Downloading CP on my computer right now, what am I in for?

Downloading CP on my computer right now, what am I in for?

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Downloading CP on my computer right now

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Play as a corpo
Ditch guns and either play as melee or a hacker
It's fun

the joke is not funny anymore

did I miss something or did corpo not really have an intro? I first played as nomad and there was an entire mission before the game started. in corpo it was over veeeery quickly

you're in for a ride. i got addicted to cp 77 from the moment i first laid eyes on it.

Corpo's intro is relatively small but it gives by far the best unique options in the game

fuck you miku

It's a great fucking game I tell you what.

Yeah, corpo was an afterthought. They made one single intro when they decided that there would be no roles, then panicked when people found out that it wouldn't be an RPG and scrambled to put in some bargain bin "life path choice" by cutting the intro in two for nomad and street kid. Corpo was made from scratch and that's why it's literally nothing.

4 years since release already/ Whens the next cdred game ? Must be another couple years. The wait is too long for new games these days. And rest of the trash that comes out is garbage. So few games for adults

Console limitations from 2014

NuDeus Ex+GTA. Turn off the minimap and play on the hardest difficulty.

It's one of the best games to drive in that isn't focused on driving, if that makes any sense.

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Corpo makes no sense. Why are you friends with the hoodrat Jackie?? He's way below you, no corpo would hang out with him.

I didnt like car driving, didnt feel realistic/good, cant even say why. Motorcycle though, probably my best experience with one in a game.

A game that successfully hid it's mediocrity under a smoke screen pretending that it was just the bugs that made it bad.

The writing is cringe, rpg elements barely exist and the ones that do are to the game's detriment, the gameplay is lame and the story sucks.
The graphics are impressive on a technical level but the designs are very uninspired.

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Probably one of the best game of the decade, I finished it two week ago and I experienced almost no bugs and had a smooth experience, they did overhauled themselves and gosh are they good craftmens over there at CDPR.

Jackie was cringe and annoying af. I was happy they offed him quite soon. Life paths in general must have been nerfed and downsized


Cyberpunk is just one word so it would be C2077.
Your joke is forced.

Its not a joke, its the most convenient way to write cp
you thinking it has to be a joke was old since day 1 and I sincerely hope you kys

Everyone has always abbreviated Cyberpunk 2020 as CP2020 ever since it released in the 80s, dude.


this game easily has some of the best feeling melee combat in an FPS. also has one of the best feeling throwing weapons playstyle ever, in most games throwing weapons are trash or meme shit but in cyberpunk they're fucking busted

You're right. It's cute AND funny.

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Uh-oh. Corpy!!!


Streekid is better

Yeah it's incredible how much better the melee combat is here compared to witcher games.
Brawler builds are meaty as fuck, with DLC super punch you can ragdoll and throw enemies around like a fucking hulk
Katanas are one of the most satisfying and OP playstyles ever.
Visual and audio feedback from headshotting with thrown weapons is super satisfying all by itself.

Honestly i never even did a full ranged weapon run. I always get tired. Even on my net wizard i just installed monowire and raped entire rooms.

Prepare to mod it like skyrim. And nothing will fix the sensitive vehicle handling so get ready to use a controller while in car. Get the Judy mod which makes her straight so you can fuck with her as a male char.

crpktwentyseventyseven's DLC killed any motivation I had in completing the game. It's like they tried to make the story unenjoyable.

crucify cuck

gay cop

tranny race

fall off cliff find bbc sword by accident

madam blacked president

It was a nonstop onslaught to muhmentals at the end of the game to where it broke the suspension of disbelief and I just dropped it.

I wish there was a beefed up body type
It just feels a bit silly to be punching gigantic robots while your V looks like some normal dude with no muscle

The driving is fantastic.
The combat is fantastic too.

1 gear



I think looking normal only makes it scarier once he starts throwing fully decked out cyberpsychos at each other.

You guys are fucking immature assholes, you know that?


Shut up

install the arasaka arms mod, makes it feel more realistic since robot arms would be insanely strong

Bought it like a bit over a months ago, finished it a few days ago.
Combat is braindead and easy, even on hard. There is no reason to go stealthy or use your your combat hacking abilities, waste of time. Just run in your enemys face and click on them until they're dead, works most of the time.
Many say they fixed the bugs, but during my first hours especially there was always something wrong with the cutscenes. Characters t-posing, the driver next to you hitting random civilians on the street, while monologuing.
A certain character will not call you (Story-relevant) until you drive far away from the city and more smaller stuff like cars randomly flying into the air and crashing and characters glitching into the map.
I can't say much about the story, I guess it's okay, but I really wasn't invested in it. At some point I set the difficulty to easy and rushed through the story quests, ignoring the side content. Overall, I regret buying this. Probably an okay game, aside from the bugs, but not for me.

is this THE thread?

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Hi Anon, that's totally epic haha, epic FTW!!!!
Anyway, could you share where exactly are you downloading it from? Haha, just help a friendly Anon out haha, remember we are legion, we need to stick together.

bros, I already made v the absolute biggest slut in the city, now what are the mods to actually improve the game