Chris Avellone finally speaks out on the Obsidian situation
He wants revenge

I love these mentally ill LGBT narcissists getting fucked over, I hope the avowed dev has his life permanently ruined

old washed up dev turns grifter

also a sexual assaulter

Every single time.

He was literally acquitted

what did he do?

In June 2020, Avellone was accused by two people of using his status for sexual misconduct and harassment towards women during industry conventions. Following these allegations, Techland announced that they and Avellone agreed to end his work on Dying Light 2.[175] Gato Studios also removed Avellone from The Waylanders; according to lead writer Emily Grace Buck, Avellone had "very little writing" over that project, having only penned a few quests that they planned to rewrite.[176] Paradox Interactive said that while Avellone had worked on an early version of Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2, much of his work had since been overwritten.[177]

Avellone published a denial of the allegations through Medium in June 2021 and stated he had filed a libel suit against two accusers in a California court.[178][179] This libel suit was settled in March 2023, with a settlement that "provides for a seven-figure payment" from the accusers to Avellone. Concurrently the two accusers retracted their original accusations, stating that "Mr. Avellone never sexually abused either of us," and that "We have no knowledge that he has ever sexually abused any women."[180][181][182] They also claimed in the same statement that their previous public statements with regards to Avellone had been "misinterpreted".[183]

Some roasties tried to accuse him so they themselves could get a higher position in the company
It was all a sham, he was acquitted, but still got fired because #believeallwomen was big then
He has every reason to be mad

Roasties going to have to put in extra time fucking and sucking a rich guy to pay off their debts now

Accused of rape by 2 women that had after-sex regret.
Bro had receipts and called them out.
The women got quiet afterwards and he got acquitted.

And let me guess, those two fucking cunts walk away scot free

This libel suit was settled in March 2023, with a settlement that "provides for a seven-figure payment" from the accusers to Avellone

I mean why not? Go apply for the job, if you get rejected, tell them you got rejected because of racism, and get paid.

Read the trxt…

ESL or under 18 either way you're a fucking retard who can't read.

Apparently they had to shit out a load of money to him.
Not that matters.
Money is worth less then shit in comparison to a legacy.

Twitter shill thread
Nice try Elon, I'm still using Sky Blue over twitter

Even Marty O'Donnel came off as a chud and angry joe literally uploaded a video shitting on veilguard today, i'm glad that these liberal (libertarian) retards are finally growing spine, better late than never


proven false accusations

how is blusky?

Good. Now start using Blue Sky over Anon Babble as well.

their previous public statements with regards to Avellone had been "misinterpreted"

Funny thing is this is completely true. All Avellone ever did was be a terrible drunk and a bad boyfriend, and that's all the accusations actually entailed. It was everyone else's fault for not even really looking into the shit that was said and just firing him regardless.

They aren't growing a spine, they're noticing the changing winds and adjusting their sails. Any wokelet content creator "seeing the light" is a narcissistic grifter with no morals no values. These are the people you can trust least, they are the ultimate backstabbers, because at least actual leftwingers will die by their values and you know where you stand with them.

Pretty nuts, deserved, but how do two women pony up ~500k each lol

why does the rat flee the sinking ship?

can ensure you don't need to apply for a job ever again

No way the payout is that fat.

you're a sexual deviant until proven otherwise

I have more respect for an enemy than a gutless fake no-morals parasite, but that's really what a lot of 'ring-wing' people hate about the LGBT movement anyway. Too many predators pretending to be for the people.

Avellone got a 7 figure settlement from a libel case. A racial discrimination case from Microsoft could be massive.

Looking at similar court cases, they usually end up paying a few hundred thousand. So yeah, they would still need to work.

chris? stop it!

obsidian, you're pitiful

Libel is a different beast than racial discrimination in hiring, which is much harder to actually prove.

They're still in the industry while he's blacklisted.

It usually gets paid off over time by docking paycheques.

Techland announced that they and Avellone agreed to end his work

He just wanted out too.

He had a very messy separation from Obsidian where they burned a ton of bridges with him and treated him poorly. Afterwards, he got #MeToo'd. He eventually proved the allegations wrong in court and was awarded damages from the accusers, but he had already had his career ruined by getting removed from a bunch of projects.

The thing he's referring to now is an art director at Obsidian openly posting on social media that he is proud to have biased hiring practices that discriminate against white men. Which is illegal.

Then why is he still blacklisted from the bigs?

Wage garnishment.

Who gives a fuck what Avellone says? Dude's gone full chud and right-winged grifter. I liked Josh Sawyer better anyways.

And the roasties had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars on top of it kek.

Libel is a different beast than racial discrimination in hiring, which is much harder to actually prove.

Good thing that Obsidian had their art director make racist as fuck statements that were retweeted by their managment! Plus that other shit from kelly lombardi.

enslave pocs who built this country for centuries


don't get hired by one (1) company once


Why are white people such crybabies jesus

trump wins

the culture shifts so hard, it could give you whiplash

this is fucking wild, man.

i cannot take these people seriously, they have blue marks so they are literally paying elon and crying about transphobia? troll?

I don't really care about the Twitter/X kayfabe
What's Avellone's next game?
Give me that alcoholic metrosex's narrative trvth nvkes.

they gave checkmarks to people with large followings for free

Malfunctioning golems, they don't even understand the sentences they're writing, their brains are on auto-pilot

at the unemployment line

Why does he even bother engaging with these desperate nobodies?

sucking nigger dicks

Acting, it just werks. nobody is actually this retarded irl

That's where all the drones working under this Chadohol end up.
I don't give a fuck about them.

he has been living on his knees for to long
its to late

Literally everyone who isn't white is sick of white people.

my tranime friends said so

kys freak

lmao he even pointed out that directors and devs, so Sawyer, had retweeted the racist tweet for any potential claimaints to have a stronger case.
Obshitian really shouldn't have tried to fuck him over when it comes to money owed.

enslave pocs

I think you meant to type "buy nigger slaves from nigger warlords who enslaved other niggers"

Chris Avellone is a chud

Marty O'Donnel is a chud

Angry joe is a chud

mask are truly off

yes because chris himself had a black slave growing up

You're just sick of getting cucked by white people.
Blame your women. They can tell you why ;).

He raped 2 women in the company. Why would you keep a rapist in the company, especially when public opinion was against him? It was easier to get rid of him

the chudpocalypse is upon is, the west has fallen

Trump won. They don't have to tow the line anymore.

yeah and rittenhouse shot a nigger


Literally who

If you believe accusations by modern white roasties in 2024 with zero evidence you're a useful idiot

Angry joe is a chud

He is? He always seemed pretty liberal to me

They deserved it for ruining games

He gave Veilguard a 3/10, this is the guy who gave Andromeda a 7/10 and his main complain is the "writting"

He raped 2 women in the company.

lol get your timeline straighter than your sexuality faggot. Obshitian stole money from him long before those two convention liars got involved.
He wrote a tell-all of the board members and owner and burned all bridges with them after they fucked him out of partnership money, his 401k and backpay and tried to make him sign another agreement to give up any rights to said money and to stop him from talking about Obsidian after they found out he had family who needed healthcare.

Fully unironically proven to be false in a court of law

he hates tlou2 and anyone who doesn't like jewish masterpiece tlou2 is an SS jew raping nazi

yeah except without the physical interaction. He raped those women verbally and so they decided to play a little prank with HR throwing the entire book at him to get him fired. Practically the same as physical rape yall slay girl

liberalism is now the right while conservatism is alt-right ulra nazi.

latinos shifted to Trump this election.

It’s the absolute reverse. Libel has a ton of ways to dodge being nailed down, while discrimination cases effectively place the burden of proof on the defendant if the accuser can get their foot in the door. Its why it’s far easier to pay people to fuck off than win a case in court

everyone except nigger shifts trump this election. Even white zoomettes put out for trump

Quick, regurgitate the narrative

Sawyer is such a faggot lol. He used to literally play Fallout tabletop with Avellone and now he acts like he never knew him because he doesn't want to lose all the leftist 20 something e-girl followers he has. What a sneaky little shit.

based cabrons got so fucking fed up by those putas

Not gonna happen. That dude is an ally and therefore protected. As long as he doesn't go on a rant against jews and/or nogs, then he's fine.

one of the best game writers isn't washed up lmao, he didn't assault anyone either. he did drunk text some whore though

up to them to figure it out lmao

isn't he unironically gay

all you need to know about Sawyer was that this faggot was active on tumblr

according to him bioware has also done shit worthy of a lawsuit lol

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We already know from Veilguard

is Avellone working on the Knights of the Old Republic Remake Sony is trying to do? Or is he completely unemployed

I hold a candlelight vigil every saturday night for every black person shot by Rittenhouse, every capital policeman murdered on Jan 6th, and the 40 babies beheaded on Oct 7th.

pic related is my candle

A lot of companies are doing shit like that.
Wasn't there leaked footage a while ago of a higher up at Disney saying that white men don't receive promotions at the company?

It's fucked up. But it's no wonder why everything coming out of big companies is so trash nowadays.

He's not. Imagine Avellone trying to work with fucking Sam Maggs. He would stab her eye with a pen in the first week.

Something something mugged by reality

The western game industry is the most nepotic major industry on the planet, significantly worse than Hollywood.

Chris "Kill 'em All" Avellone. GET 'EM ALL CHRIS.

Liberals aren’t leftist, everyone hates them.

Microsoft must be pissed right now that an art director got too big for his britches and is sabotaging all the positive previews Avowed got with his big mouth. People like him are a liability.

I thought that got completely shelved?

becomes a NEET

turns from giga-cuck to based


nice try tranny, but your tricks don't work here.


And to nobody's surprise, dying light 2 was awful.

I hope MS are indeed pissed. Sooner the industry realizes these people should be purged the better.

the fact that Elon literally summoned the Microsoft CEO to turn the leftist trick against them is just French kiss

art director

And director Sawyer who was brought on to work on Avowed.

Grummz, lolicon pedophile breast milk thief

Ori developer, sexual harasser

Old halo composer, MAGAtard

damn you don't have to sell me on them even more

remove them from the industry

gaming turns to shit


anyone has the names of the turbothots that wrongfully accused him, while still working in the space?

What is with all of these recent chud redemption archs? Is the vibe shift real?

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Sawyer is more of an advisor for POE lore and stuff from what I heard, he's not the director.

Ok now triple down tranny, make more people turn against you, stupid fuck.

Leftists have become so irrationally batshit that the more moderate ones are shifting right to get away from them.

Its people who have been silenced by the metoo movement and BLM finally being able to speak up

Alright, what happened this time?

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every demographic except nigger voting trump this election has redpilled normies that woketards are an extreme minority

Ana's been married to a schizo zionist for years, she was gonna turn no matter what

read the thread you nigger

More blacks voted for Trump than any republican in decades

except niggers

Read, nigger

Nah, ain't got time to sift through all the shitposts, just give me the tl;dr I gotta drive to my wage cage in 5

Avowed art director lost the plot and John Sawyer and a ofther people at obisdian retweeted this shit

I want to get rich and hire Chris for a lead writer role so he stops arguing on Xhitter and creates again.

It doesn't help that leftists have been fighting on issues that every normal person is reasonably on the fence about. It went from "gay people shouldn't face workplace discrimination!" to "mtf trannies should be able to dominate in all women's sports and have access to their bathrooms!" It went from "the government should help us!" to "the government should stop building new housing and gentrifying these poor ethnic neighborhoods!"

Liberals online will try to convince you that the crime waves that have been plaguing blue metropolitan areas just don't exist while downtown San Francisco becomes a ghost town. Drug legalization looked like a good thing to do until suddenly the Super Killer 3000 in the form of Fentanyl started killing people by the thousands.

people of cocks?

Trump won the popular vote.

I don't know about their political leaning, but years ago I fell off youtube reviewers altogether when I realized most of the ones I watched just jumped bandwagons and reviewed games according to what they thought the most people wanted to hear. Don't remember which game it was, but it was one those everyone decided to shit on, but since I played myself early I noticed that all the youtube reviewers used footage from only the very beginning of the game, intentionally played wrong, set up situations to make the gameplay look worse than it was and lied their asses off about the entire game being like that, despite that they clearly never even made it to the end of the tutorial. The wasn't a great game, but the amount of bullshit they put on instead of faulting the game for it's actual shortcomings was unreal. Since then I don't trust any of these fuckers on anything anymore.

Chris Got fucked over by Obsidian and got fired for raping 2 women. He sued them and won but the gaming industry still blacklists him.

Recently some Drama happened with the Art Director of Obsidian said that he will prioritise Black artists to replace old crusty white guys like him in the gaming industry. This very same artist was egging on Elon Musk on Twitter. Elon Musk tweets his dude out to the CEO of Microsoft and puts a spotlight on this drama. Saying discriminatory hiring practices is illegal.

Chris Avellone sees the drama with Obsidian and decides this is the best time to strike back and burn all his bridges with the company for fucking him over. Saying you can sue Obsidian for their retarded hiring practices. So that's where we are now. All because the Art Director wanted to get some SJW points on Twitter.

"allies" aren't worth shit, anon
there are a gazillion simps just waiting for their chance to take his place the moment you discard one of these losers

I wish Jeremy Soule did this to the cunts that got him cancelled

woman says lies

everyone believes it

mans career is over

I'm glad Avellone got a payout though. Any time a woman claims "rape" and doesn't go to the police/hospital I will assume she is lying every time.

sex pest who was fired from the company turns into an alt-right grifter

story as old as time.

Hmmm, interesting, I wonder what changed, these people were content with shitting on white people all this time but now they did a 180? Why? It can't just be Trump winning, did people really get sick of the leftie mind virus or are they jumping ship to the "right" just for majority validation, personal convictions be damned?

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get the ick from text messages

textually assaulted

Hell, I've been with him since the first election.

I hope he deports your family members

Quite literally accusing chad vs accusing a beta
Avellone is still blacklisted though, you can never fully win

The Slap 3: anime edition

Not that anon, but I'm also a latino who had many family members voting for Trump. Do you retards know that many of us have been living in the United States for generations? Not all of us are here illegally. My entire family on my mom's side have been in Texas longer than most white people whose family came from Ireland and Italy. Not to mention my otherside of the family being Puerto Rican which is part of the United States. None of us are falling for the fearmongering from leftoids about being deported. Many of us WANT Trump to build the wall and mass deport illegals.

You are the grifter.

qrd ?

Bitch please, women call a guy who just looks in their direction as sexual assault these days.

Someone post the art directors tweet. I saw what sawyer said but what was the art director thing everyone's talking about.


Good luck. We all live in California. And like that other anon said, we've lived here for a while.


no elon just bought twitter and let white people talk again. he also told the jews to knock it off cause whites were/are turning on them

is there anything women won't ruin for attention and personal gain?

The one persuasive piece of evidence for Avellone as a chud is that he made a good number of posts on RPGCodex, undeterred by that forum's clear links to Anon Babble culture and the racism, sexism and general chuddery in many of its threads. But he's not the only mainstream dev to have posted there.

slander should be way more often made into lawsuit

Cool, you should stay there and not come back.

read it first

think they got of lightly, considering they destroyed a career

read it again

realize I missed a zero there

kek, those whores are sucking dick for the rest of their lives to pay that off

He also made twitter into a censorship platform.

u can sue microsoft


isnt this just harassment? I though the left were the good guys?

No he didn't lol

i already posted it, it was this after elon musk commented on this tweet

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same. if there's no police and hospital report, my default assumption is that she's lying.

into a censorship platform.

into a free speech platform

not even israel supports trannies anymore when they started supporting palsteine
go figure

Israel doesn't even allow gay marriage retard

Didn't Kanye get banned for posting a swastika?

brainrot has caused right wingers to go insane. Expect them to do ritual suicides in the following years.