What the fuck

look like a kiss to me what's the big deal?

Satanic game.

Both are written by the same retard and Halsin is unironicly his self insert. That's why he flirts and tries to get in to her pants every chance he gets.

I will never stop laughing about how in every single RPG, Anon Babble somehow manages to get cucked
Normal people play through the game not knowing about any of this shit existing, meanwhile Anon Babbleirgins snake their way through dialogue to get cucked every single time

wasn't shadowheart's writer a woman and ended up dating the voice actress?

i will never play this gay nigger game for fag simpleton liberals, you can post it until the end of time and that will never change.
Stay in your fucking lane, with the normalfag pipeline where you belong, those people aren`t even humans to me.

“The Halsin Incident”

It gets even worse. Shadowheart marries Wyll in his good ending. But she only shacks up with Dyrge as "life partners" in some modern liberal's wet dream if you go down that route.

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No, that was the voice director. Not a shocker there on how Shadowheart's VA landed the job. Just munch some carpet and you're hired!

You have to jump through some hoops for it too

wait until AFTER you get shadowhearts sex scene late in act 3(she'll turn down the group sex otherwise)

go all the way back to the brothel

bring halsin with you(who uses this nigga)

select both hookers

agree to orgy

cry about how could this happen online

No. Aliona (SH's voice actor) is dating game's performence director.

No, writer is a man and he also wrote Halsin

Frieren: At Female Protag's End

I'm sorry, but you forfeited your right to have an opinion regarding gay nigger shit the second you posted that garbage.

thing bad because people like it

terminal stage contrarianism
bullet to the head is the only remedy

shartfags will defend this

It's not just about that you retarded inbred. Everytime they are in the same party, their banter comes down to flirting every time.

Then kick him out of the party, dumbass. Stop cucking yourself.

He's been rotting in the camp since the game came out so that's not really the issue. It's how they actually overlooked something as retarded as an obvious self-insert and keep him in the final release.


self insert retard even extends his idiocy to non-vidya

Jesus christ lol

that's quite literally the argument you just made you buffon

based and same, it helps that this shitty game uses 5e dnd rules
that alone would kill any interest to play it, if i had any

female protag tranime


Is this that retarded woke RPG that flopped hard?

5e is way more playable than bg3, they took out all the fun shit

There's a shit ton of people that aren't you that asked for Halsin and specifically a romance for him. There is no "overlooking", it was literally requested by the community.
Why you or anyone would go out of their way to use a character they clearly don't like (or look at things online about them from people that did?) is beyond me.
Now if you want to argue that it's retarded Shadowheart can still have flirty dialogues while dating you, I will entirely agree. With that being said the cuckoldry in that side also would go to people romancing Halsin.
Personally I have used both of them in my party and the flirty dialogue has never triggered between them once, so I have no idea what flags do you need to mantain for it. I assume you need to keep Shadowheart a willing whore through her romance for it.

I played BG3 with a Shadowheart romance and at no point I ended up with Shadowheart or Halsin talking about this shit.
My guess is that you have to actively try to get cucked.

Cucks vs non cucks is a serious cultural issue.

What am I supposed to be seething about

The fact any of this "romance" shit exists I'm these game is bad enough, but wasting time and resources programming cuck shit is beyond embarassing. This game is so fucking bad that I quit after the Goblin camp and had zero drive to continue playing.

WRPG fags are a blight. Get back to me when games like Deus Ex come back around.

This but unironically

This. I'll gladly allow it as long as I get to watch quietly in the corner.

You are in your right to be retarded.

Yeah cucks are a huge problem in society, they spread their loser mentality around, since being a pathetic loser is part of the fetisch they can't keep it to themselves.

actually simping for D&Dogshit

5e at that

Women and fags got halsin added and therefore the devs removed the dwarf gf member they were working on

Isn't this guys wife a poo?

Shart belongs to Karlach

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heterosexual sex

They listened to their community who just wanted to fuck him.
As always NEVER listen to your fans or "fans of the franchise".

karlach's head belongs on a pole. a spike or wenis you decide


wanting to get minthara dictated me and buddy's playthrough


broken so she hardly talks outside the drier than sahara one liners

brooooooooooooo she sounds like a 50 year old smoker

meanwhile the mental gymnastics do for cringe ass shadowfart

the outcome isnt really surprising when recent surveys show that 65% of men under age 30 are incels

i didn't romance Shadowheart so I didn't know about this, but I witnessed Halsin getting his eyes impaled by Orin lmao

Caving to the homos and making halsin a companion was a huge mistake.
He's a creepy rapist and so boring he makes Wyll look cool. Imagine if we got the cut halfling companion or just anyone fucking else.

I go

It only happens if you ask to sleep with the whore twins.