Action RPGs

How come nobody has ever tried to make a Kingdom Hearts clone? It'd be nice to have a game that plays like it but without all the cringeworthy crossover garbage.

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Play DMC. It has what you’re looking for AND you don’t need to infect the KH fanbase with your terminal case of lame.

Haven't played it but wasn't Reynatis just that?

I don't remember Aqua's back being so erotic

The wholesome crossover stuff is part of the soul of KH.

That said, I agree that it’s bizarre that no one has tried to copy KH1 or 2’s gameplay considering that they’re basically perfect ARPGs from an gameplay perspective.

Soulsborne is the closest I can think of to a game the plays similar to KH, and the Soulsbornes games have shit gameplay compared to KH.


Kill yourselves.

He thinks that I buy KH games for the crossovers and not for Sora and the gang

He thinks that I care about the Disney Worlds beyond how Sora interacts with them

Maybe you’re just a dummy?

"hurr hurr, you're lame for not eating corporate slop!"


"The wholesome crossover stuff is part of the soul of KH."

Unlike you, I can read, drone.

You replied to two people and neither of them said “I only like KH for the crossovers”. The implications of both were “the crossovers are nice” and “I’m fine with the crossovers because of how the characters interact with them”. Now stop being such a negative Nancy, it’s Thanksgiving.

crossovers are nice

No, they fucking aren't, you bootlicking retard. Commit suicide.

why has no one made a gummi ship clone yet?
shits fun but having to play the rest of the game just to unlock missions is lame

It's the varied environments and the mix of platforming and minigame content and RPG mechanics that makes KH stand out. A combat-only KH clone just wouldn't be the same. Maybe you would prefer Nioh or Stranger of Paradise

Haven't played it but wasn't Reynatis just that?

Reynatis is a victim of the Unity Engine being terrible at literally everything they tried to use it for


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cause the gameplay sucks. it's only carried by the setting

I tries to be but it's bad.

Thats just star fox

Terra is a lucky guy

A combat-only KH clone

Nice baseless assumption of what I want there, dumbass.

been hoping for one too, but all i've seen come close is ff7remake. still on the fence with that one tho. but yeah, nothing like kh since kh

Because Kingdom Hearts itself is a clone of other games, nothing particularly distinct about it. Unless you mean the crossover Disney licenses, well then that answers that question. Too damn expensive.

I mean, I don't really have an interest in what you want I'm just chatting. It's not that serious but Nomura is literally a genius so it's hard for people who aren't him to do what he does.

star fox doesn't let you build you own ship
unlocking shit for it is the best part

Zero holiday cheer

Constantly angry

Can’t understand why some people like certain things

KH was never made for people like you, ya grumpy old Grinch. Remove yourself from the fanbase posthaste.

>He thinks that I care about the Disney Worlds beyond how Sora interacts with them

what is this even trying to say? the entire point of the disney worlds are sora interacting with them

Nothing comes close to the feel of KH sadly.

What utility do the ship unlocks in KH2 have? They were just glorified loading screens and wouldn't be there if the series started on more powerful hardware.

Absolutely not. They do not play the same.

Nomura cocksucker


"KH was never made for people who have basic standards."


Yeah, and that’s all that I care about when it comes to them. I mostly mean that I don’t mind WHAT Worlds are being used, just that they’re used well to further the story in some way or Sora’s development. The Frozen and Little Mermaid World are good examples of Worlds not really furthering the story or development. They could use some random Disney thing from the 90’s and I wouldn’t mind as long as it’s implemented properly.
You sound upset.

FF16 is flopped

FF7 Rebirth is flopped

Visions of Mana is Flopped

DQ3 remake is an overwhelming success

The numbers speak for themselves, nobody wants to play action slop.

Wrong thread. The sales geekery is two blocks down.

Most of what makes action RPG combat like KH good is polish, and polish requires huge resources and QA testing.

Someone made an Adventure Time porn game with Kingdom Hearts gameplay.

aren't the nu-final fantasy games basically kingdom hearts in terms of combat




The closest one would be Remake/Rebirth due to being the same team.
16's is a DMC clone with cooldowns
15 is Hold O to win bullshit due to Tabata being a casual pandering hack

How come nobody has ever tried to make a Kingdom Hearts clone

The last 3 Ys games have been kingdom hearts gameplay but less shitty

indie shit always looks so gay

It was really good too.

KH is in its own category, just nothing else like it. to get combat that smooth and in real time seems difficult for other developers. I think FF7 rebirth comes close between a cross of KH1 and KH2. FF16 is almost similar to KH2. FF15 would've been just like KH2 but they fucked it up.

KH is in its own category, just nothing else like it

Literally Ys. What is the difference between Ys 8 and KH2

kh shits on them. stop being disingenuous.

Fuck off shill, nobody asked you.

Nobody asked you either, Falcom pedos.


bro this looks like straight fucking garbage what the fuck are you talking about. this is low quality as fuck compared to KH. there's no weight to anything and the enemy is just tanking hits with no indication it's even getting hit

It really doesn't. KH is pretty bad. Ys 8-10 is a mixed bag, but I think Ys 8 is a far better package overall with an extremely unique premise and Ys 10 definitely has better combat than any KH game.

absolutely not. you're not even half of 1% correct.

OP literally asked why no one has tried to make a clone you illiterate nigger
also granblue fantasy relink and some of the Tales of games play similiar(worse)


Maybe actually play the game, Jamal. Why are kh fans such shitters? Once I raped a kh fan so badly on fightcade in marvel he changed his name to "no anime avatars pls".

no they fucking don't you retarded. relink plays more like Ys crap, as in, stiff, not smooth, barely any weight to any attacks, and just static gameplay.

Obsessed with KH fans for no reason


there is no game like KH

here are some games which are not only like KH, but better


get product I enjoy

somehow this is bad for me because.. some rando on the internet doesn't like it?

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You can tell how low quality it is just by watching it. Its low quality mush with a dodge. KH2 has multiple smooth ways to dodge and a block and magic. I've played the demo and it's poop. you seem to have this idea on your head that Ys are great games in the action Rpg world but newsflash they are just as shit as new star ocean games.

you missed

play similiar(worse)

There is no 1:1 for KH so you will only get lesser thans

OP literally asked why no one has tried to make a clone

Yes, that is what I asked. I didn't ask you to shill your trash at me. I got enough bootlicking whoreshit to put up with by interacting with Kingdom Hearts drones. You can shove your indie and Falcom shit right back up your fat sweaty ass where it belongs.

FF7 Rebirth is the closest. FF16 is nothing liek any kh games except MAYBE the handhelds because of the command decks

my low wuality garbage is better than KH tho!!!


Didn't play 8 but I did play 9. Kh and Ys have literally nothing in common. Kh has positional combat, where 1 button input becomes a whole host of attacks based on where an enemy is. Through that and assigning combo modifiers, you get a unique blend of mashing X that can be rather engaging for the simplicity of the controls, especially if you tie in RV and punishing it.
I think when anons talk about KH combat, they mean the elements of position contextual attacks, RV, and real time menu navigation.

Nigger you think im the marketing team for 2 different trash indies that fit the answer to the question?

KH bros, we look like fools right now...

Even with shortcuts Remake series doesn't play quite as smooth and fast as KH does. There's just not really anything like it unfortunately.

fuck off larper your ys games are shit

real time menu navigation

Yeah that's what I need in my video games lmao

This reminds me more of mana gmes than Kingdom hearts

someone trying to get the JKH fans to be in a fanbase war against someone else

Barry, the fuck?
Did Forspoken bombing that hard break you?

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What utility do the ship unlocks in KH2 have?

they help woth the harder missions and let you unlock more parts and more blueprints

They were just glorified loading screens

they weren't and I'm not sure what you're on about

The mana remakes are literally Ys clones

Well they lean more towards the rpg side than KH does. Like if they decided to include more team based gameplay after KH1 than just having sora do everything

If not, then why'd you bring them up? This isn't Anon Babble, where everyone ignores that recommendations are against the rules. I didn't ask you to spoonfeed me. Get some basic reading comprehension for once in your damn life.

You suck Disney AND Square Enix cock at the same time. You were never anything but fools.

And thank god someone had good taste instead of trying to go all dmc or, god forbid, soulsbornes on them.

I don't think people understand that KH2's system is very well thought out and refined. It's not trivial to replicate to the same level of quality, which is why even KH3 failed to do it.

Meh, depending on the game I finding it endearing.
Kh1 was slow enough for it to be a clunky option but still an actual option, while Kh2 was really only for those who were good at doing the quick input for fire/firaga.
Bbs and on retain the 'real time menu' aspect even if it's simplified/different.
Kh truly is an odd duck of a series in terms of gameplay, but I find it charming.

How come nobody has ever tried to make a Kingdom Hearts clone?

A false statement, even if you dont like the answer

recommendations are against the rules

Also false
fucking retarded ape

I don't think people understand that KH2's system is very well thought out and refined

which reminds me of this

Yasui: Finishing Plus is pretty good, even though we put it in there as a joke (laughs).

Kanemori: It is pretty cool, isn't it? I came up with that ability after we finished making all of the other moves, more or less. I just thought it'd be neat if players could perform one finisher, and then immediately follow up with another.

Yasui: Abilities do tend to be made on a whim like that (laughs).

Sato: The only things we figure out in advance are stuff like the names.

Yasui: Negative Combo is another ability we talked about in jest, at the beginning.

Kanemori: It seemed like something that'd be fun to have, so I thought I'd just put it in for the time being, but...

Yasui: Surprisingly, it does have many uses.

Kanemori: Dodge Roll, an ability that was in the original game, has been left out of this one, but the reason isn't all that deep. I removed it rather nonchalantly, thinking it won't be needed this time around. I was surprised to find that many people actually missed it.

"Waaaaaaah, it's hard so we won't even try!"

I fucking hate indie devs.

A false statement

I don't see any, and never heard of any. It's reasonable to assume they don't exist, because that's not something that wouldn't flown under the radar.

Also false

GR16. You ain't entitled to shit, brat.
Lol at Ys fags thinking they can match shit like this. Get shit on.

I like how over half of tha video was a limit ie a cutscene attack where you press one button

we're just so good we make shit up in a week and it works perfectly with everything else

this what people mean when they say the talent is gone nowdays

he used square, cross, and triangle actually

Lots of games exist like that nowadays whereby sheer skill or just dumb luck mechanics that are usually absolute garbage together work fine. Just don't ask me to name any, im talking pure mathematical probability

The closest game to kingdom hearts is dissida actually

best combo

it isn't a combo

what the fuck is wrong with kh2 fags

It's crazy how Square nailed their 3D action RPG formula right out of the gate with KH1 and then made it even better with KH2. I think the big hype for Versus XIII back then was because people really wanted KH-style combat in FF but we never really got that. XV's combat wasn’t anything like KH, and while 7R does have great combat, it's still not the same with KH. I'm still hoping Verum Rex or whatever it turns into, will be Nomura's ultimate version of that.

finishing plus is a big contributor to the game being a retarded mash X fest, negative combo allows infinites and the lack of dodge roll makes the game simplistic and dull

yeah he's retarded but I used the kino gameplay as demonstration

7R is what KH would be like if they went more towards the RPG side of ARPG rather than action. Well that's not taking into account how it's also got the blood of lighting returns combat flowing through it.

there is a dodge roll you fucking retard

Honestly what they talked about is details. KH2 nailed the actual hard parts like enemy design, hit reactions, revenge gauge, character control etc that anything you sprinkle on top is gonna be mostly ok.

i hate that i can't manually select my moves. it's a constant reminder that this is a mickey mouse game for babies. they copied dante's stinger but don't trust the player to remember to do it

Almost 100 replies and zero sexy Aqua pics posted, Anon Babble failed me

They're talking about individual combo moves, not the underlying systems. If the devs claimed that the systems were cooked up overnight on a whim I would call them liars because they would be.

they added it two years after release in a new japan-only version of the game specifically because people complained, you retard

How come nobody has ever tried to make a Kingdom Hearts clone?

Because KH gameplay is mid

what you're saying doesn't even matter anymore because that version has been the standard for over a fucking decade now you retarded faggot

This is kid is just angry over nothing

The difference between Ys 8 and KH2 is that KH2 actually has good gameplay and great boss design and Ys 8 doesn't have either of those. The modern Ys games have some of the shittest Action combat and snoozefest bosses ever and only braindead Falcomtard fanboys defend it.

How many times do I have to explain that you're not entitled to things? You want sexy Aqua pics, go find them yourself, lazy cunt.

it shits all over what you think is high

Debatable because things like forms punishing your for using them in boss fights and valor just being basically obsolete by the end of the game is not exactly well thought out. Or your allies being worthless in a boss fight means forms may be well not be available since they're dead most of the time. or locking movement abilities behind forms means tediously grinding them to get the ability to dodge in a fight

Those "crossovers" are a core part of the game you idiot stupid subhuman monkey. The whole premise of KH is Final Fantasy but with Disney. Retard.

I honestly came to the thread trying to fish up some niche jrpg game with cool gameplay since i've played KH and Ys already but as expected it's the usual shitflinging that leads nowhere.

Understandable. I personally find it quite satisfying to know the proper spacing to get what move and when.
DMC3 will always be king to me in terms of action game combat though, Vergil's tricks are addictive.

Those "crossovers" are a core part of the game

Which is why Kingdom Hearts is fucking trash and I desperately wish there was an alternative. Same kind of gameplay and tone, but without the corporate dick wagging and hack writing.

good thing the final mix version exists

Honestly it feels way too forced from all sides.

forgetting what website you're on

Go back and stay there. Fucking retards.

You just proved my point. Also

implying that normal discussion is somehow impossible because we’re on 4chins

The only tourist here is you lad.

I'm not implying anything. You need to go back, you ignorant twat.

the interview was talking about making the game, and the discussion was whether the designers knew what they were doing, retarded faggot

The mana games the recent remake and the new one is nice.

Tails Of games, I guess