Do you think the AVGN regrets this scene?
Do you think the AVGN regrets this scene?
thanks for all that context bro, I'm sure this thread will do great
If you don't know the scene then you're not the target audience for this thread and you won't have anything insightful to say.
How do you post on Anon Babble without knowing avgn :/
He most likely didn't even knew who Billy was before the video, and since he avoids the internet like the plague he most likely never heard of the drama
Zoomtard leave
and what about how he predicted joker being raped in the ass
AVGN was written by Mike back then, so it was also Mike who predicted the Joke being raped
I regret he put that scene in that video. It's the Transformers on famicon video and it's my favorite one ever. I even wanted to become a DJ and make songs based on that video. I posted one called DJcatpiss on youtube but I don't even know if it's still up.
That scene alone makes that video a 9/10 instead of 10/10
AVGN, fuck no.
The actor that portrays the character, oh yes. IYKYK.
Do you think he regrets this scene?
AVGN barely talks about drama, and when he does it gets dog piled like when he said he wasn't interested in the woman Ghostbusters. Even if he saw the news, it's an old video and no one would care at a time where there wasn't as much drama focused around Billy.
he wrote a rape scene for himself?
Why would he? It's something he didn't think about after he'd done it. And if you explained to him why you were upset about it, he'd just feel sorry uuuu.
I think the only one he really regrets is supporting the Cheetahman Kickstarter.
That video is hilarious tho
well excuse me for having a full life and not remembering every little scene of a show that's been around since most of current Anon Babble wasn't even born yet you lifeless fucktards
Yes, why not? He just thought it would be funny
Mike can separate a character from himself. He's not low IQ trash.
Say all the lines, trooner.
Who the fuck is Billy?
not sure how he thought that was a good idea
let's support the guy known for making scams
how new?
who is that on the bottom right?
zoomer spotted
the guy with a giant head and small limbs that appear in that one regular show episode and gets angry when he loses at a videogame
That's the name of the actor who plays Nostalgia Critic
I was watching AVGN since back when he was still ANN. Enough foreplay.
I like micro mike but the fact that he is a clown who is dating a dude dressed as a girl is just disgusting. I bet he gets his asshole clapped every night
When did you realize Doug surpassed James?
No, because this is when he had sovl... and hair.
He’d rather drink onions,
dating a dude dressed as a girl
NNN going well for you then.
when he watched a video of oneyplays making fun of him and he laughed hard at himself. James would've told them they are assholish variaty/fallen asleep
No, his name is Doug Walker
kek forgot the soilent filter
When I realized he was an architect
dating a dude dressed as a girl
you're a genuine retard
just look at any pic of his """""gf"""""""
You're just mad because you don't know the episode, aren't you?
hi mike
Listen brat, that motherfucker is not some kind of alumni of James' show or anything. When you say "Billy" you need to be really fucking specific, especially when this fuckin nerd has a over a hundred episodes.
The moment James scammed his "friends" Bootsy and the guitar guy. What an asshole
Showing James with a hot sauce bottle isn't going to really narrow things down, not everyone has watched every episode of AVGN and are going to immediately recognize any screen shot.
Theres plenty of fabricated bullshit about Douge too.
i find his content extremely weak but he has a fine persona
AVGN: When the character is loved instead of the actor.
fuck off then
James is fine
Compared to most other internet people he's never really done anything egregiously bad other than be a gullible idiot and make a shitty movie
I don't see Bootsy and the guitar guy in the channel anymore.
Bootsy himself confirmed James fucked him over.
No, I am here to investigate and criticize you for jacking me off.
Yeah, honestly i don't get why so many people have a hateboner for him nowadays
Why would he? He didn't know better. No one did.
She's cute althougheverbeit. I need an Erin gf
exposed as a fraud who doesn't even do his own movie reviews anymore
clearly doesn't do his own vidya reviews anymore
whined like a bitch about how he has kids so he doesn't have to walk up a slight incline
He's a total faggot nowadays.
Why would he? He got paid, and isn't terminally online so he wouldn't know about a nearly decade-old broscience meme.
Why does this deserve to be on the front page then? How about you fuck off?
Twenty years is a long time, even longer online. Plenty of tine to collect a wide variety of genetic dead ends who seethe endlessly and impotently about your continued success.
I'm mad because my boss's wife thinks she's my boss too and I want to see her life fading from her eyes as I squeeze her throat but thanks for asking.
Of course, it's an r/cinemassacretruth raid. Go cry more about how mike allegedly made an "evil racist" comic at a time where people were still smart enough to understand edgy humor.
James always treated Mike like shit, his friendship seems a bit forced sometimes, like he keeps him around because Mike is productive.
thread apparently about Billy Mitchell, yet not one person has even presented one image of him.
He's not extremely online and he never made any political comments. This instantly makes him better than 99% of ecelebs,
It's humour you american fatso
The bootsy thing is confirmed. Want me to open your fat eyes?
So what happened with that Billy Mitchell vs that youtuber legal fight? who won?
I'll give him that, but to pretend he's faultless just makes you sound like a Cinemassacre shill or something. It's undeniable that the episodes have been shit for years now.
See when you say "Billy" I start thinking that you're referencing my boy Billy MC, the only one that was worthy of a firstname only reference for me.
take a wild guess
A little while ago I watched some like 15 year old NC videos and they're really not too bad. But I don't care enough to keep watching and see if and when they go to shit
couldnt spent a few minutes lurking and just gotten the answer
immediately demands spoonfeed
the eternal newfriend
you are brown
...or this?
actively hates to discuss videogames on game board
Fuck off with this e-celeb wankery, keep on your Discord, James.
...or THIS??
noooooo it's real it's real it's re-ACK!
Nobody buys the claims made by a faggot reddit board.
Fuck you
I don't like James because he is fake. He doesn't really like video games that much. He's a movie nerd acting as a video games nerd.
And ended up saying the line in a Cameo, barely holding back his laughter.
More relevant than ever.
I see our superior logically consistent use of the English language has triggered you.
Mike wrote AVGN back in the day but the idea that the character was entirely written by him is exaggerated by Mike fags here
Confirmed as fake and gay.
When I realized that he still does what he likes instead of slaving away because it bring money. His content can be meh, but it has not fallen as low a AVGN
And nowadays his movie nerdness is questionable.
I think he's just a nostalgia addict.
Get a load of this enormous cigarette
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