Why doesn't James insist they all stay together? For safety against the monsters. Is James retarded?

What the point in a remake if all the characters look retarded?

wanting all these obviously insane retards in the room together

I don't think you ever go outside
This might shock you but I too would refuse to team up with people who are somehow surviving monster attacks without questioning if they too are monsters.
ESPECIALLY the little girl.

They look like realistic Amerifat inbreds. Many such cases in the South.

He supports blacks knocking up the whites to cure inbreeding

Go back to Anon Babble

Wrong. Take the latina pill.

SHITTED fetish out of nowhere

Typical American

Well, Angela for one doesn't want to BE anywhere near James. Laura is a little shithead that won't listen to him anyway, and Eddie might want to team up for a while, but then he will sperg out at the slightest provocation.



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No, that's why we voted for Trump to send your asses back to your shithole country.

Assumes i'm American

Typical Eurofag

Reboots are remakes are not for the old people.
They're for the next generation. You're just fucking old.

If you weren't American, you wouldn't be able to vote for Trump you idiot.

What a schizophrenic post.

You say that but there he is, all voted in.

REmake Jill is peak Jill. I am so salty over her redesign for RE3make.

Thank you

No, peak Jill was Re5 (Specifically Lost in Nightmares not the god awful blonde look she got from being molested by Wesker)

Reboots are mostly a straight to DVD remake of a classic, yet retards will still buy it and "Hey i just saw The Thing (2011 version) and it was awesome!!!".

This remake in itself isn't even that bad, its just not SH2, its an action game that's inspired on SH2

Shut up
You fags always say the most obnoxious shit.
You can't convince people that are mostly young to give a shit about a grandpa game unless you update it.

I love her so much bros

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yet retards will still buy it and "Hey i just saw The Thing (2011 version) and it was awesome!!!".

The fucking hilarious irony and lack of self awareness for you to say some stupid shit like this not realizing that John Carpenter's The Thing is also a remake.


to cite ito : "james is idiot"

I'm the next generation and prefer the originals. Some remakes are cool but never a replacement.

Like i'm an old man too. But you couldn't convince me to play the original pitfall when I had games like Sonic on the Genesis.
I only cared about Pitfall when Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure was on Genesis and that was ironically a sequel to the original game (which was a secret hidden thing in the game itself)
Even the dad looked all dumb like his Atari blocky self.
But I didn't care until something was appealing to me not because it was old.

its an action game that's inspired on SH2

Stop listening to e-celeb grifters. SH2R couldn't be more Silent Hill if it tried.

You're a hipster, nobody cares.
You are a niche audience kid. You need to realize the goal of a company is to get as many people.
Not people who think they're cool because the old things were better.
By that logic we would all be listening to nothing but classical music.

But he does. Angela outright says she doesn't want to, Laura just runs away (cause she doesn't see any monsters) and eddie is... well, eddie.

how come i aint seen any laura sfm pornz yet?

Because this is a SFW board

The thing is, those people are too toxic to work together. Maybe Laura would get them to chill the fuck out for a bit, but I don't see Angela getting along with Eddie at all. They would end up more traumatized than before.

Eddie and Angela were fucked up in the head, so is it truly safer to surround yourself with volatile people? Angela didn't like men, or even buying around them. Hell, she even attempts to attack James. Eddie also held James at gunpoint and threatened him, so it's kind of retarded to even ask "Why didn't they stick together?" You wouldn't feel safer in numbers if the other people in the group are insane and most likely ready to turn on anyone and everyone.

Angela doesn't want to be anywhere near James, that's her issue. Eddie does ask James if they could team up, but James just absentmindedly brushes him off, which causes Eddie to grow salty.


i've seen some, it wasn't great

poor man's dead space, couldn't more than SH2 brah!

Dude...it's obvious, you dont need third party opinions to reach that conclusion.

Dead Space

Huh? It's literally nothing like Dead Space.

Also "safety in numbers" against WHAT, exactly. They all percieve the town differently, together with its threats. Hell, Laura doesn't consider the town a threat whatsoever.

He literally just proved the person he's arguing against right. That's an impressive self own.

THEY don't know that.

if you have some whacky smacky monster roaming around it doesnt matter if you team up with the concord devs or the wukong devs. What matress is survival.

Nah curb stopping a gauntlet of enemies while screaming like a maniac has NOTHING to do with dead space


Wukong devs

Beats the absolute fuck out of the monsters with style and grace

Concord devs

Tries to ask the monster's pronouns

I'll stick with the wukong devs.

What matress is survival

Gee, I sure think that teaming up with this borderline psychopathic and suicidal girl who just lunged at me with a knife is a sure way to keep myself alive in this psychologically stressful situation

Killing monsters by using your foot is Dead Space you guys!

So Dead Space is Duke Nukem?
God damn you're dumb. You need to stop posting on this site. You are insufferable.

"curb stomping"

I don't think you know what that word means.You need a curb to curb stomp someone you dumb fucking zoomer.

takes away knoive

girl becomes onahole

skill issue

..wow so Duke Nukes goes around curb stomping enemies, is that like a well know thing about the game?

Shut the fuck you autistic fuckwit you know exactly what i mean

is she from whoville?

I think that overall, all of the characters were improved on the remake. Except for Maria. OG Maria was way more flirty, and the labyrinth cell scene with her was much better. The original voice actress really nailed making her sound like two different people at the same time, and the camera work on the original CGI was much better than the camera work on the remake scene.
That said, nuJames was top notch in this scene.

Angela and Eddie are clearly unhinged, pretty much from the get go. I wouldn't trust them around stressful situations. Laura just runs away all the time

is that like a well know thing about the game?

Yeah if you're not a zoomer. Also stomping in Dead Space isn't really that well known unless you played it and kept doing it.
You comparing Silent Hill to Dead Space is fucking retarded.

I guess it helps that the actress for OG Maria was the only one who could act, so she ran circles around the rest of the cast. And this worked, because she was the pivotal character which made her performance more memorable. The remake Maria isn't bad, she just comes off as a bit bland compared to the rest of the new cast. For me, it's Luke Roberts and Gianna Kiehl that are doing all the heavy lifting in the remake. It doesn't help that those two actors seem have the best chemistry. Which is an issue, because you'd expect James to have chemistry with Mary/Maria, NOT with Angela.