How's that powerleveling going, son?

How's that powerleveling going, son?

My life for the ward

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waiting for TBC because I don't fuck with world buff cancer

you can play classic for like the fourth time

For what purpose?

Just dinged 45.

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there's no modern equivalent

I still don't know if I should roll priest or shaman as a healer

I am doing green quests in stonetalon mountain as human female warrior

Yes i will do suboptimal quests

Yes i will do my warrior class quest

Yes i wont dungeon grind, instead i do all dungeons once

Still killing Kobolds on the starting area. Less than 60 minutes.

I though I would relive those happy times, but I just don't have the free time any more.

Level 26, about to do Stockades
Far from powerleveling. Just enjoying the game.

Switched to Turtle at lvl15 cause I realized I didn't want to give my money to Blizzard every month

Not playing because I don't want to inevitably be forced into soulless TBC expansion.
Sticking with Era.

buy an ad faggot

Pretty great actually, I just shat on your roleplaying faggot char not even 5min ago, felt great.

Leveling an alt in Turtle WoW for their event instead of wasting time with a boring 1.12 redux

You see so many faggots playing mage and warrior because we all know the meta, enjoying rolling against 15 other Fury Warriors in Molten Snore.

Troontle WoW

KEK! Poorfags have to settle for this abomination

enjoy eating the shit out of my ass, you NIGGER

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Yeah i don't get the point of this with the inevitable progression to TBC. Why spend all the time and gold to grind naxx/buy Tier 3 gear for it to be replaced by easy mode kara/heroic dungeons.

By 2.4.3 they made this worse by buffing kara/heroic gear as well as nerfing heroic dungeons.

posting chad for you own post is fucking gay and you're a huge fag for doing it

Go to Warmane


You have to be fucked up and retarded to not just play a private server.

That sure was a slick new server, can't wait for the next part! Wow, this is so much fun! Fresh hype, fresh hype!

all of this but unironically

Turtle WoW

Is it still infested by chinks? Giving them their own server is way, way more than that nation of cheating dipshits deserve.

Not playing on Troontle, Xienna.

You literally eat Blizzard's shit.

How's that powerleveling going, son?

Lvl 30, having a job sucks.

But then again I earn so much money I can buy everything I want and I wouldn't miss it.

Unlike the guy in my guild that is 53 already and 24/7 online only going for a power nap every 12h or so

What are some good 1x blizzlike tbc servers?

Not on the main PVE server.

he fell for the "going home" meme.

if Asmocuck can quit his wow addiction, so can you.

asmon traded it for being a culture war faggot, though

trading one addiction for another is usually how you do it.

that server is on the brink of death.

I'm playing vanilla for the first time via Turtle, ask me anything.

What's it like not being able to say whatever you want without being muted and banned by tranny GMs?

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peaks at 7k recently

Started my toon on friday, currently level 13 mage :)
Great pace. I think.

im playing like a chicken and ignoring 80% of quests because they seem scary
i hit level 24 just farming green mobs, no death yet

Yes i wont dungeon grind, instead i do all dungeons once

this is the way everyone should be playing, if you don't have at least two quests in a dungeon - fuck off and do normal questing, don't be an AoE grinding faggot rushing to endgame then whining about there being nothing to do.

It's so fucking good bros.
I'm on likely the best guild on the server. I'm second on the list for Thunderfury. I got a healslut all talked up and in my whispers daily. 8-12 hour long sessions with the clique.
I fucking love Vanilla WoW and nothing comes close to this feeling of success.


ar tu lietuvis?

It's cool how my outland greens will be better than your gear.

I fucking love Vanilla WoW and nothing comes close to this

Well you're going to be forced into TBC if playing on the anniversary server.
I love vanilla too, which is why I'm not playing there.

wait so are any of you playing hardcore or what

tranime character model

Still Alive

Yep, checks out.

how does one find a healslut in vanilla wow of all things? I don't think I even flirted with a girl in WoW, despite having borderline a fuckbuddy harem in FFXIV, it's easy there, I wouldn't even know how to approach such things in WoW unless it was some hypercasual social guild or some gay shit, but 90% of women I saw playing wrath classic on discord were fat post-pregnancy women, only saw a couple hotties while doing GDKPs.

Hardcore in WoW is beyond retarded

meanwhile on turtle they had to enable cross faction battleground teams because 90% of the people who pvp on turtle picked their hilariously over tuned god mode paladin.

I'm not constantly raging and shitting my pants, so I've never had an issue.

It isn’t 2004 anymore
You aren’t 15 anymore
The world has gone to shit
You can’t relive the glory days of WoW unless Elon invents a time machine
I want to so bad too, bros, but nuBlizz can’t give it to you

lvling an Orc war in SSF. Upping the 'erbalism before I head to barrens

horde locked currently so cant play with my friends

go on without me...

i stopped playing after making 7 different characters and leveling them up to 8

I've played vanilla too many times recently, I need a break from fresh for a bit

Paladins have got a few nerfs but i agree they overtuned the fuck out of them. Ret also outdps's a couple of pure DPS classes and they admit that's an issue.

even fucking Tyler1 is annoyed by the current mentality of people whining about him not playing with addons like Questie. I also like that he's been reading quest log properly to figure shit out instead of being a restedXP using dweeb. Shame he's followed around by faggots stealth healing him and spam party inviting, etc.

o-okay no need to be rude.. i never played before and thought it'd be fun

I'm not sure I have enough free time in my life anymore to waste canvassing whole maps looking for where shit spawns.

Im just getting to 60, getting my prebis and quitting. Raiding sounds annoying.

ok but why do you need to spam at streamers to play the same way you do?

Fun until you die and realize you wasted potentially dozens of hours leveling a character that is now gone.

I get it, even in 2007 as a teen playing shit private servers I used shit like thottbot (throwback innit), it's fine. But it's the mentality of the people to rush to the end game while making the journey itself some minmax spedrurn unenjoyable bullshit that's been grinding my gears for a long time now, also not just a WoW issue either.
I'm playing most evenings for a few hours since they re-released and levelling an undead mage for the first time ever so I'm taking my sweet time have no addons except shit like "auto sell junk" and questie, otherwise I'm going at it pretty raw.

Shut the fuck up dad I'm ERPing with a cute miqo in Ul'dah

Can't you just transfer it to a normal server?

I don't. I'm just saying I envy his free time.
Yeah, even with the quest add on I use (tells me when quests are around to pick up and where enemies related to it spawn, generally), I still spend most of my time taking in the vibe and enjoying the world. I've yet to run out of new leveling quests for Vanilla, but once I do I'll probably just turn the add on off.

try hardcore

son of arugal

Questie is just a substitute for asking the massive player base that's now long gone, desu

POE2 aint started yet

Not playing because I don't like vanilla

gr8 i met a gay dragon in a wheelchair and i was H U M B L E D

i got a warrior to lvl 32 on my first attempt at playing hardcore but the weapons didnt drop from my dungeon run, this was back when the retarded hardcore mod only let you run each dungeon once in order to stop people from just dungeon grinding. So rather than use a green weapon on a warrior and needing to eat after every 2nd mob i just quit. I have leveled as a melee class before in the 30-40s when i needed to use green outdated weapons and it was painful as fuck, never again.

Im 31

why are you playing without questing addon

because at this point i remember every quest in this game and how it is done


wtf is wrong with people

my friend has already died in the 30s twice on hardcore, both times due to the servers shitting themselves through no fault of his own

mfw he is now leveling his 3rd character

I will never understand the absolutely braindead retarded hardcore meme.

people cant think for themselves and need charts to follow. its crazy to me that some dungeon groups wont invite you unless you show them your wow log and join a discord channel.

and here a thought things could not get this retarded after GearScore was made.

some dungeon groups wont invite you unless you show them your wow log and join a discord channel

mfw i ran deadmines on master loot not once, but twice with different people

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The Wowfag tendency to ask for a resume is so wild.

some dungeon groups wont invite you unless you show them your wow log and join a discord channel

this didn’t happen in actual vanilla
the modern wow community is pathetic

You gotta be in the good guilds.
Healsluts now are mostly twitch streamers or youtube creators and they're all chasing clout.
Once you're in any sort of decent guild they're easy to pick up on.

see some hardcore clips video pop up in my feed on jewtube

literally every single death clip is of gigaboomer room temp IQ mouthbreathers holding S key after they accidently aggro two mobs or some high level person dying due to a bug or server issue

I guess it's cool that Blizzard added HC officially to the game after all the years of community support for it, however I still think you are really stupid if you waste your time playing it.

afraid a hunter was gonna take away your gear little rouge?

HC death clip

warrior charging into group of orange mobs

mage fucking up aoe


hunters dont need any loot tho
their pet doing all the work anyway

So how bad is the botting situation right now? Haven't played since SOD last year and the reason I quit was because the botting situation was absolutely insanely out of control, there were probably 10 bots for every 1 player on my server before I quit.

Fun until you die

i havent died yed so yeah its still fun^^


Pay monthly subscription to play on a server flooded with spics, chinks and bots with moderaters who'll ban you over nothing

Pay nothing to play on a server flooded with spics, chinks and bots with moderaters who'll ban you over nothing

There is 0 difference in quality between retail and private servers. The only choice you make is if you wanna paypig for woke rape incorporated.

speaking of bots, do people still buy gold?

it didint happen in classic either. no one asked for your logs or discord channel outside of raids.

Of course. Gold sellers have been making money hand over fist in Classic for the past 5 years, they're are a bunch of rich chinks, flips, and various other SEA monkeys who have made absolute fortunes in their countries solely off of botting. It ain't stopping anytime soon

so what's the deal with the anime posters in /wowcg/? is it just one dude ERPing with himself?