Writer of next ME game confirms FemShep is the canon version

Writer of next ME game confirms FemShep is the canon version

dont care
male shep is the guy

Male Shep is the canon version and I won't be buying their shit anyway.

sorry sweaty, project 2025 has other plans

I reject your reality and substitute my own

Must play as a generic white guy with no personality and bad acting


not a redhead


fanfiction btw

Mass Effect TV Show

wtf, how does this work? you could only play mshep in 1 and 2 and femshep was only an option in 3 lmao
apropos nothing, back in 2018 at work. a new coworker joined us and he had the normandy jacket that you used to keep seeing being spammed in subtle vidya clothing threads. so we started talking about mass effect a bit and he said he loved playing as femshep because it enlightened to womens issues lmao. all i was thinking "retarded faggot"

karpyshyn is the only bioware writer who was ever worth a fuck and he quickly realized he's too good for them

the chudcel fears the male protagonist

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Femshep has always been canon. She's also a canon bimbo who makes all the worst choices.

not having your own personality superimposed on empty (dare I say white) canvas of Shepard


I'm sure it will do well...

Are you retarded? Femshep has been an option since the beginning.

*Must play as a generic white cunt with no personality and bad acting

female* sorry

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based, now give me canon garrus romance and journo brutalizing

I need to self insert

bro no shit? i always thought she was strictly a me3 thing. given my memory is completely busted today i might've forgotten about that completely

Sorry but I can imagine an apple in my head, I don't need to self insert like someone with no inner monologue.

That's the TV show, writer for the next game is the chick that wrote Deus Ex HR and MD

veilguard flops

trump wins the election

fucking faggot cocksuckets still quadrupling down on this retarded shit

At least they ain't pretending anymore
ME will be shart

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thats promotional material of Emily Blunt from Edge of Tomorrow and has absolutely nothing to do with Mass Effect or Bioware, I'm not sure why this retard included that in his tweet, maybe to say that's who they would like to cast? I'm not sure

Why does anyone care about TV adaptions? Whether it be games, book, or even movies. The people who make these shows don't care about the original, and always change shit to make it "their" story.

Femshep keeps getting shilled and broshep is still the more popular one kek

OP is the dumbest gorilla nigger in the history of the world.

Showing a female Shepard as the box art will kill sales ontop of the clearly Woke bullshit coming from the dev's tweets.

You are genuinely mentally ill

writer of next ME game

tweet says tv show

Bioware confirmed long ago that male shep is canon


the fact that you even associate this with culture war (let alone celebrating some israeli figurehead winning the election) is really telling. are chudcels really this fragile?

Ummm sweaty everything is political you can't not be political


It's gonna be so good.

Le strong female hero is feminist nonsense. Fuck off troon. Your gaslighting won’t work here.

Do you guys ever get tired of blaming everything in the world on Jews?

Hale is only better than Meer in 1, and that's largely a direction issue. By 2 he put in a better performance, and in 3 he blew her out of the water.
The meme only persists because people recognise Hale's name.

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leftypol seething about someone mentioning Trump

you seem way more fragile than that guy lol

Why do they love losing money?

Why are they like this? Why do we need to pretend that women like action/sci-fi as much as men?

With delusional enthusiasm: How stunning and brave.

Why does it surprise you? It happened in 2016 too, they doubled down then, they'll double down even more now

Bioware confirmed long ago that male shep is canon

Never happened, also when i search "commander shepard" on google i get this

Nice try glowie but you don’t fit in here. We don’t capitalize the word “jew”

It's just old Bioware and literally everybody else didn't care for femshep until ME3.

Dont they ever get tired of causing most of the worlds problems?

that's not new, people agreed that femshep had pretty good voice acting
doesnt stop male shepherd being the better choice though

Yeah totally unpopular things like Terminator, Terminator 2, Alien, Aliens, Metroid, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Tomb Raider. Nobody wants female protagonists, oh hey that new GTA game will flop too because women can't be leads

Does this mean she bangs Garrus?

I simply won't buy any media that considers femshep as cannon. Not that they will ever make anything good again anyway.

Almost all of the advertising materials and cover art from the beginning were male shepard. He's the face of the franchise.

i always play male for paragon runs and female for renegade runs

tweets are never canon

Everyone who doesn't suck off my orange cheeto is leftypol

keep fuming you pathetic amerigolem but I'm not bowing down to your judaean marionette in this lifetime.

She's gonna go lesbo with Liara

N7 day

news from 2021

sound about right

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four years old tweet about a TV show that's likely stuck in preproduction because no one wants to pay for the $200 million fee to hire hundres of 'jeets to handle a 90% CGI series, especially after Halo flopped

It's gonna be Halo all over again.

Fallout had a female lead

No she is going to fuck the black guy

weeb version is better tho

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Like crashing the economy

Femshep didn't even have a detailed default face til 3 iirc. If you picked her in the first two games you were stuck with the create-a-potato faces.

The hero in t1 is Kyle Reese and in t2 its a Terminator

I mean it's an ethnicity/religion, in either case it would be capitalized. Or are they also stopping you from expressing yourself with proper grammar as well?
I don't see many see many Jews in Russia's government today, or China's. Iran's, etc. Only time I see them on the news is as it concerns Israel and most American Jews despise Israel and Trump, the only block that ever votes for him is the Orthodox.

aliens aren’t allowed in sci-fi anymore, only niggers

You faggots wanted a cultural revolution. Don’t get mad that we view everything you put out through the lens of a culture war.

we always imagined Shepard as a woman

Why is he lying?

That wasn't retconned into the show for DEI sake. They never specified your protagonist in the game it was always up to you.

You are fucking coping so bad. Sarah Connor is the main character. The story revolves around her. Thats why the first film is all about how she is the most important woman on the planet that has to survive termination. In the sequel, she is the one that continues to push the story forward. She is the one that changes fate and defeats Skynet. John is just a plot device

He thinks they're the bad guys


It’s out of spite, jew-boy.

Claim female was always the intended character of the writers

Every game cover and poster is the male protagonist


yet another woke show to crash and burn, hooray

She’s the hero because of her feminine value as the mother of the leader of the resistance.

always been canon but we couldn't even decide on a model for her until the third game

yeah ok.
also I recall they released statistics a long time ago showing that like 90% of players chose to play as play as vanderloo shep


And is Sarah Connor or Ripley tossing around 200 lb men while quipping that females are better in every way?

If you can't see the difference between those properties and the slop we have today, you're an absolute fucking retard.

didn't like 90% of people play as male shep?

women like netflix more than men, thats why

Sarah Connor is the main character.


The most popular show in the world right now is a cartoon about two lesbians BTW

Sarah Connor is the main character but the hero is Kyle Reese. Funnily enough the hero in aliens is the same actor that plays Kyle Reese in t1, Hicks.

Women are sexually attracted to fit handsome men

Women would rather watch an attractive man be the action hero.
Hollyslop is just trying to condition people to think gender roles don't exist and we're all the same.

Which is exactly why it must be femshep chud
We are not going back to male protagonists

why do they all do this fake pretend shit?

They're boring people

How many women even are there in the ME fanbase?
Is Garrus/Thane really that popular?

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Writer of next mass effect*
*assuming veilguard doesn’t finally cause ea to take bioware out behind the wood shed

Also their canon warden commander has long been a female warden commander that sacrificed themself so it’s not like it matters

Leftists are sociopaths

how shit will the tv show be?

Incredibly shit.

Braindead normalfags and shitskins will praise it then forget about it in a month

Another humiliation ritual to launder DEI funds? How original.

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Would they be able to get the show made if they wanted it to be a White male protagonist or would the pitch get rejected?

Ripley is definitely the hero of Aliens. The difference between Ripley and "Stronk Female Protags" like today is that she is written more realistically. She isn't written to basically be a man and equally strong as men or whatever. She is successful by being clever and through courage driven by her motherly instinct toward Newt. Even when she "fights" the queen, she gets into a loader to do it because women are weak and having her stand toe to toe would just be silly. However, modern Hollywood would do just that.

I could never take fem Shepard seriously in the games because they just model swapped the mocap from male Shepard. So Shepard would have the weird wide elbow stance and walk like she shit herself it was the goofiest looking thing ever.

Like they couldn't even just have a female stand in and do a second mocap session?

Well yeah. Why waste your time for something that like 1/10 or less of players would actually use.

What Krogan cocks are, again?

Writer of next ME game confirms FemShep is the canon version

Nowhere in that tweet does it confirm that, kys op

You think modern Bioslop won't do that? kek

The market is up 1,500 points since Trump's victory. Everyone knows a trump win is good for the economy retard

That's nice, but there's exactly a fat chance of zero that she'll be like Vrataski(?) because you fucks always fuck everything up about female protagonists.

you could play a female in 1 and 2, but the redhead used in promotional material that people salivate over only existed in 3.

And then get cucked


imagine digging up something so old just to get mad at something

Didn't know a guy was an option, all the porn is female.

enjoy those tariffs.

true, i also think women aren't interested in sci-fi action movies unless they are watching them with a guy
but netflix is run by Californian homos who are very confused.

We will. China won't.

anyone who played anything other than default male shepard is a nigger. default male shep is 100% kino
who the fuck wants to make a ugly ass monkey OC who's voice will never fit its face?

what do you get when you search for mass effect box art ?

Femshep only gets a canon look in the last game of the main trilogy

She's totally the canon version!

Nah nigga. Sheploo will always be the canon version

Without Sarah the plot can't happen, and they retconned the past timelines so they could establish her as the hero too

Based. Now make futa asaris canon.
(BTW where the fuck is Purple Mass?)

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As opposed to generic white woman with no personality and bad acting?

The females in James Cameron movies are emulators. They're protected by men until they are on their own and then the emulate the men that protected them to survive. They're not heroes, or soldiers or even resourceful. But they are smart and learn

both are feminist and shouldn’t be defended

Modern writers can't write real problems. It's going to be a disaster.

I was quite literally massively wealtheir the instant he won. Not kidding.

That's very funny, i hope that one of these days people stop clinging onto nostalgia and just stop supporting soulless cash grabs.

That's nice, players don't agree tho.
...is superior to shitskins, women or faggots.

Enjoy your dilation session, troon.

this is the funny part to me
if a cousin tells me "did you see the new Halo tv show? It was actually pretty good!" I know its shit.

It amazed me how that was a staple in threads for years

Will it be White female protagonist with nonwhite boyfriend for psychological programming reasons?

Ah yes, the conservative standard
Fuck you, I got mine.

If you actually bought the game on release, you'd see a man on the cover. Femshep reversed cover was only released with ME3

This is going to be so ridiculous. And gay, because you *KNOW* who she'll fuck

oi vey, not protectionism, those jobs should go to indians!

damn look at all that modern audience that were waiting for this!
hope none of them acked themselves by now!

Remind me, who caused inflation to soar?

what jobs, retard? trump won't be alive by the time any manufacturing jobs get back up and running here.

this crazy thing called covid? you know that inflation went up literally everywhere in the wortld, right?

Almost 3/4 of players played a male character. The remaining 1/4 were actual women, coomers, and trannies.

Such a shame what happened to Mass Effect. At least the original trilogy still holds up as some of the best games ever made.

black metal fans are so fucking stupid
just like their music

Jennifer Hale is overrated as fuck. Just Super Saying

I even enjoy making a female protagonist now and then in rpgs but I've played the trilogy for the first time about a year ago and just instantly picked default male shep cause he felt really iconic, doesn't seem very smart to toss that away

Remaining 1/4 were actual women coomers and trannies

You're forgetting the subset of longtime ME fans who just went FemShep for variety's sake. This is the LE's stats, so probably a bunch of people replaying.
A significant section of that 1/4 I believe is people who would still easily admit MaleShep is by far superior

Yeah, Shepard has always been more popular than the ginger bitch. It was even more obvious in the original games

Bitch looks like gaara wtf

I was almost psyopped into playing ME as femshepard because of the vocal minority online saying its better that way

I'm sure 99% of the people who say that were as you said. Women. Coomers. Or trannies.

nah, there was the femshep>maleshep meme from ME2 days, but it was only ever from bandwagon hoppers that recognised the VA

Femshep is 10x better than m*le shep but I shan't be playing your game just like I didn't play anything after 2 already

Look everyone knows that default Male Shepard is the face of the franchise. It's silly to pretend otherwise.

I don't have to feel bad about saying how hard MaleShep dumps on FemShep because Jennifer Hale still has my wife Bastila on her resume

No, this woulda been in development before Trump won. Not canceling is the mistak, I blame fallout for giving these people hope.

Jennifer Hale's performance as FemShep was fucking horrible.

They are going unemployed at this rate

You have to wonder about the motives behind these "diversity" standards.
If you don't really have a choice in how you depict gender and race on screen, can your product really be seen as anything other than propaganda?

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Krogan lives matter


female opening all her orifices to xenos

sounds about right

Can Mass Effect 4 go back to the same feel from Mass Effect 1?

I won't be buying their shit

You're not the target audience anyway, incel.

Male Shep is the canon version

No :)

All I hear is a loser's excuses and copes

Not a chance

there is nothing there that says either Shepard is canon over the other

You're not the target audience anyway, incel.

the target audience is people who don't buy games, so I'd say he actyually is in that case

The “Federal” Reserve

Huh sweaty? Now it's the case

LIke, are these "creatives" actually happy with not having freedom of expression?

This is moronic - first, its a TV show and nobody involve has anything to do with ME4.


Clearly not, given that even by the LE era 70% of players played Sheploo , and prior to that most of the box art was also for him. FemShep is fine, but lets not pretend that its suppoed to be "canon". the point was it was YOUR choice to make as a player. That should have been theimportant part. Just like how Assassin's Creed should have used YOUR decisions on Eagle Bearer and Eivor vs Havi imported into following games on the same platform rather than go NOPE THANK YOU WAMAN TIME

TV show faggotry,

I though we wer done with this nonsense. I mean, sure please we need another girlboss shep based on a property from a decade ago to be obnoxious in a TV show ec. Shit, hey'd do better actually casting Hale to play the role than whatever they'll come up with, especially given that a femshep TV show will likely have enough problems not the least of which is her romantic partners and everyone throwing shit fits no matter what she does. Fuck what a bad idea.

we shouldn't do anything that takes more than 2 years to bear fruit

It's about money. There's no deeper motivation than that. Retard ceos are told by other retards that of course everyone thinks the same way so if they just be egotistical retards then they'll totally make more money.

You're not the target audience

Who is? The 90k Veilguard peak lmao?


Projection. Chris chan is a democrat.

You'd have a better chance of Quarians not getting sick from a minor scratch.

So how many years away is next Mass Effect? Will it be cringe and woke like Dragon Age Veilguard?

This anon is correct.
There was no femshep in 1 and 2.
And 0 non-whites.
0 gay shit.

MS3 is the only one with that shit in it. and it was the worst one (nothing come after 3)

if you recall differently, you are wrong and gay.

reply to me once you pass 1st grade english retard

three years minimum, odds are bioware already went through two or three iterations of what the next game should have been without making it work

You're "Modern Audience" must've been the same 15 million voters that vanished when they were supposed to be voting for your queen.

Reminder EA is likely demanding Bioware bring Commander Shepard back as the protagonist for Mass Effect 4 due to how poorly Andromeda was received.

All I hear is crying and pants shitting, kek. You fucking LOSER. You LOST you FAGGOT.

None of those countries have done anything to affect my life besides Russians ruining my counterstrike matches. Meanwhile the kikes at Visa and Mastercard are destroying all of Japanese media.


that wont save it, you cant trust Bioware or EA to know what players want

If they had put out a trailer for the new Mass Effect today and it had MALE Commander Shepard in it then everyone would have immediately forgiven them for Veilguard.

Nobody ever envisioned Shepard as a woman. Even in the ultra pozzed time where they release the Legendary edition, over 2/3 of players picked mshep.

that might actually kill it even more

You're in denial. Nobody at the actual top believes this shit increases sales, or they wouldn't describe it as "forcing behavior".

you'd think they would have stopped after the first or second dozen of woke game bombed if money was the sole motivation.

I've always picked femshep because I like her VA and love staring at the model.
But maleshep has always been the canon one and no one can deny it.

I still love that redhead like the first day tho.

Male Shep is canon because Tali romance

No worries, Trannyware will be dead very soon lmao.

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mass effect tv show

make it stop

The establishment literally prints currency. Money is no issue to them. This is about cultural change, modifying social norms/beliefs to maintain power. How is this not painfully obvious to you by now?

Literally less than 30% of players played with FemShep

the franchise is basically dead, no one expects anything from it any more

we have infinite money, goyim!

nooooo stop winning at every single front!!!!!

You know what is more pathetic than a loser? A sore loser.
And now AI is about to take yous worthless shill job too lmao.


I always felt like Male shephard was canon paragon and Female shephard was canon renegade

Bioware would absolutely fuck up Me4, no question about it, but with a time skip they'd only have liara and grunt to ruin, rather than everyone else.
Barveguard shows just how much contempt they hold the older titles in

no personality


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It's a modern show. I'll take a redhead being turned into a brunette than a nog.

Another flop incoming.

meanwhile, when you open Legendary Edition

Kamala lost

That's Emily Blunt from Edge of Tomorrow. The tweet is from fucking 2021, the show's not happening, OP is just unearthing 3yo shitposting

Seems like it's a bit early to gloat about ESG being dead. These people are evil, they do not give up easily.

reading comprehension

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I know it's just reusing animation to save money and time but I think it's cute that Garrus rips on Shepard's dancing but dances exactly like him

whatever, rap shitter
the most intelligent people listen to classical, metal and jazz


reminder that right after veilguard completely flopped ME's current writers were on twitter trying to reassure people that they wouldn't fuck up too kek

When you accuse that guy of shilling for pointing out something that's obviously true to any sensible person reading, it just comes across as deflecting.
You're trying too hard to fit into the "board culture" with the goyim shit. It's a very "how do you do, fellow kids" vibe.

nothing to worry about, trust the plan, DEI will be over in two more weeks. See, it's gone already! We should just stop talking about it.


They wouldn't get as much pushback if their motivation was pure, but it's seeped in degenerate ideology.

woke grifter says says complete nonsense for DEI checks

Cool, thanks for the update.

Money is literally everything to everyone you dribbling retard.

Mass Effect (and Bioware by extension) has always been mid as fuck.

Reminds me of the PR lady from pornhub complaining about antisemitism in response to a question about trying to push users towards certain kinks.

Great, another series that I'm not going to watch because of their terrible decision making.

You troons ruin everything you touch.

Then why do they keep making unprofitable games, movies, and shows?

Remember to never cure the Genophage unless you want to doom the galaxy.

Power Metal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Kek. You know it's the importer who pays the tariff, right retardo?

i dont get the complaints about mark meer's voice acting. it blends in with all the rest of the ham and cheese better than hale's.

OP is just shitposting


Is the red pilled Deus writer woman going to make Mass Effect 4 secretly red pilled like she did with Mankind Divided?

No shit. And the exporter also loses money because they sell less. Need any more econ 101 lessons?

Come on anons, shamelessly eat up this sociopolitical ragebait from twitter!

three year old tweet

nothing related to it exists

it's political ragebait from twitter so it's allowed to shit up the catalog

itt: a bunch of idiots get fake angry about something that happened years ago about something that won't happen


Shepard will return as a gay man.

There's nothing stronger than family

I will fuck you rat retard filthy

Her body. My choice.
This mean I choose that maleshep is canon.

This isn't news. We've known femshep was the canon version since before Mass Effect 3

The market is not the economy

TV show

yuck. A big part of the games was making your choices. not some shitty Hollywood writers.

But Renegade FemShep w/Garrus (no ME1 romance) is my favorite playthrough and I haven't cut my genitals off yet


The US is doing better than every other country with combating inflation trump fag


Meer being an amateur is worse than Hale phoning it in.

We don’t care.
Also only ME1 is canon anyway.

Doubt this will ever come out, just like the Warhammer 40.000 TV series.


Will there even be a next ME with how poorly Veilguard performed?

"We" didn't imagine shit, because YOU didn't write the original Mass Effect you fucking faggot. Drew did. So you couldn't have "always imagined" Femshep as canon. YOU came along and just co-opted the series with faggotry just like Druckman did with TLOU.

As if BioWare is going to survive the next shareholder meeting.

they did a community poll what hair colour the femshep has

blonde hair won

they still went with red

Canon femshep is actually blonde and aryan as fuck, not irish




War Hero



Kill the rachni

Save the colony

Intimidate Wrex

No romance

Save the council

dome Saren with a high explosive sniper rifle

Udina for councilor

ME 2 and 3 are not canon

The reapers are stuck in dark space

jews did 9/11

Yep, it's gaming time

She’s good in 1, very authentic and genuine voice. Later games I’m confident she was told to ham up the “badassery” and so she started doing obnoxious throat whispering shit.

When is the new mass defect game supposed to come out anyway? After failguard I can't imagine that EA has much patience with this zombie studio left.


Im not watching it so nah. Probably wouldnt even be fun to watch and shit on

probably 3 or 4 years from now


Luce and Jesus would have forgiven them.

I hate maleshep, specially the standard version that was in all the trailers and game covers and so on.
But that doesn't mean I'll ever play as femshep, I'm just not a tranny and don't enjoy playing as fem chars, never had.

Jennifer Hale was the better voice actor than Mark Meer and it showed, most scenes were written for her.

Male shep is Canon. Alexios is canon, Eivor is male.
Devs can say whatever they want but as long as there is an option to reject their politics the telemetry data will tell them what we think.

Save the council

damn you're retarded

First they must confess to their sins, then atone for their sins.

Inherited Obama's economy, then proceded to destroy it during Covid, Biden than was fixing the economy and now Trump will increase trade costs around the world because he is a retard who thinks tariffs somehow print money for people by...causing people to spend more money on everything.

give more money to Israel

ruin export deals for ourselves

get rid of Social Security

claim to get rid of "illegals" while

couping their countries like Bolivia again, causing them to come here in the first place.

foment another proxy war like with Ukraine, except this time with Taiwan

install data collection and telemetry in all your games so you can learn what the players like

make sure to do the opposite of what the players want

I heard her and Mike Meer reverse positions
In 1 she gives a good, solid performative while he is stiff and unnatural
By 2 she started to hang it up while he got comfortable and improved a lot
He's great in 3 while she's at her worst.

Obama's economy


Jesus would never approve of your anger, child. I think you should read the Bible and pay close attention to how Jesus treats those that were against him as well as lepers and whores.

who cares? you're retarded if you think it'll be good at this point. fuck even elder scrolls and gta are gay now

Trump won in 2016 largely because the Obama economy was weak. (Trump didn't fix it either). Bailouts, Fed monetary policy, and federal government fiscal policy have ruined the economy. Yes we live in the shadow of 2007. Most jobs created since then have been low paying service jobs. Consumers are tapped out, they have no savings and they're maxed out on credit.

Not Switzerland

You're thinking of Bush Jr, stupid Zoomie

I repeat: Who caused inflation to soar?

trying to use google to prove your point


Obama's economy

The one that had the worst financial crisis of all time?

Im 33 you retard

He won by electoral college, let's not pretend and project revisionism about the economy.

obviously true

You tranny discorders try to pass as true the wildest, most idiotic lies ever. You just lost a big ass election because people are fed up with your shit, trillion dollar companies are having record loses, and you try to gloss it over with retarded rethoric. You are a fucking idiot, and if you were less of a loser you would have a real job instead of having to come here to shill, where everybody laugh at you.
But don't worry, AI will replace your worthless self soon enough.

Funny how this shit only came along later when people on launch mostly agreed Hale was the weaker actor.

Biden than was fixing the economy

dumping the national fuel reserve into the market to keep energy low and prices low is NOT a long term strategy for anyone other than a party member seeking reelection


lol, lmao even
that shit is never seeing the light of day.
the players already said who the canon protag is btw, 2 times even

I was in the military during Bush Years, meanwhile you were still in school jerking it to Powerpuff girls.

Unlike the other two, Valhalla's narrative literally cannot internally work if Eivor is a dude

Shirley you're only pretending to be retarded. I'm saying people voted for him, giving him the electoral votes, because the economy was weak.

Must play as a generic white woman with no personality and bad acting

just the final nail in the coffin of bioware, really

Did ya ever kill anyone

not having the three most powerful politicians in the galaxy owing you personal favours

the only reason China hasn't nuked America already is because Zion Don pushed their shit in with the tariffs.

Then why give the option?
Unlike nigger protagonists, women protagonist can sell well
Was there a single Ubisoft employer that wasn't a faggot and wanted to show how stupid their writing had become?

Nope. Sorry. He will always be the real Shepard. The show being shit will only cement this.

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What the fuck does that have to do anything you faggot ass larper? wanna cookie for being a good goy lmfao.

Then why give the option?

Because Ubisoft is and will forever be a bunch of retards, duh

It's based and canon to ride Garrus' blue ribbed cock

>>Must play as a generic white guy with no personality and bad acting

Shep is a custom character, most people don't care which Shep is canon because Shep can look however the fuck you want. It'd be more pressing if they gave Shep a canon appearance.

Dont care, Shepard was a dude.
Also, Space Jesus is canon Exile while we at it.

fade in

we're at a cabin in a quiet remote area by a lake

a man is chopping wood outside, his back turned to the camera

a hovercar lands nearby

Hackett rides out in a wheelchair and approaches the man

"I'm here on behalf of Alliance command. It's time to return to the fold for a new mission"

the man doesn't turn around, just says "not my problem" and splits another piece of wood in half

Hackett pauses for a moment then continues: ''We need you. Humanity needs you. The batarians are demanding we stop their extermination, they are out of line''

the man stops, jams the axe in the chopping block, and turns around

it's old man Shepard

he says "Now that's my problem"

Hackett smiles

"Good to know age hasn't mellowed you out, Admiral-Commander. Consider yourself reinstated. Hack it out.''


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Like banning porn.

Was there anyone that picked anything other than space jesus in 2 and mullet dude in 1?

tranny Shepard

I shant be watching

yeah you have your own to bow down to

Was there anyone that picked anything other than space jesus in 2 and mullet dude in 1?


tranny shill are truly rabid

Man, sore losers are the fucking worst lmao. Dilate for a bit to clam down, loser.

How come despite all the shilling FemShep didn't get a base face model?
Mark Vanderloo's distinct face went a long way into making Male Sheppard more popular

Trump blundering Obama's economy. He was doing so could with keeping it stable too until he had to actually do something with Covid. Biden was fixing his mistake but Biden caused the economy because windmills eat cats and electric cars cause cancer or whatever insane non-sense Trump says.

Nobody cares about your made-up digital money you use to buy weed online.

It will tank when tariffs fall and the lack of immigrant farmhands and RFK attack subidies causes a food crises. But enjoy the tariffs on things that we cannot physically grow in the US like coffee beans and avocados.

10% markups on every single import that will go straight to Trump's government that redditor Elon Musk will chop except for SpaceX and other programs that we waste gorillions of dollars on.

Trump does.

I am a straight white man of Finno-Ugric and German ancestry. Trump has filled our hearts with hate, your hearts with hate, so while I forgive you I found your actions to elect him to be deplorable and irresponsible. God Bless.

This is the death nail of America.

it s over

Must play as a generic white guy with no personality and bad acting

I despise this made up nonsense. FemShep was always lame and an afterthought for the real Shepard, which was always male.

Female Shepard's animations are shit because she doesn't have any, they just took male Shepard's animations and pasted it to her. Which is why her walking and running looks retarded since it's meant for a taller and more muscular skeleton mesh + body with more meat, and why certain cutscenes like Shepard spreading legs while talking to Garrus on the Normandy looks retarded with female Shepard.

Female Shepard's romances are considered weaker than male Shepard. What do I mean? The community largely agrees on this since there's a consistent history of petitions and pleas towards Bioware to let femShep romance Tali or Jack in the remaster. Romances like Garrus or Thane are solid, but then you have shit like Jacob or Kaidan which range from insulting to boring.

Voice acting could be its own topic but JJennifer Hale doesn't know that less is more. She is a much better VA in theory but her breathy "I'm a sneaky intense badass" mildly flirty voice voice she uses at every turn does not sound like a professional soldier. It's inauthentic and she very obviously sounds like an actor perfecting their takes in a voice studio instead of a hardened grunt. Mark Meer makes the character sound like a soldier that gradually becomes more charismatic over time. Conveys forceful leadership and his threats feel more serious. He sounds too robotic in ME1 and that's when Hale does a better job because the character is written as a blank slate but as soon as Shepard starts becoming an actual person in ME2 and ME3 then Meer starting outpacing Hale rapidly.


Trump blundering Obama's economy

Again that's the economy with the worst financial crisis of all time?

I can't remember everything but I know that my fav (and most common used) was soldier, Earthborn, sole survivor, save Kaidan, save Rachni, fuck up council EVERY time, pick Udina, abd fuck anything - just not Miranda in ME2

"Sheoqrd, you are now a Spectre. Paragon of justice, a role model for every human. Not just human, but for other races as well. You do as you please. We will contact you from time to time and give you our honest opinions and possible guidance."

translation: whatever you do we will shit on your choice and do everything in our power to piss you off

Turning off the call from the ship that was transporting council bastards at the end of ME1 was extremely satisfying.

mass effect has always been garbage for garbage people. the same garbage people that play games like dragon age

You sound very angry you should relax and have a beer before you can no longer afford to buy it

This is more or less indirectly shitting on Mark Meer which is just rude and disrespectful to someone who was a big part of these games' success.

Another issue is the disparity between renegade and paragon tone. With male Shepard you can mix paragon and renegade because there's a forcefulness and seriousness in both. With female Shepard, mixing those paths sounds schizophrenic because how absurdly different her takes on the two paths are. Not to mention that with femShep you basically can't talk to your male crewmates without that breathy smoky voice that sounds like she wants to get dicked by them.

Female Shepard's verisimilitude makes little sense because of how small and thin she is in game. Male Shepard is considerably larger and brutish so you can stretch your disbelief enough to swallow him headbutting a krogan hard enough to do damage, or punching the shadow broker hard enough to knock the creature back slightly. This shit looks laughable with female Shepard being half his size.

Face generation is probably the funniest. Stock male Shepard is based on an actual face of model Mark Vanderloo and has unique facial assets. Everything else, for both male Shepard and female Shepard, uses the same assets as NPCs and those assets aren't numerous. If you want to make a female Shepard you have the hard job of not making her look like an NPC. There's a famous Femshep poster on Anon Babble who keeps talking about her looking 'unique' when she's nearly identical to an NPC called Gianna Parasini. Lmao. Most of these NPC features regardless of gender end up looking weird anyway, only stock male Shepard really looks like a human.

FemShep only got popular recently because male Shepard is the default, and there are social points to be scored in "actually i will be so unique and enlightened for using the alternative female option".


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he's right though, hope you learn to cope soon otherwise it's gonna be a long 4 years for you faggot

probably about on par with paragon lost
IE. mid with a good soundtrack

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but then you have shit like Jacob

how dare you be a white man


Yeah. Sure.

that's because these retards refuse to realize that normal people are sick of their shit

petitions and pleas towards Bioware to let femShep romance Tali or Jack in the remaster

They literally took gay romance out of Mass Effect because of Jack Thompson and Fox News. I'm not even joking, they mentioned it in an interview. The files and code and everything are already in the game, just disabled.

Oh fuck off. FUCK OFF


mark meer peaked as the sith guard in the kotor demo presentation

They will go broke way before they can do whatever stupid shit they are planning lmao.

They literally took gay romance out of Mass Effect because of Jack Thompson and Fox News

Games with villains who were actually the good guys all along?

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Why are you so angry and calling me slurs? Jesus would not approve of you calling people "faggot" online. Trump is the candidate Evangelicals voted in, so I think you should reflect on your aggression toward the other side and demonizing them. You may picture us as blue-haired transgender individuals irrational in our thinking, but perhaps you are biased because Trump has filled your heart with hate. I hope that Trump proves to be an excellent president and that my doubts in his ability to lead office are not proven true, though you must admit as to why someone would not approve of Donald Trump. Also, I am a straight white male conservative and I do not approve of Trump polarizing both the right and left as you so demonstrate with your anger and slurs, so I think you also should buy a beer, relax, and question why you hold such anger in your heart over this election? Do you want to live in an American where you hold such anger for the other side? I do not and I long for the days where we are all Americans once more.

God bless you anon and I hope that you find God and calm down. Congratulations on your victory, and while I have my doubts in Donald Trump, I hope he proves me wrong and becomes the best president of all time.

Finding Shepard will be the goal in Mass Effect 4. He won't be the protagonist.

Trump won

You will die as you lived: an impotent dickless loser that raided Anon Babble for years only to accomplish getting people to hate his side more lmao.
Pic related is you in a few months ;)

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a generic white guy with no personality

MaleShep or FemShep does not necessarily mean a specific skin color, or even look.

You are very uninformated.
That's because people were afraid Trump and his friends were going to stage a coup or some shit.

This really triggered the white bread unseasoned chicken moids, good job.

only 5% engineer

Jeez the average game is such a bland and boring walking stereotype.

I'm not trans anon I am a straight white man of German ancestry with blonde hair and blue eyes. Are these trannies in the room with us anon? I think you should look yourself in the mirror if you wish for people to die. Jesus would disapprove of murder and he walked among lepers and whores and accepted them.

tranny thinks lying harder will work at this point

Don't you idiots ever stop for a second to think that maybe your entire ideology and convictions are truly fucking stupid?
Everyone grew out of it like 20 years ago. You are the only one still clinging to it.



Can you maybe talk in coherent sentences and not just spout buzzwords?
Wish you good luck attempting it at least.

Because it is associated with culture war.
Every franchise has been taken over by these mongrels. And they all have one thing in common. No more white males unless you make them a villain or clown.

They're not ADDING female characters. They're taking away male characters, beloved ones. They're turning everything into feminist/DEI garbage and the writers treat the original white male fanbase like they're subhuman scum. It happens EVERYTIME.

And that's why Trump won. Because in every normal person's head, this is what democrats and by extension these awful writers stand for:

white males are bad and should bow down

black people are superior

kids should be able to transition no matter what

any sexiness in media that turns a straight white man on should be censored

queer sexiness is okay though

white males should continue to be treated like trash

everything they enjoy is wrong and should be taken away from them

You may not like this but all you hear from democrats is constant identity politics and diversity. Meanwhile shit gets censored, white male franchises get taken over and mutated by hack writers into DEI shit, and when you complain about ANYTHING you get called an incel.

It's going to happen again and again.


Be specific, which words did anon use that were buzzwords?

jazz is gay, classical is for pretentious fags that pretend they are cultured and the only good metal is Grandpa Metal like Iron Maiden

pullin the wybo dont season they food nigger response

tweet is from 2021

its never coming out isn't it, also wasn't Henry Cavil attached to it? he would be a good Shepard, cant see him playing anyone else

wow that's awful

The easiest way to spot someone with a sub90 IQ is that they think Meer is a bad voice actor and Hale's rAnDoM OutBurStS of EmoTiOn are good acting. For a military commander.

Anon Babble talking about the economy

we are way past the fucking top of civilization
just bring it all down already

4 more years

jennifer hale is incredibly overrated in general. the only legitimately good performance she ever did imo is when she played juni in freelancer, she sounds like she's trying to sound like a man in everything else

Why do you even try so hard? You force yourself to come here every day to be ridiculed and suffer, while accomplishing nothing (you idiots made Trump win lmao).
Your entire life is one big failure, as your parents liked to remind you.

The main redeeming thing about femshep is that she has overtly male animations, dialog, costumes, and body language. They very obviously never put significant effort into making a believable woman character or giving her any woman writing rather than just having a '90s action hero with a female VA option. They deviate from this slightly with the romances made with actual female players in mind like Thane, but otherwise there's essentially nothing. This was accidentally a very interesting dynamic you don't normally get from pop culture.

Everyone is an expert on tariffs now. Maybe you should educate yourself so you can keep up on what's going on the world, sweaty. It really matters. You can't just bury your head in the sand forever. Sooner or later you will have to face facts and bullshit liars are a diamond dozen so be careful with your sources.

I had completely forgot about this, fuck you for reminding me.

Who cares they raped their entire game series anyways to death
Every knows and remembers Male Shep

They keep doing this and it's tiring

They ruined Diablos.

Let me give you a vision of the future - my balls in your mouth, forever. How's that sound?

Yeah and dumbeldore is gay

i confirm i won't even pirate their new game/tv series/whatever the fuck they cook

Femshep isn't a problem, especially if she fucks Garrus.

Watch them butcher the casting though. And, honestly, everything else. Watch Ashley be black because her VA was black.

she uses her futacock to pound Miranda's asshole nightly

best post itt

Jennifer Hale phoned in every ME game and sounds like an alcoholic looking for the next German shepherd to fuck for money

ok queer

Put a chick in it and make it lame and gay.

Yeah? How does that pan out?

Pretty sure Bioware released an infographic for the old and Legendary edition and it showed that 80%+ of their playerbase used Male Shepard while only 20% played FemShep.

Of those 80% only like <10% customized their Shepard and everyone just used the default bald guy one.

No amount of cope, seethe and revisionism will ever erase Mark Meer and Vanderloo from existence.

It's the same with the new Assassin's Creed games, developers seethe if you're playing as the male character.

Femshep acted way too butch for a woman.

It was only starting with Andromeda that they made the cover art ambiguous. 3 is the one with the male/female variant covers. It's always been MaleShep

Personally for a series with both a male and female mc id avoid all the woke accusations plus double up on income by making
A) a movie with male mc
B) tv series with female mc

Bioware only attempted to massively shill Femshep hard in 3. People by then were already used to Male Shep.

No, I know that
But why didn't they use a model for 3 I mean?

"femshep is better" has to be the most astroturfed opinion in gaming

based making chuds seethe

Imagine locking yourself out of the most popular waifu (Tali) in Mass Effect and saying it's the better one.

It is actually a good thing. Male shepard would be killed in first two hours after giving you a tutorial. With female at least we all know it is non-canon. And canon shep avoided desecration.

thank you, now i dont even have to bother checking out the tv show.

I made myself retarded because the other side was retarded

t. culture warrior

Just launch all the nukes and let's get this over with.

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"Female V is better" is more astroturfed by virtue of the game and its initial marketing being newer unlike ME where Sheploo was the only marketeered MC during 95% of the trilogy's runtime

Didn't play the Renegade route.

Jesus you trannies are so fucking boring.

As long as she's hot I couldn't care less.

It won't matter. They'll leave Shepard dead, kill off all the old crew and replace them with their retarded zoomer trash characters. Stop expecting anything good to come out of BioWare, they're done.

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Alyssa mercante fired

burn down buildings and shoot each other in the head because your lives were too peaceful and good that it got boring

black metal is so gay

No Maleshep no watch for me.

Gta will flop because the unique selling point of the series was being edgy and politically incorrect.

I'd let her command my shepard if you know what I mean

i think most people preferred female v because a: coomer dress-up, and b: male v's voice initially sounds really off-putting, like a cartoony new york accent
But once you get past that, his performance was way better, especially when it comes to emotion
femv always sounds dead inside

they can try all they want

everybody knows the only and tru sheppard is sheploo

82% of all players choose him
never trust anybody that played femshepard cause they are redditors

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costs money and ME3 was supposed to take a year to make before the first delay

Disregard gay devs. Vandershep is true shep and Garrus is his cop buddy. We go on buddy cop adventures.

Pretty sure there was a second round that picked a few variations of that Shep and that’s where the red version won. Be happy it wasn’t the brown skin one or you’d be really pissed

Maleshep vs Femshep is explicitly culture war shit. If gaming media actually cared about video games they would be writing an article on whether the canon shep is paragon or renegade.

and yet they could only dare to include femshep on the back of the cover. pussies. just like Ubisoft and their ads for all recent ass creeds

Why are you defending DEI?

But that would mean engaging with the story and events of the game and wondering if being a by the book cop or a loose cannon who doesn't play by the rules is the more interesting or moral decision to make. Naturally, punching the obnoxious reporter is a good choice to take for Paragon AND Renegade Shep.

Every time a game has tried to cater 100% to "modern audiences" they end up bombing.

You know, aside from the fact that Male Shep was on the cover of all three games, and was the de facto face of the franchise.

It's appealing to an audience that doesn't exist...yet. That's what all this shit is for, forcibly building that new audience so that they only know this trash and assume that all media should be like it. Meanwhile it also means tainting the past so that same audience never goes back to older, better, media that wasn't infested with shit politics and garbage design. Believe you me, this isn't about the current generation, but the one coming up.

I'd fuck you like a dog in the street, faggot.

Baldur's Gate 3

Edge of Tomorrow game when

I said 100% catering. For all the gay shit BG3 has, you can still kill every Tom, Dick, and tranny you encounter.
I doubt that. Otherwise Concord would've been kept in stores.

I don't think mark meer is particularly good, but I don't get why people think he is the worst thing ever.

you can still kill every Tom, Dick, and tranny you encounter.

I thought it is a good thing but if you actually try to play one of those games this way you will find out how hilariously bad the narrative is and it is an option that is just there to say there is an option.

We always imagined Shepard as a woman

Surely he can say this as someone who worked on ME1 right?

Ubisoft made the female character the canon one in the Ass Creed game and the male version was chosen 3 to 1

cater 100%

Kill karlach, kill the lesbian retards, kill the faggy elves, kill the tieflings, let the devil rape her soul forever, nuke the basketball gnomes, gas the nigger halflings, nuke the working class of the city, nuke the prison and kill everyone inside, kill every stupid retarded faggot that dares to get cocky, kill any and all companions who get on your nerves, play selfishly, play alone with no companions, utterly rebuke and insult any npc you dislike, refuse to listen to gay retarded ayy lmao. Kill the singular pronouns character, kill entire factions you don't like. Have zero limits in any of the above. Still finish the game and get a selection of endings depending on your choices.

Extreme far cry from "you must recruit this ugly as fuck retard, you must do their quest (or die at the end) and you must react positively to everything they do and watch everyone bend over backwards to please xer".

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*death knell

hale is fine, but mark meer is cool and has a much better voice. cope retard

Yes, we can take it. Democrats can't.

Did they learn nothing from Halo? Keep live action out of everything

it is an option that is just there to say there is an option.

No it's there as an option. In BG3 the only major choice that will reduce content significantly is in act 2, and it's because the game has no issues with a potentially extremely dangerous and horrific event occuring if the player is incompetent or intentionally lets it happen.
Outside of that, BG3 has a plethora of missions that provide the option of killing as a completely valid and accepted part of it, and not just "well you can but it's bad"

I think he eventually figured out the tone while she seemed to not care. The big stupid jellyfish scene from 3 is a perfect example, Meer understood the tone of the scene, while Hale is just doing the same thing she always does.

guys don't worry the Mass effect team promised they won't be like the DA team!!

instant news that despite over 80% of all players choosing male shepard the writers now hamfistedly shove in femshep.

LMAO. If you still expect anything after this you deserve the shit about to be smeared in your face


GTA6 Protag is female

ME4 Protag is female

Every dev is throwing a hissy fit because Trump won

Agree with everything except the elves. Elves aren't woke. They were never woke. They are the opposite of woke. Or, should be, at any rate.

I can't tell if you're a shameless asshole or a retard.

tweet is years old. OP is a click baiting faggot

we always had femshep in mind

gave maleshep far more content with romances while femshep has a guy who the majority of players killed, Garrus, a guy who dies, and a guy who cheats on you

even actively removed lesbian options in 2

I'm not sure about that.

If we're being impartial here, 2 separate presidents caused inflation to happen, but for wildly different reasons. It's not good either way, but it's not just 1 guy.

all they want is to be in hollywood, thats why they make their games like movies

we always imagined Shepard as a woman

original ME came before that movie

the original ME spent much more for the rights of the male model for being the character's face

And some retards here were claiming that ME's team was completely separate from Dragon Age and that they weren't pozzed lmao

Easily explained because femshep is generic sculpted female while male shep is male supermodel mark vanderloo

You trannies are such sexual deviants

I usually pick infiltrator.
Pure soldier is boring and i didn't think a tech guy fit well for the backstories Sheppard has, the hybrid was a nice middle of the road.

The voice actor got progressively better with his line delivery, where the chick playing femshep stayed effectively the same throughout the entire trilogy. Mark Meer, we gave him shit, and he improved.

Jennifer Hale couldn't give any less of a shit.

That show sucked too.

Women and blacks buy whatever is advertised to them. The content barely matters at all and that's why almost all modern advertisements are directed at them. They have the minds of extremely consumerist children.

It is if you aren't some poorfag scum.

It's a funny scene
Meer delivers it like it should be, a punchline
Hale just keeps the same serious tone for everything

We will. China isn't in a position to fight back right now and we should exploit every single one of them as much as we possibly can.

If the tariffs are so bad why did Biden and Kamala continue Trump's tariffs and even increase them in many cases?

This is the truth of Mass Effect. FemShep was marketed by game journos as "the best voice acting you can get". Those same game journos also said Mass Effect Andromeda was the peak of Mass Effect and that Veilguard is a very in-depth game with great characters and writing. People who still think it had some kind of special VA job are living in a world spun by the people they loathe, before they realized how much they loathed them.

Didn't ask

Yes, I don't care about you or what happens to you at all. Stop being poor.

That's bullshit.

next ME game

ME ended with 3. there have not been a ME game since. and there never will be again.

Shepard is gay and loves his gay husband kaidan.

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Another proof that all female protagonist players are bunch of trannies, porn addicts, and woketards
100 bucks the live action "femshep" going to be lesbian and/or have PoC love interest.

no personality and bad acting

This is why mark meer worked for me. He sounds like a military tightass, hale sounds like a jedi counsular.
I've lived in a military town my whole life and worked with loads of army, airforce, and navy guys. Shepard is essentially a delta operator turned ship admiral and both of those things have a VERY specific way of straight to the point monotone talking. Male and female.
Malesheps default appearance and meer's voice actor come across as a tightass who organizes his underwear draw and plans his day down to the bowel movement. Hale sounds like a elf or psychiatrist, and not just cause she's a woman. If you talk to high ranking navy women they sound like meer, not hale.

Meer was very funny without overplaying it

Well shit, I totally forgot that line from ME1, which begs the question of why the fuck were the Quarians committing 3 century old frankenships to war? The same ones that housed a majority of their civilian population?

If I remember right they basically hit a desperation point and started fitting those ships with weapons. Though the civilian fleet was meant to be more support role, then they got fucked over because them destroying the geth dyson sphere caused the geth to go into desperation mode and let the reapers in. All things considered if they just decided to do nothing Shepard could legit have fostered the end to the war without anyone dying since the Geth were against the Reapers and he had an in with Legion.

doesn't matter because she is now a breeding sow per american laws.

people think Elon who is an inside administer of trump is gonna let his buddies ban porn

I don't really care, it's cool to be able to play as female main characters in RPGs.

Who cares post Luce feet

The post that made all the troons seethe.

i'm sure americas vast chip production and rare earth metals supply will fill the void right anon?

Female Shepard dates Jacob

Chuds BTFO

Women are attracted to pretty boy twinks with money unless they are pushing 30 in which then they become attracted to gigachad

Women are attracted to pretty bo-

lol, lmao

jacob no matter what will canonically cheat on femshep and knock up another woman

What did bioware mean by this?

Good, tranny enabler white male shit was the worst

Moral of the story, don't date niggers. Blame white loyal men like Kaiden instead.

Can't romance tali

Look I prefer femshep and female avatars but I will not be denied Tali so Male shep it is.

Damn that must be like hell for a degenerate like you.

They didn't even have a standardized appearance for Femshep across all three games until the Legendary Edition, and even then she looks like a generic NPC.

It's pretty obvious that Vanderloo Shepard is canon Shepard unless you're a fucking retard.

If they have femshep fuck Wrex, how pissed will people be due to it never being an option in the games that I'm pretty sure some amount of people wanted?

Swimmer bod boy band, kpop group, and edgy anime cool guy types have always been more popular with women then Zyzz or Tate types unless the latter are fathers, for example women didn't give a shit about Kratos until they gave him a kid that wasn't dead now he has more femoids fauning over him. We have known this for about 30 years almost. Boy bands have been hit on by older milfs on multiple occasions. Women unironically find Garrus more attractive then male shep

that's the point, to develop that industry. Providing massive financial incentives to do so, rather than relying on foreign slave labor. But I guess you don't mind slavery huh?

don't care
still not buying nuBioshit



Hes based off a south american lmao

They chose the one with a sex offender option kek

Women do fawn a lot for pretty boys but past the age where they start having sex, they don't date them

project 2025



you fuckers played yourselves and are going to ruin it for everyone
fucking crabs in a bucket

You're playing mass effect, anon.
The generic people with bad acting ship sailed the moment you powered on.

Based I can't wait to RETVRN

project 2025

The election is over anon you can stop fear mongering about this nothing burger.

damn, is that the last time journalism did anything based with video games?

or getting caught