If we dont have an Elin thread, this gnome is going to float away to page 10 with my <<orens>>!

If we dont have an Elin thread, this gnome is going to float away to page 10 with my <<orens>>!

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Generals belong on Anon Babble

he's unironically sitting there spamming F5 16 hours a day just waiting for any Elin thread to pop up

Also fuck gnomes.

Do fairies stop stealing from you if you damage them? Haven't encountered them much yet, but shooting a magic arrow seemed like it helped.

not a general.


nikke threads

DALL-E threads

master duel

game dev


Why are you not in these threads who are more frequent than Elin threads?

I don't see you in the cyclical Warframe, World of Warcraft, Stellar Blade, or Metaphor threads.

You can interrupt their theft with damage. Thankfully speed has no impact on how quickly you can steal otherwise fairies would be horrible to deal with.

I'm not sure if gnomes use standard pickpocket because they seem to just teleport away and take an item with them.

check workshop

get excited when I spot an auto mining mod

install and use it

it also makes you dismantle your entire home from trying to remove weeds

Fucking hell, what a disappointment

Huh, that actually makes sense. I never considered they were spending rounds stealing and that it wasn't instantaneous.

can someone please share the bottom left portrait? She reminds me of Shena

900 days and I still didn't get this on my Wraith playthrough. I think i'm safe guys...

You get this if you kill too many children.

Some more AI NPC portraits added, which can be used together with a mod made by an anon from Anon Babble. Goal is to have better assignments of portraits according to their race/gender/job etc. and increase variety.

Even if you don't want to use any slop, the mod will allow you to reroll the current portrait while talking to NPCs. Otherwise you can use this option to add portraits to NPCs who have already been generated on a current save and insert one of the generated portraits by rerolling.

Here is the mod. (non steam version in the description)
And here is the portrait mega.

There was mod recruitment recently, why didn't you apply?

How goes your cultivation?

You are not welcome here, go to Anon Babble.
Also, I'm the law.

No everyone likes working for free.

Does kettle create more copies with more investment or number of items placed? I know it increases slots but was surprised I got 5 riceballs, 4 cakes and 3 sunlamps from putting 2 riceballs, 2 cakes and 2 sunlamps in each slot at lvl 11 investment

Tent full of rainbow fruit established.

I'm the law.



Fresh item drop just for (You).

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Would be great to get rid of them. I don't understand why mods don't delete these.


Do not respond to him. The only reason he's even doing these in niche threads like this is for the attention you goobers give him.

Must be an EU thing.

No NSFW golem girls

Immeasurable disappointment
JK these are great, I especially like the snail ones

Still can't see mt tai....

Where are the nsfw flatties?

I think it was a mistake putting my farm field in the middle. It's too much work rebuilding the surrounding structures every time you expand your land.

not on sale during autumn sale

I will now ignore your game

5 more minutes have been deducted from your lifespan account. :^)

Why not only rebuild once you have the whole plot unlocked?



The building board makes moving objects and tearing down/rebuilding a breeze though.

I was planning to make more non npc nsfw ones, but then anon dropped his mod and it got a bit out of hand.
Haven't made any, but can't post them on mega anyways, or it'll get bopped

How do I turn glass fragments into glass? I dug up sand at the beach so I can have a stockpile

Proper disposal area set up for garbage

these fucking reprobates STILL throw it into my hotspring and the cliff above it

That does it, Im going to actually unlock Vernis so I can ship you ungrateful fucks over there

scarecrows act as farm signs


I wish the fish buckets did the same for fishing.

<Knight> pet casts Holy Shield and Excommunicate Bane

It's a light eater but this seems really good

waste 8k trying diferent walls

They do

run the fragments back through the kiln.

elin is actually a good game so it deserves to be exempt from the general rule

ive played 58 hours of elin in last 2 weeks
aint played anything taht much since bg3

its so fuckin good bros

i am however on permadeath difficulty and once i die on this char im probably done. starting a char up again takes too much work

last char i got kamikaze bombed from 100 to 0 instantaneously in like a 7 risk dungeon. shit was gay

You don't even know the terminology. You are an absolute moron.

Hard gay?

a new game that actually appeals to a core audience of autists gets a lot of threads

So why don't you just go make a thread about a video game you like? What's stopping you?

This but 94 my life is being ruined in real time

The person you're replying to is the one who made this thread to begin with. He's just fishing for (You)s and engagement so he can get paid.

heard blessed hormone drug can lower your age

go to Port Kapul

drug dealer has jack shit

drug dealer has a lower investment level than the drug dealer I have at my base.

forgot a return scroll

fuck sake

You don't even know to quote. You are an absolute moron.

Soon as I could, I trained my casting high enough to use return magic. I'll never even look in the direction of a return scroll if I can help it.

you don't deserved the (you)s, retard

should mages stick with light armor and dodging?

you can give followers skills without a book if they have the right work/hobby

I'm starting to think that paying them while near trainers in the hopes that they buy a skill actually only just lets them get random potentials rather than buy skills

End up with a L1 copy of Verna

Aight whatever

Give'r piggyback ride and go out into the field

Eventually get jumped by some putits wanting a bait

Fuck you FISH LYFE

Not-Verna rips off 4 AOEs and spawns a shadow

One putit is damaged by like 10%

Kill them and go back home to put her in a shame shack at the edge of the property because at least the idiot has power generation

im starting to think the unique NPCs are actually kindof shite


oh yeah, do the allies in your party do their work/ hobby stuff if you never leave them at home?

I keep getting exited that these threads are about the fat ass little rabbit bitches from Tera. Oh well, have fun guys :(

the only truly bad one is gaki
verna is straight up overpowered.

If you have a pet that can steal do they actually take equipment off of other npcs? thinking of getting one of those little shits for myself to replace a party member who serves less purpose now that I have a horde of undead sisters

May as well go heavy, get the third stage of that heavy casting feat to (almost?) entirely negate the effects of heavy armor and weapons.

they need to be at home and not part of your party

Isn't every save's Gaki actually unique moveset wise? My Gaki is doing pretty alright, she just needs control magic

cant 4shot a putit


man i know some shit scales wierd but im pressin X

To all my homies struggling with ether sickness, the casino basketball game is easily macro'd for afk grinding. Takes 2 minutes to get the tokens you need for antibodies. Times are exact, but may need fudging, I can't tell if throwing/dexterity affect the strength of your throw.

Also, if you're trying to grind crit, the tokens you get will let you play for hours at the slot machine.

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Why is it wrong for us to discuss video games instead of dumb retarded slave politic culture war shit

i just found a macro for the slot machine so you can win the jackpot in seconds

poor gal lol

alright ty
time to whip a decent work set onto my golden knight so she'll learn weightlifting

MF's babysitting this shit while theres multiple gay nigga threads up

get what you pay for i guess

all mercanaries, that spawn in the wild, are now blue-haired girls.

Did a hormone potion do this?

Capture prostitutes
They finance their own development
Do mind it ain't easy


Just make sure to keep the world level low until you can handle mind dogs foo guys and paralyzation
Tho u will need to farm to make money probably.

was your janitor application rejected?

This, but I'm over 200 hours already and bg3 sucks major ass in comparison

truly is strength in numbers

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Even in numbers a weakling is a weakling still!

this one got banished to Anon Babble actually

No, that's just the golden knight. Her strength and weightlifting are always gaining exp and she starts with ~350 stone capacity. Mine can carry over 600.

If I buy an ad will that change your attitude

Man if only she actually knew weight lifting

Is there a way to delegate lumberjacking just like delegating farming? I don't want to have to mine and fucking hunt trees down anymore. I just want building materials delivered to me.

I'll just send hordes of pieces and younger sisters until you get tired, the COLD SKELETON has all day

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I started a no mod run and rushed memorization skill. It helps a lot with spell charges. I realized the infinte spell mod is not really needed if you get memorization early enough.

weakling weakling weakling ling weakling weakling ling ling weak

damn brat...

I see popups all the time showing that it's leveled up. Maybe mine just came with it.

Mine's at 850
Stuffed the entirety of the Truce Ground into my paper tent and had her carry it home

Gaki (daughter) has been great for me. Her free Dim debuff is nice when fighting bosses. Gave her a book of Gun and a brain cell of Cyberdome civilian (gunner) so she stays at a distance and shoots a railgun. But also sometimes casts arrows which cleans up enemies weak to magic. I guess there's some randomness to her spells, I've never seen her use an AOE of any kind

what's her job/hobby?

It's not obvious but you can plant what type of wood u want in a corner of the map, put down a lumberjack sign and that type of wood will magically appear in a shared container with stockpile sign. They won't cut down the trees tho

only just lets them get random potentials

this is the case

One of the D rank adventurers in my universe is a Fairy Executioner fucking tryhard

so yes, she came with it

Nostrils in an anime style game


Farming trees is the same as all other farming. You till soil, plant seeds, place a farm sign, and they harvest/replant the trees just like any other crop. "Lumberjacking" is just spawning logs from thin air and doesn't chop anything, kind of like how Blacksmithing spawns ores from nothing using an anvil.

6 treasure maps

theyre all on fucking snow tiles

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write janitor application

hello yes I think the problem is that popular video games should not be posted on Anon Babble and that mods should delete all the threads I don't like ansd rangeban anyone who makes a thread that isn't about culture war or an arbitrary list of games I like


wtf why am I not a janny

Interesting, i'll whip her and see if she gains new skills.
Mine's Metitation/writing

pre 50

literally cosmic horror as bosses

post 50

haha look at these goblins/clouds :)

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My berry farm randomly has a few plants change its position every few days. What the fuck did Noa do?



Just leave embin a shared chest for poppy

post 50 cosmic horrors are so impossible to comprehend your brain has to process them as existing concepts

Get binoculars and search the map without even moving. It makes treasure maps so easy.

Supposedly everything above 50 and before 200 is basically filler to prepare before the game gets hard again

My Poppy is too busy being livestock.

Do u have the farm auto policy enabled
They are not perfect with replanting unless u only have one type of food

Do you need to space trees like that for farming?

Clouds are a pain in the ass though. They're basically immune to magic.

dont care + ure literally a virgin + u looked stuff up in a video game?

Someone request to Noa with feedback for a talk option to dump all influence in one go. I don't get this 50% influence drp per talk and having to do it a dozen times.

Is there a way to quickly quickly reduce my hp to min (without wasting spell stocks and overcasting)?

Self harm skill, just be careful at low hp

i have 800 hp...self harm does nothing to me
overcasting it is..

No. The plants literally change its position. I'm literally going insane. All my carefully arranged farm

Trees seem to cockblock you if you try to walk through them so yeah

Went hard on Kizuami from the start

Now realizing I should have gotten her sword and acolyte

I really dont wanna have to lug around the damn ball forever, so Im sticking with my decision

Does anyone know how long trees stay in Mature until they change to Withered? I'm purposely passing days trying to get some cherry blossom tree seeds but it's been 5 days already

I'm guessing your self harm skill is only 1, so if u wantvto chunk your hp you will need to lvl self harm ya goof

Dig a farm tile over and over to drain stamina, drain stamina until you drain hp

Jannies/mods get a lot of autonomy. They're allowed to power trip to a certain extent as long as it's in exchange for keeping NSFW/illegal stuff off of the board. Likewise they have no organization. At whatever point that particular janny with a chip on his shoulder gives up then there's no longer any problem.

meant to type horome's sword and acolyte first
I guess Ill cope and give the medal katana to one of my followers

this robot girl is pretty funny

save scumming stethoscope uses because man that's gay
my generic b rank adventurer that's pretty damn good

Get binoculars

Where can I get them?

is this game fun if i'm not a spreadsheet autist?
seeing these screenshots with 50 different stats on character screens and a dozen effects listed on every item is kinda offputting. i can stomach diablo 1/2, this just looks overkill.

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No good portrait mods

And no, the AI slop ones aren't good (Not because they are AI slop but because they're ugly)


3 ways, craft them by getting recipe randomly, it showing up on boss loot, it showing up on furniture/junk vendors

How do you get to the ocean in real life anon?

U don't need to plan out anything but you will need to monitor and raise your skills, sounds like u would not like that

It's not as bad as you're making it out to be

theres a telescope in specwing that has the same functionality as binocs

you can probably buy them with furniture tickets or just steal it