty that exist if you just look at it with eyes. He's a bitter hypocrite that literally proved through his own inaction and immoral action that he failed entirely on his own and without any excuse of talent, because another guy put in his exact same shoes with the exact same advantages or lack of them did WAY better than him.

some people make it just because they were in the right place at the right time and it is purely luck

daily reminder he din't kill anyone

discipline mogs talent
the only unbeatable people are those with talent and discipline
and most talented people have zero discipline because everything is easy for them
of the top 10 at anything in the world:
rank 1-2 are talent + discipline
rank 3-7 are no talent + discipline
rank 8-10 are talent + no discipline
cope as you please

He's the hero of Persona 4.

Life is simple and you're a whiny bitch

tfw talent but no discipline

tfw coasted through college on talent

tfw only got good jobs through knowing other people

I'm envious of people with discipline

>given le superpowers

>does le nothing

Well he killed 2 people

Did Golden ruin Adachi, or make him better?

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/v is passonate about this

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What else could you really do with the ability to enter or put other people in the TV world? Keep in mind that even though there is an endless supply of Yen in there, as far as Adachi knows there isn't and he doesn't have Teddie to let him out.

I just finished the game and I can appreciate a mentally ill villain whose egotistical and has flawed motivations, but I hate how the game asspulls another villian who was really behind everything and the worst part is that it was some random npc in a gas station.
Adachi had way too much foreshadowing that he was the one behind the first few murders when you see his silhouette in the fog after you rescue someone in the TV, but Izanami is the complete opposite and has zero character development.
To be fair, Japan's existential/nihilistic worldview doesn't really have any good answers for why they should pursue Truth or be a good person outside of their own subjective preference to do so.

Oh it's you again.

Guess you didn't get enough of getting BTFO in the last thread

Reminder that people who hate P4 are either insane politicsbrained schizoids or pretentious pseuds who objectively don't know what objectively means.

Make of that information what you will.

that's just slacker cope
those who don't succeed just didn't try hard enough

Life isn't perfect

Therefore everyone needs to die

I agree with the statement that life isn't always fair. I do not agree with his conclusion to make his inability to cope everyone else's problem.

akechi was just a victim!

adachi evil chudcel!


people with discipline

also called greedy antisocial assholes or autists with no sense of prioritization who act too much, don't think enough and currently destroy the world

cope as you please

forgot about insecurity and ugliness/short height cope

The same people that hate him (in japan) unironically like the female version of him
Both are psychos, smart as kids, that end up killing some hoe

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and insane jewish cultists

He's off just a little bit, the real magic ticket is nepotism.

Nihilism has no good answers.

Law of emergance and net positivity proves this wrong.

That thread

I wouldn't call myself a P4 lover but sheesh. Some of you are extremely pretentious but also retarded. It's always 3faggots too doing this. Probably straight from r/SMT

That pseud stamping his feet over the VN JRPG not following arbitrary detective novel rules.


Everything is better when a cute anime girl does it

I've noticed the biggest midwits on here chant "objectively" like it's a magic spell lol. It's so embarrassing and makes them look like the little children they are mentally. Probably just learned it in class and wanted to try it out.

I hope to god people like that guy aren't older than 19, but I have a bad feeling he's probably like 32 or some shit.

The deranged racism politics spamming schizo is just the average 16 year old brown kid on here so I don't even bat an eye anymore.

They fleshed him out pretty well in golden. The accomplice ending took me completely by surprise, I really didn't expect that you actually could side with him

random npc in a gas station

Why do people keep pushing this meme? The whole point of delving in as deep as (Yu) do is exactly to find the truth behind what's happening: even retards like Adachi are willing idiots dancing on the palm of evil mythological entities interferring with the world for their own purposes. Recontextualizing the whole game as myth, and seeing how myth in turn lives in daily life, is what gives Persona 4 its grandness.

Not when the default state is placid suffering and death is preferrable.

Grounds for death

Don't actually kill anyone except in the bad ending

The libtard makes it pretty clear he's shitposting (hopefully) but intentionally shitting up the board is still a bad look for anti-4 schizos.

Nepotism is far more relevant than "talent".

Take your meds. I know plenty of stupid people who have the discipline to teach themselves instruments or study for an hour a day to get a certification.

Game whose message is one of personal responsibility and self-reflection is deeply unpopular with schizoids and bitter midwits who failed to launch


It's your personal responsibility to not be ugly and do what others tell you

successful man

He's a deadend fuck-up

Yu has literal magic powers that makes people drawn to him and want to open up to him though

NTA but wasn't the implication of Adachi also having Izanagi as his Persona that he had the same powers as Yu, he just failed to use them?

Thousands of words posted only for one anon to realize his retarded opponent didn't actually know what "objectively" meant and dipped.

All that time wasted. I should start asking for proof of high school diplomas before I argue here. Just so I don't get in thread long debates with a guy who didn't even pass 10th grade English class.

muh talent

It's money and connections that matter far above anything else. To succeed with pure talent you need to be one in a million.

Don't think so, Yu has access to the velvet room and the wild card while Adachi doesn't

motivation is more important

Sorry but
Shows you're 90%+ likely to be a schizoid or an underage pseud. Please provide proof that you graduated high school, college or can hold down a job if you want this argument to continue.

you can still change

Anon Babble still talks about scooby doo SMT the same way it did 16 years ago

jesus fuck
I could literally tell the writing in this game was infantile and two-faced as fuck back when I was underb&

youthful chad with a lifetime ahead of him and the help of TWO interdimensional entities tells a middle aged man with every reason to believe his life is over to man up and just, like, STOP making it worse for everyone else omg my bitches ain't whores

imagine being an unmarried salaryman coming back home after 10 intense hours of pretending to work in front of your desk just to play...this

I graduated college at 17yo but I cannot for the life of me hold a job. If slave affinity is what you gauge for in your arguments then I wish you luck in a lifetime of talking with bog-standard, oversocialized and introspectively retarded "men".

but I cannot for the life of me hold a job

Well there it is. Persona 4 haters are literally unemployable LOL

You said it, not me.

Interesting that this one (totally not a samefag ofc) is ranting like he actually has a job kek.

Anyone replying below this line remember you're arguing with self-admitted bitter failure NEETs seething at an anime game almost 15 years after it came out.

Imagine being proud of whoring your life away LOL

People miss the point constantly, but Yu and Adachi were both ripped out of their status quo and thrown to the town as nobodies, but Yu constantly struggled to better himself and work for the sake of others with his new powers, while Adachi basically just used them for an ego trip. They both were given the same tools, and used them differently, but he wants to pretend it was just a gap of talent.

This is the entire reason why Izanami chose them as participants in her experiment. Namatame too. She chose three new arrivals to the town to keep things even, people with diametrically opposed viewpoints on life, gave them power and wanted to see which one was most influential. This one was the one who represented humanity best.
In the end, that was Adachi. Yu and Namatame were played like fiddles to him, and Adachi's murder mystery game consumed the town for the year. Yu represented "hope", Namatame "despair", and Adachi "apathy". Adachi's apathy for his fellow man, seeking only his own entertainment and self-validation, is what Izanami thought all humans were like.

It's also the same reason why both Yu and Adachi have Izanagi variants as their Personas. If Namatame managed to spend some time in the TV World while not in a panic attack and actualized his own Persona, it would be an Izanagi variant too.

Law of emergance

Atheist magic.

It's actually observable...but only in complex systems of organic nature.

I believe each and every single one of us would excel at a near genius level in one specific field, it's just finding that field that's the tricky part.

"We're all built for something, trying to find a starting line"

It's not observable, it's just an atheist cope to how unexpected behavior or outcomes occur. It's literally no different to saying "because god" or "because magic". Trying to give an account to the law of emergence itself leads to question begging.

Is neither talent nor nepotism, is luck.
You could have all the talent in the word but if you were to born in Haiti, that talent is useless and you will likely be killed before reaching adulthood.
You could also have a good family with a lot of money and connections but if you were born retarded or cripple you will never be successful because of the physical or the mentally challenges you will encounter the rest of your life.

yeah, though i believe we can also become at least above average in pretty much anything as long as we meet the fundamental requirements and put the hours/effort into it.

I've noticed the biggest midwits on here chant "16 year old deranged schizo brown kid " like it's a magic spell lol. It's so embarrassing and makes them look like the little children they are mentally. Probably just learned it in class and wanted to try it out.

It's not talent, it's called networking with people but most people on Anon Babble are losers so they'll never understand.