Based sociopath scientists

me trying to get a gf

skill based damage

I will never make fun of this characters name again.

Rats deserve love

Richter then continued his work at Grinding Gear Games for human testing

One of the many things the Third Reich was right about. Animal abuse is inhumane.

The only thing rats deserve is being smashed.

The "no man left behind" policy is a core principle of the U.S. military, which is based on the Latin phrase nemo resideo. This phrase is a commitment to the lives of all military members, and a recognition that no combat-related death, injury, or missing troop is to be written off

see this

I'm not much for conspiracies but makes my brain tickle

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Then why did they torture jews?

Did he?

The masturbation machines weren't real.


Female nazi officers were more than willing jerking off jews to death.

Jews are human.
Torturing people is wrong.
Hitler was a bad guy.

modern science experiements involving rats are basically just a modern version of sacrifical offerings to the gods when you think about it
you are essentially exchanging the vitae of a living creature in return for knowledge


(((science))) is satanic cult made to torture animals
Every scientific is a psycho

I don't think anybody actually, unironically disagrees with you, the problem people have is people skewing the numbers and yes that matters.

You would be surprised how many times the devil pretends to be another thing


innumerate smoothbrains don't understand that your winrate should trend toward 50% unless you're significantly improving all the time

He didn't need to let them die to do this.

then give me the skill rating number so i can see if i'm improving

hell yeah. yahweh lost

Yeah no shit dumbass. It's not some altruistic moral posture, it's because it's obviously good for morale to not treat people as entirely disposable objects. Slavs do, and that's why they are and always have been the absolute worst at warfare.


What's the benefit of fighting stronger people to stay at a forced 50% winrate for 99.9% of the playerbase?

He needed to establish how long they would live without rescue.

Use scientific discoveries to make better soldiers because you truly will spend inordinate resources to save them from death

I dunno man, seems just plain good all around.

Rats will mutate into beavers with shit like that.

Awwww somebody wants to pretend to be mentally ill on heckin 4chanerino for attention

all of them do give you a ranking title or rank points

So your Elo?

Our continued survival is essentially a function of our current situation and the likelihood of continued survival. Any organism past a certain point of cognition must employ this anticipatory function to go on living. It simply amounts to hope in less technical terms. Without it, we succumb and die. That's essentially what depression is: your hope mechanism is malfunctioning, and when it completely breaks, you kys.

It's so they don't end up fighting stronger people more than 50% of the time and having lower than 50% winrate

for you to learn and git gud instead of stagnating against shitters

yeah but what if you took it out after the ~60 hours and put it back again

sociopath scientists

That's redundant.

Not really.
The Law of Emergance is a state of nature, not some conspiracy.

devs will choose the type of matchmaking that maximizes the amount of time the players spend playing the game, they choose sbmm because it works the best for most people. without sbmm some people would just constantly get stomped and quit the game

so this is the power of thought

The crime is your foul existence

testing the effects of false hope

if you improve at the game, your winrate will be higher than 50%

he actually thinks he will get winners queue soon

give up anon

Yeah, you are where you belong.


sex with rats

You lack reading comprehension. Scientific discovery indicates that you only need to create the illusion.
The rat treads water because he thinks rescue is coming. The soldier will fight to survive because he thinks help is coming.

the system works but on a sample size too large to be satisfying to actually live out in practice