Just mixing a bit of human meat in this roast, ain't nobody gonna be able to tell the differencelin

Just mixing a bit of human meat in this roast, ain't nobody gonna be able to tell the differencelin

Better than cat I guess

Mandatory BG 3 shilling so the thread doesn't get autosaged:

Baldurs gate 3 is the game of the generation and there will be people seething nonstop. It won my unconditional shilling for the next decade!

How do I get away with tax evasion?

I think cat too disappears if you put it in the 2nd slot.


In the game of course mr officer.

Wuh oh shit what did i do?

If it's not intended for exchange then how come I'm going to exchange it Noa?

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wait that's actually sick
Cursed identify rods make your already identified items unidentified, some of them
so you can identify them again and farm analysis skill

Should i be levelling my little girl with feats? How?

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That's for the Gene Machine, you're not ready to use it.

my guard keeps killing everyone I give flyers to because they hate me for interacting with them

I am a good merchant.

it's a litmus test

Face the wall

I have done nothing but make bread for five hours

It's really not. I am on year 6 and I still don't have a recipe for a BBQ table or a cooker. I'm going to fucking take it and Noa can lick my nuts.


Where do I get the multiplayer newspaper?
I'm on year 5

Its plastered on walls around palmia.

You can wish for a BBQ table
Get a rod to designate where you want it

There's one in Derphy too

You can wish for a BBQ table

Don't ever suggest something so fucking retarded again

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Can't be done, there are like 3 universal constants in Tyris and Taxes are one of them. Death is not.

What can I say? I have a knack for such things.

Is it really tho

Yes, absolutely. 40 tickets is nothing compared to a once-a-year wish that you can use for all matter of other unobtainable objects.

And you can learn the recipe and put one up in your town. Never miss news about anons dying to your friendly neighborhood yeek ever again!

Anybody growing shit in their tent that aren't mushrooms?
I have a sun lamp and when I grow veggies, it only seems to bear fruit once.
Then, the plants just sit there and never produce again.
Wondering if some else has the same experience

are you playing this on a PSP?

Once a year

Skill issue
Find more catgod statues

It works like that outside too
unless you have delegated farming on

Nothing bears fruits twice. Maybe trees but the time it takes to bear fruit again is less than replanting the whole tree

Really wish you'd play the game before you go talking about skill issues.

I'm unironically jealous of people with shitty tiny monitors. Look how comfy this shit looks
I have to shift my eyes 2 time zones away to see my inventory

is more*

I've got veg in there for long night map sploring and never seen them produce more than once.
I'm guessing no fertility mechanic, harvests are like in other map tiles where you pick fruit up once and it never grows back

I'd assume you have about 20 blacksmithing atleast so go to the empty beach for it.

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Oh. Didn't realize delegated farming was what made crops regrow. Thought it just meant auto harvesting

Not him, but how do you find Luck statues? I'm in winter on my first year and I don't have a lot of time left. I have fucking 2000 fame and around level 30 nefia depth reached. Never seen one
I've heard they're in nefias or even random tiles and it's bullshit I haven't come across any

I'm playing it on a big screen tv from a distance like a monster, but the game literally cannot go higher scaling than that. No matter what I set it just reverts to 1280x720, no other options impact it either.

Weird, even my steam deck runs it at a higher res

Get lucky and have it roll as a statue. That's literally it. I didn't find my first one until Y2 either

Their appearance doesn't depend on fame. But jesus year 1 and that much? Can you even handle nefias like that

nta I play on window mode and the UI scales to it, fullscreen would make it hard to see my inventory too

where can I recruit a powerful mage to my party?

What spells are you looking for

Itzpalt's pet

Breaking other people's shit

No thank you.

I don't know, anon. It fills the full screen on my end of course, but my screenshots are all like that. I guess it's probably something to do with the tv since it's not an actual monitor.

You can also find statues in the overworld

Oh well, guess it'll happen when it happens

I only get like level 25 nefias spawning? I don't know if that's considered high. I've died to bombs once or twice and that's it
I'm a fairy wizard who went all in on ice arrow

if you just send the tax bill back in the shipping box every time, they cant prove you ever recieved it to begin with

that's literally how we learn most recipes in this game

Oh yeah, duh, that's the TV's resolution

Its better than stealing it.

Only options are to break or steal it

Just buy it you fucking nigger.

finally stock enough tickets (97) for another gacha machine

throw into delivery box

next day new parcel

oh neat my ga—

single garbage bag inside

also your delivery bill sir

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I know what you mean. 32 inch monitors for this game are cringe. I miss my CRT.


Are you happy now, anon? Now I have to redo everything.

im just new, earliest mage possible pls

harvest god's fairy pet is male

I'm starting to think Noa might be a trap enjoyer...

what should i wish for? people say snowman generator but i think im almot solving my energy problem soon anyways. i also have hooves so i cant really use the seven league boots

its meant to introduce you to the hormone drug mechanics

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How can I uncurse this book? My pets refuse to read it. I tried dropping it on the floor and using rod, scroll works on equipped items only. Should I use blessed water?

King's Bed for property value.

what should i wish for? people say snowman generator but i think im almot solving my energy problem soon anyways. i also have hooves so i cant really use the seven league boots

i like reading these threads because my brain imagines theyre threads for a fake game, and so long as i dont actually play it or look at the screenshots or look up videos it keeps the mystery

I had the same experience. It came like a couple weeks later or something.

Blessed uncurse rod/scroll

Has anybody seen a merchant that sells pizza anywhere? I'm trying to get Misaki's affection up and it's either crafting 100 canes or giving her pizzas

A lot of rerolling involved

King's bed or vindale cloak.
Personally, I don't think wishing for a generator is worth it. 40 blacksmithing for a generator is low enough to grind for. Just mine a ton of scraps and make bolts then hammer them. Repeat for a few ingame weeks and you'll hit 40 blacksmithing. After that it's just breaking into a town's generator stash and hammering them until you can make your own.

Earliest: if you pick Fiama's option 2, she gives you a scroll that gives you a random ally. That one can spawn a MAG class enemy or NPC but it's random. You can savescum the summon if you need it that badly.
More serious answer is to recruit from towns (home costs gold) and not any bs like firehounds which will burn your inventory that early in the game

The game is as real as Ed, Edd, and Eddy online, pal. Get playin.

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Pizza must be extremely rare or it only shows up on high level shops because I've done a fuckton of innkeeper inventory rerolling and not once have I seen a pizza on sale.

the armchair janny is still at it

This or get strong enough to steal one from the truce grounds

how do i change riding skin?

are you the poop posting guy

Same energy as

how can you make 50k on performances as a fairy pianist, do you need a better instrument? I only have a blessed panty

This is how I got into jrpgs. The guides for them back in ps1 days made them sound so fucking interesting

You need to craft a stable hitch or whatever it's called. It's something you put down and when you walk onto it you can change your mount skin.

Can you customise stuff like the ability bar ui, anons?

Dunno who needs to hear it, but you can get some easy slate or other stone by digging up the ground in ruin dungeons

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Is a ticketed/wished king's bed just as good as a crafted one?

Yes. By default the game has two different UI presets but there are dozens of options for numerous UI elements and you can move everything around. Plenty of anons have posted their UI setups.

So I got lucky and found a pair of seven league boots in a dungeon with 25 travel progress.
I also have a wish and 17 fucking black cat salivas. How do I maximize my wish? Do I really wish for a kings bed when I have that many salivas? Seems like a waste.
I guess I could wish for better gear but I'm using a +5 Muramasa and I doubt I'll get a better weapon.

No because you can dupe a crafted one. But crafted need rare shit like the noble bear to make and I think you only get those from catching little girls for the garden

No, I know about the ui stuff. I mean specifically stuff like the Ability/spells menu that opens when you click the little staff icon, I can't move or change the visual style unlike everything else.

Or other stone

Like the granite that the walls are made of?

You could always try wishing for a really good railgun

Yeah for some reason the ability menu is not something handled through the widgets system

vindale cloak

Does vindale cloak slow down the time between mutations?

I dunno, so far I've only been getting slate from the ground, stones and cut slate stones
But yeah also lots of granite if you want that, better than getting stalagmites or going to mountain regions

I just mean in raw stats, because a crafted futon is way better than futons you can ticket/steal because they don't have the rare doll's massive comfort mod.

17 saliva

Anon what the fuck are you doing? This is beyond excessive. If you're lucky you'll get an adamantite railgun with some busted stat lines and five open sockets. If you're a magic user you can get a cane. I can't think of much else that would actually be beneficial with that much cat saliva.
Yes. For some this can be a very useful thing but personally I like getting those mutations.

1440p monitor theme i use

What's your scaling set to?

o shit a human roast

Oh, I guess a speed ring could be good too since those can come with stats and are basically the best rings for everyone.

Im still on the fence on whether to get elin. They say its a jrpg sandbox.. so can i rp as a warrior bounty hunter where I use my rewards to build my house? join mercenary, be a menace to society, keep hags in my dungeon?

So you can't change specifically that one menu part?

Fuck off back to your containment board.

Its a roguelike with a jrpg-esque overworld, not a jrpg

I'm just playing this now, having not played Elona before, and it is interesting if a bit overwhelming, but is starting on a new character not really slow? Maybe it's just because it's all new to me so I'm going much slower than you could with more experience, but it seems like getting set up at the start takes a long time.

Why does noa keep changing my scroll and potion colors

does this just add +10 to your weight or am i misunderstanding?

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can i rp as a warrior bounty hunter where I use my rewards to build my house?


join mercenary, be a menace to society


keep hags in my dungeon?

Hags, lolis, literal prostitutes, succubi, monster girls, animals if you're into that, whatever.

Don't reply to him, don't acknowledge him, don't even draw attention to him. You know who i'm talking about.

what weapon should the starter cat use?
i want to ride it

Other way around

It's not
No off topic
No avatar faggots
No meme shitposting
It's game discussion
Deal with it

First month or so is slow yes, you should be learning the basics and depleting your stamina to below 0
sleeping on a bed for restores all stamina so dont use meditate and pass out when you're exhausted

The start of the game while you're still figuring everything out and your stamina is shit and you're weak as fuck and get walled by crabs an mercenaries probably does feel very slow for someone completely new to the series.

This is primarily a knowledge issue. Elona/Elin are the types of games where you can play for 1000 hours and still be learning new shit you can do that you never thought possible. What you manage to figure out in your first 100 hours of real time play could probably be accomplished in under five hours by someone with intimate game knowledge. The learning curve is steep but that's part of the appeal for most people who enjoy the game.

It's like you're permanently carrying around a 10s object. You lose that carrying capacity so long as you have that disease.

starter cat


Can the cat/dog/bear even use weapons? If so then just pick whatever weapon you get that has the highest damage and let them 2h it.

guess I'll have to go back to carrying pillars around to pump my weightlifting some more to make up for it then




imagine being this upset by vidya discussion on a vidya board. keeeeek
hey, go file your janitor application again. i'm sure they will accept you this time for sure, Mr. Turbofaggot

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I just got carried away with building and doing dungeons and forgot about everything else. When I looked I had 17 cat salivas.

I wasted first month of winter just fixing up my base
need to go to the sea and collect weed
when does winter end?

He will keep doing it so long as dumb niggers like you keep replying in anger instead of reporting his spam on sight.

Extra Magazine lv20 worth it for railguns? Mine is shite and has 2 mod slots

it's 3 months of winter

Sorry, I couldn't resist

You don't.

You can still collect it through the ice I think. If you have the base building panel you can also edit cell and make areas of water not have snow so you can fish just can't grow anything. Winter lasts until February of new year. Winter is when I do most of my dungeon diving or music grind for plat


What's wrong anon? Never played the panties before? It's like playing a rubberband. Stretch and strum.
Pretty sure it starts 12/1 and ends 3/1. Three full months. Do not get caught out in the middle of the ocean when it unfreezes because there's a good chance you'll drown in a spot you can't get back to before the map reset and you lose your money.
I personally like high level magazine expansions or faster reloading for ranged weapons because as far as I'm aware speed does not affect reload time so by minimizing that you're giving a pretty big DPS gain for fast gunners.

I wish the clock wedge would tell you the season, I always miss shit like winter and season festival

Just use the notes function until that gets implemented.

winter is the best time to collect seaweed in bulk from ocean tiles, you just walk over the ice and pick it up

How to increase my thief guild exp? Sell stolen goods somewhere?

steal from the thieves guild

sell it back to the thieves guild

Yep. Blackmarket dealers buy stolen goods and you can get a Fencing License for your town that does it too

You have to vendor items marked as stolen. If you have the fencing policy active you gain guild reputation by selling stuff at home but I don't know if that means by using the sell tags or by shipping. Haven't tried it myself.

Fuck, been selling my stolen goods using the delivery box for a while now.

Are the thief guild special merchant and the merchant guild exotic merchant just straight up better blackmarket dealers?
I grabbed the exotic merchant and it seems that way, though it might just be because they start out with a high shop level.

can polearms hit flying creatures if they are adjacent?

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Can you move this menu at all? I want to put my map there.

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You mean the shipping box
Also there's a policy that lets you get contribution for sales tag sale of stolen goods.

you can drag it just like everything else, even change its shape.

yep, click the outline and drag

don't reply to urself, lil bro. it's embarrassing to read

You till him, xister!!

All the guild merchants seem to be straight up better than other similar merchants though I'm not sure if this is an inherent thing with them or if it's because secretaries are high level in guilds or what. Their superior stock is very noticeable though.

Oh yeah, shipping box. Not the one you use in town to send back stuff.

Guess I'm kidnapping them.

Yes. You can move anything. Just open the widget menu.

speed does not affect reload time

I was hoping it did. But I'll take the double mag capacity if it's better than bane for specific enemy class

good mods for the winchester? im not using the apostle or the deity faction. it still got 2 slots open tho.

why are people farming seaweeds?
what can you do with it

Fish + seaweed = onions sauce in the grindstone

The widget menu does nothing, but somehow I never saw the resizing options like a regular windows menu. I'm guessing somehow you can change the BG skin too even though it doesn't show up in widgets?

comfy OST here

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Festivals are always on 3, 6, 9, 12
Olvina, Kapul, Yowyn, Noyel in order

oh okay thanks
holy fuck i thought the only way to get sauce is from nefias

Fish + seaweed = onions sauce

that fucking filter I swear to god

Where or how do you get terrain editing?

I was hoping it did.

I'm having a hard time believing it does. When you give a railgun to a bell or younger cat sister you can watch them unload all 12 shots while a standard speed enemy only gets 3-4 actions in but while reloading the enemy will still get ~3 actions in. With ridiculously high speed you're basically spending half your turns reloading so I try to minimize that as much as possible with my catgirl.

It's far less detrimental for normal speed characters because instead of spending half your turns reloading you're only spending like a fourth or a fifth of your turns doing it.

How do I get rich with farming? Do I need to literally turn an entire map into a farm for it?

what do you do with seaweed?

Loytel sells the build board

Just say soya sauce.

make ONIONS sauce

kikkoman sauce

that Vernis vacation taking fuck

entire map

You can't. In the early game your land will only have like 80 fertility.


soya works


speed does impact reloading time.
You can find this out by looking at the gun in their inventory
I gave my cat sister a gun that rapid fires specifically so that she has more turns where she melee's

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what does this even do?

so, is it bettsr than elona? are you guys happy? i always saw the threads on jp but never tried it

Why is duel Misaki so ridiculously overtuned? I just grinded up her affection and she has fucking 1138 HP

Passive income of mushrooms -> easy bait if you don't want to use bone corpse exploit, then fish and convert fish into flakes and make wine which will give you a lot of income and can be done pretty early
Flowers + beehives give you a semi-passive income because all you have to do is use honey in the kiln and it'll give you 2 units of sugar which you can also use to make wine. Best thing is, you don't even need to farm flowers for it, just leave them on delegated farming for eternity, honey will keep being produced
At high farming levels you can either sell your shit as is (high item quality will modify the price) or convert it into something that retains quality level (I'm not sure but I think crim paste does for example)

Its good but after 100 hours I'm feeling the annoyance of it being early access. I want muh alchemy, more crafting, living weapons, to visit more handcrafted locations etc.

so looking at whats making me the most money, it seems to be beehives with the runner up being random fishing residents. the end results being sugar wine and bonito wine. looking at this, i might try to convert one of the unreseting dungeon floors into a bee colony. bottom floor of vernis mines seems cute since i can teleport down there. i wonder if i need power generation down there

how long will you have to wait? have they said a time theyre aiming for?

You need to grind farming no matter what you do since item quality directly affects sales price.
After that, it's just filling as much space as you can with blueberries and let delegate farming handle the rest.
The real, IRL time intensive method is to find one of those areas, that don't regenerate (Nymelle last 2 floors for example) and fill every tile up with rainbow fruits. For whatever reason, those areas have infinite fertility but crops there still need sunlight from sunlamps.

how do you get that much speed? is it all gear?

Is turning my crim dust into crim ale a better money maker?

yeah, it' good. It's elona 2 at the end of the day. A lot is still missing though, next month noa will focus on adding content, right now he is doing mostly bug fixing. If you aren't craving this game for some reason just wait a bit

Im guessing Im supposed to run

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do you just sell the fruit or do you also craft them?

Thanks I know I can use it as bait but I thought there might be a good cash crop I could rely on or a specific recipe, fishing feels like a waste of my irl time as its boring and I can't do. Anything else at same time.

You have to kill all of them to progress the questline

with those stats? yeah
but you'll have to come back eventually

There's new content coming in December is all I know. It will probably be worked on for a few years before it's truly complete.

I'm still setting mine up, but from my experience, cooking is not worth it.
Not sure about wine, the last time I tried with blueberries, a blueberry wine sold for as much as the blueberry would.

Cat sister naturally has 280
Mine has the first tier of the leg mutation Lithe Leg (and will eventually finish that line once I get more blessed mutations)
The rest is lulwy counteracting her wearing a waist as something with the fluffy tail.

does dust even turn into ale?

Hmm, I'm almost at +6. Can you set it so blueberry gets auto dumped into shipping crate so that your base generates berry money while you're wandering the world?

Because Anon Babble bitched enough about it when the filter was originally added so an exception was made for soya. It was impossible to talk about a popular cooking ingredient otherwise.

damn, i might get a cat sister then, i want a good mount and stuff

Bring one or two Summon Shadow scrolls or a rod and the only problem is going to be the boss itself. The reward for finishing this questline is well worth the effort, especially if you haven't moved to Vernis yet.

Can I zoom in the actual game world/towards the sprites without changing the entire resolution?

map tools in the bottom left corner

Click the spanner in the bottom left. I usually have it at like 120%

She has the bad mount flag. She will never raise your speed above like 10 if mounted.
Also she has 25 life at base.

Anon Babble is just another Anon Babble colony now sadly

You can, and that's what I do.
Produced items automatically goes to the shipping container if there's no other available containers to be dumped in. So disabling fruits from all your shared containers will cause the blueberries to be automatically dumped in the shipping container.
It's a good idea to keep the branches that's also produced though, since they can be used to make sticks or grind for carpentry.

I'm not sure if she functions as a mount. When I try to ride my cat sister as a fairy my speed drops from 260 to 50 and that's with a riding skill of 30 or something.

Some of the extremely fast NPCs have a trait that makes them bad mounts.

85 medals

that explains it

Thank you kindly. Man, this dungeon looks bad tho.

Yeah I'm gonna need those turns... My go to strategy is kiting around enemies with ranged caster units while I play crowd control (Kogetsunimaru debuff, won't let me attack)


I want to pick a catsister too, but with Gunner or marksman related gene feats

ESC - Config - Graphics, go fix it

So she can protecc you better anon!

Better, drugs (not implemented)

Nice, I'm gonna get rich by weekend finally. Just swapped to harvest god last night but still carrying Ehkatls massive testicle around for another 10000 turns so this will compensate for having to walk it off on the world map.

She goes from 1138 HP to 89 HP once recruited

The game has some weird filters turned on by default that look bad when you're zoomed in like that. Turn it off and set the sharpness down to 0.

ill stick to trying to make my mirage B into a gunner mount then. im gonna wish for a speed ring on top of my existing one and broomify it. i think i can just hit 200 speed that way.

There is no fixing it, anons. All my pics before this one were zero filters.

I personally would not play this zoomed in anyway
you will get sniped and miss items

Some kwestions - what does broomify do and what does the cat modifier on food do?

throwing booze at them helps

Are you sure? That looks very much like you've got one of the filters on or your sharpness is turned up. It has a very distinct look.

Sad. Duel Misaki probably has more tails.


Boost speed at the cost of some stats.
Best used on mounts before riding them since the buff timer doesn't tick down when they are mounted. You'll need higher riding to compensate for the increased speed and lower strength though.

cat modifier

It's a sin to eat cats.

Cat modifier means the food is literally made from cats. You will lose 5 karma every time you eat it. Avoid cat food. Don't even give it to companions. It's a trap.

Broomify does what the description says. It transforms a companion into a broom and changes their stats. Most notably is the substantial speed boost which is great for mounts. The turn timer also pauses while you're mounted.

Well yeah, I was just commenting on the tree dungeon I hadn't gone in before.

Are you sure?

No filters.
Filters turned way up

You are not welcome here, go to Anon Babble.

Ah it's a buff. I was worried it might perma turn them into a fuckin broom. Does eating food with cat on it actually do anything in game though? I've seen - 1 cat in some completely random looking foods

You aren't going to try any of my delicious fluffy bread, Anon?

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It's game discussion

So we can break the other rule

Nice logic retard.

is there an easy way to make the slots mod work on linux?

Was the original black or something?

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is there a zone that spawns paper hammer more often? i imagine in the low level maps.

Probably because by the time you can hit her high 70+ charisma requirement, your magic arrows hit for 5d30+10 or higher.

apply to join the thieves guild

eat cats between missions

join the guild with 100 karma


How do you guys pay the fucking taxes while you're out exploring? Do you just get a tent and put the mailbox and shipping crate inside it? Isn't that horrifically heavy to carry around?

Nice argument but unfortunately...!

But as an accessory

nvm i found the fix

I am a big fan of her special buns.
I give them to high ranking adventurers and get their fertilised eggs or make them like me more.

Kill yourself faggot. Shadowheart is a whore. Your gacha is made by pedophiles. Your fightan gaem is shit. Your Zelda game is shit. Nintendo is shit. FF is dead. All you have is endless rage over AAAsslicker slop and tranny sliders. You will never be a real gamer.

Get the policy that deducts your taxes from your bank account.
Then dump 100k in it through a banker and forget about your taxes.

Anyone else failing to load/enter new maps? Just getting a blank screen and no movement?

i should try to hire her into my homestead


Sorry can you try saying that without crying?

Direct bank payment or I just return. I don't think I've ever been gone more than four months at a time and you can safely be gone for four months before your karma starts to tank and the government starts headhunting you.

the reason everyone wishes for seven league boots is so you dont waste weeks moving on the world map

Load a backup save. I hope you changed it to 20 backups at 30 minute intervals.

Stop replying to him you stupid motherfucker.

She's the reason my town's become just another extension of the ranch. I wish she straight up sold love potions and amulets at high investment

Shadowheart is a whore. Your gacha is made by pedophiles. Your fightan gaem is shit. Your Zelda game is shit. Nintendo is shit. FF is dead. All you have is endless rage over AAAsslicker slop and tranny sliders.

You missed with every claim. I don't care about these.

Try again.

Hu dat

Fuck off, faggot I will reply to whoever I want.

There's literally no lie spoken

who wears the boots? me or the mount? i cant wear them cause i got hooves

I make enough through town stuff to pay my salary to my bank and then deduct my taxes from my bank. Took awhile to reach this point though.

The witch merchant.
I'm almost positive that faster travel effects don't work for anyone other than the player.

It's not a problem of progress, it's just annoying having to reset until it loads the map.

this is worse than minecraft
and for some reason im naked

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I see you anon

damn gurl you live like this?

My smug Norland witch wife

Isn't she Roran?

Does she sell food that already has aphrodisiac mixed in?

I know, but this doesn't concern me.

how does she even manage to have a store in town when everyone would eventually learn that she serves cat meat and poison in her goods in while a legitimate bakery is right next door

Do you have mods installed? Most of them that do anything more than change sprites are unstable and cause issues like that. I've got 270 hours on the game and never got that map problem. My friend who uses multiple mods has gotten that issue numerous times within 10 hours.

Yes. Also bugs, which is the same thing.

I'm the law.

Kek, I've built a small neat town now but my ugly grass starter shack like this still remains. Btw whip anyone with garbology as a hobby if you don't want to deal with even more trash than normal.

WTF anon, she makes ORGASMIC bread, the bakery next door can't compete

I'm not the most perceptive of anons but this is my screen + graphic settings, you got a lot of blur and brightness going on, tho I play on default 100& zoom

This is a world where children and the elderly don't have rights and you can murder them with no repercussions. They're not going to care about some weird witch girl getting up to a little mischief.

It filters gourmetlets


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Does Kizuami's god apostle scale well? Her base stats are tiny.

Damn, that's the witch in Mysalia right? I never looked closely at her food before. That's gonna save a lot of time. Even my drug dealer with lvl20 store doesn't have love pots in stock enough

Anon, that image you replied to is specifically with settings maxed...

what do the ships and rafts added by elona+ do?

I think you can actually use them to cross water if you have an oar. The raft at least.

Even my drug dealer with lvl20 store doesn't have love pots in stock enough

Want to have a fun story?
My lvl20 drug dealer never had a love potion in stock either. But you know who had? My lvl20 healer.

but what do i gain from this? guess i'll have to find out myself

if you need to boost affinity quick just craft engagement rings instead

I had like 3 that weren't just sprites, but I never actually enabled them in the mod settings and the game never experienced this issue in the first 100 hours with them either. Might be a new conflict with the patches, I was just curious if anyone else experienced it.

Yeah I noticed town healers sometimes have it in stock. With drug dealer I always have to burn influence. Alchemy can't come soon enough.

level 20

You need a secretary. I recommend getting one from a town that has valuable stuff you can ticket like Mysilia.

When you invest with a secretary increases all shop levels. Everyone. It's also far cheaper than investing in individual shops. Investing at level 20 costs ~11k from what I remember. Investing with the secretary and leveling all shops doesn't start costing 11k until you push the town level up to 30 or so. It's way, way more efficient to invest through secretaries.

What lvl jewelery skill is that recipe? I've yet to even see an engagement ring

I want to believe she larps as a little witch girl, when she's just a normal lady who subsists on reselling bakery overrun

Is it retroactive if I get a new shop npc after upgrading the secretary? I already have one but I only invested to like 15 I think

Anon Babble is discord clique infested shithole. No sane person goes there

But Settings maxed doesn't equal good, dont JUST max it, change it as needed

stop fuckin replying to it retard
you are not changing anyone's mind
focus on the game discussion instead of wasting time on that moron

anti aliasing in this game just blurs the fuck out of it with no benefit.

my settings in that area are profile: none, sharpen 0, sharpen (extra), 25%, anti alias 0, everything else is checked except HDR

it's jewelry 18 but i managed to get the recipe at level 2
once you get the recipe though you can basically recruit anyone you like with 2 gold bars

That's next level whoring.

Boosted town levels work for all shops whether you got them before or after the secretary.

To give an idea of how impactful it is I got my gunsmith up to level 20 because I wanted some gun mods. Stock was low(not even two lines filled out), quality was shit and mod levels were typically around 4-7. After getting a secretary and adding another 30 levels(which was far cheaper than investing in the gunsmith up to 20) my effectively shop level 50 gunsmith now has 3-4 rows of inventory, everything is consistently higher quality(I've seen things like titanium, jade and rubynus guns) and the highest mod level I've seen has been a level 19 crit mod.

You really need a secretary if you want your shops to be good without spending millions to level shops individually.

I need them to acidproof their own equipment too and stop running into curse traps aaaaa

how is this game compared to tibia?

Does multiple secretary stack?
It would be way cheaper to invest in multiple secretaries than just the shopkeeper and a secretary.

the cooking in elona is fun, just wish i could mix foods together like delicious in dungeon

Oh and I was able to get two king's beds because of all the influence and the fact that the secretary I got was from Mysilia so I could use my home influence to purchase Mysilia furniture tickets. That improved all residents at their jobs, significantly raised income from tourists and bumped up my home ranking several dozen levels which added a ton of passive income.
I'm going to assume no because when you invest in a secretary you're not raising their personal shop level. You're raising the town level which acts as a bonus to all shops.

Unfortunately no. Even if he's my character's patron god. His daughter only has bolt type spells, nether and holy, which doesn't counter a lot of things on top of pausing battle to hit every tile in a row
I've yet to gene more feats her so, ymmv

Jeez. Guess I'll be doing that then.

secretaries only boost shop level by 1/10 of their investment level

Does this not work?

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Now that you mention, it does have a bit of a similar charm like tibia, even though I haven't played that game in forever. There is more guidance and some world building, especially in the beginning, but it's overall more crafting/building focused, with most dungeons being randomly generated on the overworld. But there are quite a lot of, sometimes seemingly random, systems in this game in general, so it doesn't feel like your typical cheap survival crafter slop. I pirated it first, to see if I would like it and decided to buy it since so far the game gets very frequent minor updates.

holy shit how much ore must i give my god of the earth guy before he gives me a pet
in elona+

is there a summary of differences between elona and elin?

It shouldn't be that much because Opatos has always been one of the easier gods to please.

If you want you can always cheese it by repeatedly resetting the truce grounds altars and converting them for a huge multiplier on your offerings.

I have nothing ticked and there's a small delay whenever someone casts a bolt for some reason...

how do you reset them?

Hold backspace when entering a map. This can fuck up your story progression and ruin your game so don't do it it any areas that involve story events. Truce grounds is a safe spot to do it.

Does this produce infinity generators?

ah that sounds way too cheesy for me, like using console commands

endgame character

mid game content update

have to start a new playthrough

i know too well that this will eventually happen multiple times the next few years
one of the reason i don't like EA games

I'm talking about Elona anon, not Elin. That features doesn't exist in Elin.
Yeah it's basically a cheat if you abuse it. The intention is to reset maps that get bugged out for whatever reason but this is also very easy to abuse on certain maps.

always give him 30s worth of ores when converting altars
it should be fast

Ironically in Elin, I think Opatos is one of the hardest of the main gods.

Ehekatl, Lulwy, and Mani are all easily satisfied with the Scrap Wall>Fish pipeline. Kumiromi is easy just by mass-farming mushrooms. Itzpalt is a little harder, but you get a ton of books through Fishing as well so you might have enough if you do a couple of the fishgods first, otherwise books and rods are still pretty easy to get.

Opatos requires you to specifically find and be capable of mining ores. The only one I think might arguably be harder (again, only from the Elona gods) is Jure. You only get a little junk from fishing and bread is kind of a pain

scratch that, max should be 50s worth of meat
so dragons and the like will level you up really fast

Does the heavy armor skill boost your defenses by more than the light armor skill does?

but now you know what do to

it's going to be fun

Opatos requires you to specifically find and be capable of mining ores.

This isn't so bad once you realize you can just make ores through hammer alchemy.

I got to god weapon with Jure without hiring a junk salesman, would have been way easier if i did

get rekt jurefags

Hammer aside, Opatos can be blitzed by just doing the Loytel quest. Vernis mine has literal hundreds of ores and they all respawn periodically like puppy cave whilst having easy to mine shit in there like plastic ingots.

have to start a new playthrough

I'll just use an endgame character and kill everything effortlessly

Has anyone else noticed spell casting using more charges than normal? Just noticed everytime I cast a spell it uses 2 charges for some reason (but doesn't cast the spell twice).

They aren't hard, especially compared to Yevon, but most of the gods can be done half-AFK doing something you probably need to do anyway (ie fishing)

You have the mana saving buff turned on. It reduces mana cost but doubles charges used.

Ou neat. I wanted to start collecting god pet and artifacts mid-game after uncapping, so I now it's clear that Opatos will have to go first

Oh shit it does. I wonder how many spell charges I wasted with the buff on.

I'd be more concerned about the feat points you wasted on that shit

the evil god of murder hobos and his rival the god of defense

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Hello retard here

Could someone explain irrigation?

I want to make my vernis farm completely uninvolved, and part of that I read is you can auto water plants if you setup water next to them a certain way? But there aren't any guides on it

I've literally got nothing else to spend feats on to be honest. The only feats I have left are the increases to skills and stats.

Opatos is actually one of the worst to do early because the penalties to switching away from him are by far the worst due to his bonuses. It's best to wait until you've already got 30 faith so you can just stockpile offerings for him(you can turn scrap into ore so this is easy) and get it all done ASAP then switch to the next god. You definitely do not want to start with Opatos, get 1000 days worth of worship in before you reach 30 faith then end up killing yourself with his massive penalty balls.

Just hammer alchemy scrap to ore

Better train that memorization. I'm hovering around 100 and still need more spell stock for debuffs

Do the fatten up and slim down for protein and catechin actually do anything? Is there an actual weight gain/ weight loss mechanic?
Does that mean I can have a fat little fairy companion if I give her enough food loaded with protein?

I use it so I can cast as an executioner without depleting my 2nd hp much


I dumped hundreds of thousands of orens into Demitas just so he can hold a shitload of books. It's not the best but having 5 domains is fucking suffering. I find so many different books it's fucking suffering and I'm lucky to get over 1000 charges of any single spell.

Ah forgot you could do that. In that case Opatos is super easy then and Jure is the only sort of hard one

I asked the same question a couple days ago, but irrigation/auto-watering doesn't exist in the game. Not yet at least.

This retarded gacha nigger never stops does he. Get out of my thread or post like a normal fucking human

Yes you can actually change your height and weight with the right consumables. They don't have any actual impact on gameplay, it's just for RP.

I don't think height or weight impact anything in game but I started at 55kg and am now at 25kg from my shitty corpse bonfire diet

Can't you just kill yourself over and over and offer all the graves?

Mostly for flavor but please post your fairy when she eventually achieves the weight of a neutron star

How do I get into cooking and away from meat on a bone? Still using basic campfire and don't have any recipes for the oven I made. Also been saving a lot of the random ingredients I've come across, but don't have basic stuff like rice or wheat/flour.

Graves only weigh 0.5
it's not feasible

>Your gacha is made by pedophiles.

then anon goes and *watches birds* with the 8 year old Younger Sister in his party

Anon, can you please share the portrait on the bottom left. She reminds me of Shena

Rice is in fox villages, yowyn has wheat.
Cutting board starts with a basic vegetable recipe, so does camp pot. Just steal one or appropriate the one in the hill cave near vernis.

as long as you've learned something from playing then all future throughways will be significantly faster and stronger
right now i'm playing with a character i made in the first week of launch and i could easily outpace my 1100 day character in a fraction of the time knowing shit like how to properly grind skills and maximize food potentials

Wizards have it rough
Picking up and buying books with 5+ charges becomes more important late game. Expanded my grimoire slots for this reason, I'm not even a wizard

What's the point of Noyel festival...?
I spent a week getting to here and all they sell is some shitty lantern
the only good thing to get was the letter of indulgence

Ashland and Nora sells a limited amount of randomized recipes.
After that it's just slowly grinding cooking and RNGing new random recipes.
General crops can be stolen from harvest quests, just use a sickle on the crops.
Wheat can be stolen from Yowyn via sickle, rice from the eastern fox village.

For Taunt i notice enemies still try to actually target your allies but the one taunting 'intercepts' the attack (as seen in the log).

Does this mean for Taunt's range I want to be within 1 tile (for level 1 taunt) of the enemy or the ally the enemy is targeting, in order to intercept attacks?

Cooking isn't worth it unless you get into farming as well so you can customize your food with high potency.

You'll have to level your cooking if you actually want to learn some recipes while sleeping and the easiest way to do that is with the flower to fertilizer to corpses pipeline. You can cook those corpses then hammer the meat back into corpses and repeat. You're probably going to end up spending several in-game weeks from the amount of sleeping you'll do so it's highly recommended to get your farm set up first so you can harvest your first crop and select the stat seeds that you want. The first level of seeds is the most important since that's the only time RNG is involved; once it has a stat that stat will continue to grow and it won't change.

How do you wake up an npc?

I'm a sword sage so I have 5 domains and I couldn't even change them. And some of them are kind of useless due to scaling with different stats.

Playing an instrument is the easiest way. If you don't have one you can middle click and kick but there's a chance you'll lose one karma.

Strum your panty

Might going to wait until I get to vernis then, since my farming plot is pretty meager currently, but thanks for the info

Only rice and pasture work for auto-watering, but you put those on water tiles. No irrigation yet but I already set up my farm to have water tiles running through them for quick can refills

He said that because corporate shills hate it and woke crowd fears it.


Oh that's even worse. More spells for talismans and manual casting

I prefer the 48 year old bunny girl spinster who spends all day hanging around my meadow village getting shitfaced and making crappy engagement rings thank you very much.

Letter is sold on all festivals.

How do you know when an egg is fertilised?

You basically ignore talismans until the super endgame they aren't worth using early on.

Is there a gene that gives undead resistances?

it spawns as fertilized egg of name

Oh okay. Thank you.

I mainly use ice spells, but fire is good for AOE and I've been grinding lightning but it doesn't have much use really compared to the rest.
Nether scales with endurance but has life steal so it's not terrible.
Holy scales with will but has no additional effects so it's kind of useless outside of very few enemies having any defence against it.

That being said, if I'm willing to waste a book I can do some insane burst damage. Ice Arrow basically triples my damage.

Succubus, Virgin Run challenge.

Pretty sure there's a gene for everything but shit like that is extremely expensive.

How does tourism work with rooms?

Are indivdual rooms worth more for earning money then just having a mass barracks with a bunch of expensive items inside?

Or how should I go about building houses for guests

use the sprinkler mod

this avatarfagging loser again

Sword Sage

The main 3 elements aren't too bad, but I agree. I'd take something like Chaos and Nerve over the last two

Watering only speeds up growth. For automatic farms you don't need to do it.

Nether spell talismans aren't too bad due to the life steal they provide.

I don't think aestherics/logistics matter, just raw tourism value, your publicity level, and if you have certain policies.

I wish I could have a second sidebar. The game looks good when you don't have the main screen cluttered with shit like your buttons and trackers, and probably look better if it was actually centered on the screen

Gunnerbros... Inquisisters... How does a gun-main play early game Elin...?

slay mirage b

Its load save file time.

Kick them.

Gamble chests are a sca-ACK!

I'm doing it with my Jure wannabe character. She only sneaks bugs into food cause it seemed to make people happy

get boolet recipe from nora

You can acidproof their equipment yourself, hit blend and go to the little portrait of them.

So the best way to do it is have a massive room with tons of expensive items, then just some beds?

It was that or have individual rooms

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Why are you like this nigger?
Do this? Attentionfagging gacha faggot

Nether for lifesteal, Horome for MP steal a good setup if I want to make a sword sage?

Aesthetics don't matter. Tourism value is based on everything on the map, not just the room. All you have to do is make a room, put the highest comfort beds you've got in it(bunk beds are the cheap and efficient option but honestly pretty bad as far as comfort goes; hammocks and futons are the best early options) and designate them for guests. Put body pillows on the beds as well to further increase their comfort value.

The end goal is to have multiple upgraded King's Beds which can fit 20+ occupants each.

Do you even read?

I do. I meant automatically, when I give them a stack of potions

Buy the bullet recipe from Palmia as early as possible

That is what I do, it works pretty well but if you use talismans you'll eat through books.

The ideal scenario is traveler's inn, 1 king's bed+body pillow with as many bedspace wrenches jammed into it(also good for your workers). and high tourism value/publicity. I don't think it matters where your tourism value items are, just don't stack them as they don't count that way.

H-how would 20 guests share the same king bed?

Just make sure they all Float, then they can't trigger traps.

lol the pile of bullets around the girl

Bed upgrade from the small medal shop. This also significantly raises the value of the bed. A single king's bed with 20 wrench upgrades and the heirloom policy is worth nearly one million property value by itself.

upgrade wrenches from the workshop near noyel, costs small medals and not orens.

Anything can hit flying creatures when they're within range. The problem is that they will always have the higher ground advantage unless you're flying too or you use gravity on them.

Nice, thanks. I've eyed the class for a while, so talking about it got me interested in making one. The no-MP cast and free cast while debilitated especially

mica items

isn't Luck's one and only current use in Elin to boost your damage a small amount?

Just be aware, you do not get a lot of stacks from a book. I think it's like 4 per charge of a book, while reading it I can get 20-30 casts.

Levitate, my beloved

foxgodmommywife has that covered

Lulwy also does it

Post your equipment. You look like you have a real weapon. If you have real armor, you can take them. Especially if Farris stays alive to heal you.

between crossbow and bow, is there any difference? do all crossbows have one dice roll or am i just getting bad ones?

They use different proficiency

pet changes good equipment to shit

What the fuck man.Anyway to set that thing permanently?

Can i really just make infinite money just playing my lute in town? Is it really this easy?

my cute fairy is about even on both. im not sure which to give him cause i never looked at bow/crossbows until now

you mean like this?

Tell them not to use shared equipment
it's a pain when they go ooh shiny on some weapon they have no proficiency on

Crossbows are heavier


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wait a minute, does crossbow seriously have an entire skill category for itself when it only has one fucking weapon variant?

Gaki is racist?!

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Cool. Now to make all my non-undead residents undead. 2000 more gameplay hours

Is that a mod for the UI layout?

Thanks, but now the fucking farmer got his old gauntlet.

Just rip it off their hands by clicking a couple of times, it's like -1 karma who cares?

read the code
gamble chests are affected by luck, just a small amount
but might as well carry a set

should you actually not give Cane's to wizard/magic party members so they don't spend all their mana on using it?

I'm a charismalet, cant even ask the resident farmer to join me kek.

I'm trying to savescum craft a high-tier King's Bed. So far the best I've been able to get is Esteemed

I feel like I have no idea what's going on, but something about it is keeping me playing anyway.

Beat up adventurers. I got a really nice B rank "archer" that spans spells and deletes stuff. After a year she became A rank as well which is really cool

You should if you want them to apply cane's status effects like confusion or dim or blind, not really for damage unless you have a godlike cane from a wish

How do you guys deal with marriage while playing this game? I feel like I'll have to choose to keep one soon.

Get a load of this scut

keep seeing a few NPCs walk by reading porno mags or failing to read spellbooks

apparently one of my villagers is writing books and dumping them in the shared chest

others are taking them and reading them before I can get to them


I can live with that, though hopefully noa will consider changes to talisman economy cause I want to melee shit again after playing as a damagelet

marriage is not implemented yet
but if its anything like elona, you can marry as many npcs as you like

Mirage Beta boss

got tripped up by a fucking minecart into its horde of light bits

fuck me
skill issue'd

Did someone hire Seeker from his snow castle? Which spells can he cast?


mass monster boss

doesnt split

thank fucking god

so i'm finally doing the Vernis quest and apparently retarded my way into a dead end and forgot what the dialogue had said to do.
can someone give me a quick rundown of the steps in it?
there's nothing in my quest log about it. my issues went like

get the bomb recipe from loytel

run around and make a pickaxe to mine sulfur with

make bombs

talk to loytel but no quest dialogue. weird, thought i was suppposed to

just blow up the entrance instead

try to talk to loytel, still nothing

go through the mine and clear it out until i find the bolted door

go back out and talk to loytel, still nothing

use the bombs to explode even more large rocks thinking maybe i just didn't get them all

talk to him again, still nothing

hearth stone lvl2 to proceed

any tips on what to do with my millions of figures so they don't look terrible when put alongside a comfy village? I was thinking about putting them all in a ditch where they wont be seen, though it still removes a lot of land

Everyday, I wake up with a new doujin manga series with the amount of townies that have taken up the hobby of drawing cerberus porn

secretary reads one god doujin after the other

randomly convert to different gods

I was killed almost immediately playing music.

How many levels did you gain

NPCs convert to 8 gods in one day

No punishment

I convert to 1 god in 1 year

1 week immobility

Press J, what does it say?

Is it the secretary spawning these? Every time I snatch one away she gets another one.

Does anyone know why CTRL+F doesn't work for adventurers I'm trying to stalk? Clicking this woman doesn't navigate me to her

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Clear ALL the big rocks arround the map

make a separate museum city

i was doing that with my meadows, but the hearthstone there and the town itself isnt big enough to attract anyone

It's because she's somewhere inaccessible. Go to the top right wall of Palmia and break in.

That means she is somewhere on the map you cannot reach, like one of the walled segments that have no entryway. You will have to pickaxe into her chamber.

how do you have such a high charisma compared to your other stats?

holy shit. i swear "gold beneath" wasn't there before, but now its even on my quest tracker after that.
i'm blind as shit or going crazy.

Elin is low-key a wuxia game
I'm literally cultivating

Just attribute it to ether lag and go about your day.

Succubus pianist

What's stopping you from getting an harpy companion?

Now that you mention it, yeah it's kinda like that.

he doesn't know


and now you realize why China is so obsessed with this

This and that other autism cultivation sim game really stealing the weeks out of my productivity here

why did noa do this

Funniest part on that is, in elona there was a character in vernis infamous for killing fledgling pianists
Can you guess who it was?

What is wuxia

what game?

Best way to powerlevel blacksmithing?

noa did it to protect her from electronic harassment

Amazing cultivation simulator. It's a bit jank but good jank

At least he's less aggressive these days.

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exp based on stam usage

Chinese novels that are based around the idea of growth and becoming stronger with the goal of becoming immortal/achieving godhood.

Bolts. Get hundreds of scrap, turn it into bolts. Hammer bolts to get back most of the scrap.

Just repeat this. Eventually you get almost no exp at all though.

I've never played Elona before so i dont know which npc you mean.

Loyter is not Loytel, but it is weird that there are 3 characters who look and sound very similar to characters we have here. Not sure what Noa is planning with all this

So what am I supposed to do now? Its been a year and I still didn't get any news, is the quest content done?

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that's xianxia though

I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure wuxia is just chinese for Low Fantasy. The cultivation thing is separate, but so stereotypical it gets lumped into the genre. Kind of like how Isekai is just "another world", but like 99% of it is based on video games

Debt guy but red

My pickaxe is too shit to break the wall so I guess I'll just have to wait for her to move cities

he doesn't know what wuxia is


I tend to mix the two of them up often.


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Is Elin better?

xianxia is their "high fantasy". It's cultivation IN SPAAAACE.

God please no

I don't think Loyter has been born yet.


Wow I'm glad I dropped 1100 orens on that spellbook!

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Get THOUSANDS of scrap.
Get HUNDREDS of bars.
All scrap into bolts.
Make PIPES, like 36 at a time to not instantly die.
Dismantle pipes, get bars back into storage.

Not sure what Noa is planning with all this

I'm guessing either bizzaroland what-if alt universe or the land of Ylva is stuck in some recursive timeline that none of the current gods are aware of
captcha: P4WN


Yeah, and less stressful

not casting teleport to get away, go to the world map and then casting return there without a mother lusting after you

Were you trying to use return to escape your raping? lol


All that matters is the total stamina. It doesn't matter if you make 50 bolts (100 stamina) or 20 pipes (100 stamina), you get the same xp. Bolts only cost 1 material, so when you hammer them successfully you get back their entire cost. So you can just craft thousands of bolts, hammer them back into thousands of scrap, and repeat almost indefinitely

if you're dimmed or confused, there's a 100% fail cast chance


God i love this goofy ass game.


Doesn't higher stamina per recipe matter?
I got much more leaned recipes that way

hey hey people

Oh your trying to learn? I might not have read the whole chain I assumed this was about EXP. Fuck if I know about learning

The mother was raping some random citizen

I wasn't dimmed or confused

I hope it won't be neutered like his last ones.

As long as he leaves Elin alone i'm good.

Could (You) cast a spell while being raped? Yeah, I thought so.


Sseth672. Resident shitposter, makes somewhat amusing reviews, but has a massive normalfag following that will get the wrong impression and flood every niche community of games he recommends in an occurrence referred to as the "Ssethtide" which immediately and permanently tanks the quality of the game's community.

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You don't reach powerlevels anywhere close to that though. I'd love it if it did just go all out insane post endgame with entering god realms n stuff. I want to be able to make a sword from the flesh of a god and enchant it to fucking nuke even stronger gods.

new riding skin


He wasn't but it's funnier to believe it was him. My fucking sides

(Tch! To have such a serene mind, this anon must atleast of the grandmaster realm!)

Still pissed that kike ruined starsector. I used to check in on the game yearly and now it's just a bunch of trannies.

the jp threads seemed to be fine even with him directly telling his audience about them

Bro where the fuck do you get followers? I wanted to recruit that Ill-Eyed whatever girl but she has no option to. Who else can I pick up? I tried hiring an NPC but they said my rizz was bad.

Hard disagree, I hope he does Elin soon, we will get tons of mods and the game won't be auto banned.

At least wait until it's out of EA you god damn nigger

Buy love potion, blend it in a drink and drug some people. If you are a succubus you can also rape them into loving you.

Most of those normalfags dont stick around long for the really autistic games. It'll see alot of activity for about a week or two at best. If they do stick around though well then yeah the community usually doesn't recover. Like with space station 13.

It literally just came out of EA bozo


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buy slaves, and a sexbuncle

you need to progress quests to get her
for other residents you need charisma higher than their highest stat
its easier to just buy slaves or animals
or if you have 10k, go talk to your older younger sister in mysilia since she is insanely powerful


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Not gonna lie, heating food using a carbuncle's butthole is something else, adds +1 to each quality of the food item.

reading comprehension this bad

Find scrolls of ally
Use monster balls

its easier to just buy slaves or animals

I would if I knew how. I've been soloing as a wizard for a while now and spamming summons has been less than ideal.

You need to attend more english classes

derphy sells slaves

you were riding or using symbiosis then?

no u

Him review elona is why Elona discord is all trannies and the head admin is a tranny

I use the mod that lets me do both

chink rimworld

Yes, dunning kruger incarnate, no u

If trannies are so powerful maybe you should submit to them

Heh, you are dumber than I thought ;)

So what am I supposed to do now?

What else?

elin is just nip rimworld

What actually killed you was the enormous speed loss you suffered for [Burdened!] because you'd probably have realized what was causing that wave of death if you had another 16 turns.

Check your casting chance before you cast your expensive spells. Remove any shield or dual-wielded weapon before casting them. Yes, even if you have Heavy Cast, as that removes the penalty to the max casting chance, not the penalty to casting in general. If you are dimmed or confused, you have a 0% cast success chance.

It was before he was big tho

nigger you can do both in base game
you should submit your neck to the noose

Some day you'll figure out the difference between "out of" and "out to", don't feel sad because you're not as smart as the people around you

One day you will figure out how to read and comprehend things

You clearly haven't touched elona+
If this game goes the same route, then the superbosses will be the gods

looping already


Ruck E. Morter

Noa programmed them to have high peversion for some reason

Nooo keep using different arguments to call me out on the exact same thing

Like I said, dumber than I thought

finally open the tutorial chest

These are not good people...

shills define pedophilia as "anything I don't like"
ever since Kotaku made it a meme by claiming Dragon Crown's Sorceress is only liked by pedophiles

anything worth getting ?

pervy secretaries

I love Noa

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elona+ isn't canon

not that anon, but the gods in Elona weren't finished. Only Ehekatl was (and the god inside Ehekatl)

Ehekatl was in basegame

There there
You made me feel pity, you see, getting released to early access means it's in early access, once it get's the final patch, like factorios 1.0, you can say it's out of early access, I hope you learned something today, child.

the stuff at the bottom of the list is good


Stop being retarded, you still don't know what you are talking about, sadly you can't learn to not be dumb

look at replies

Wtf happened here, anon replied to an ACS post about early access when the game is complete but another posted Elin, which is in early access.
lmao nani

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so just keep saving... damn
I already am using opatos hammer but ig one of the weapons could be for other members

before it 404's somebody tell me how the fuck do I find treasure map treasure
I'm alredy on location but I dont see anything out of the ordinary
do I just dig until I find it?

Elin is isekai rimworld.

You need to dig while on the world map.

dig on the spot with the shovel.
If you're at the right spot, you only need to dig once.

dig on the overworld map

Yes. Does that really fuck the return spell up specifically? I don't remember having that problem on my mage character

ok that makes more sense

Am I surrounded by smoothbrains that cannot abstract even a single step?
Is is so incomprehensible that I was referring to Elin when telling the absolute nigger to not make a video?

You probably had low casting level, hover over your spell and check the chance %

Given a surprise from Mysilia

10 gold bars!

Got confused about why the gold bars aren't stacking with the ones I have in my wallet

It's made of copper

Pic rel


myskill.png - 337x237, 127.96K

Journos can't into research preas understando

One of the first dev notes says that it is intentional because people kept reporting it

If only ragnarok exists

Just storage and wrenches. The weapons and helmet are generally trash by the time you can buy them. Useful if you don't have anything good, but you can find random shit on a black market that's better than most.

The Younger Cat Sister is interesting due to having 250 speed and full equipment slots (unlike a bell which is 300 speed and only has 3 total slots). But she's EXTREMELY fragile and you can't effectively ride/host her, so she's very difficult to use.

map has snow

Into the bin it goes

Almost back to normal.
Just have to pray to the furniture gods and then make the second smaller tent whose only purpose is to carry equipment and adventure supplies.

How's your guys' tents going? Lost anything to the WHRRR lately?
Maybe it's a breeding thing but mine came with a 280 speed base.

Is is so incomprehensible that I was referring to Elin when telling the absolute nigger to not make a video?

Kinda, I don't know the guy, my first thought was "don't make a video on ACS"
Yes, my brain is smooth my bad

OK Fuck it. I've been at this shit for hours and this is the best I can do. Esteemed is a 2.1x value multiplier, I was trying to go for at least a 2.5x (masterpiece, heavenly, or godly) but I never even saw Royal (2.3)

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i know, i'll use the gallows and let my party train their skills

>suddenly have 1 max mp


I could be misremembering the exact stats. Point is her speed is very high, her life is very very low.

How am I supposed to stop him from making a video I already watched my man