Next BG3 patch will bring

Next BG3 patch will bring


Photo Mode

12 New Subclasses

I thought this game was dead???
I guess Anon Babble lose again

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I guess Anon Babble lose again

I am Anon Babble, i've been on Anon Babble for almost two decades now. BG3 is a core Anon Babble game same as Cyberpunk 2077. People seething are schizo tourists.

I guess Anon Babble lose


more pointless fluff

how about fixing the hundreds of bugs you dress wearing freaks?

What are the new subclasses?

Bard - College of Glamour
Barbarian - Path of Giants
Cleric - Death Domain
Druid - Circle of Stars
Fighter - Arcane Archer
Monk - Drunken Master
Paladin - Oath of the Crown
Ranger - Swarmkeeper
Rogue - Swashbuckler
Sorcerer - Shadow Magic
Warlock - Hexblade
Wizard - Bladesinging

Never played it. Never will.

i guess Anon Babble loose again

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It's not some service game. It's an early access game that apparently still hasn't hit 1.0.


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Are they still gonna be updating the game after this or is the game finally in a completed state? Should I buy it now or wait for a steeper sale?

What does it mean for a single player game to be dead over a year later? It isn't a multiplayer shooter.

thought I'd finally play the game this december

yet another big update, next year

for FUCK sake

Photo mode

Who actually uses this?

They said that Patch 7 was supposedly the last big one, but then they decided to add one more just for the hell of it. So I'd say that this is (probably) the last major patch, but it's entirely possible they'll do another just to fuck with people. It's hard to tell with Larian sometimes.

I do

People who use the tabaxi mod.

I thought the they talked about ending the support with the last big patch? New subclasses? Awesome.


Wizard - Bladesinging

But blades can't sing???

all games pretty much have a photo mode internally for bullshots. this is the devs giving players the same feature.

i do, imagine all the ass shots of Shadowhear, Karlach and Lae'zel

Those are magic blades, silly!

we did? what are you talking about anon? we won the election which was the most important fight.

I thought they weren't putting out any dlc for this game?

The normies who love this game

It's a patch. You get this for free.

PS4 has had a Share Button since 2013 anon.

They aren't putting out paid DLC, anon. You still get free patches.

the game has full nudity at any time
it's free DLC


Oh boy. That'll be truly disgusting with paladin multiclassing.

I don't understand people with this mentallity, just play the game now if you want and you can play it again when the update drops.

it's a narrative driven game, of course the experience on the first playthrough matters a lot

But you're not exepriencing a change in narrative, you're experiencing a change in game mechanics.

you're not exepriencing a change in narrative

they've done plenty of changes to the narrative with the updates, the last one added new endings even

GOTY 2023 (BG3)
GOTY 2024 (BG3 Patch 7)
GOTY 2025 (BG3 Patch 8)

They're not adding anything to the narrative with this patch THOUGH. And even if they were you could just play it again.

But you're not exepriencing a change in narrative

Your Durge run, bro?

No durge changes with this patch and you can just play it again

please please PLEASE buy our game!


I thought they had already released the last big patch.

oh fuck.. time for another playthrough. bladesinger or hexblade.. so many choices

I'm still not gonna play your WEG.

then don't? who cares they already made multimillions

oh my god
I cant wait!!!
Its going to be awesome!!!


Okay and we won't play their next game either

I wish they'd add new quests, I don't really give a shit about that stuff

It's a metaphor

Are you not paying attention to the never ending Stellar Blade picture mode threads that reach bump limit within a few hours?

Why is something like Photo Mode always a post-release patch? It's like the most basic bitch (and unnecessary) shit, but it's never on release? Is it to pad the patch notes and give the illusion of a developer supporting a game? I.E. they give you dumb shite like selfie mode and then you're more inclined to buy $30 expansions?

can finally play with my Uncle that I've been waiting to for years

Except I ruined our relationship because I told him he was a fucking pathetic failure and no family member of mine after his daughter, my niece, came out as non-binary and wanted to change her name to Ajax or some shit

Sad thing is he claimed to be listening to me about the tranny warnings. He's supposed to be a right winger. No idea where he went so wrong.

Like you said it's unnecessary so it's not prioritized during the push for release. But after release, eh some guy has the time to add it.

This game is like 80+ hours long, I'm going to play this once and then never again

Fighter - Arcane Archer

I mean fine but

To be fair only like 1 hour of that is actual content which hasn't changed sncie early access

This game is like 80+ hours long,

It's actually 120-130 hrs long for 100%.

Lmao crossplay. I’ll be turning that shit off as a ps user in no time. Fuck xbox and pc

Arcane Archer is one of the more popular fighter subclasses for people that actually play D&D. Why would they not add it?



Photo Mode


12 New Subclasses


that about sums it up

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Anything that's popular in 5e isn't really indicative of quality

It's broken conceptually

I am going to be a fighter
I don't give a shit about DEI&D

Okay, don't use it then

Fighters can use bows.

What subclass would you rather they add? If you say echo knight I will kill you.

Id rather them get the classes in the game already functioning like they're supposed to instead of turning their vaporware into a live service game


I mean fine but

Did anything I post make it seem like there was some issue with me doing exactly like that


live service

holy reddit

Plain old Fighter.

It's hard to parse tumblr boygirl speak.

arcane archer fighter is problematic

bladesinger wizard on the other hand...

The fuck is wrong with you? That's a fucking fantasy.