Thankful for Anon Babbleidya

This Thanksgiving, I’ll be playing her game.

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Natives never looked like that.

I thanks the jews for giving me slop to masturbate.

vidya by meso-anon


This Thanksgiving I'd be thankful if OP would name the game.

Is it finished?

No updates in a year either

if they would have, then they would still be around

yeah, i just did

mestizos are very common

Yes, and they don’t look like that.

woke shit


Thats why its called fantasy and not reality retard

BWC whore

What I like about this game: It has everything

White men in native women

Native men in white women

White in white

Native in native

Very hot jaja

Looks like the the Touhou loser katana girl but Mexican

You are white and female

as a spanish guy I loved this game

give back the goa'uld

Natives never looked like that.

which makes me think who came up with the dark skin+white hair combo
you only see that combination in actual hags irl so I doubt someone found that appealing

is that guy still around? his enthusiasm was contagious

I'm 95% convinced you're a spic lol, so you're not Spanish (or Portuguese or Latin), you are a coping and larping racial mongrel without a culture or history of your own.

If, however, you are from Spain, then my apologies, you are Spanish. Either way, spics are NOT Spanish, Portuguese, or Latin. Never were, never will be.

No it wasn't, it was annoying whenever that faggot went into literally any thread even some what related to the Aztecs n shit and start spamming his autism.


I will not play your game.

has men in it

I will not play your game.

Grindy garbage

I will not play your game

It's very simple.

dunno, last time I saw him he posted some history lesson with aztec/mayan booba

name some games you like then

Porn games? None. Because they all have one of the things I mentioned.

weird, he used to explain stuff like their architecture or traditions, not why thet painted their breasts
only the last one is a valid point. what's with the misandry, even in racing games you play as a dude

I'm an actual spanish lol, spics are literally, as you said, mongrels without any culture, and believe me I hate the fact that they can "speak" the "same" language as us, if you dislike them without understanding 90% of the shit that they post online imagine being able to understand 100%.

no, games in general. You sound like you don't actually like video games at all.

He just said games, what games do you like. Cooking mama?

needs muscular futa conquistadors

Look at Mr. Historical Accuracy over here

This is a conspiracy between big archaeology and big anthropology, in fact all women used to look like this


ever finishing anything

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why would i want to see dudes in porn?
how is this hard to understand?

don't see what my taste in regular games has to do with porn games
i like most games aside from sidescrollers, sports slop and RTS/strategy. Mostly RPGs.


What group is that even intended to refer to? the other nations of romance languages?

so your list of complaints has nothing to do with games and is just your shit taste of porn, got it

you faggots sound like you have literal cocks in your mouth whenever you speak in spanish. shut the fuck up about "our language" fucking faggot

is it just me or does she have a very strange shape to her torso

No gifs? No mp4s?

and how do you know that