What does Anon Babble think of Tolkien

What does Anon Babble think of Tolkien

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He was Reddit incarnate. Sufficiently advanced technology is magic autism.

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not video games

he was closeted gay

How did he impact video games?

I've only read The Hobbit but loved it. I have shamefully only watched adaptations of his other works.

magic is art

This is based and correct though, magic is how our thoughts and feelings shape the world and it's 100% real

Tolkien the man is reddit

rope yourself immediately

Blasphemous maybe, but I prefer to watch the movies by PJ over reading through the actual LOTR books. My favourite part of them is probably the timeline at the back of ROTK

based catholic

What does Anon Babble think of Dutch architecture

beautiful unlike modern glass and steel.


He ruined the fantasy genre for all time as everyone just keeps copying his works over and over

Came here to post this.
Bless the anon(s) who made these kek.

racist piece of shit

All he did was copy old myths desu.

I agree :)

epic bacon narwhal for dumb tradcuck spics

Wtf i love tolkien now

What does Anon Babble think

calling this reddit just reveals how much of a retard you are

Your own parents hate you

I loved LotR as a kid though I haven't read it in a long time. Reading in old ruins is almost a formative memory for me. That said, I think Tolkien's overrated when anons treat him as being above fantasy literature. Doing such has generally led to decay within the genre.

Sexy daddu UwU I want him to unleash his Precious upon my Burning Eye and cover me with his Smeagol. If u know what i mean :3

Lol the decay was already happening during tolkien's time. He was near genius and did it as a side project from his real life. If you showed him something like bg3 he'd kill Swen on the spot

cringe ass old fart who isn't even relevant anymore

Sufficiently advanced technology is magic

Imagine being too stupid to understand this phrase lmao

ya he fell off fr

Janetty to Howard.

He hated allegory, but LOTR is apparently filled with catholic allegories

Magic =|= Science

you are such a incredible retard

imagine being such a towering autist that you see a neat word and feel compelled to create an entire fake language around it, then create an entire history around that language to explain how it developed

He hated trannies so he was based by default.
"the mind darkened and distraught; to bow and yet to loathe; to flee and yet not to reject; to love the body and yet scorn it, the carrion-disgust: these things may come from the Morgoth, indeed."

Reddit said X, therefore X is false!

he made a series of unwise decisions leaving him strained financially, then out of desperation or convenience he sold rights to his life's work to a jew, leaving his son deprived of his inheritance and eternally butthurt.
an honorary american.

Overrated christfag
Moorcock was righy

The way he made the Fae (Elves, or Fairies, however you want to call them) make sense in how inhuman they are, and at the same time defining the longing and never satisfied nature of men (and how quick we tire of the old and search for something new, we know not what) is the greatest achievement of his.

"Now we Eldar do not deny that ye love Arda and all that is therein (in so far as ye are free from the Shadow) maybe even as greatly as do we. Yet otherwise. Each of our kindreds perceives Arda differently, and appraises its beauties in different mode and degree. How shall I say it? To me the difference seems like that between one who visits a strange country, and abides there a while (but need not), and one who has lived in that land always (and must). To the former all things that he sees are new and strange, and in that degree lovable. To the other all things are familiar, the only things that are his own, and in that degree precious.'
'If you mean that Men are the guests,' said Andreth.
'You have said the word,' said Finrod: 'that name we have given to you.'
'Lordly as ever,' said Andreth. 'But even if we be but guests in a land where all is your own, my lords, as you say, tell me what other land or things do we know?'
'Nay, tell me!' said Finrod. 'For if you do not know, how can we? But do you know that the Eldar say of Men that they look at no thing for itself; that if they study it, it is to discover something else; that if they love it, it is only (so it seems) because it reminds them of some other clearer thing? Yet with what is this comparison? Where are these other things?
'We are both Elves and Men, in Arda and of Arda; and such knowledge as Men have is derived from Arda (or so it would appear). Whence then comes this memory that ye have with you, even before ye begin to learn?"

nah mate give them pointy ears and bows

thread about video games gets deleted

Anon Babble thread stays untouched

Reminder that it should be legal and morally imperative to dox and murder tranitors


The way he described Lothlorien gives me chills to this day. There are no authors left alive that can actually describe an otherworld, we only have people writing pedestrian and vulgar things.

"It seemed to him that he had stepped through a high window that looked on a vanished world. A light was upon it for which his language had no name. All that he saw was shapely, but the shapes seemed at once clear cut, as if they had been first conceived and drawn at the uncovering of his eyes, and ancient as if they had endured for ever. He saw no colour but those he knew, gold and white and blue and green, but they were fresh and poignant, as if he had at that moment first perceived them and made for them names new and wonderful. In winter here no heart could mourn for summer or for spring. No blemish or sickness or deformity could be seen in anything that grew upon the earth. On the land of Lo´rien there was no stain.
Frodo felt that he was in a timeless land thatdid not fade or change or fall into forgetfulness. When he had gone and passed again into the outer world, still Frodo the wanderer from the Shire would walk there, upon the grass among elanor and niphredil in fair Lothlorien.
Here is the heart of Elvendom on earth,’ said Aragorn, ‘and here my heart dwells ever, unless there be a light beyond the dark roads that we still must tread, you and I. Come with me!’ And taking Frodo’s hand in his, he left the hill of Cerin Amroth and came there never again as living man."

Very few understood him.

The point is: What is “real” magic to you?

What is magic to one is not necessarily going to be magic to another.

If your elves believe in magic the same way lesser races do, then you are doing it wrong

Magic is a bar. An angle. A point, or even a sleight, of view. Like religion. It’s a way of looking at the world, nature.

Tolkien considered machines akin to evil and wicked magic, due to his time in the world war. He hated the ugliness of war and big industry. It’s why the evil wizard Saruman is heading ruinous, nature-killing infrastructure.

This. People like Alan Moore (who doesn’t even like Tolkien apparently) even agree.



Tolkien compared it to ‘enchantment’, or that of seeing something as magic. There is a good and a bad side to it.

Deception is the bad side of it, is used to abuse. The Elves are not enchanted or deceived by their own works. It’s just art to them the same everything in the 21st century is artificial to us.

Sauron is the capital-d Deceiver. His vile black machines are seen as black magic. He ruins and destroys nature.

He was intentionally ironic about a lot of things, including the magic.

At one moment he says men can’t learn magic, but then the next moment he says they can.

Magic is a soft term and it’s not meant to be a hard term. It’s closer to a proxy, or a placeholder.

A word for wonder, mystery, horror, etc. “Magic”, not Magic.

not as cool as lovecraft.

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like any fantasy writer no?

Like religion

Go back to plebbit

son, this is bait.

None of this shit is videogames.
Or better yet