When will steam step up and take responsibility? Grifters are misusing the tagging system and ruining the steam forums. Not to mention allowing literal hate speech curators.
When will steam step up and take responsibility...
steam is a private company and doesn't need to bend their knee to freaks or mentally ill people
Obsidian started it they could have shut their traps and focused on making the game but they had to poke the bear instead.
Being a private company doesn't mean you can just allow hate speech.
It does actually.
Valve should genuinely hire more jannies, the same fucking joke with user tags got boring ages ago
hehe I put "psychological horror!" I'm so funny
I'd like a tag that just said Gay like Yaoi or something instead of having to sift through self insert futa inflation
Thanks for reminding me to flag the griefing
will this be worth the bandwidth?
Yes it does...
I thought the first tag was a good thing? :^)
I had no idea those tags exists...what other games have that?
Obsidian can remove tags if they want.
Of course they don't do that because that would make them look bad in front of their target audience.
Quite the pickle
Exactly. They shouldn't bend the knee and allow these mentally ill freaks to fuck up the tag system for those of us who actually care about video games.
That just flags them right? not removes from teh store?
I think the point OP is trying to get at is trolls or whatever are tagging the games they dont like, for any reason with stuff like fag and political tags in order to either tank sales or just for teh lulz
Someone like me who would avoid any LG fag shit would skip other the game (if I was a retard)
Not that I would play shit like that anyway
tranny switching the words around
lmao, dilate and seethe
uh, maybe don't put LGBTQ shit in your game if you don't want it tagged LGBTQ.
True but concerned citizens are still free to educate them about human rights and online anti-troll / harassment measures they should consider implementing.
After enough people show interest most companies tend to correct their behavior.
How is tagging a game correctly "fuck up the tag system"?
Snowflakes need trigger warnings. They're soft
implement our free speech not other people's free speech!
And this is how you spot a leftist.
Those are accurate though
make your own steam trannies. chuds are in control
You ever read what you write and feel like "damn this rings eerily close to some really fucked up historic context"?
Anyways your strongest days are behind you, big money is starting to tire of playing with you.
how are they misusing it?
you are free to kys too
That's...literally what a private company is allowed to do, who the fuck is gonna regulate them, they only answer to themselves
Where is the lie?
Yes it can you retard it's called allowing free speech
Literal years of faggots ruining the tagging system by tagging shit has shit for gay retards
Throwing a fit when something is accurately tagged for gay retards
I kneel
translation: normal people are tagging woketard games so other normal people know not to buy them
How are these tags wrong?
does anyone here actually just want good video games at this point, or is the outrage - in both directions - more interesting?
Those tags are accurate per at least one individual who has worked on the game.
I still don't know what that means.
should there be a "vanilla" tag for when the cast is all just white straight people then
It's a vague accusation that someone is not of any moral standing because they are making decisions that would contribute to the profitability to what they're producing.
Despite the fact that virtually every net media repository will blackball you if you aren't making as much money as possible.
Steam's user tags
Always amuses me that free porn on hentai websites is much better tagged than paid video games on Steam.
Someone who is stirring up bullshit and outrage because it benefits them. In this case by driving views on their Youtube videos or whatever.
Lol cry about it
I don't understand how LGBTQ tag is a negative thing or why Obsidian would have a problem with it.
there is a whole host of youtubers who make a living from making videos complaining about woke shit. they need a constant source of new woke shit to complain about to continue making money.
Right wing grifters pick out their new game to rail against
Bombard the Steam page with these false flag tags
Other right wing grifters who don't understand these are user tags start claiming they're trying to sell you a political LGBT game
It's honestly getting a bit tiresome at this point.
It's being weaponized by grifters.
all of those are accurate except maybe RPG
Uhhhh...private company, they can do whatever they want. Leftists said it, not me
insult your audience
get surprised when your audience fights back
Maybe keep retards off of social media and you won't have this problem. That or don't hire cult members, that's a pretty good system.
How is accurately describing the content a grift?
Remember when Concord's director begged people to stop tagging Concord as LGBT on Steam?
give people a woke tag (i.e. for games that inject real-world garbage and talk down to the player) and all your problems will go away
imagine if boorus did away with tags because it makes trannies butthurt
Just did this
But lgbtq+ is a good thing that boosts sales? Modern gaming has left chuds behind, we love progressive games now. What's wrong with tagging it as is if it helps sales?
Can you point to what parts of the game are LGBT themed/politically themed?
I'm quoting the art director of the game. I trust him more than anyone else
the correct original meaning of grifter is a scammer or fraudster; a person who deceives others, like zoe quinn, who made a non-game that consisted of a webpage and slept with journos to get positive scores above 1/10.
lgbtrannies are making a concerted effort to highjack it to mean "anyone who has opinions right of mao"
I thought he liked those kinds of people? Why wouldn't he want the game to reach its audience?
And where is the politics?
using pronouns is political
The devs can remove them if they want, but they wont because its true. Theyre on record saying the creation of the game is political in nature, and its certainly lgtb. If they remove them its only going lose them support with their own dwindling side
why are you angry about the LGBT tag? are you a hateful transphobe perchance? you also insist that games are political and pro-diversity (i.e. anti-white), so why are you angry about the politics tag?
give it a whirl if you ain't afeard of the woke my mind virus
where is the politics
are you saying the majority of people hate LGBTQP2+ shit?
why cant a fantasy game have people referring to each other by different pronouns tho? sounds pretty fantastical and outlandish if you ask me.
So it's lgbtq+ themed. Got it. Glad we agree, I hope enough people are aware
"Yeah, I'll go get my cat. HE'S just sitting by the window"
I didn't know I was making a political statement.
You didn't actually post anything btw
which of these is false?
Shouldn't you be happy your game has an LGBTQ+ tag?
damage controlling shills ITT
Oh no no no no no no
they need a constant source of new woke shit to complain about
good thing there is endless supply of it
in a fantasy setting you could imagine any number of reasons why language would be different outside of whether the men want to fuck other men in the ass
Let me rephrase this question so your little brain can understand
The director said that he is injecting his woke mind virus in the game, and you are telling me there is nothing political in that statement?
No, I think it's really brave and stunning that they've decided to opt for representation in a fantasy game. I'm all for it, which is why I will be tagging this game with the appropriate tags.
Yet they arent
why cant a fantasy game have people referring to each other by different pronouns tho?
because fantasy games happen on earth and there only exist 2 genders (male and female), and characters speak English unless noted.
if you want to add different pronouns and shit it would only make sense if you were talking about bizarre alien species with 5 different sexes, but that would open a many cans of worms which make absolutely no sense to go into
furthermore, the intent of they/them xe/xim pronounshit is to corrupt language and influence and groom minors into adopting and using them, which is why everyone normal is so vocally opposed to the concept.
He didn't actually say that though
Has he taken down his comment yet?