ITT: your most replayed game
I beat it 6 times
ITT: your most replayed game
Stardew Valley or Factorio. While not my most replayed game I have probably beaten Half Life 2 around 3 times.
i got 600 hours on metro 2033 and last light combined
i have 140 hours on half life 1
Metroid Prime 1 on Gamecube
played it so much the disc got fucked and crashes every time I try to fight Ridley
what do you like about them so much? I thought they were just fine, shooting is pretty janky
Discs don't get damaged just from being played, you just handled it like a retarded kid
I've lost count of how many times I've completed HL2. Probably over 20 times. I've also played through MGS2 at least a dozen times.
ME1 7 times
ME2 5 times
ME3 twice
Just by pure number of replays, portal 1 but even then across two systems I have under 60hours because I can beat it in 20min.
Of more reasonable length games, Mass Effect 1 and Halo 3, 5 times each.
Probably 100+ times on my 386, and I still go back to it once or twice a year to clear the palette.
i've played the games 9 times, but i still have not finished the last mission in ME3 due to all the shit that happened
Diablo 2
I played through the first watch dogs over 10 times
Never finished the bad blood dlc tho
a thousand times because i had no memory thingy
Still replay it at least once a year
2nd place goes to Serious Sam TFE/TSE
I'm sure SM64 is 3rd
most replayed game
beat it 6 times
So low
Quake 1, 12 times at least. While writing this answer I have the game's sounds in my head no joke. I played Q1 multiplayer when I was 11yo on LAN when it came out.
Probably half a dozen times
I have 1k games in my backlog, there's no time to replay the same shit
Alpha Protocol.
New vegas probably, since im playing ever since i was a teenager
idling a game is not playing
Me at the parties
I have a year of hours in dota and a backlog that urges me to play other shit. It's hard to not feel bad about replaying a game twice in a year.
10 years of LoL. Thread closed.
i did not mean to reply to you, oops
appreciate the (you) even if it was a mistake
I played through this game 7 times and this part always got me
over 20 times here
not in the recent years tho for some reason.
I wouldn't tell anyone i proudly played ME3 twice.
Are you literally me?
i replay this game at least once a year and have done so for the past 19 years. each playthrough is at least 120 hours long because i autistically collect cards to make the best decks possible
Just finished replaying HL2 and about to play the episodes. I forget sometimes after playing modern games how much fun they used to be. The game doesn't go 5 minutes without throwing a cool new weapon, enemy, vehicle, or location at you. It's so obviously made by a small(ish) team of people who were passionate about making a good game and not a committee of suits who have never played a game in their life. Wish we could go back.
We're talking videogames here, not retard purgatory. Thread continues
I've completed GTA San Andreas 13 times now since I do one playthrough a year
I've played ME3 3 times. After the release of Extended edition and all DLC, ME3 is a perfectly fine game.
The first time was on release, and I didn't want to miss out on the DLC despite everything else.
Mass Effect 1, 5-6 times
Max Payne 3, 4-5 times.
Castlevania 1, 4 times.
VTM:B, 3 times
not completed
only finished it once, in coop
4 attempts at honor, all failed, the last one was the fukcing ferryman in act2 eliminating the whole party in one turn
Games with soul like this still come out in 2024, just keep an eye out. I won't give examples cause you have your own tastes but don't get lazy. Or if you're lazy, it's ok but just shut up.
It's a shovelware. I couldn't bear the bad scenario and the drop in quality after loving me1 and me2. Andromeda confirmed the downfall in quality.
Games with soul like this still come out in 2024
good thing this is an anonymous image board
mfw some kid tries to act jaded
Or maybe it's an old fuck who spens his time looking at AAA
I've beaten SoupMetroid over 50 times
I've also beaten DS1 over 50 times
I've lost count on how many times I've played Desd Space 1 and 2. I have NEVER played 3, I don't even know what it's about.
finished wc3 campaign about 4 times
sc2:wol probably 12 times, the rest maybe 2.
~150 hrs on steam. Probably 50 more on pirated copy
Are you a speedrunner?
I can’t imagine a normal person slogging through the 2nd half of DS1 50 times.
Listening to the developer commentary is really interesting. They're always prioritizing player agency and the "fun" factor.
The gameplay is the exact same as ME2, so is the thing that took it from great game to total dogshit just the ham-fisted ending?
Lol why? I love the game but it doesn't exactly offer much replay value. Also, did someone remake the cinematics? Because that looks way higher resolution than in the game.
Actually I don't even remember real count of how many times I played Freespace 1 and Freespace 2
there are 3-4 classes you can play
but it doesnt matter, the game is just comfy, atmospheric fantasy
The gameplay is the exact same as ME2
Not that anon but ME3 gameplay is WAY better than ME2.
ME3 combat was good enough that I kept playing the ME3 multiplayer years after the game came out.
half-life source
Today I'll play Ice mage build
Today I'll play telekinesis only
Today I'll play only by kicking
Today I'll play just by regular sword+ crit build
Today I'll open source console, spawn bunch of black guards and mess around
I could go on
Maybe you can explain to me how the worm fight is supposed to work. I still don't really get it. It seems like I'm actually supposed to stop at certain spots to not get killed which feels counter intuitive.
ive beaten it 5 times, i remember how in 2008 either my gpu was too old or because of the bootleg copy of the game all magical weapons would put source missing texture pattern on the screen each time i equipped them
there are 3-4 classes you can play
and kicking is the strongest ability, and is present in all classes.
The anon here.
The RPG side of it
It's meant to be the strong side of the series and it was like a dollar store version of a michael bay movie. And yes the rgb ending didn't help.
as far as i remember yes, you run, then hide, then run again.
At this day and age you just open youtube playthrough if you get stuck, back in 2006 i actually had to buy game magazines for guidance.
Same for me. But that's just because I haven't really got into replaying games after my teenage years. So it is by default, unfortunately.
I've been playing and beating Ultimate Doom and Doom 2. I usually finish them like 2 or 3 times on Nightmare in a yearly basis, at least since i was 8. I am 34 now.
I'm planning to switch to Freedoom. Playing the same two games gets stale for a while.
Forgot how short half life 2 is. Definitely makes it very replayable. Gotta replay it before stalker comes out.
I've probably played through pic related at least 12 times by now, and I know for a fact I've done 10+ playthroughs of Ocarina of time and 9 playthroughs of Dark Souls 1. I've probably also beaten Star Fox 64 7-8 times and the Oracle duology 4-5 times.
no one talking about Metro Awakening VR
The whole game was tedious. Also, bald Jack is best Jack.
Damn, l only got 111 on 2033(not redux)
Barely got through it once.
Most replayed game
Probably either Mass Effect, or Resident Evil 2.
I think I beat it at least 10 times
I recently also completed PS2, GameCube and Wii versions
I have finished 6 runs or so
It's just fun, the perfect game to fuck around in with the mechanics
I just beat Quake for the first time yesterday
Nah just randomizers
the second half of DS1 is overhated. Duke's is a little tedious but that's really it. Izalith and Tomb are shitty, but they're also SUPER short sections of the game. Izalith is like thirty minutes and tomb is like 15, if you know the catcombs shortcut. There's nothing wrong with New Londo, if you somehow run out of transient curses before you lower the water level that's just a skill issue.
Quake 1 was fun but what were they THINKING with that final boss? It's so bad, they just spammed shamblers and those homing fucks what kind of fight is that?
Not as bad as those Spawn fuckers
It has the best gameplay and some of the best scenarios in the series.
Dark souls 2, easily 2k+ hours, only souls game i did shit like soul level 1 runs and all that. Also it was the game i helped a woman play through via co op who is now my wife.
Resident Evil 2 (og)
Beat hundreds of times since 1999
Um Jammer Lammy