It was too kino for its time. The raw soul was released unfiltered, which left the normies unprepared

It was too kino for its time. The raw soul was released unfiltered, which left the normies unprepared

it sold incredibly well in europe. Normies loved rayman. It was one of those "christmas games", le stronghold, everyone and their cousin owned a copy

nigga what are you smoking? this is probably one of the most popular rayman games

I wish they made a Rayman 4 in the style of 2.

rayman plush.jpg - 843x1063, 125.76K

I got it for Easter 2000, I almost bought the ps1 version in the summer of 01 because of the watch but then got Sim Theme Park instead then I got it for dreamcast in 02 for my birthday and that came with a t shirt I wore once and only one kid recognized who Rayman was.

great escape

escapes within the first 3 minutes of the game

The title references the level where you're running on unstable falling down old wooden planks running on the side of cliffs with pirate ships bombing the shit out of you. It's also where the main theme of the game is playing in the background.

I prefer the original game, but always felt Revolution is a better title, not just for “le next gen” but more for the “viva la revolution” kinda thing where you overthrow the pirates.

I will still NEVER pronounce them as "Looms". They are "Luhms" and always will be.


I look like this

but a great escape it was

I'm french so I can certify that it's "lums" with the french pronunciation ( like the one you said ).

Unless the PS1 version of Rayman 2 is like the worst, most gutted version, I have to say I think 1>3>2. I still appreciate the music and the theme and general feel of 2.

didn't ask

I'm french so I can certify that I don't care if you asked or not and that your disdain can't reach me thanks to my feeling of superiority towards angloids naturally shielding me.

He's always on the run

PS1 is the best version

Same, with the combat gameplay from 3

My favorite versions the n64 one.

didn't ask

but google translate has the french voice saying "looms"

reported for spreading misinformation

beating the game let you play Rayman 2 2D

That was pretty cool desu

Why was this game remade and rereleased so many times?

That's just bullshit. They say "lums" in french.

because it's still the best game ubisoft has ever made

Agreed, the atmosphere was top notch. The soundtrack was really good too. I played the PS1 version which I hear heavily cut content but it was still a fun experience

Really? Wasn't it a bonus in Rayman 3? Because I remember playing a Rayman 2 prototype in 3, with Rayman having the ability to go in the background and continue playing there on the far part of the screen.

There is a 2D bonus level you unlock as a bonus level in Rayman 3 but the end of Rayman 2 (at least some versions) let you play a prototype level, which was also 2D and looked closer to Rayman 1.

It's also only in the Play Station version for some reason

Still better than the n64 version with the horrendous musics.
Best version is the PS2 one I heard,but I'm attached emotionally to the playstation 1 version. Lot of changes were better for me, it's darker, the ps1 graphics give more space for imagination to work on, and in the "lands of the dead" the dark, heavy fog in the pits was replaced with brambles.

i got this and a few other games from my cousin when he upgraded from a n64 to a ps2. Shit was so cash. Couldn't save though, so I just replayed the first level until I reach Globox then mum would call for me.

Best version is the PS2 one I heard

PS2 has more "content" but most of it is padding and most of the changes are questionable. It's not entirely the same game because they changed a lot of stuff
The best version of the original Rayman 2 is the Dreamcast version

Pretty sure as fuck 3 pronounces it Luh-um like several times

Best version is the PS2 one I heard

Kind of? The new content is pretty cool but this new stuff only applies to the overworld. There's no actual added content to the games original levels so they're just intentionally stretched thin to justify said overworld. Like for example Top of the World was broken up to make Echoing Caves longer and used the Chair Ride portion to pad out the minigames. The last part of Iron Mountains was removed so the game could pretend it had a new level.

If you want unfiltered kino play either the Pc or dreamcast. captcha kys gw

There's no actual added content to the games original levels

There is though. They even added a fourth boss and iirc new stages.

think about replaying the game

remember Whale Bay

no longer feel like replaying

Looking like he'd cause French Chris-chan to assault someone

I asked, I care

have to play 2/3s of Menhir Hills twice because Clark decided to get sick just before ending the level

there is no English pronunciation fur lump like in French though

This game is also very good, strange that the technology to make these has been lost

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Rayman 2 and Rayman 3 are both great, but in Rayman 3 I really miss the sense of community Rayman 2 had.

In the Glade of Dreams we see in Rayman 2, everyone knew each other. Rayman would be able to walk up to any character and they’d know who he was, understand what he was going through, and tell him which one of their neighbors would be able to help him. In Rayman Revolution, the version of Rayman 2 I own, if you walk in the direction of Ly’s house too early, there’s a cutscene where Rayman gets ambushed by pirates. We get introduced to Clark by way of him running through, smashing the pirates that are about to recapture Rayman, and Rayman looking up at him with admiration going “wow, thanks, Clark!” and Clark being all “hey no problem, little buddy!” Sam the snake wants to repay Rayman for helping him? Oh, that’s okay, Sam. Don’t worry about it. Carmen the whale is in trouble? Well, obviously, we gotta save her! Carmen is our friend!

Rayman Revolution probably helps this feeling of the Glade being a community that bands together during a time of need by ditching the linear level select screen the Hall of Doors served as in older versions of Rayman 2 and connecting everything by three hub worlds you initially have to walk to instead. You can find Globox’s house, talk to his wife, Uglette, and see his kids play games or waddle around sadly wondering where their dad went. You see the robots building camps around the Glade and can beat them up when you see them carrying away one of Globox’s kids. The Grand Minimus (me) is at the Teensy Circle with all the teensies you’ve rescued so far, ready to tell you what you have to do next should you get stuck. Mini knows everyone - as you, Rayman, do - and plans with them what the next move on the pirates is, whether it’s having Clark lead you to their newest campsite or telling you where Moskito is so he can take you to where one of the masks of Polokus.

Basically, even though Rayman is the hero doing all the dirty work, it really does feel like everyone’s pitching in and contributing to the progression of your mission. Rayman 3 loses that. The Grand Minimus just orders Rayman to escort Globox to some doctor he knows that Rayman doesn’t and isn’t seen again (though some other Minimuses are when you save them later, only briefly). Murfy follows you through the first level and then ditches you (”See you in Rayman 4!”). Even Globox, who was cowardly in the prior game but still used some abilities to help you progress, does nothing but follow you around and make remarks, occasionally scolding you for stuff like having to put on stupid outfits or taking credit for the things he totally did you guys. Razoff and Begoniax are completely isolated from the rest of the Glade, fittingly so because you, Rayman, are trespassing on their territory to get where you need to be. You meet some teensies right before going inside the Knaaren caverns that just warn you about how dangerous the Knaaren are before being like “nice knowing ya!” and disappearing. The Knaaren are also well-known yet isolated from the rest of the Glade, if only because no one else wants to be around them.

The only characters that seem connected in Rayman 3 are the three doctors, which is probably why I like them so much. Though this implied connect is shown very briefly and not until you meet the third doctor and have him call the other two by name. Rayman 3′s portrayal of the Glade of Dreams isn’t bad, it’s just very different and not as warm and fuzzy as the “we’re suffering together so we’ll do the best we can for each other” thing Rayman 2 has going on. I really adored playing through Rayman 2 and getting a sense that I was running through a very close-knit, friendly neighborhood in the woods and had a lot of friends. If there ever is a Rayman 4, I hope it does something like that again.

shut up and go escort globox to a different doctor

this and spyro 1 are the games I have the most nostalgia for. still replay through them every now and then.

heavy industry bad

Why is so much European fantasy like this?

Loved the game but hated how afrer wvery stage was a horrible yet long "tap button" minigame.

3 improved upon 2 in every single way

I tried replaying this recently and it was too bland, and the controls are really bad, e.g. the rocket dog thing. Did 3 age better? Loved them both as a kid, but time is a harsh mistress.

Origins and Legends are still amazing and far better games IMO.

Did 3 age better?

it did

I tried replaying this recently and it was too bland, and the controls are really bad

not really

Origins and Legends are still amazing and far better games IMO.

too different to compare...

Disagree. N64 Rayman 2 music is kino and I hope that if the game is remade in the future, we get the choice of both tracks.

The industrialization period was a hellscape that turned humans into disposable cogs

Ancel quoted that liberal fag Miyazaki as one of his inspirations.

Every motherfucker on the planet loved this shit.

What? It was the definition of a normie game.
Brightly coloured mascot platformers were all the rage.



i know you're too young to know this in this era normalfags would play little else than sportsball

Almost no one played videogames before, maybe some arcade matches, sports games at most.

Unless the PS1 version of Rayman 2 is like the worst, most gutted version

It is, by far. You should've played the Dreamcast or PC versions.

you're entire portions of levels and all you have to show for it is voice acting

you're brown