Why was Gen3 so hated?

Gen 1-3 are the kino trilogy before the really bad digimon designs started hitting the franchise and Pokemon stopped feeling like Pokemon.

I liked Emerald, even had the big guide
Man that was peak
1 had a lot of flawed gameplay
2 was great, but jhoto felt kinda empty since they decided to add in Kanto and both suffered for it
3 had a lot of questionable map decisions, and riding on water sucks ass since the encounter rate (without mitigating it with a repel)
but despite that, I think 3 is the strongest before the designs exploded like said

I can't speak for other anon, but in my experience, there was gen 1, which started the whole hype
Then 2, which was literally just moar of everything. To be a kid at the time enjoying peak hype for the series... it was incredible
Then gen 3 came out, with a lot of kids (including myself) wondering where the fuck some of my favorite mon's went, as well as Johto and Kanto, and the day night cycle.
It was such a jarring departure, and for me, it enlightened me to the possible outcome of pokemon becoming a non sustainable ip for me long term, even if I couldn't articulate that at the time.
I'll always associate 3 with the beginning of "shaking things up"

B-but, what about frlg

Oh yeah, and the beginning of exploiting fans of the older titles. Like how I was tricked into buying X because Charizard X. That was the final nail in my mind for the series

Design wise, nothing. It's the best gen in terms of pokémon added, vision, mechanics, content, visual design, pokemon designs, balancing and pretty much any other metric that matters. It's the reason why gen 3 is actively played competitively and casually to this day and why when people talk about the best parts of pokémon, they always bring up something from gen 3 (i.e. Abilities, double battles, immersive world).
However, fags couldn't accept that GF was leaving behind KANTOOOOOOO to actually make something new for once, so they bitch about it to this day. These fags are extremely persistent and stubborn, to the point where they'll keep buying complete shit games as long as there's muh Charizard getting advertized.

It wasn't really hated beyond Gen 1 kids outgrowing Pokemon. Although nowadays there's a common misconception that Gen 3 killed pokemania when it actually died before 3 even came out due to various things in gen 2 dropping the ball, namely the anime.


Dunno but was really disappointed when torchick evolve into wingless furry chicken and not a cool flying firebird

That was done on purpose, the design of Blaziken was meant to mirror the dissapointement of a chick growing up into a chicken

so i herd

I liked it

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3 was the last good gen. It suffers from god pokemon being integral to the story and a chosen one plot, copypasting from crystal. Nothing beats gen 1.

1>2>3>4>>>everything else, unironically

Shouldn't be in starters then

Pick a chick

It evolves into a chicken

Act surprised

The don't like my humanoid furry-bait, better call them fags

You heard that right, faggot.

Everyone lieks Mudkips.

I feel like most of the starter evolutions after Gen2 were a bit disappointing DESU.

At the time?

Gen 3 completely broke the trading system from Gen 1 and Gen 2. You could trade Gen 1-2 and could even trade back Gen 2-1 (if it was a Gen 1 pokemon and only had Gen 1 moves) but you could not trade any pokemon to Gen 3. You could only trade Gen 3 games with other Gen 3 games.

This pissed people off who liked trading. They considered FireRed/LeafGreen to just be an attempt to resell the same games again and the trading split to be for profit reasons. They bitched about needing to buy the Gamecube games to complete the pokedex. It was basically dexit but much worse, since predictions were that Pokemon would "reboot" every two or three generations and cut off trading from previous generations as a result.

Of course, these days, people don't mind as much. Gen 3 is considered very good due to the number of games in it (contrary to what people complained about at the time) and the HeartGold/SoulSilver remakes in Gen 4 are some of the most enjoyed games in the series. And the trading split was kind of necessary, since the way that some mechanics (EVs, IVs, how some base mechanics were handled) were considerably different and weren't carried over to make the games better. But the trading break caused a LOT of controversy at the time, and was a bit part of the complaining when Gen 3 came out.

Zoroark was Gen 4.

Gen 3 design always clashed with their predecessors and later games in my eyes. Some good designs but most of them are kinda meh. The game itself is good

tones and designs

Zoroark was Gen 5.

What? No. That's not possible.


Well fuck me, Bulbapedia agrees with you. I thought for sure that it was Pokemon Pearl where I grabbed a Zoroark from a Toys-R-Us in-store display.

Same garbage, different gen.

illusion bad

Gen 3 design always clashed with their predecessors

No? That didn't start until Gen 4.

I like treecko and his evolutions, he's cool and my favorite pokemon

In the moment I remember a lot of kids hating on it for ditching the day and night cycle and not being able to directly trade with the originals.

It was basically dexit but much worse

Look at this fag who didn't have an action replay.

Nah, Gen 4 had a similar syle to Gen 3 but they made fit a bit more with olden gens. Sword and Shield just threw all that out the window though

Poke' fatigue began to set in.

lol no, i could see blaziken and gardevoir fit right in with infernape and lopunny, but not the gen 2 dex at all

Too much water

Gen 1

"But we've got Gardevoir at home."

the Gardevoir at home

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no visible day/night cycle

can't transfer my friends from the GBC

different pokemon design philosophy, gens 1 and 2 felt similar but gen 3 is noticeably different

plot goes from thwarting some gangsters while on your journey to saving the world from elemental gods

And this one was just a personal issue as someone that lived in bumfuck nowhere

TWO event pokemon. Literally doubled the number of pokemon I'd never be able to own

saving the world

The Kyogre/Groudon stuff always felt like a more localized catastrophe.

blaziken and gardevoir fit right in with infernape and lopunny

But you miss the obvious difference: The former two have simple designs in both their colors and shapes, the latter two look like digimon.

Gardevoir's simple color palette would let it fit in well with gens 1 & 2.

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nobody I knew liked Gen3 when it came out.

That's more a consequence of Pokemon no longer being the cool and popular thing the way it was during gen 1-early gen 2 pokemania in '98-'01, rather than reflecting the video games themselves.

people had their dex's completed through R/B/Y and G/S/C and all the pokemon

Ruby Sapphire came out

no compatibility between Ruby Sapphire and the previous gen, effectively locking away everyone's previous pokemon

Pretty much was the turning point. Old fans got shafted hard. Also Pokemon was getting pretty stale at that point. It was dying and this shit certainly didn't help.

It's more than just this. The tagline of the games back then was "Gotta catch 'em all!" Catching all the pokemon was part of the point. Having a completed pokedex was the final endgame challenge. Some people went out of their way to go to events to get Mew and Celebi, at a time when you needed to drive to a place and wait in line to hook your Game Boy to someone with another Game Boy to get your pokemon trade.

And then Gen 3 came out, telling people to just throw those pokemon away. You want that Mew you drove across the country to get? Tough shit. You want a Mew at all? Hope you have time to go to another event to get one.

No kidding people who were big fans got pissed at that.

Anyone mentioning "muh dex" wasn't even alive back then.
The Pokemon fad fell out of style, and kids were getting into other games. Yu-Gi-Oh was just coming out in the west around that time, and the kids who were 6-7 when RBY released here were growing out of Nintendo in favor of Halo or GTA.

Dude in a chicken suit

thats the most digimon shit up to that point

These never happened bytheways

Not that anon but I agree with you specifically about blaziken, it was the first time I saw a pokemon and thought "this doesnt look right"
I still think the rest of gen 3 fits pretty well though

They did happen, I remember several fans being livid on discussion forums around the time. However, what a small bunch of basement dweller nerds with Internet access in the early '00s thought has absolutely nothing to do with the reasons why the general normie public turned its attention away from Pokemon.

Treecko is one of my top three favorite Pokémon though.




Felt like an unnecessary soft reset and a middle finger to older fans for the sake of greed and laziness. Things excalated through the years because gf was always rewarded for such shitty behaviours.

Megas getting removed must've hurt a lot.

Couldn't transfer from Gold/Silver.

By the time it came out the first gen of kids who played red blue were now at the age where liking Pokemon was extra gay

do u liek mudkips haha xD

There are plenty of mons that get shown early in media prior to being formally released in a generation, IIRC Munchlax first showed up in gen 3 media but wasn't in games until Gen 4. Togepi was shown in gen 1 anime when it was gen 2. Blaziken was the gen 3 shillmon that kicked Ash's ass in the pokemon league etc.