Play any dating sims recently?

Play any dating sims recently?

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But Anon Babble is reddit now

Replace everyone except Anon Babble with pajeets and you have an accurate representation of modern internet.

that old deviantart logo

damn that takes me back.






all indian now.

No replace Anon Babble with pajeets too

The AI that was used to delete threads would be kept no matter the results if that were the case.

Wtf is digg


Man, it's been ages since that was relevant enough to even function as butt of a joke.

You are fucking


what the fuck is myspace

Wikipedia isn't a social media
Oh shit they have google on there too.
Yeah that's not social media either.

i bet the deviantart chick has a HUGE penis.

neither is youtube.
nowhere does it say in the post or the image that the theme is social media.
you only thought about social media because that's all you do with your brain rotten freetime.




Like every female deviantart user.


for boomers


turned rebellious/is dying




same as ever




shittier than ever


shittier than ever




wholesome 100

Anon Babble

still faggots but with zoomers this time

I miss YTMND.

Enjoy it before ai completely fucks up everything

I hate this post, because it's true.

This would only be believable if you also asked what the fuck digg is, too.

almost all those sites lost personality and have shitty reputations so nobody bothers with making -tans of them anymore

I honestly believe the greatest threat to humanity and civilization and soul and everything that is good is India.
the hordes pajeetify both the real and digital world like a swarm of locusts.

and the Jews are their masters

that goes without saying, Jews are everyones master. past 4 years show that plenty.


Twitter-kun's shota bussy....

The fuck you mean how.
They're their first line most loyal and most disposable fodder golem.

Deviantart should be a fat furry and Twitter should be a pedophilic tranny with dyed hair. The rest are accurate.

facebook becomes a dementia ridden old man

twitter grew up to be an obnoxious loud troon

myspace fucking died in a tragic car acident 10 years ago

wikipedia becomes an insufferable mainstream media factoid peddler

deviantart becomes fat and degenerate

youtube no longer the rebel, becomes filthy establishment gay corpo lover of google

digg fucking died except instead of a tragic accident, he blew his brain off trying to see into the end of a shotgun barrel

reddit trooned out and becomes and even more obnoxious fag than twitter

Anon Babble trooned out but otherwise still a shameless streaker

kratos sad.jpg - 735x417, 19.64K

wtf is Digg?

where do i go to find cool scifi concept art nowadays, i used to fucking love looking at peoples designs of whatever police force or robo farming equipment and shit 10 years ago

Nah reddit actually had a political shift recently.
The whole Palestine thing made all of its kike userbase suddenly become pro-white pro-nationalist pro-american pro-war pro-trump anti-left anti-woke over night.



Full of underage faggots

Close but you forgot it's all corpos. Dead ones are just dead corpos.

Yeah seeing jews suddenly bashing troons and blacks on twitter was pretty surreal. I know they're sucking up to whites only for their best interests but damn, it sure is working!

H-Hey Anon Babble we still control the world, r-right? You still hate us, r-right?

Fuck off, your time is over.

Nah, not really. The elites are going to cull 90% of mankind sooner or later anyway. Probably soon since WW3 is closer than ever. All we can do is wait for the end and hope we're in the left over cattle.

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As long as it is has nukes flying instead of yet another homo male only draft, go for it.

WW3 will literally never happen not unless the elites have something to gain from it.

Proxy wars like Ukraine are all you’re gonna get for the foreseeable future.

since WW3 is closer

Yeah two more weeks nigga

It's a news aggregation website. When Reddit first hit the scene, I thought it was redundant since Digg already existed.

I'm sure you've already seen this guy's work, but in case you haven't:

WCMisc.jpg - 745x996, 492.93K

unless the elites have something to gain from it

And why exactly did you think I said cull 90% of the population you retarded nigger

Speaking in Vague terms is a sign of low IQ. Say exactly what you mean.
The Elites are Jews. Jews have only their best interest in mind. Their "master plans" are quite simple. Neutralize all threats to jews. And Jews are actually super confortable with how things are going right now with 4 more years of Zion Don in the horizon and all threats in the middle east eliminated or soon to be. they'll work hard to keep things just the way they are for a loong time, so no, a WWIII is not the books, not anytime soon. There will never be any drastic radical change, not any time soon. The descent to dystopia will happen very slowly and so incrementally you won't even notice or feel much of it, incremental inflation, more and more advanced AI replacing both blue collar workers and STEM field workers, more Testosterone reducing chemicals in your food, forcing you to live in smaller and smaller appartments, more brownification of your populace, more pills to get you through depression... You're lucky enough to not live through the worst of it, it's the next generations that are fucked.

TL; DR: the endgoal was never to kill you. The endgoal is making you a harmless animal.

yes you see, the aftertaste of the turd of shit has recently switched from kinda giving a note like a rancid egg to tasting like a mint chewing gum

The culling will be a mass offering to their Demon Idols which shall awaken them and enslave us all while the elites themselves ascend to something beyond "human". we're all lambs to the slaughter.
it truly is a terrible thing to know

Not him, but personally I think it's more accurate to say that the "elites" are just Zionists in general. A lot of those people aren't even Jews, and a lot of religious Jews are anti-Zionists.

I don't think it's wise to throw the entirety of Jewry under the bus. Zionists use Judaism and all Jews as scapegoats for what they do, and they paint any dissenters as self-hating Jews.
I say this with full knowledge of the sick things that Orthodox Jews get up to in NYC. I just can't help but get the feeling that someone is trying to distract me from something when I'm being told that all Jews are the enemy.

Trvthnvke pilled monikapost

The only country that has an active nukes yet doesn't recognize Israel as a legitimate state is North Korea.

You can thank the Zionist-occupied United States for that.

There is no assassination attempt on any female president ever made worldwide.

Nukes are overrated.
The real toys are ancient million year old viruses in test tubes but no one has the balls to use them.
Except that one time in 2020 oops..

The implication being that the entire world is under the thumb of a Jewish matriarchy, I'm guessing?
I honestly think you give them a bit too much credit. I won't deny the mommy issues inherent to that entire culture, however.


All indians


All indians + bots

2030 onwards

All bots


Singularity is achieved

So is anyone actually going to talk about dating sims in this thread?

Anything decent to get from the sale?

its absolutely incredible that im actually seeing the merit of a lot of sites needing some way of verifying humanity now

like, youtube is infested clearly twitter is infested plebbit is infested here has been infested for fuck i dont know, since mid 2010s? its all so advanced that theres just huge seemingly connected communities of bot accounts that interract exclusively with themselves

I'm probably going to wash my hands of the internet in the 2030s since I don't see this getting any better any time soon.
I suspect that if I want anything remotely similar to what the internet was like 20 years ago that I'm going to have to turn to amateur radio and mesh networks by that point.

except Anon Babble

Honestly the jeets just follow whoever they perceive as a master at the time, they loved the britbongs during the colonial era because they drove out the sandfolk o algo

The image is actually accurate when you take into account that it was made years ago. Look Myspace is a thing that exists in the image. Facebook is college students instead of middle-aged people.

what is (well, was) google+

kill yourelf, newfag zoomer

fuuuuuck, we gonna return to scanning

i suppose yeah a good way to circumvent the bots is some shit like discord even though i dont use it, like only talk to people who actually talk but even that shits getting incredible, with that face morphing and eye tracking i bet get a not super great quality webcam and you could superimpose a non existing person onto yourself like those anime streamers but make it look like you're a black guy from sudan or something

holy fuck all this info was always in my brain but i never thought of people going to this extent,

but i guess everyone knew drone bombs were going to be a thing, and thats gonna be countered fairly soon so i guess the counter to bots will be found soon enough, just depends how they "fix" it

what is (well, was) google+

Something that didn't exist at the same time myspace and digg were relevant enough to be included in collages of notable websites

reddit and Anon Babble should be twins and both be xers

Who is Benazir Bhutto?

Inb4 she was the prime minister of Pakistan, not the president

Irrelevant. She's a female head of state that got assassinated.

bro, i'm so addicted to girls with a pp. i can already visualize the deviant chick's length, girth and the amount veins protruding the skin

Currently playing unicorn overlord. I wish they added some actual dating elements to the game though.

How come Anon Babble managed to become the most influential one of them all and the rest are still completely incapable of generating any OC or fresh ideas (except maybe YT to a limited extent) and would rather just steal content from Anon Babble?