Oh Rocksteady is DEAD dead, huh?

Oh Rocksteady is DEAD dead, huh?

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It's real


I bought and refunded this today, the amount of bugs and shit is fucking astounding. I thought I'd give it a chance due to the price, but the game really is fucking awful.

they actually sold this pile of shit for $70

I am tempted to buy as a digital scalp

there's people who paid $70 for this not even a year ago

I wouldn't get it even if it was free, because it's not worth my time when I could be playing something better.

i only have 2 dollars on my wallet

it is over

I wouldn't even pirate it

if WB is good at one thing, its losing money

i was gonna get it to waste an hour or two but its really not even worth the effort

And so, I proclaim that the year 2024 should be forever known as THE YEAR OF THE CHUD

No they will be dead dead when they release that Arkham remake game in 4 years that no one fucking wants

750 players

That's a grand total of 1500 bucks after Gabe takes his cut.

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the year is 2024

developers can sell a 2023 AAA game for $3 and it won't sell over a 1000 extra copies

Holy fucking shit lmao

They don't care about making money anymore, they just want to increase sales numbers by any means necessary.

Nigga the game was free too keep on amazon 2 months after launch

Fucking idiot.
Say you made a product and it flopped.
Would you rather sell 0 copies for 60 or 10000 copies for 5,-?

"They dont care about money, they only want too sell"
Dumbest thing I've read

Game should have been more grounds. No jumping and flying around. More like an open world resident evil game where you have to complete tasks while the JL is hunting you throughout the city and if one catches you, you have to run and hide and find safe rooms to hide in to evade them until the end of the game where you start getting weapons to deal with them.

you forget consoles, and the amount of retards who played past 2 hours and cant refund

What do consoles have to do with the amount of money they get from sales on steam?

Nothing you said makes any sense in the context of the thread.
Are you doing ok?

You are beyond retarded if you thin 50k dollars means anything for a huge corporation. It's literally not ever a drop in the bucket. With inflated sales numbers on the other hand they can kind of pretend the game isn't as big of a flop as it is.
Same idea with Snoy giving away games like Horizon and TLoU2 and bundling them with their console sales.

double the price of Vermintide

this shitstain is not worth more than 99 cents, like some slop on the Play Store

30% cut wouldn't apply to Warner. Valve probably only takes 15%

Absolute fucking state of modern Rocksteady

This is Rare levels of abuse

Imagine being one of the 50 odd trannies who actually bought this garbage at full price.

They gave it away free on Amazon I think

Still not buying.

Wait for the Winter Sale, it'll be 99% off.

I feel like buying this just to gift to all my friends as a joke

Line go up, thats all they want.