It's just localization chud just go watch porn. Localized version is better. It's their culture. You are just a gooner

It's just localization chud just go watch porn. Localized version is better. It's their culture. You are just a gooner.

It's their culture

Unironically yes. This lgbt crap is only promoted in western countries.

How does the scene without Vi work? Do they make her talk to herself or watch the sunset in silence?

She speaks to Mao Zedong.

Erasing minorities =/= updating outdated designs.

It's just all weird with missing characters as if they are posing alone, unless the video I saw in YouTube was a meme edit

Ok? The chinks can watch their version if they want, I'm not gonna try and stop them

And how does Chinese censorship affect me in any way?

I wonder how chink viewers feel about being treated to 4kids-tier retarded censorship.

based chinks removing all the fags from their media

The ones that care just watch the non censored version if chinks on twitter are to be believed


They don't mind, since only a retard would call it 4kdis censorship. It's just a clear and pointed refusal of jewish influences and that makes burgers furious since their entire culture has been systematically permeated with jewish subversion agendas.

Better question is why is riot games making woke shows for the west but keep it clean im their mainland. Lgbt is a project to destabilize the west.

it's not a meme edit lmao china is retarded

its a project by the west to destabilise western society because our governments view their citizens (us) as their greatest enemy

you don't need help doing that, you're all fucking retarded and destroying yourselves regardless

get rid of Cait too and you fix Arcane

they see it less as infantile pandering and more as taking a stance against whatever boogieman they labelled as the cultural enemy, in this case western degeneracy
not that they are entirely wrong, half the complaints you see about the series here is also about the dyke relationship being horseshit and pandering, which the Chinese version of the show omits
this is a better question, why cant I just choose which version I want to watch and then make my own conclusion on which one is better? what happened to freedom of choice?

Am I the only who prefers the chinese version?
It feels more brooding

this is a better question, why cant I just choose which version I want to watch and then make my own conclusion on which one is better? what happened to freedom of choice?

Censorship is born as the opposite of freedom of choice, the creators of the show didn't set out to make multiple versions but were forced to do so.

This lgbt crap is only promoted in western countries.

China has one of the largest amounts of trannies and fags in the world

Not only that these fags literally do their faggot shit out in public and noone bats an eye, like you've got dudes jerking off in women's bathrooms recording themselves and nobody does anything about it, China is one of the gayest shitholes on the planet

Do they cut out the Ekko x Jinx stuff too? China aren't too keen on blacks either.

You clearly haven't seen just how dedicated chink fujos and yurifags are

Censorship is born as the opposite of freedom of choice, the creators of the show didn't set out to make multiple versions but were forced to do so.

I dont mind that, I just find it funny that they cater to bugmen for money and due to Tencent owning most of Riot while they shove their wokeshit in everyone else's faces

like you've got dudes jerking off in women's bathrooms recording themselves and nobody does anything about it

I mean, that also happens in the west.

where do I watch the chinese version? been putting off watching arcane

Writers should proceed to kill all gay characters. That would be hilarious.

Riot Games is owned by China so the right one is the canon one.

Maybe it the government actually regulate it too then...

Imagine if someone based their views of the US entirely on webms and sensationalist article headlines haha

Honestly every media should have an option to toggle this stuff on or off just let the people decide what they want to consume.

I wasn't talking about "du west", I was presenting an argument to counter your false assumption that china isn't a faggot homosex nation

Censorship costs money. Companies don't want to spend more money when they could be spending less. So instead of creating what the want to create and THEN censor if they're forced to, they pre-emptively make one boring, flat, completely non-offensive product for the entire world. Because that's cheaper.
No sex, this would offend the Americans. No gays, this would offend the Arabs. No violence, this would offend the Germans. No gore, this would offend the Japanese.

That's why League has been consistently removing any skull-shaped object from the game for the last ten years. It's pre-emptively censored for China, because making two versions of the game would be more expensive. So yes, it affects you as well.

wtf im arab now

Based china

I live in the balkans and this shit is literally ONLY promoted by the west. You won't see any other part of the world talking about transing children.

They're into twink men wearing faggy silk clothes and being gay. Pick your poison

LOL always was gay and lame shit for retards, if you are watching this cartoon and crying about wokestuff it means you are stupid for watching something that was clearly not made for you.

They stay in their own lane I don't care. Fags can make games for fags as long as they don't try to influence the normal games which is what's happening currently in the west.

Not preventing is the same as promoting, claiming to be "le manly country full of manly men against le lgbt" and then letting a substantial part of your male population become crossdressing, cocksucking faggots who indecently expose themselves in public with impunity is pretty much the same as saying that being a fag is okay

better than two ugly women kissing

self insert for females

I don't think you understand


china censorship is based actually

what human slime, truly

That's unironically less gay than western LGBT-friendly same-sex romances.

Didn't they kinda prevent it by removing the dyke scene from the cartoon tho?

China's censorship is 4kids levels of retard

its a project by the west to destabilise western society

But why? What's their objective?

what is that preventing exactly you humongous retard ?

faggot propaganda?

don't ask questions, stick to the narrative
it's meant to be retarded to select only for the dumbest motherfuckers on earth

This is why I don't take people soapboxing about muh censorship seriously. They change their tune real quick when it comes to censoring their political opposition. Keep this in mind next time you see someone acting all overdramatic about local censorship.

and what's the point of preventing faggot propaganda if faggots are free to do their business everywhere and actually infest your country ?

Supremely based.

I mean, they could have done more, but it's still better than not censoring faggot propaganda

infest? substantial? got any numbers to substantiate that?

why are the chinks afraid of skeletons

Cope lmao

getting actual numbers from China, a nation of professional liars and hypocrites

Just travel there and you'll see, or stay poor and dumb your whole life not my problem
The point is that it's half hearted and insincere, because they don't actually care about the thing itself, it's just keeping up appearances for propaganda. There isn't a shred of honesty to be found in the body of a chinese.

Those "outdated designs" are now in the minority. So you are trying to erase minorities.

they aren't, it's a meme that comes from the fact that chinks censor violence in products aimed at kid very strongly, even more so if they're foreign, and skeletons got roped into that "realistic violence" category by western devs trying desperately to make something bland enough that the chinks won't take offense to it and ask them to do it again.

It makes me furious I have to deal with this gay shit but commie chinks don’t.

If you support any instance of someone restricting what kind of entertainment you're allowed to consume, you deserve to be killed in traffic

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real unedited version

man at least make it good bread

Didn't china have an entire class of eunuchs who willingly castrated themselves to serve in royal shit for 100s of years?

I want sexual fetish disguised as "orientation" to be in my games

Just take meds at this point.

This is why I support censorship. They started it.

all bread is bad

lgbt garbage being censored 'insincerely' is still better than it not being censored at all

fuck you man

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Trumps won, expect more troon censorship in the nearest future.

you deserve to be killed in traffic

Well that already happens all the time in chinkland.

not my homosex!!!
obama save me!!!!

please do not post gore outside of Anon Babble, thanks

it's not even traffic, just spontaneous combustion goes hard over there

But he didn't post a neovagina???

I-is that the consequences of my actions NOOOOOOO

Good. I hope project 2025 is real.

berry walnut bread is unironically worse than any tranny shit you can pump out
people who eat that shit are, without a single shred of irony, spawns from hell
i curse you with an allergy towards it

based as FUCK

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censorhip is pure basedboy behaviour on every side

my fucking sides

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no you're just obsessed with cock

Culture rapists not so smug after being raped.

turns into multidimensional kino where characters interact while on different planes of existence

and also arab

chensorship is basedboy behaviour on every side and a modfag is editing me

Post Adolf Hitler Videogame. No need to have a pretend-thread.

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i wish they would make two versions of these shows, one with and one without the gay, so you could toggle it off

tim and eric was such a good show


Mario would solo TMNT and it wouldn't even be close

so the word for the cereal they make milk with gets auto translated not to offend the little faggies that suck chin-chensorship cock good to know

eastern countries have gay contents too but the target audiences are actually opposite sex

girls like fantasizing about men take it in the asses

Are you implying that gay shit in the west is targeted towards the same sex?
Majority of people who write lesbo shit are men or "men".

what the fuck

i think he's implying that's the only sex that's allowed to view that content

Please, government, please censore more! Please, I want more of my media being currated by daddy government. Yes, yes, slide that stiletto down my throat. I love it, I love it!

t. the right

Actually that's both sides right now, it just has to be the content they disagree with.

the only thing the gays are destabilizing is your mental wellbeing

Censorship is good if it fits my agenda


Cait and Vi are schizophrenics


he's implying that gay shit in the east is essentially fap fuel for the opposite sex, whereas gay shit in the west is now a performative song and dance targeted at real homos
i think this is what people who say "oh, you don't like lesbos in your media? 20 years ago we would have been ecstatic!" don't get. it's not the same as it was back then. now it's some "empowering" virtue signal rather than the creator just throwing it in because it made his dick hard

this really doesn't look that bad

Holy shit this show is awful. Never mind the censorship.

What's especially wild about this is that China left in all the gay moments between Jayce and Viktor in the finale.

the most american post on this website right now

yes. RGB content should be eradicated from public perception and media, these people should be ostracized into hiding their true identity again. Nothing good came of tolerating them. Remember the

muh slippery slope! We just want to visit each other in hospitals! We don't want to fuck kids!

and then they went and adopted and fucked kids en masse, dressed in drag and read to children (never the elderly, only children), indoctrinate and brainwash children from a very young age into accepting that two men are great parents, etc
The slippery slope is extremely real and no one can even pretend it doesn't exist anymore.

Dunno what your issue is, one of these versions has dykeshit, the other doesn't. End of story - You can do all this complex background cope you want, but only one version is playing on their version of shitflix

You can't do that because otherwise the EU rapes you up the ass with sanctions. It's mandated propaganda.

I blame pic. related

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