How does Valkyrie Drive Bikini compare to Senran Shinovi Versus?

How does Valkyrie Drive Bikini compare to Senran Shinovi Versus?

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it's actually shallower and more boring somehow
the only interesting thing is the weird shitty dash cancel move
once you figure that out it's a gorillion hours of the same 2 moves

Enough about Muramasa

But what about other boring big titty Vita game?

when will the weeb-on-weeb violence end?

The combat has some extra bits, but it's kinda boring overall. I prefer the Senrans as far as the characters go. Viola is hot at least.
The anime on the other hand, absolute fetish fuel.

Senran games are way better but it had so much potential I'm sad it never got a second game. Actually I didnt even know it was on ps4. I played it on my vita

Not as good but still worth a play if you like the senran games

It's slower and kinda boring, it's on par with estival versus tho, although the story is worse than both SK

collector here, i bought that version because it sounded like it was a GOTY edition and while it is, the way you get the items sucks major balls. You have to manually go and download each individual piece on the PSN, its not automatic. Also if i remember correctly the ver on cart of that jap version is like 1.0 and the USA cart had another slightly higher version of the game.

ended up getting the USA cart and sold off that one. I think the majority of the suits are on cart on the USA verson or i dont remember what, i recall being unconvinced to jkeep the jap vers

That's just the Vita store being crappy. The PSP one was like that and the PS3 one is still like that.

You'll never get games like these again, thanks americans

games that are boring as shit and the only selling point is big tiddy?
get a phone you'll find plenty of those

Gacha sucks though.

The character's name actually is Manpukumaru Chang.

so does valkyrie drive

I like it better. Better story, better combat, better characters. Also plenty of fun was had with vitagen playing the "not-brawl" mode of it.

Not as much as gacha.

if you're desperate to play this shit, just play gacha

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dumb glue sniffer

there are gacha games that play better than valkyrie drive

nah, that shit is lame and predatory, 40 bucks for hours of shallow fan service beats infinity money to grind dailies and trash events rolling a slot machine for a chance of a glimpse at a jpeg of a titty, get fucked nerd


it has nude mods so it's pretty good just for that


honkai 3rd impact, wuthering waves, zzz


Yuribate that is currently underwhelming with their part 2

Wuthering waves

Underwhelming and buggy Genshin clone despite being more combat focused



just play gacha

absolutely fucking not, I will gladly pay $70 for a fanservice-laden game that I can actually own instead of spending even a cent on gachaslop

It's a nice upgrade over senran kagura all around, still not "good" but worth playing if you have a vita.
Did you get that backwards? Shinovi versus is the one where you dash cancel stunlock everything


why you use this as an argument in a VD thread

The game actually looks really nice on pc, at least the character models so I'd recommend the pc version over vita.

VD uses Yuribate as a mechanic in their world.
HI3rd uses Yuribate for story progression.

It's weird. It has better production values and better mechanics on paper - simple aerial rave mixups, a witch time-like dodge mechanic and a combo multiplier that increases damage output to suggest going berserker - but it's all offset by VN sections that feel twice as long because they're half as entertaining and somehow even more passive enemy AI. It's like it's so close to being genuinely decent, only for it to stumble at the final stretch. That all said


I forgot there was a PC version, to me it's so deeply associated with the vita and specifically /vitagen/

That's fine, I liked the vita too but there is no doubt the pc version is the best one because of higher quality + nude mods. Though I bet you could put nude mods on the vita as well.

just play gacha

Or maybe we can go back to the times when fanservice games were common?

You can boot your gacha up on your phone and then shove it up your ass. Like hell I'm playing that garbage.

Did you get that backwards? Shinovi versus is the one where you dash cancel stunlock everything

valkyrie drive you hold the button to charge a homing dash cancel, then do a heavy attack, then release the button. that's the whole game.

Why is Japan like this?

They appreciate fun games and weird concepts over political nonsense and social media faggotry.

Because, uh, based?

You prefer shoving a vita up your ass? A phone is too small for you?

I found it better than Shinovi Versus gameplay-wise, but still not even remotely a game worth playing.

kek hang urself bro

wew this post really triggered senran bros

A Vita is an actual handheld that doesn't have shitty gambling simulators on it.