I think I found UHHHHH the Pathfinder thread

I think I found UHHHHH the Pathfinder thread.




Probably the wrong place to ask this but did they ever release the updated adventure path for Wrath? I think I remember them doing it with Kingmaker with them adding the extra chapter that was in the game into the book.

Who is the *NOT* Eastern Roman Empire in the pathfinders world?

we used to have camcam or nocticula pathfinder threads around here

now its the negress

Sad to see this regression


She had a rough intro, but she's really not that bad. I like the repentant theif becomes a paladin thing she's got going on, and it's obvious she's not a very good paladin, so she looks to the KC for guidance. I just wish her suggestions at the strategy table weren't so fucking dumb, holy shit.

Not to my knowledge. Kingmaker got a big release with a 2e conversion as well as the updated version, but I don't know that Wrath is getting the same treatment.

Both so shit that even Seelah is better

Her having no fucking grasp of strategic maneuvers is entirely in-character, anon. While she was out partying, others were studying the path of the crusade.

Fuck Incubus demons

I know it's in-character, it makes perfect sense given her background, but I still can't help but lean back in the chair and contemplate her stupid ass suggestions for a minute before picking Regill's every single time.

Seelah would be infinitely more likeable if she didn't sound like a literal hoodrat. She's meant to be from not-Africa, how hard would it have been to find an actual african VA for her.

I've tried to get into the game, but it's just not for me. First my major issue was the fuckhuge character building that's just too much for anyone being new or not using a guide. I got some characters and I love Ember and Daeran but magic is pretty much useless so far so they just use crossbows most of the time until they're a higher level. Then I have to play fucking HoMM for some reason, and that shit could just be left out and nothing of note would be lost. Finally I got my angel path after stomping Minahgo, and it felt nice, but then I also had to manage my castle and keep the people happy on top of all that other shit.
It really feels like the game is fighting me every step of the way to play it by bombarding me with pointless or tedious bullshit.

To be fair, she literally was a thieving hoodrat before she decided to become a paladin

Ain't she a literal hoodrat anyway?

if she didn't sound like a literal hoodrat.

Except she literally was a city thief

"you see chud, it's actually redhead white who act retarded, do crimes, and get paladins killed by stealing they helmets, not blacks"

Falseflag by basedingested BLMtard

get paladins killed by stealing they helmets

The paladin got herself killed for being a retard.

Shit b8

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mmmmm yes mommy Nocticula I will clean up all the cum after the orgy

w-what? you were going to kill me? you were just manipulating me?

I don't care mommy please fuck me!

yes mommy feel free to leave to Elysium to have threesomes with Calistria and Desna I will stay here in the abyss

So, is a succubus mark or whatever basically marriage for them or what?

Does Crusader even have enough feats to go Sword&Shield, or do i just go all in on Radiance?

>mmmmm yes mommy Nocticula I will clean up all the cum after the orgy

Do poor retards actually pick that line instead of rage mode?

I literally gives you a point to be on better terms with Nocticula lmao

Just get a pet with nature domain

yes. Angel crusader doesn't need to worry about spell pen or dc that much because most angel spell don't have both and they do damage regardless

Only if you are planning to stay demon after Act 4

I wouldn't mind a cool egress. I'm afraid what we have ended up with is this propaganda token.

Maybe it's just me but anytime i try to do another playthrough of wrath. my mind defaults to just either a paladin or a fighter with angel mythic path or just plain legend. I just don't get why a wizard or a rogue would go to a demon infested hellhole for.

just don't get why a wizard or a rogue would go to a demon infested hellhole for.

Le Knowledge
Stealing everything that isn't cursed.

Probably the wrong place to ask this but did they ever release the updated adventure path for Wrath?

I've herd Paizo announced something about WW, but have no idea what it is new adventure or just update.


I just don't get why a wizard

They can turn demons into gibblets with zero legal repercussions

I just don't get why a wizard or a rogue would go to a demon infested hellhole for.

Ever guess how I knew you never finished the game?

probably a wrath remake for 2e.

Cant fix the sheboon voice unfortunately, theres just something inherently unpleasant about it.

Say no to red head genocide.

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I don't know man, my dhampir ass just likes to fight demons and becoming a demon. Making Arue confess in front of everyone just to say 'lol, lmao' will never not be funny.

pretty much, meet my beautiful wife.

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what arcane knowledge can be found in unga bunga land where wizards where hunted and imprisoned?

Stealing everything that isn't cursed.

good luck doing that because the whole land would corrupt you if you stay too long. and if you encounter demon murderfuck for the murderrape clan than good luck fighting him or even fleeing him.

They can turn demons into gibblets

most don't. at high lvl basically every class can do that

More like branding their property

I didn’t use Seelah, don’t care that she’s a nignog I just didn’t want her.


when she literally gives those to a shitton of people

See those symbols on her wings? Each one represents a profane gift, so yeah it's marriage alright, an open one

from Ekun to this

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I get that she's not a normal succubus, but is it actually written anywhere that she can bestow more than one? The rules kind of state that they can't gift more than one at a time.

Ekun was BASED though?

My favorite part was hooking him up with a white woman

Tbh, I was more than okay with how Owlcat handled with iconics, both Amiri and Seelah.

The target’s name appears in glowing Abyssal runes on Nocticula’s wings, and a crimson mark manifests somewhere on the target’s body. The target immediately gains a +6 profane bonus to any one ability score of its choice, a +4 profane bonus to any other ability score of its choice, and the see in darkness ability. A single creature may have only one profane ascension in effect at any one time. As long as the effect persists, Nocticula can communicate telepathically with the target across any distance and may use any of her spell-like abilities through the target, manifesting them as if the target were using them

"I've never offered my profane gift before."

So that was a fucking lie

"Commander, do you really think it's a reasonable endeavor to keep a former thief and murderer amongst our allies? Considering also her racial inclination to theft and general debauchery, I lay the veredict that she'd do better in the slave camps rather than fighting in our crusade."

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trusting a demon

trusting the queen of sluts demons

not every demon is Arueshalae anon

a former thief and murderer

You mean like half of Hell's Knights serfs?

You realise they're slaves, right?