Palworld announced a new major update for in December!
six times the size of Sakurajima
I'm pretty sure that would make it larger than any other island in the game.
Palworld announced a new major update for in December!
six times the size of Sakurajima
I'm pretty sure that would make it larger than any other island in the game.
Should I get this meme of a game now, or wait for a further sale beyond 25% off? I fear they may increase the price of the game (like all the fucking jewish publishers on steam have done in the past with games whenever they got a "big update" or a "1.0 update")
Did they add a fun game with this update or is it still ark slop
Learn to pirate, bozo.
And I think you'll have to wait a long while before it goes on an even bigger sale.
That said, I'd say that the game is worth the 20 bucks.
The point of buying games on Steam is for ease of use, faster downloads, and to get updates (and Workshop stuff) easily, and since I can afford to be lazy like this I may as well
fuck Nintendo
Don't pretend like you have disposable income when you're this anxious about spending a meagerly 20 bucks.
What can I say, I am kind of like that with money in general, I want the best deals
Revenge sisters...our response?
only poor fags think its about the money
Sex with chillet.
Will the update let me finally feed and seed my cute flowerwife?
Oh yeah... That open world survival flavor of the month that uses UE... Forgot about that already.
updating a FOMO meme games
why? just take the bag and run
ironic meme early access open world survival craft trash for pokechumps
No thanks.
As a reminder Dazzi WON
B? Bubigi?
Now show me the current player numbers.
No. Now show me your favorite games player numbers so i can disregard them. Dazzi WON.
How big is Sakurajima? I never got to playing this update
Hides the numbers
Many such cases.
Do building objects snap together yet?
I'm more interested in new gameplay mechanics or overhauls. New areas and pals are nice, but don't keep you engaged for long
Gonna start a new world and actually catch my pals this time
The breeding system is fucked, and I keep just using the calculator and breeding for any pals I want instead of actually playing the game, getting perfect traits has sucked the soul from my body
Predictions for the 2025 crossover with Terraria?
Literally the last sentence in the post, anon.
A large amount of new content will also be added.
Sex with Flopie
I really hope they rework melee weapons and use the terraria crossover to experiment with it
Flails with giant swing arcs and long range for melee for example, make them deal extreme damage compared to guns, melee is currently completely worthless
While i do want Dazzi as a pet or summon i would like at least one Pal boss and some cool items. Inside Palworld i'm hoping for some cool new weapons.
So? It’ll be shut down soon anyway.
Back to Pokémon.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Dead game, dead thread.
Will we finally get a Dazzi variant?
Maybe I should show something better:
I'm not a weeb so naturally, I don't give a shit.
That’s downloads retard
Dragon Ball was released physically… on multiple
I dont speak europoor, is that a decent chunk of change over there?
Dazi would work fine as an enemy in the sky. Could drop rideable cloud.
What currency do you use? Some sort of third world "peso"?
It's like 15 to 20% of the average wage here.
love it when successful games make resident trannies seethe
in 2024
Pokkey, shut it down.
Any reseller? I love the game way too much that I am willing to dispose of my pirated copy, but I am still a jewish piratefag and refuse to buy it unless it's 50% off
Dragon Ball is a dead franchise, joke franchise even, so doesn't mean much.
Palworld getting collabs
Still selling a ton
Sniff.... pokebros... at least we still have our ZA logo... sniff....
Why hasn't big daddy poke shut it down yet?
Palworld didn't steal from Pokemon, but they should have.
Specifically the human character designs.
It's not too late.
Palworld newfag here. Is the game actually fun if you're not playing with friends? I tried it and I'm fucking bored out of my gourd running back and forth, capturing 12 of every mon, punching trees etc.
What if Pokémon... BUT WITH GUNZ
Why does every satirical spoof commentary of a franchise become reality in this clown world?
Have you considered that the game might just not be for you?
I've had a ton of fun building my castle.
It's a survival crafting game. Those are maybe fun for like two or three hours.
Actually yes.
It's like playing Terraria and Minecraft alone.
The Pokelolis are pretty cute. Personally i'd like a more loli character model to play as but i doubt we will ever see it. Maybe someone will mod it or they will get that vroid support back.
Give what people want
This is somehow bad
It's like playing Terraria and Minecraft alone.
That's a retarded comparison.
Maybe it's because my goal of "do the catch 12 of each" was too tedious to start out. I'll keep trying.
NTA, but I disagree.
Playing Palworld solo is exactly like playing those games solo.
Who the fuck wanted Pokémon to have guns other than (You)?
You should stop chasing goals set by others and make your own.
Are the sex mods functional yet? I remember like 3 different guys were developing frameworks for this game.
Liking janky survival crafting games requires a certain kind of autism.
but do you enjoy palworld?
yes, numbers go up, resources go up
apparently, 25+ million people did
Palworld is way less of a Sandbox game than those.
We're not talking about the gameplay, but the experience.
Playing Minecraft or Terraria with other people changes the experience entirely.
The same goes for Palworld.
FotM surival crafting game, anon. Same as Valheim.
Meanwhile gamefreak gave up trying to fix scarlet
It felt really satisfying to have a huge lineup of satanic scorpions pinch away at my ore rocks
Are these 25 million people in the room with us right now anon?
Sounds like you're grinding.
Maybe take a break from power leveling and focus on building your base.
Its value.
There are a 100's of games worth playing on steam for around 5,- , what makes this one worth 4 times that price.
If a housebrand Coke costs 1,- and Coca Cola costs 1,50 and they both taste the same, why get the one that costs 50% extra? Its not that I cant afford 50 cents, the value just isnt there
It's alright, but you have to be a little bit autistic. Honestly I had a harder time playing with my friend because one of us wouldn't be able to keep up with each other, or we wanted to play at different times, which would cause a burnout.
The game is probably just not for (You) like another anon said, I think crafting and whole catch one pokemon gorillion times with buggy 1% ball can be a chore. I'd figure they fixed most issues though, haven't played from back then.
like 20 million of those are chinks, which barely qualify as sentient
the other 5 is gamepass
Someone with disposable income wouldn't care about all that. They'd just buy the game.
After all, it's only 20 bucks.
Goalpost status: Moved
Why not just give up and admit that Game Freak doesn't give people everything they want in Pokémon game? They're not going to pay you to defend them on 4chin
I'll try going in a bit more relaxed and putting on a podcast or something.
Dazzi just can't stop winning.
We're not talking about the gameplay, but the experience.
Holy cope. Then literally every game with optional coop counts.
It's the same experience as The Forest
It's the same experience as 7 Days to Die
It's the same experience as Don't Starve
First stage of grief: Denial
Also you could lower difficulty which just makes catching and grinding resources easier iirc, makes it infinitely better when you hit rock 15 seconds instead of 1 minute.
guy who doesnt know what fomo means
Isn't that cheating?
Not even that Anon, but it's a counterargument why those players actually played the game. Not because of guns. But because of fotm survival crafting + the same retards that still buy modern Pokémon games just for the catching.
I'm literally just fishing for (You)s I literally couldn't care less.
release a game everywhere for a measly 20 fucking eurodollars
still updating it and releasing fresh new content almost a year later for free
cool collabs on the near future
THESE are supposed to be the bad guys????
Ah yes, goypass.
The Forest and 7 Days to Die don't play that different solo or with others. Don't Starve does.
It's partially about the pressure you feel to get things done.
Some games you have nothing to do but advance the only path available to you.
Other games allow for a greater degree of freedom, leading to making a choice between doing your own thing or doing another thing with others.
The fact that you don't intuitively understand this speaks volumes, by the way.
so what? It's not online or some hardcore game, just enjoy the game anon ;^)
I was just pretending to be retarded
A lot of people prefer palworld not because its super good
But because pokemon is absolute fucking dogshit now
All GF has to do is make an actual good game, made by a dev team that doesnt consist of complete retards incapable of optimizing even slightly
Not to mention the dating mechanics they teased in SV, fuck them for not going all in
Not really about Palworld but I fucking hate indie crossovers or collabs.
No, I don't want forced random shit or references from other games in the game I like just because you want cross promotion.
At worst it completely ruins the immersion or feels entirely out of place and at best it's some useless crap that was interesting for maybe a minute.
Keep that shit to dedicated crossover games.
Quite literally, yes.
not really. these games are *generally* tuned for multiplayer. 2x, 3x, and even 5x resource servers are common. makes the grind much more manageable
Sexual content update?
sadly the same can't be said for palworld enjoyers, that's some genuine tism if I've ever seen it
Why doesn't she wear shoes?
Nintendo is going to lose so fucking hard it's not even funny anymore.
The real issue is all the other clothes on her that shouldn't be there.
Not OP, but it depends on $/hour to some degree for me
I'm fine with buying games full price if they're good enough, I've absolutely got enough of an income to do it.
But if it's one of those $20+ indie games that're only like 2 hours long, even if your try to stretch it? Fuck, I'm absolutely gonna be cautious about buying it, even if it's supposedly good.
Flopie's don't touch the ground.
See >Learn to pirate, bozo.
Buying games should only ever be done to:
play on official servers
support the developers
It's partially about the pressure you feel to get things done.
Sounds like a you problem then.
I've played Terraria, Minecraft and Don't Starve with friends but neither changed much either.
Why are you guys like this?
Don't worry, lacking a soul doesn't make you any less human.
Why are you guys like this?
Years of a lack of intimate physical contact will drive most people literally insane.
This. Pirates just want to steal shit because they are evil. Case closed.
Your lying to yourself if you tell me you wouldn't the sentient pal.
Is 20.000~ daily players, every day a year after release good enough for you?
It doesn't exist... sooo... no.
lacking a soul
Says the retard that can't have any fun playing a game solo because he feels pressured to progress.
Peak NPC behaviour.
Nigger, I honestly don't care. I just wanted (You)s
Buying games should only ever be done to:
>play on official servers
>support the developers
That's what I do you fucking retard.
play on official servers
Like 90% of them have official servers as your only option OR require accounts to verify your purchase.
Clearly the lowest test having poster in this thread.
It's only cheating yourself if you put up artificial walls or think you'll get it right on your first try.
this webm
holy kek
Says the retard that can't have any fun playing a game solo because he feels pressured to progress.
What? Are you hallucinating? I never said anything of the sort.
Playing certain games solo or with others gives you an entirely different experience.
Some games are better off, some aren't. And it's quite easy to feel which games do and which don't.
And that was like a year ago and before the playstation release.
Give me a height slider and more clothing options you shits.
It's the only thing that holds me back from playing this, all the armor and clothes look so fucking awful.
I just wanna play dress up alongside my slave trade.
She is actually way ascended above most pal tamers. Consider the following. Her Lyleen is not in a palsphere ever.
I 100% get why people claim the designs are AI generated.
Post it.
You know exactly what.
If you have to have lengthy internet discussion about whether or not you should spend twenty bucks then you should really just save that money, because it sounds like you need it for more important things.
I hope the new island finally has a real town. The game still feels so barren.
its genuinely over for nintendo
Not wanting to have sex with what essentially boils down to as an imaginary animal makes ME the "freak"
lol, okay.
reminds me of the Levander on the toilet
so the base building is still shit without the clipping mod and intense build austism, got it
That first week of anons playing together and dicovering what her collar ability ACTUALLY does was magical.
Posts: It's partially about the pressure you feel to get things done
Forgets that he posted that
Oh no no no. Is your context length already running out, npc-kun?
Why are creatures like Gardevoir and Lyleen so appealing?
Why do I want to cuddle them so badly and hold their grippers?
I lack creativity and need mods to help me build things*
There, fixed it for you.
I kinda miss pals being buggy and spazzing out like the pengu pal.
It's partially about the pressure you feel to get things done
...when you're playing with other people, not solo, you massive fucking ESL retard.
This image has someone touching her chest horn, that's like grabbing her boobs.
First, nothing in your poor sentence structure implied that. Second, that's even worse then. You feel a need to progress when playing with others?
Most of the multiplayer fun is mindlessly dicking around in those games regardless of the intended progression.
I was just shitposting before but now I actually believe that you lack something.
First, nothing in your poor sentence structure implied that.
Okay, this is exactly what I am talking about.
Are you socially autistic? Because literally everyone knows it's considered rude when you just fuck off to a corner of the map when you're playing with other people.
Jormuntard posting was extremely entertaining
What a retarded fat fuck loI.
When are getting the island with the giant tree?
Yes but ponder those grippers
Where do you think the heart is?
no amount of creativity can help when the tools are so limited and everything looks like fat cubes stacked on each other
I wish they'd rework the desert island at some point. It feels extremeely rushed and I hate it.
Seems you're the socially autistic one. Let me just apply your tard-logic as well.
fuck off to a corner of the map when you're playing with other people
What? Are you hallucinating? I never said anything of the sort.
Obviously you're messing around WITH the other people together in the games.
Have you never done something fun with friends in a game that didn't contribute anything to the actual progression?
Because this is literally me
The day night temperature mechanic is pretty neat.
grab onto gardevoirs chest spike
feel heartbeat
it gets faster and faster
Sounds like a (you) problem
You sound like you either have never played with others or you're the kind of asshole who rushes bosses in Terraria and gets angry that everyone keeps dying.
Thank god, I love stroking my fat cock.
tfw no horny gf to be horny with
I wonder how many decades it'll take to diminish this faint feeling of hope I still feel.
Pals were made for sex.
Only ONE pal was made for sex.
The only "terminally horny" girl I've been with was fucking unhinged and completely fucked on the inside. the grass looks greener than it actually is
tries to deflect and ends up projecting
I pity you.
I've already tasted nearly 30 years of being alone.
Whatever is on the other side, I'm sure it can't be that bad.
The latter, then?
You should really be more mindful of your friends' feelings, you know.
Why else do you think you never get invited anymore?
I get you. The Anon Babble card is a toll on your mental health and this world is truly fucked. You don't really know how meaningless fleeting sex and company are until you have them. Nobody could possibly know. I couldn't either. I don't say this to shit on you or anyone. Take care bro.
There’s no real time constraints, so no.
All lowering the timers does is make the more tedious aspects of the game quicker, which becomes incredibly important once you hit the 30s
So another empty zone with nothing to do like the last zone they added??
this time with 6x as much empty space!
Isn't half the point having your pals do shit for you? If you remove the times, doesn't that remove that aspect from the game?
Also side note: can I relocate my base stuff?
It's a "shit taste" condition, sorry it's terminal
the pals can handle gathering but they can not take care of infrastructure. buildings and machinery still have to be placed manually, and building is fast enough that leaving makes little sense when you can wait a few minutes and then start production.
And yes, you can relocate any base.
max exp multiplier
max resource output multiplier
yep, it's gaming time
at 1.00 if it ever happens
What the fuck do I do if the shit I want to capture keeps fucking dying?
they added a ring for that
now add paledit and you get "WTF THERE'S NOTHING TO DO" starter kit
yeah I'm gonna give it a try again. ran out of content
or i can throw a digtoise at that rock and get it demolished in less than a second
Ah I guess I gotta unlock it first.
No not the whole base. I meant individual structures in the base. Because when I started I just kinda put stuff where it seemed to make sense, and it turns out once you unlock more shit you realize that stuff should be placed differently
Also: I guess I should put storage boxes next to each resource spawn to minimize pals walking distance?
Pointless because Anubis build everything near instantly, just demolish everything and build from scratch
no need to unlock it. it's sold by merchants for 29700 Gold. Prevents HP of target to fall below 1. But also applies to humans.
And, as far as I know, moving stuff in the base is bothersome. So far I only know about tearing down and rebuilding, which is shit with filled containers. But I only started playing again yesterday so I might find a different option somehwere.
Came here to post this.
meds retard
Ah thanks. Also: I noticed that when I put containers down, I can craft from them in my base. If I build multiple bases, will containers of all bases be connected, or will it be a "per base" kinda deal?
Ah, gotcha. So take it off when fighting humans.
unless they changed it grapple gun moves you at constant speed so craft 4 of them, shove everything in your inventory and grapple between containers until you put shit where you want it
Can be bred way to early. Should be later game guy.
Feels like a long stale unfunny joke still trying to beat a dead horse.
can be bred
sounds like a plan. have not used the grapple gun at all yet.
containers are per base but everything in base container is available on entirety of the base circle so don't bother taking out building mats and not stand outside the base circle when building unless required
if it wasn't you could have just spammed Katress instead, not so fast but totally sufficient
Ah, shame having it cover all bases would have been cool. But I guess just crafting from storage is good to have.
Pokemon lost.
6x the size
worthless metric. the original game was wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle. i dont care how BROAD the zone is, it want there to be something INTERESTING to see and do.
That's nice. One more of those and I'll reinstall
INTERESTING to see and do.
What would we add? Fetch quests?
I really like this image
nta but having actual characters with some actual story would sure be nice
current bosses have 1 cutscene each and no presence outside of them
always with the two left feet
Aw man now you ruined the picture for me... NOT
like base raids but centered on player, not announced and with actual dangerous stuff
the danger pals like how on that island to the right everyone is blabbering about some dangerous pal that is there at night and nothing is actually there
special rift dungeons that may randomly happen in places no normal dungeons exist
I'll play it when the update is out I guess, I had a lot of fun with palworld on release
I imagine terraria will get one of the pal/human tower bosses from palworld, and palworld will get a catchable boss from terraria, probably eye of cthulu
anyone got the rest of that anons works? I seem to have misplaced my links
probably eye of cthulu
I'd prefer Fishron or the Golem.
fishron would be cool, and would be a neat rideable boss pal too
while PW is "Pokemon but edgy" they still seem to be holding onto their image, so i don't think you could translate a gigantic flying fleshy torn out eye to it that well. It would be extremely fucking rad though
Very safe bet it's fishron or golem, maybe plantera but i highly doubt it. Could also be the slime, but that would be fucking lame because he's just a blob.
Wtf she's huge
Can I have sex with the pals yet?
Stop posting smut, you kike filth.
Any tips on what stats to level?
The Japan island wasn't enough for me to come back and start a new playthrough. This might be.
hp, atk and carry-weight are the ones I usually go with
I want an "island" like ark's aberration world
Does it still run like shit or did they improve performance compared to the release version?
No performance issues on my 4070
we are men
Manly men!
Didn't have any on my 3070 ti notebook either.
Says the minimum wage halfwit as he wastes his money on garbage.
Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh-ah-ah
Ohhh, whoah
Whoooo aaaah!
Is there a way to see my "have you captured 12 of this one?" status while looking at a pal? Right now I can remember which one I have done, but I guess once I have more than 10 different pals it's gonna be kind of a pain to track.
they have implemented the counter on catching a long time ago
Yes, on catching. I want it *before* I catch a thing. Like, when I ride trough the area and see a mon, I wanna look at it and know "Oh wait, do I have 12 of those already?" without needing to capture it first. If I need to capture it that defeats the purpose.
I'm pretty sure there's a mod that adds a status window when you aim at a wild pal that includes that information.
if aiming the ball shows nothing and if there are no glasses for it then your only way is to check not-pokedex
in fact either just spam the hell out of balls when you enter a new location on any sus pals and just sell them later until you get the everything captured notification or not bother at all and once only catching shit is left or you need some exp open the not-pokedex, pick your next victim and spam balls on them
Oh yeah mod support! I forgot that was a thing for early access games. Looks like there's two options.
The first one gives you like.. ALL the pal information when you look at it, the second just puts a counter on top. I think I'll go with the counter one, the other one seems a bit to invasive. Knowing a pals passives before even capturing it.
The game ran flawlessly on my 1660S.
Oh, yeah turns out aiming the ball does that. Fuck it, I'm still gonna install the mod that puts it over their heads for convenience. Thanks anon.
Speaking about balls:
unlocked advanced crafting bench
dismantle basic crafting bench to put the upgrade there
advanced can't craft basic palspheres
can't craft the next tier palspheres yet
Okay, fuck me I guess. Back to the basic bench.