*is a timeless masterpiece*

*is a timeless masterpiece*

what went so right?

not 100% related but I just realized recently that when people on the Internet are talking about sex and virginity and shit it's kind of like discussions about Souls games where everyone straight up lies about how good they are at it and how they beat every single boss on their first try

Demon souls was so insanely popular it let them basically get free reign on how to design dark souls, it also had a much less delayed release (most people don't remember like 85% of demon souls ps3 sales were initially the eng-asia version because SO MANY people imported it).
It was hard at a time so many games were getting easier and easier, it was dark but colorful instead of brown.

the asset quality is in a really interesting place with the way it's rendered
I can't even say "it's good" or "it's bad underneath" or anything because the lighting handles it all so nicely, which is really visible and said to death of the demaster

it wasn't open world, but rather an interconnected world

I beat the capra demon on my first try and never understood why people were raging so much about him.

the marketing, peer pressure and rabid fanbase

Soul, but for real and not a meme.

no interruptions
methodical, easy combat, making dying feel like your mistake
still fresh and novel setting
old school level design and encounters
short and replayable

The world being connected was the right thing. It gave it more life.

It was good for its time, but it has aged very poorly. It's been outclassed by Elden Ring in every way possible, so there's really no reason to go back to it.

i don't agree that it aged poorly. i played it after elden ring and i really enjoyed it. in fact, i quite liked the slower, more methodical combat. it felt more appropriate than a guy in a full suit of armor doing somersaults every 2 seconds.

dark souls 2 was better and is the best in the trilogy.

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i got stuck on capra demon for like a week and then after i beat him i saw someone post a video of DSP beating it on his first try

love me some interconnected survival craft

if you played Demons before no shit you had no problems with the capra demon
it's like me having played Demons Souls after having played Dark Souls, and saying the valley of defilement is kino (it is) and flamelurker is a pushover faggot compared to Artorias

Lordran still feels like a more real space than the lands between, and traveling from one end of it to another feels like camping in a strange location. Elden ring is mechanically superior but never doesn’t feel like a video game.

Basically because of a wrong build.
If a new inexperienced player gets there with a strength build, without having leveled vitality/endurance, he's pretty much fucked. On the other hand, if so far the new player has leveled those stats without touching strength yet, it will be much much easier. Have in mind, many guides on the internet suggest STR builds, which is fine, but not for new players.

what went so right

Assuming that it ever had a chance to fail

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that's a completely moot point because of SL1 runs

the only things that matter against capra are skills, poise, and having a weapon that doesn't bounce back against the wall on top of the stairs
since most newfags will more often than not use a sword of some sorts, they will also get mauled by the heckin' pupperinos wholesome chungus good bois

what went so right?


Kek. It was time to become gud at games like DSP.

not with that dlc it isnt. stop lying to yourself

DSP beating it on his first try

He really did that? I feel so embarrassed now.

There's just enough of everything. I don't know how to put it into words, but every character, every encounter is memorable. Nothing is overdone, it's just enough. The things that should be complete are, and there's just enough space left for the player's imagination.
To explain myself better, Dark Souls 3 is the exact opposite of this, expanding upon things that never should've been expanded upon, while adding pointless lore threads that never go anywhere.
Dark Souls 1 is my favorite game of all time, I replay it at least once a year. I like the QoL changes in Remastered but wish it kept the old lighting.
All the other From games are really good too and among my favorites, but I don't feel the desire to replay them that much, I've replayed them once, twice in the case of DaS2 - SotFS release and in 2022.

It has that epic feel the sequels lack. Taking a moment to admire the sun after defeating the taurus demon? that feeling of hope? fuck dude

hes a stat check boss. if you have the right stats hes easy as shit. if you dont he can be straight up RNG. also i think they nerfed the dog placement to make it easier to run up the stairs.

I love killing the dragonirians in this game.

whoah I didn't know you could parry the boar

a little higher quality

it's a flawed masterpiece, but a masterpiece for sure.
this but also the level design is on-point.
this guy just doesn't get it

It's insane how there was a time that this guy was a popular let's player with an actual fanbase.

i know

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18k hours

There's absolutely no way this is real. The game barely has enough content for 500 hours, let alone 1k.

yeah, i've 100% PTDE and remastered, PTDE i have 180 hours, remastered 485 hours.

how the fuck is this even possible

that's over two years in game. dude probably just leaves it running on steam anytime he's not there.

DSP beat the final boss of sekiro in like 3-4 tries

literally no idea where to go without Googling a guide
you get stuck without any clues

yeah the game was heavily designed around other players telling you what to do a lot of the time. it encourages an active community but otherwise it makes a lot of stuff just feel like poor game design.

what went so right?

everything pic related
the rest not so much, but those are probably the best designed levels and interconnectivity in any videogame ever, absolute peak and I don't think we we'll ever get something this good ever again

Awesome level and world design, strong armor and shields, cool plunging attacks on the first couple of bosses. Many other things were ported from Demons' Souls, with some improvements(like streamlined weapon upgrading).

(like streamlined weapon upgrading).

still ass though

Flamelurker is a pushover compared to Artorias

Not in NG+. The true Demons' souls starts in NG+.
Artorias wasn't really a problem in NG nor NG+, because a silver knight shield just shuts him down.


Nope. It was the best upgrading in souls. You had to commit to your upgrade path, which is kino, but you didn't have to collect 15 different types of ore like in Demons' souls(only to use 1 or 2 in the end).

no it's terrible, elemental weapons are all trash and colored titanite shards are a massive waste of time to get, so is the normal path going to +15 instead of +10