This is why I’m never moving out

This is why I’m never moving out.

IMG_6245.jpg - 1290x1480, 1.36M

Being a deadbeat parasite isn't good
You live a fool's paradise

That's fucking retarded, you could buy all that s

honey buns

You're right to do what you're doing and godspeed.

lol at that last rack bulging from all the corn syrupslop

The 30+ litres of flavoured corn syrup water at the bottom makes me retch.

you people would not actually eat any of this shit designed for subhumans... right?

man thats like $50 of potato chips alone. if you have this kind of money, why buy slop?

It's gamer fuel

thing is manufactured and perfected by billion dollar companies to be delicious to the point of addiction

wtf who eats this how could you even look at it

these have always been the worst niggers on this site i swear

if you find this tasty then you're exactly the kind of person this billion dollar company has manufactured it for

this kind of money

Those are the people who complain about not having a living wage.

Says the wage slave who spends most of his life making mega corporations richer

None of that is even edible

After I got my own disposable income and ate a bunch of this shit I lost my obsession with junk food, I don't know how people love the taste of it. It's all kind of cheap and unpleasant compared to a good meal like baked chicken breast or something like that. I still drink sodaslop though so I can't critic too much

I don't care about cooking food for myself
I don't care about buying a bunch of food that are packaged for families.
I don't care about doing dishes constantly.

You must be over 18 to post here, go back to class

Honestly I don't understand it either. Processed snacks always make me feel like shit, I think even more so since I started to eat healthier. Maybe I'm just more conscious of dead calories and would rather put them towards things that are actually healthy. How people are able to still function after constantly eating fast food and chips/candy/soda blows my mind. Maybe they're the ones who are built different, cause you have to have been born a superhuman to be able to survive off all that crap. I probably shouldn't judge, it can be pretty tasty.

I'm in my 40's, not everyone wants to waste time making healthy food just to live a few months more.
You could be the healthiest eater, doesn't mean you won't get dementia.

How do americans even survive living off food-adjacent products like this?

it's god that decides when and how you die

Good goy consuming slop that keeps him fat, gay, AND retarded.

You could be the healthiest eater, doesn't mean you won't get dementia

That's what it means you niggercattle, virtually all chronic and degenerative diseases can be traced to an unhealthy lifestyle

You people act like you're going to live forever

That's literally not true.
Also genetics
Also cancer doesn't give a fuck how much kale you eat.
Sun doesn't care how much multivitamins you take.

With your logic you shouldn't be here talking about video games or even playing them
You should be using your time working out or getting rest.


I didn't wash my teeth for 2 years now...

Some of it is genetic but that's the field of epigenetics and understanding what triggers diseases in people that are more likely to inherit them. With dementia at least due to the amount of research in Alzheimer's dementia it's starting to be understood that lifestyle (not just lack of sleep) including diet, exercise, general wellbeing, stress, CTE's, are all contributing factors to the likelihood of dementia triggering.

the body can take some serious abuse.

So we should all be enjoying life and quitting our jobs

you smoke 2 packs a day ? No wonder you got lung cancer

yeah he died from cirrhosis, he was an alkie

oh no I got stomach cancer, how could this possibly happen, surely that couldnt be all that slop I ate, how cruel can fate be

People still believe you catch cancer randomly, incredible

Can't pay for your own diabetes?

Not necessarily, but we should be doing a job that gives us a sense of fulfilment at least.

>you smoke 2 packs a day ? No wonder you got lung cancer

You can get lung cancer from pollution, black mold, other people smoking, poor ventilation, inhailing chemicals...

>yeah he died from cirrhosis, he was an alkie

Again, you can get that from other things too.

>oh no I got stomach cancer, how could this possibly happen, surely that couldnt be all that slop I ate, how cruel can fate be

You can get stomach cancer from Smoking (doubles the risk)
Family history of stomach cancer
Infection with H. pylori
Long-term stomach inflammation
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
You can get cancer randomly you dumb fuck

You're spending all that money making corporations rich by buying those foods that are making you unhealthy.

be healthy

exercise daily

get cancer and die

be boomer

drink 3 dr peppers everyday and live a long time
I want off this ride

Why would anyone care about getting cancer? You have to die from something, and I want to die from something I enjoyed.

So? You can get sick eating lettuce from the grocery store, the fuck is your point?

What? Anon what the fuck are you talking about?

Yeah thats exactly my point you nigger. It's all environmental, including food

Contrary to what your boomer parents believed, lettuce is unhealthy as shit
Zero nutrition value, just GMO and pesticides. And typically covered in sugary seed oil sauce. Unless its grown by your grandma it literally does more harm than good

earn money

move out

everything costs more money

only benefit is I don't hear yammering when I don't have headphones on

have less money than before

also I haven't done anything with anyone in 5+ years so what's the big difference

I don't get it

reading this shit made me fart and cry not gonna lie

Digestion and catharsis are important in equal measure

He doesn't know

Pesticides are not enviromental. That's man made.
Or the preservatives in your milk.

You can get sick from eating any vegetables the same way

nigger you used the meme wrong, AND you're reddit spacing. holy go back you absolute faggot.

preservatives in your milk.

there is none, it just says whole milk in ingredients list

Zoomer, grow up. It's called double spacing. You fucking crybaby. You clearly lack protein if you're this much of a faggot.

You're right anon, and Lunchables doesn't have lead right?

Calls me stupid

Thinks you eating healthy is going to prevent you from getting something eventually

You're not going to die a healthy person anon. Welcome to your first epiphany.

that's not reddit spacing
at most you can criticize him for capitalizing the first word in his greentext regardless of context

I'm 30 and have had 3 kidney stones so far in my life and I seriously drink NOTHING but purified water straight out the ground in my backyard. Some of the worst pain I've ever experienced each time.

My dad on the other hand is almost 60 and drinks NOTHING but Mountain Dew 2 liters daily and has zero kidney issues.

At most you can criticize him for capitalizing the first word in his greentext regardless of context

What grammar law states this? Shut the fuck up.

Nice goalpost moving faggot. And yeah I might still get brain cancer from 7G radiation in 20 years or die from microplastics clogging my blood, but it definitely won't be from eating goyslop

Go away

Ok so you're ok doing shit things regardless. You're just a hypocrite.

i haven't seen a pantry that full of just anything since probably 2006

kuso thread

Make me you limp wrist faggot.

Again, you can get that from other things too.

The only other thing that has as high of a chance of causing liver cirrhosis as alcohol is hepatitis.

I got a good amount of junk food while I house sat for someone for 2 weeks for a treat and I felt like fucking shit a few days in how can people eat nothing but this?

The frosted flakes were good though, those are probably the one thing I had that I missed that didn't make me want to hurl.

"g-grow up!11! ingest more protein!!1!!"

implying supplements aren't a fucking bigpharma scam.
fuck you're a genuine pussy. post 1/2/3/4 then, dyel.

best thread on Anon Babble right now

Anon Babble has been fucking dogshit today, is it because high schools are on break for thanksgiving?

Keyword: Chance

Thinks protein is not in food

lmao this entire thread is just fatasses coping and trying to justify their shitty unhealthy lifestyles
they dont even know how good it feels to be lean and healthy

Of course it's because of them you fucking idiot. You ever on Anon Babble on Sundays? It's the worst.
Summer? The worst.