So.. that is the power of OLED huh?
So.. that is the power of OLED huh?
Is that for real? Every 4 hours I need to take a 10 min break in the middle of my workflow? That's a dealbreaker. Fuck OLED.
Not sure about gaming but I can't watch movies on a none OLED panel. It looks fucking disgusting. Blacks are really just a really dark gray
My phone has an oled screen, and I've never seen shit like this
I guess alienware is just trash
once you go black you cant go back.
Most screens do it when you "turn off" the screen
My Samsung OLED when you turn it off it doesnt actually turn off but do this shit, to turn it off you need to longpress the turnoff button and then it turns off for real.
Literally a none issue
ayylien ware
you get what you deserve faggot lmao
none issue
Holy fucking ESL. I kneel. Enjoy the OLED panel you had to take out a loan for that will shit itself in 2 weeks lmao
pull up a complete white image on your phone and see if the hud is burnt in or not. mine is.
Sorry I am an ESL I am White (Swiss) and speak 3 languages you poorfag nigger
poorfag nigger
ah yes the oledtard's favorite comeback...
Hit a tough spot huh. Post hand with timestamp
Is this the weekly TN cope thread?
Well I would say blacks are more like brown, poop color
dox yourself because I dont believe that you had the disposable income of a massive 1.2k USD over the course of years since OLED became widespread
go back to africa monkeys and get a job
Is temporary burn in a thing? I never saw any settings about pixel refresh but sometimes I noticed burn in that disappeared after a while
yeh but you also cant see fuck all because the screen barely gets above 250 nits
it only goes away on ips displays. with oleds it's permanent...
why do you need more? i turn my oled tv to like 30% brightness for normal use
Hmm, not really seeing anything like that, but my phone is only 3 years old
having a way better screen than poorfags for 6 to 8 minutes? sounds good to me
Then it must have some sort of pixel refresh because the screen is definitely OLED
I bought an oled screen. I am not going back to lesser displays. MicroLED for mere mortals when!? (or QDEL, I would take that too)
You're supposed to buy a new OLED every 4 months
It's for if the screen remains on a still picture or has elements that don't have pixels change (like a hud or ui).
That being said, alienware is sort of putting the option in your face so when the screen fails they can argue that they don't have to honor their warranty because you didn't keep up with expected maintenance.
Every 4 hours I need to take a 10 min break in the middle of my workflow?
have you niggas ever had a job
I am happy with my oled
it meets my needs
Most likely Americans. One 5 minute break every 7 hours and no paid time off lmao
Is that really all it takes to prevent problems with oled? I try to take regular breaks already to prevent deepvein thrombosis
wtf why have there been so many OLED threads lately?
I get 5 minutes for lunch and work 10 hours a day. No other breaks. If my monitor shut down like this every 4 hours I'd get fired.
and people complain about VR mura and pixel density
Alien Isolation on my DWF
Nope, you need to play with ghosting or backlight bleed to TRULY experience it.
Fucking insane to me that this guy can just shit up the board with his dogshit "opinions" about stuff he never tried or could afford and the jannies allow him but if I post a thread about "any games set in rhodesia" I get banned but whatever
got buck broken and exposed so hard he is too afraid to @ me
My fucking sides lmao
I just want a 27 inch 4k (W)OLED monitor already
you're being exploited
Saars please to be buying oleds very super technology blackness is very good
imagine browsing Anon Babble everyday and then one day you notice basedjack burn in
(You are here)
What if I'm also using it for my job, huh?
that's the point
crt is much worse than oled other than response time
OLED is an embarassing technology, it can't even beat an ancient office CRT monitor on a basic motion test.
Nobody needs more than 80cd/m
that might be the case, but i enjoy picture clarity in 4k and monitor size more than clarity
monitors are the biggest piece of shit hardware out there
like how can you even tell which one is good
thank fuck the second i bought a phone my brother told me to use gestures and get rid of those 3 nav buttons at the bottom in case of a burn in
"Temporary" burn in is called image retention and that one goes away. I'm usually not commenting in these threads because retards screetch the lies and fantasies all the time but the short version is the following:
1, The oled panel has two major layers. One is organic and one is not. The short "refresh" fixes the non organic layer which can return to its original form. The organic can't but the panels are operating on a way lower brightness what they can do. So when the software detects the organic layer got damaged it evens out the panel until it can't. That is when burn in becomes noticeable.
2, The smaller oled panels like in phones or the switch are correcting themselves constantly without dedicated refresh cycles. One of the the advantage of the smaller panels is it can operate in this way however TV manufacturers are experimenting with the same, Samsung has some panels doing this - not having cycles - and they fare better than the traditional ones so far.
3, WOLED (LG) is naturally much more burn in resistant than QD-OLED (Samsung) because it has an extra white pixel to use for brightness while the Samsung version is using the blue for brightness. However the QD Oled is generally better in every other way.
Finally, Oled is all about usage. If you use it a lot it will burn in faster. That is why - despite Oled is very popular for at least since 2020 when the LG X series came out - people didn't burn down the headquarters of the manufacturers. If you have a life and use the panel reasonably it will either take a very long time to burn in or never will. I have an 2.5 years old Oled TV which I exclusively use for gaming (huds galore) around ~45 hours a week and is has no burn in so far. But it is also a realistic when someone complains about burn in in less than a year as they probably use the panel way more.
IPS glow, shit contrast
VA smearing
MINI LED blooming and made by literal who companies
OLED expensive and burns in
What the hell do I buy???
you buy this unless you're retarded
Smh bro got blacked.
This individual is a fascist and an anti semite
Daily reminder that a pixel refresh burns in the entire screen on equal basis so the entire screen is "decayed" on the same level. Every time this runs your peak brightness goes down.
Oled burn in is a pixel that decayed more rapidly by displaying a thing for a long time
Do people really think OLED burn-in is real? Like are people for real that stupid and gullible?
Please anon, you'll make me blush.
oleds just make me anxious, i've had multiple phone displays burn in on me no matter how little i use them and i really don't want that same thing to happen on my large expensive tv.
burn in is real retard look it up, you'll find countless examples of it.
No it's not.
Is the pixel refresh stuff not an anti-burn-in measure? What's it for then?
No it's not.
The fake news about burn-in has been so extreme and consumers are so fucking retarded, that OLED panels are required to have settings like that to protect retards against something that does not exist.
no argument
classic poorfag cope
okay genius, explain what this is then.
IPS burn-in.
what does it say on the stand of the tv?
By not being a blind retard
Photoshopped in OLED logo.
A good Mini LED is the best of all worlds
Photoshopped in OLED logo.
go fuck yourself retard.
Rent free.
Would if I could, bitchtits.
trying too hard to be funny
Would if I could, bitchtits.
OLEDfags are so sad. They're not even getting paid or receiving any kind of personal benefit to make their posts and yet they can't help themselves. Sunk cost is a bitch.
post a picture of your hand with the board name and timestamp.
Notice how this OLED shilling ramped up right before the holiday shopping season?
Don't fall for it, save your money. There are really good alternative display technologies just on the horizon. Don't be that guy in 5 years with a shitty burnt in OLED when everyone else is enjoying crisp, clear micro LED displays.
When it comes to TVs mini led VA has already caught up and surpasses OLED in many ways, generally speaking. You'll have fringe cases where under really precise conditions one of them betters the other but generally speaking, under normal viewing conditions, mini LED VA is basically on par with OLED but without all the downsides like ABL and burn in risks. Not to mention they're usually cheaper and have much wider variety of choices unlike OLED where only Samsung and LG produce the panels so you're stuck with either/or, including rebrands.
tempted by the black friday Neo G8 mini led deal
it isn't 21:9
Any good ultrawide mini led?
I want a upgrade from my PG35V it has shit uniformity
I mean tech moved on to mini led 6 years ago, it's broke ass PC people who can finally afford a $500 oled for their toaster.
mini LED shilling
Pathetic. OLED is king.
Completely understandable and this is actually my warning to everyone who plans to get an Oled for anything but watching movies. If you are prone to worry then don't. If you are a heavy user (including always playing the same game, I don't) either don't or only as a secondary screen for specific tasks.
I can't really speak for phones but in big screen category monitors are way worse than TVs, it is ridiculous. All publicly tested oled monitors burned in way faster (in like 700 hours) than TVs. This is on the same content of course, not some PC specific tasks.
As much as I want Mirco LED, there aren't going to be affordable monitor-sized panels for a long time. They're just starting to get them to the normal monitor and TV size ranges, and the cheapest of them are like $100k. I'd be surprised if you can even get one at current OLED prices in 5 years, much less that "everyone" would have one.
Oled monitors also have no reason to exist when I can get a 42 inch C3 on sale for like what 700 USD?
Yeah same. My last 2 samsung amoled phones got burn in with the top status bar and the keyboard burning in, and I don't even use it at max brightness. It's hard to notice the burn in unless the screen is full white but still, the fact it happened and is getting worse every time I use my phone like I am now while typing this is kind of unsettling.
No but I noticed how every Oled thread is bait.
OP: buy oled, what are you poor LOL
thread: only absolutely fucking retards buy oled LOL
Also this false assumption of oled users would die with their screen if there was something better. No they would buy micro leds because they go for quality - if it was affordable which it isn't and won't be for a long time.
Me during my government mandated ten minutes:
Physical size and high refresh rate is a reason, and no matter how gaming focused the C series is, there are still issues with using a TV as a monitor.
which workflow? who uses a oled monitor for productivity are you retarded?
For example Digitalfoundry.
oled monitor
Lmao even
this is a s9 or s8 new oled phones don't have that problem anymore my s9 had this same problem after a year my s23 still is burn in free after 2 years
screen burn-in
garbage sub pixel arrangement
No. Thanks. OLEDs are trash garbage.
American talking about loans? that's ironic
falling for the fake news
baka you're never gonna make it.
The screen is a bit dim if you ask me.
OLED has burn-in!
Here's something you can do to mitigate burn-in, it'll take 6-8 mins every 4 hours
Meanwhile LCD users cop Dirty Screen Effect, glowing or smearing blacks, poor viewing angles, worse colours, haloing, backlight bleed, etc. etc. etc. ... all from the second they turn their monitor on for the first time.
Many such cases!
What's it and why would I want to make whatever it is?
You'll always be a dirty poorfag who doesn't know about how divine an OLED screen is because you fell for the tech youtube grift.
oh i should of said that was an example image i found online. but i do have burn in on my google pixel 6 that i got when it first launched. the ui on the top and navigation buttons on the bottom are what's burnt in.
What grift and what is it that I'm not going to make? You're just making things up now like some twitter user. What is your major malfunction?
Dirty Screen Effect
Completely depends on the brand and panel, it's not hard to get a panel which doesn't suffer from DSE nowadays. However it's literally impossible to find an OLED without burn in or ABL.
Again, completely depends on the brand and panel. You have several options for this. Some brands like Sony forgive a bit of blooming to preserve highlight accuracy whereas other brands like Samsung suppress blooming to the max but have slightly darker highlights. Options exist for an individuals personal preference.
smearing blacks
Again completely depends on the brand and panel.
poor viewing angles
Again completely depends on the brand and panel. Tv's come with viewing angle filters too nowadays.
worse colours
Objectively incorrect. Most miniLEDs from reputable brands have better colour volume than most OLEDs nowadays because they can get super bright.
See: glowing
backlight bleed
See: glowing
a 10 min pause for every 4 hours is ridiculous
Yeah its idiotic to buy plasma 3.0
Umm akshually
have 400 dollar chinese anoled tv for 5 years
zero burnin
have 80 dollar oled monitor for 10 years
zero burnin
All anti-oled posts are coping poorfags who are still on lcd in 20friggin25
Why did nobody post about OLED burnin about the PSVita?
because nobody used that for more than an hour
I have an s20 fe and it has pretty significant burn in. Hard to see in this image I had to take with my old phone but you can make out that the top and bottom bars and burnt in and so is half the keyboard. Also you can't see it in the pic but the WhatsApp back button is also burnt in. And the screen uniformity in general has gone to shit.
majority of vita games didnt have ui elements on the screen for a long ass time. they knew from the start you were playing on a oled. also more vitas suffered from mura effect than burn in.
anime pic
opinion discarded.
Matte WOLED > Matte QD-OLED > Glossy WOLED > Glossy QD-OLED
Are burnt in*
Holy obese zoomer, those hands have never done anything
those hands have never done anything
hehehe you have no idea how wrong you are about that...
OLED is for poorfags. Chads already moved on to micro led
people unironically fell for the OLED meme
good goy
You can do it every 16 if you want
Its only meant to be used if you see any actual retention but brainlets dont understand that
Why are you talking about fucking tvs in a monitor thread
You will be watching Die Hard on your OLED today, right?
how long do you have this phone and do you use light mode if yes that's on you, oleds will always eventually burn in so just don't be retarded and leave white bars on your screen too long and you'll be fine
amd card
using hdr peak 1000
It's impressive how many of you retards have configured your monitors wrong
why are you bald?
It can - and does - still provide the brighter highlights than true black. I'm not looking at pictures of antarctica so the screen does get brighter - this can be measured and is proven.
this picture is misleading qd blacks look perfect with no bright lights on them and have better colors also matte oleds are dim, make colors look washed and have bad viewing angles compared to the perfect the perfect colors and viewing angles of glossy screens
it literally does not. if you want actual brighter scenes you would turn on dolby vision and use the bright preset
if you want accuratehdr 400 you would use the dolby vision dark preset
you are retarded
Gloss or Matte?
oq is better in every way just don't put it somewhere facing a window or your blacks are going to look purple and you will have a new mirror.
it does get brighter highlights but that doesn't matter when the rest of the image is DIMMED beyond belief
dolby vision bright provides a happy medium. learn how to use your monitor fag
bought a new monitor for the first time in like 8 years or more
arrived today, set it up
there's a weird visual bubble on the screen near the edge
bought on a black friday deal, so if i try and return it I won't get the money back to buy another until after the sales are all gone
I'm so fucking mad
Is there a screen protector on it?
Protip: dolby is on and it will shift into HDR1000 mode if a game (or other software) requests it when HDR is activated. Dolby vision will only activate if using autoHDR or a game doesn't properly request HDR from windows in which case windows gives priority to dolby and uses that mode. You aren't as smart as you think you are.
idk anons. I have my 10 year old 1080p monitor and it works just fine. OLED is like 500 bucks.
Nigger nobody is looking at a monitor turned off.
I have to do it every 16 hours
I bought this knowing so though. If you have only one monitor obviously don't get OLED, it's going to interrupt your work at some point.
you can force dv on in everything you stupid retard. actually why am i even trying to help you though? you already made your retarded bed, now you can sleep in it while we laugh at you
enjoy your sdr with slightly brighter highlights lmaoooo
they're on actually. thats what a black screen looks like. qd-oled has the quantum layer while woled doesnt.
Ah yes the daily poorfag seethe thread.
you can force dv on in everything you stupid retard.
alien ware
Back to Anon Babble you retarded child
post properly calibrated oled monitors
4 hours
my LG C1 did a single pixel refresh after years of owning.
and I use it daily for like 5-10 hours.
HDR only.
0 burn in
Nope, it had screen protectors around the edges that would have peeled anything off of the main screen, and the screen doesn't feel like a screen protector to touch, plus that spot is suffering from longer image retention than normal
I think I just got unlucky, currently going through Gigabyte's support ticket system hoping for the best....
HDR 400
I bought a 271QPX and I think when set up right it's worth pretty much every OLED caveat it has.
I do play a lot of retro shit and classic games and I do really appreciate this sort of display over anything else. I understand why people wouldn't want it to consume modern shit that's usually really washed out so you might as well grab something that just has a lot of brightness and nothing else.
I just let this run when I'm done for the day.
missing the dv cert directly underneath
Low intelligence
But anon... you are on Anon Babble
i need to take my BMW in for maintenance more often than my toyota corolla?
no, the pixels will be refreshed whenever you turn the screen off for the next time.
MINI LED blooming and made by literal who companies
samsung is switching to mini led, moving away from oled
whats the diff?
woled is the only real one