Buy a 70inch tv and a 7.1 sound system

buy a 70inch tv and a 7.1 sound system

look at what games support all its features

they are all postmodern crap like pic rel


Are there no good games to use a home theatre?

I am currently playing this and i think it's one of the best games i've ever played. I actually finished it and i am still playing, i can't drop it...i might try to 100% it. Incredibly addictive

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i might get it, what do you like about it?

The most popular gaming ost of the last 20 years is Undertale and that shit is literally in mono

Audio quality is ironicaly a crutch for untalented people to make their shit sound better, hoping whatever dolby ai is goes through will fix it somehow

obvious shilling is obvious

It's dogshit, fuck you

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The gameplay itself is great, the guns are the best i've seen in a game, sound design/visually great but i think the thing that makes it addictive is your power growth and the requirement to git gud at the game in order to progress. If you die you lose all progress (until you beat the 3rd boss). Plus the maps are always randomized. The bosses look cool as fuck. Honestly it's hard to pinpoint what i like about it so much but for some reason i feel compelled to return to it even though i beat the final boss. The game is designed for multiple runs in order to get everything anyway. And it also has a tower where you can progress infinitely (with its own challenges/bosses) if you get bored of the main game.
did you play it ?

thread theme

don't read the spoilers if you haven't completely beat the game
I realy liked the game but I really really disliked the "muh depression allegroy nothing was real acshually" plot twist

And it also has a tower where you can progress infinitely (with its own challenges/bosses) if you get bored of the main game.

disappointing that the tower is essentially beaten after floor 30

It's got great visuals actually
I don't know how Sony got its greasy paws on it because it's actually a beautiful game with a really cool up-to-interpretation non-linear story
Definitely not tailor-made for the average sony drone


This word is meaningless, it literally doesn't mean anything you retard.

A video game that you play to have fun is bad bebcause the protagonist is a woman and I find her ugly

Just the other side of the same midwit woke coin. Many such cases!

didn't spend much time in it desu cuz i am still trying to finish Act 3. But that's fine, i think the game has plenty of replayability anyway

Shame Hyperion is the only good track in the game. Also the best bossfight, easily. I'm still mad that the last boss is worse and hits weaker than the fucking minibosses in last map.

where's the next housemarque game...
also, you literally cannot buy nex machina in germany anymore.

oh shit I forgot about this game I might pick it up if it has a good sale pri-


guess I'll wait 5 more years.

i mean honestly as i said, i am obsessed with the game, but if the protag was also hot it would be top tier game of the decade contender.

he has the best music but Nemesis is the best looking fight, just because it's in the sky

it takes only 35h to beat it?
i played it for like 10h and dropped in second location (desert) for some reason
i really liked the gameplay as well, it's fast paced, and seems complicated at first but once you understand how things work it feels super good to play and dying isn't that bad

it takes less as you get better, but i suck and as i said, i am playing more after beating the final boss. I think i beat him at around 20-25h mark. But you don't finish the story when you beat the last boss.

Same as the other guy, I finished the game at 25h. Although you could theoretically beat it in like four hours if you were good enough, but I doubt you could beat the superminiboss in the waters without leveling gear.

the very first boss and that guy were the strongest enemies in the entire game for me

Shes not even ugly, just a milf with nice body. During In game cutscenes her face doesnt look that bad as in cover pic. And during gameplay you dont see it at all, which is most of the time as this is not a moviegame

It's a good game. Even better if you have a friend to play. The only ones who hate it are angry coomers.

Basically it's a AAA rogue like so if you like rogue likes you will like this. It's rogue like metroid essentially. If you die you start over but you get get perma upgrades and shortcuts that open up so you don't have to do everything all over again. Has a decent amount of upgrades you can grind for too that are permanently unlock and the story is interesting. Way too many people were upset that you play as an older woman that is not attractive which is just sad. I hate woke shit but this was not woke at all and got caught in the woke crossfire.

One of the few things I didn't like about this game was that the tower was just single player. The tower could have been a nice two player end game where you beef up your guns in the main game so you can then survive the tower.

All bosses have the potential to be the strongest if your RNG roll is bad. I got stuck at the bird boss for a while then I got in a roll of god upgrades and destroyed him

Is it better than Risk of Rape 2?

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That certainly has nothing to do with Toby being known for his Homestuck tracks before even beginning Undertale/Deltarune and coasting off his HS days.

Nah I deserve a free ps6 pro for buying refundal

Different games. Yes, they are both third person roguelikes, but Returnal is faster and has better bosses, it is however has less variety in items and for some ungodly reason they put a cap on how many items you can have.

did you taste the turd first?

35 hour roguelike

Thats pretty bad. Hades and Binding of Isaac vanilla was like 50 hours.

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has no arguments

resorts to using food analogy

Don't you have Dragon Age thread to shitpost in?

no u

Pathetic, it's bring, just another shmup like Vanquish




No need to try to notice the mediocrity, stupid mentality that you have

reddit spacing

Oh so you are election tourist, I get it now.

So, you never played Returnal? It's a great looking game.

Nemesis.webm - 1280x720, 1.42M

99.99% of the 2 billion listeners of megalovania hve zero clue what a homestuck is

can't see shit captain

All games are postmodern

All I remember about this game is being interested in it, going to the subreddit for it, every other thread was bitching how hard it was and how they were playing it for a year and couldn't beat it, I buy it and beat it in 25 hours. Holy shit redditors are bad at games. I also think the trophy to beat the first boss had a small completion %. It's challenging compared to most modern games but it's not that bad and gives you options to grind to become OP

Did you know that Housemarque is the oldest game developing company in Finland?

I second this it's one of the best games of this gen. Everything about it is great, the gameplay, the sound, the look, the story, the atmosphere, even the haptics.

It's a different experience.

Why do they make games about American astronauts going through space PTSD instead of Finnish themed shit?

Arent all the games by fact all pastmodern?

Because they dont have a Finnish space program

imagine getting tricked into buying some shitty dei slop by redditors just to flex on Anon Babble. the absolute state lmao

It's not DEI ridden and the redditors were suggesting not too buy it because it was too hard.

Housemarque and its predecessors have always done space shooters, it's kinda their genre. Returnal was breaking away from their old genres of choice because some of their previous titles flopped, but you can still tell the common elements between Super Stardust and


The MC is a woman, therefore it's DEI and woke

Thats the thing with sci fi fiction you can do anything you want. I have seen tons of American central space games a breath of fresh air and a change would be nice.

I can't tell if this is a parody post or not at this point

Why would it be a parody? In this day and age that’s how it goes

All games are postmodernical

Bruv this game is actually really good. The story is lame, so set the language to Finnish and you won't understand anything anyway. The model is lame but there's mods for Samus or Riley Reid or whatever anime girl you want. But the gunplay and replayability is really fucking good. It's an old-school pick-up-and-play game without much other bullshit. The weapon advancement is 10/10, the mods and powerups are really well done. It's technically excellent, sound, visuals, controls. It's an actual game in an age of VN's and moviegames.

Story is pretty dark and making the mc hot would make it comedic

expecting coomers to understand nuance and tone

America play an extremely small role in Returnal. It's about a Mother losing her child, the only hint that it's american is the voice actress

So it's about Roe v. Wade?

well, i am a coomer and i still love the game despite tie protag being a hag. But if she was younger, like in her 30s, i would like it more, it's quite simple.

returnal is great though

i really wanna replay it on pc but i'm waiting for a proper sale, problem is it seems to be selling reasonably well because sony doesn't want to discount it all that much

Basically any recent AAA game should support both HDR and surround sound.

Facts. Zero reason to not have these when it's literally a single line of code in DX or VK.