I fully believe that within the next few years...

I fully believe that within the next few years, Nexus mods will remove any mod that changes female character faces or body. In fact, any lewd mod that enhances a female character will be gone. Screencap this.

cvbcvbcvb.png - 891x919, 692.77K

Time to make a new modding site


And then the people at NM try to have it taken down. You know they would.

We are not here to let people do what they want their game. Degeneracy has no place in vidya, in society, or on Earth. If you support gay romance mods you're going into the gas chamber.

i'm fine with that

they would be crazy. All of their traffic comes from people still downloading CBBE and its nude mods.


There's basedmods

Shit site

Eileen shaving

Nexus mods hasn't taken it down

So what the fuck is the issue? Is this "this is literally 1984!!!" shit posting?

individual mods will end up having to be found through digging through millions of different pisscord rooms

of course, now that AI is hitting its stride vidya modding is being killed

nexus has always been shit, odd that you only figure it out now

This is nothing new though. The developer of CBBE got the same kind of crying until it was revealed that the mod author was a woman and suddenly it was okay.

Delete comments section

Keep mod


What low IQ logic is this? Also can someone show me what comments were being posted? I wanna see the argument if people can find some archive of it.


not liking the pre-big tech user experience

might as well come out as trans

kek, penis large dong james mod is A-ok.

but god forbid a different version of angela...

nexus knows not to fuck with horny. they're woke turds but won't fuck with coomers because they know if they remove just one pretry girl mod, they're finished.

They've already removed other mods that were deemed "problematic" like the Spiderman one.

Imagine making this much of a fuss over some virtual girl that doesn't exist, you won't even care in a few weeks

She definitely has a rounder face that is more in line with the remake. However, the mod looks more like it's trying to match her FMV model-- even if it's still missing the mark.

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These threads are all created by one guy who literally did that. It's all a big ragebait falseflag to try and get people to move. He manufactures the "Controversy" every single time.

There is a few. The problem is not lack of sites, the problem is how do you convince modders to go to just one. You have Thunderstore for some games, you have a handful of new "free speech" modsites, you have the russian sites, the japanese sites, the chinese even...
Also forums, discord, elements, patreon (lol), etc.

I remember when the sekiro difficulty controversy was around and people were going "I BOUGHT THE GAME I CAN MOD IN AN EASY MODE IF I WANT" and since the ser aylin controversy it has completely shifted

I think this whole site is overreacting, nu-Angela's face is not that bad, I might even say she's a bit cute, and I'm not baiting, this is my genuine opinion on the matter

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Nah, think most of the controversy was from game journalists whining they couldn't beat it, which is their literal job.


Why does it matter so much to people what other people voluntarily do to their own game. Why does it affect you so much that it has to be restricted or stopped?

safe horny is all about not offending roastie sensibilities

That would suck. I guess.

Goth Angela.png - 1920x1080, 2.43M

A lot of people in games, whether professional, or not, hate that games are still primarily enjoyed by white, straight men.
They've been trying to erase the stigma that games are a "boy's club" because if it remains that way, then games will always be seen as infantile and sophomoric by laymen, and that embarasses them.

Already posted lmao

Nah. It was doing fine without trannies and anti-white racism.

The one one the right is far cuter. The left one is just your generic beauty you finda absolutely everywhere.

The only people who still love that aesthetics are trannies, including you.

While current events would make you think otherwise, ugly women aren't quite as much of a protected class as the alphabets or blacks. Nexus never takes down prettifier/sluttifier/etc mods unless there's something else in it they have a problem with.

Modding haven already exists
doesn't allow underage sexualisation.
Modding haven is better

Agreed. Just stating what a lot of California faggots think.

Does the face actually change in cutscenes? Doesn't it fuck up the facial animations?

omg why is she so fucking ugly? am i supposed to believe this uggo got molested? who would molest that?

Bro the entire generations thinks your side is fucking nuts and cringe. We all think like that. It's not just one guy/group whatever.

Not the facial animations, but if I remember correctly it fucks up hair physics.


Im finna finda

your side

There are no sides here
It's literally a made up controversy

Nexus never takes down prettifier/sluttifier/etc mods unless there's something else in it they have a problem with.

I hope you're right, but the way games that have attractive women in them get attacked, and have been for the last decade, you'd expect it would spill over into the modding community.


There are no sides here

What about

chuds can't code or host sites unfortunately, they rely on libs to do everything for them

my god, her "normal" face is fucking hideous

And then lefties have an yabadabadoo reaction when they find out how ALL people think they're fucking nuts.

Oh no, the rape victim doesn't look fuckable enough.

Retards, the whole lot of you.

it's a little pointy but it certainly looks better

Why are so many retards here acting like they removed the mod.

These people have never accomplished anything in life, which is why they always gravitate towards internet mod and admin roles. They love being glorified hall monitors.

ugly women should be raped

My man.

How does it affect you personally if someone mods the character?

I agree but I would be lying if her model didn't feel like it's being rendered in a different game whenever she's on screen. I don't know how to explain it but James looks straight out of an offline render while she looks she just got off a PS4 launch title and it's nothing to do with her design.

Because, OP said he could see them doing it, especially with how game journalists and places like Resetera hate things like fanservice in games. It's called a slippery slope and I could see it happening.

Who the fuck would rape an ugly bitch?

What are some examples of safe horny? I’ve never quite followed this concept.

The most that might happen is some revolt/mod ban concerning fictional minors (teens, since loli is already banned), which I recall happening in Gamebanana.

I just finished the game with that mod (start to finish) and I didn't notice any problems, except in one cutscene where she was crying really hard and her eyes got these red lines around them. So yeah it does change her face in cutscenes. But that's it.

What, they locked a comment section?
Am I supposed to imagine that the height of intellectual debate was occurring within it and not the most mundane and uninteresting performative ragebait possible?
It's a dogshit mod anyways if you ever actually played Silent Hill 2, but nobody here has. Maybe all of you watched a youtube playthrough, but even then you'd be able to tell that Angela doesn't fucking look like that either. The guy who literally designed her and worked on all of her FMVs describes her as looking in her 40s and having a "Schwarzenegger jaw"

if she's ugly then she wouldn't be a rape victim because nobody would want to fuck it
checkmate atheist

nexus has already been doing that. their staff is filled with registered sex offenders that virtue signal on social media all day.

it's not their game. they just paid for a license to play it.

but the game has a small child in it
isn't naked james mod a bit problematic??!

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What's the point? They always let trannies into positions of power given enough time because they're the biggest no-lifes on these websites.

I played about half of it when I was a kid, but I got stuck on some puzzle and never beat it because we didn't have internet to look up a guide. Also it was really scary anyway.

Her dad raped her retards.
By the way, James killed his wife.

fags reproduce by touching kids

Nexus mods will die for obvious reasons.

the issue is that they haven't taken down such a sexist mod
they're literally supporting rape


The issue is that Anon Babble's population is now 99% crossposters who only come here to post their uninteresting and boring thoughts to no consequence, and they spend all their other time posting on X / reddit / comment sections on websites where only retards use the comment sections (Steam, Nexus, Kotaku, etc.)
This site is essentially the waiting room for retards on time out or bans now.

Except the ones made by me because I fucking hate nexus, of course.

We already got that, faggot.

Fucking please. Nexus is dogshit.

Yes, you retard. In the story her dad raped her. She is a rape victim, and that must determine her appearance to be convincing. That's why she SHOULD be beautiful.

Domestic abuse victims aren't victims because they were super hot, they're victims because the abuser was a piece of shit.

play the game. even unmodded she's still attractive, not that a drunk rapist father would care anyway

Have you seen some of the people that get raped? Being attractive is not a prerequisite to be raped. Ugly people get raped all the time.

I'm fine with removing coom mods, but it's absolutely retarded how the fem oriented/gay/lgbt shit is always left up. Look at all those muscle Leon mods bordering on porn jesus these double standards.

Rules for thee but not for me

She is a rape victim

She was probably leading him on & wearing slutty clothes. You wouldn't blame a lion at a zoo for eating someone if they jump in the exhibit with sweet juicy steaks strapped to themselves.
Food for thought.

This is going to blow your mind, but ugly women get raped all the time.

Modding haven allows underage sexualization? I never saw a mod like that there

You can't rape the willing anon.

these double standards

I hope you're not just now noticing this.

I fully believe [overreacting nonsense]

Picrel is a Mod getting comment locked over Angelas face because Gamers(tm) cant help themselves

Have you actually read those comments or are you just reacting

Isn't there LL for that?

I see it would be too much to ask of grifters to make their comparison images identical situations. It's a cutscene, just use the same frame for both. But no, that wouldn't adequately fuel their grift. It's so fucking blatant and no one points it out.

I have no idea what that stands for

Lulu Lemon.

doesn't allow underage sexualisation.

kys tranny predditor

Than that's your problem. Especially if you don't know what ATF is either.

Gatekeeping is a good thing, get fucked.


So angry man, I was just saying I don't know LL.

yeah. either allow all of this shit or none of it, otherwise it's just hypocritical.

mod that makes a straight character gay or bi

no problem

mod that makes a gay or bi character straight

removed. with PREJUDICE

I'll never understand why so many people are so preoccupied with what others do with their games and I thought unmodded Angela looked fine.

never understood why body type a doesn’t have a bra

Attention dumbfucks
Stop replying to the glowie
With actual site names. They're just making a list and taking notes of what to take down next

Fucking retards all of you

You have issues.

Calm down bro I told you it was lula loudpack.

Gooners that keep making cursed shit on Fallout 4 and Skyrim fuels their existence. They ain't doing shit unless they want to kill themselves like Tumblr.

I'm going to name all modding sites I know just to spite you now, kek

They're just making a list and taking notes of what to take down next

who is this They're?

How is it any different this time vs when we changed Claire, Jill, Aloy and Leon's faces? Because some cuck faggot started freaking out in the comments? Who gives a shit, Nexus won't remove it

This mod just got posted
90% of recent mods have been nudes
Angela and Maria mods have been the most endorsed without any signs of being removed
Dont even get started on RE mods
OP is a faggot

People were probably saying the new one is intentionally made to look troony or something

Mangela is fucking disgusting.

What low IQ logic is this?

rage bait for even lower iq people. like op for example

There is a war on straight men. Simple as.

Alright what about Laura nude mod?

This thread is a perfect example of why they locked the comments.

The people who run it are very much getting tired of coomer mods for straight men.

Here is my totally free speech mod site

good, now I can post my sexy Sherry mod youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ommoSM9IEaY

Nooo, are you crazy, you sick fuck? We don't allow that shit here

many such cases, there is always something that a modding site will ban

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How so? Mostly been civilized.

WTF does a face mod have to do with degeneracy? The fact that you would conflate the two is degenerate in and of itself.

No, you're right, there are sides, and one is so painfully reactionary and unhinged that no one sane wants to interact with it.

underage sexualization?

by underage i mean teen, not loli
16 is legal where i live
Also this is about pixels, not real people

Why does changing a digital woman's appearance make these people so livid?

Looks like David Duchovny.

dt4.jpg - 701x808, 101.4K

that fucking jawline on the tranny on the bottom and you fags have the gall to say the top is ugly? at the very least its an actual woman


Eat shit

agent mulder is a man, anon

Because the Spiderman mod was literally just removing pride flags, the only people genuinely hurt by that mods removal are homophobic crybabies. Changing some slampig's face to be slightly more attractive without going full REmod on her is fucking fine

these are the people calling you a chud on Anon Babble.org

homophobic crybabies


"Why isnt the victim of child sexual abuse hot?"

This is why companies dont listen to you

The irony is lost on you

So, all rape victims are ugly. Nice shaming.

It's loverslab anon

so is there a megapack or naw? I dont wanna have to sift through this shit just to get to said mod. havent downloaded any comestic mods since RE4R

false flag but a based one that i approve on, Anon Babbleirgins are retarded niggers

So it's you who gets to decide who deserves to mod their games? To pass judgment on people who mod? What gives you that authority exactly?

When did i say that?

lol, muslims don't even need the mod. Sony gave them a rainbow free game. But you'll never hear libs raise a finger against that.

then what are you implying?

Sony gave them a rainbow free game. But you'll never hear libs raise a finger against that.


Im asking why do you need the victim of child sexual trauma to be sexy.

No one gave a fuck if people modded sekiro until they wanted to act smug about beating the game on pissbaby mode and shit their pants every time fromsoft puts in an easy mode thats not labled as such. I cant imagine what kind of retard would even want to play something like sekiro on modded easy mode, for what fucking purpose, the story? lmao

I mean, if you consider things logically, she probably should be attractive with that backstory, right?

Abused sexually as a child


Why did she need to be ugly?

Because my eyeballs don't care about a backstory.

this ranting lunatic is who companies SHOULD be listening to


Cause women make themselves uglier after they have been raped

Every mod site should be forced to accommodate everyone just so long as it's not illegal shit... which is probably on the staff's hard drives right now, kek.


Why does she need to be hot?

Victims have a tendency to cover themselves up because they feel they are to blame and they think if they covered themselves more the abuse will stop.
Im paraphrasing, but thats basically how it works if Im remembering that right

Because looking at attractive women i fun? I know, we've forgotten that in the last decade or so, but it's still true most of the male population.
Tons of hot girls have been raped in horror movies and no one bats an eye.

Because this is a remake of a game where she WAS hot? Isn't that reason enough?

Weird, because I was molested and I don't cover up. Granted, I'm a lifeguard, so I can't.

that thick jawlined quarterback of a "woman" was not hot.

but why do you need a rape victim to be hot?

Jokes on you, the fact she was underage and his daughter is all the incentive needed. It's also a power thing.

No, you see appealing to straight men isn't allowed.

If you want to stare at attractive women because you think its fun, why are you "playing" video games and not looking at magazines?
Its not that we "forgot" it, its that developers have more tools than before to make characters look different. Everyone in the original Silent Hill 2 game had a very similar looking face.
She wasnt hot though? She was average. And why is her sex appeal such an issue for you?

but why do you need a rape victim to be hot?

Because it'd be a nice change of pace to see a western developer actually put a hot women in their games for once. I know, that triggers the fuck out of you, but it is what it is.
I think it says more about you that you keep focusing on the rape part of it.

If you want to stare at attractive women because you think its fun, why are you "playing" video games and not looking at magazines?

Because people like looking at beautiful things regardless of where it's at. I know you've been taught that finding women attractive is bad or that wanting to see attractive women in media is wrong, but it's not.

How is a modification not allowed? It's fan made and just personal choice. You're not even cheating or breaking the game.

These guys haven't played the original or the remake, they just want to be angry about the latest thing. I can think of another group just like them that gets mad like that about similar things

I know you've been taught that finding women attractive is bad or that wanting to see attractive women in media is wrong, but it's not.

When did I say that?
Link the comment where I said that exactly.

Because you're implying it, but are using this one example to try and guilt people into submission because you think it will work here. Protip: It won't, not will it work anywhere else.

Well? Post the mod link, faggot

This whole debacle is exactly why videogames will NEVER be art

This faggot shills his twitter here every day
Pathetically obvious

stop replying to the retarded troll, he knows he's in the wrong

Can the gaslighting Californian libs in this thread just finally admit they're using the child abuse backstory as a trojan horse to get the women to be uglier so they can get their agenda into games?

You know it's obvious and you're transparent as fuck, right? Like, lying here just makes you more blatant liars elsewhere too.

dont understand the controversy at all

angela again.jpg - 1080x1080, 87.26K

the RAPE victim isnt hot? how can i take her seriously if i dont want to put my penis inside her? raped as a child? so shes used goods?

coomers lack media literacy

same with maria
i dont get it

maria sh2.jpg - 1080x614, 48.64K

Its very hard for these fags to admit anything. They are used to living a life of lives on the daily.

There's a screenshot from a terrible angle that makes her look obese, and that just gets passed around for people to get angry about. But if you actually play the game, you can see immediately (since she's the first character you meet) that she doesn't actually look like that.


I honestly dont see the issue. I dont play Silent Hill games to masturbate. If you see an issue with Angela then you only care about how hard you can smack your meat to her.

Pretty fucking weird.


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aw sweet, comparisonposting

anon normally I'd agree with ya, I'm as sexist and racist as the next chud the holocaust didn't happen, but this particularly controversy is barking up the wrong tree. It's just not real except in your mind.

first time seeing her and this is what people call hot? this is what theyre crying about?

chuds are still posting like they didnt get absolutely embarassed as fake gamers

Finally, thank you for admitting to it. Didn't think you had it in you.

Coomers when they realize real people dont have plastic skin

right looks better

Apparently people in this thread coomed gallons to her.

dont forget they still seethe that the literal creator of pyramid head went against their head cannon

too many of yall think with your dick

This but unironically.

Just watch pron stop fantasizing about sa victims

The real crime is that they made Eddie into some toad creature, when before he was just an obese guy who used to dominate in football before he started eating too much. He's white and even has blue eyes. Why don't people get mad about this?

this faggot trying to push his bullshit again

she's literally a fat fuck, there's no "screenshot from a terrible angle", all of her angles are terrible.

She actually looks really cute here.
What the fuck are you all so mad about?
If you want a generic k-pop star then go play korean-slop

she's literally a fat fuck

video she looks fine

calm.png - 785x1000, 276.86K


fuck nexus lmfao
anything that gets big becomes too big to fail
ill still use it for mods cuz anything i download costs them money
i cost nexus mods so much fucking money over the years downloading mods lmfao

How is James touching a little girl gay?

hideous looking abomination tells you she was raped

would you believe that?

"Why isnt every single female in this game like my korean gacha slop?"

this is 1.0 footage btw so its outdated
she looks different now

Thats such a weird fucking argument to make and it says a lot about you.

Oh shit for real? Okay I'll retract my anger at the Silent Hill 2 remake then.

In defense Ito is probably traumatized after the foreskin incident and the amount of Pyramid Head and Mannequin porn he's seen.

Please stick to playing on console.
Nobody was bothered by this 15+ years ago when everything was spread-out. Retards getting filtered by using SVN to install wiremod was a good thing.

Nexus will pull the mod if Verge or Kotaku make an article about it. All they care about is ad dollars so any sort of scrutiny no matter how milquetoast will make them buckle immediately.

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My only complaint about nu-Maria is that she doesn't immediately set off any red flags, like the original one did. It's easy to trust her until the Labyrinth where it becomes clear that there's something wrong with her. But in the original, you could tell immediately that there was something dangerous about that girl.

she looks like she's trying to poop out the despression

Ito has been saying Pyramid Head isn't a rapist since at least 2011. He's just gotten louder about it since the internet's evolved to be the shitheap it is over the years.

1 - you're projecting, I never mentioned any gacha slop
2 - a japanese game having cute/beautiful, or at least presentable characters is expected (no, don't give me the bloober are polish or whatever excuse, SH is a jap franchise)
3 - I never said that, all I'm saying is pointing out that Angela Orosco looks deliberately different and ugly compared to the original, she looks like an actual fat fuck
repeating lies does not make it true
no, faggot, the video was uploaded 9 days ago
fucking insane how I got these 3 cope shill answers IMMEADIATELY and they're all lying through their teeth on the spot
no counterarguments, just bullshit

this just in - anon makes cute faces while he poops

spread the word

"Youre projecting. I just want my childhood sexual assault victims to all be hot ladies otherwise why should I believe them?"

a DEI consultant group called Hit Detection worked on Silent Hill 2 Remake
you can stop pretending to like the redesigns now

death of the author. kys.

literally everybody but you says she looks fine


go outside

"If she doesnt look like a k-pop star doing soft porno then its DEI"

I think Skyrim with porn mods might be more your speed.

Nah, the idea of him as a rapist just doesn't make sense.

inb4 but some other top dudes on SH mentioned how they used sex and death to really "shake the mind" of players

Yes, and that's why so many of the monsters, particularly the nurses, are so sexual. It's not because Pyramid Head is a rapist

if James was sexually frustrated, then that kinda implies hes got a fat cock. is it confirmed if he has a BWC?

shut the fuck up and kill yourself, shill.

the video is absolutely outdated 1.0 footage and you could tell this with a basic search but instead you doubled down on being a niggerfaggot. kill yourself.

Misskey won

don't care. just like i don't care about rowling's gay dumbledore.

its not DEI

umm sisters whats this?

Gay Dumbledore was a retcon. Rapist PH only ever existed as a fan theory that too many faggots think is somehow canon

That literally proves nothing

synthetic man, you're not fooling anybody, no matter how much you seethe about jacob geller

bland corporate speak

now point out the DEI in the game itself

i am hanging on nexus mods dox by the way
if they piss me off.

i rec you all to download your shitv with how much faggotry they are getting away with

i will post it here, the kf and doxbin but if they piss me off again

This looks like valid controversy. Nigher


why the fuck does anyone use that site anyway, its a pain in the ass to browse. no other file repository for gaming shit requires me to make an account.

Here's the real problem -

Just look at Angela's fucked up fingernails in the remake. Why is this allowed?

She kinda looks like Virgo peridot, she's perfect as she is. Y'know what, gonna bust a nut to Virgo, fuck You faggots

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remake xisters, our response?

absolute faggot monkey - your non-argument is irrelevant because we're looking at a REMAKE
her circumstances are absolutely irrelevant in ANY scenario, but even MORE SO in this specific one, because the point is that the character does not look like itself
It's like making a new mario game and making his mustache a fucking dali mustache for no reason
Now, retard, I will humor you and answer your hypothetical, nonexistent scenario within the constructed, irrelevant, context in which you put your cherry-picked words in my mouth:
it's not real life, faggot, it's a game, her being a rape victim is irrelevant, she, and the game, is a product
and yes, every character in the game, regardless of their circumstances, exists for the sole purpose of the player
which does not mean she should be a "HOT LADY", just presentable
angela was never "hot" she just wasn't offensively ugly
you pull up to a meeting, you try to look presentable, same shit
it's not about her being a rape victim or whatever, it's all irrelevant
it's about her being a character on the screen
looks even uglier, YOU kill yourself
she's the same weird looking fat fuck, looks the same
that's simply not angela, same way james and maria look absolutely fucked up
I never mentioned any of this shit though, retard
I just said she looks like a fat fuck, and she does
however, you just proved your standing in this argument, which is insincere deflection from the fact that these characters do not look the same, and you outed yourself for being politically motivated

You think your making a point but if you played the game you would see nothing overall has changed from the original. Dumb faggot.

this is a dogshit game
putrid filth excuse, an insult to the original
only a faggot would play this fucking game
look it's simple, it's just fucking dogshit
it's like a burning pile of garbage
shit rat city is all I see when I look at it and I look at it all the time
nigga it's just fucking gay
a character on a screen doesn't need to be fat, just because she was raped
she wasn't like that in the original so this makes no sense
putrid fucking dogshit

literal game journos worked on my game

dont worry its still based my fellow gaymers


James is a black man btw

Hmm she does look better. Should I get this mod?

You know what, I like this mod much better.

Holy shit, here's the same shill again from yesterday, like clockwork, trying to discredit arguments by impersonating anons.
You people are fucking insane. I'm starting to think there are some actual paid bloober shills here, monitoring the threads to deflect any criticism. Absolute madness. Fucking kill yourself, you worthless twat.

up to you. Normal is fine but the mod makes her extra cute so I used it. No problem at all except in one scene where's she crying really hard and her eyes look kinda weird for a bit, but no problems besides that.

all kinds of retarded faggots work on games all the time. an utterly reprehensible faggot might've worked on your favorite game too, assuming you even like games. in this case it's literal consultants, so no actually these people didn't work on the game as much as they were just asked about random shit and probably ignored on whatever they responded with.
now, again, point out the DEI in the game itself

If you'd like a return to form character design then go right ahead.

It's just me anon, I'm on your case. Nobody is paying me. I will find your posts and I WILL impersonate them. Get used to it, big dawg.

Nexus mods hasn't taken it down yet

Okay cool, so this thread is basically "nothing to get angry about has actually happened, but what if we all pretended something HAD happened and got angry about it?"

I will not. And you will do nothing but get impotently angry at it. Cry more.

an utterly reprehensible faggot might've worked on your favorite game too

i dont play IGN games bro, sorry

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the mod unquestionably makes her cuter than the original, though. Already in the new version she looks younger and cuter, while before she looked like an attractive mature woman.


cant even post a single example

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peak brainrot, stop posting

Isn't Angela canonically 40 something years old?

OG CGi is King.
Sato is the only one understanding Silent Hill's characters look, which is why 1 and 2 are the best ones.

no dude she's supposed to be a teen
she's also supposed to look way older than she is due to the abuse but i guess boober took creative liberties on that

do remake fags really think all those faggots and journos were hired by konami for no reason?

I see you are incapable of posting a single example of DEI. I accept your concession.

Are you genuinely brain damaged?
The remake looks more plastic than the original in-game models

players can crash the shit out of ubisoft's stock price but cant crash a mod site's profitability?
maybe i put too much faith in "you people"

Nexus HQ: Slice all of their chud cocks off NOW


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Maria not looking eerily menacing in the remake is a massive downgrade. She looks too trustworthy

lmao, this is some "how do you do fellow kids" shit
literally kill yourself, faggot

"My rage bait succeeded, now I will get more users on my modsite"

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Maria literally looks like gigachad

Anon Babbleeddit defends this BTW

Yeah, in shitholes where everyone with a pulse is repulsive to look at!

It will happen.

Oh, i get it, you dont even know what DEI is..

Didnt konami just release a patch that reduced her crimson chin?

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Censored just like nexus.

They made her whole head a bit smaller, and that was all it took to make her look way more feminine.

is there a way to patch a pirated copy?

Didnt konami just release a patch that reduced her crimson chin?

That would literally just prove every shill on Anon Babble wrong lmao

Bloody bitch bloody, do not redeem!

Depends. Sometimes pirates will release pirated updates as well, but not always. You can always try moving your saved games elsewhere, installing the new version, and then putting them back into the saved game folder. That usually works.

stacey henley

Women recoil at women that look better than them even if said female is fictional, that and trannies is why we get manly ugly ass women in games now

Anon you dont have to prove to me you dont know what it means, i already knew.

You can tell that none of the other responders have ever looked up at a girl while they were lying down and she was sitting on their lap.

You'd think everyone would understand myspace angles by now but I guess not

redditors act like they wouldn't jump for joy if nexus was neutered and only LGTBQ and female friendly mods were allowed.

Reminder that this shit has been going on for years. They simply do no want straight men to be happy.

man that character on the right is fucking ugly lmao. i think anyone calling for this mod to be taken down needs to be permanently rangebanned from that site.

these guys haven't played the original

speak for yourself retarded faggot.

You're fuckin rabid, man. The push for making women into trannies is real, but there's none of that shit in this game.

I think that author actually is a tranny.

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If she was ugly her dad would not had raped her.

Why does this meme keep being spread? I bought the OG game on release.

women are trannies

absolute faggot monkey - your non-argument is irrelevant because we're looking at a REMAKE

And? Why does this mean "she has to look sexy"


remake shills are literally making starfield arguments

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the grifter posted it again lol

meanwhile in reality...

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Haven't they been saying that for the past 5 years?

The problem is that these guys are literally only attracted to Asian women who have had plastic surgery to shave bone off their jaws to make them absurdly thin and small.

Besides, why would you want to have kids with a weak jawed woman? Do you want your sons to have weak jaws?

The fuck are you even going on about?

Dumb frogposter. Even if chudboy with his hands in his pants are overreacting, the entire movement to ban hot girls down to fucking mods is even crazier.

Women universally look unattractive when you're looking at them from an upwards angle. That's just how it is.

People should fight fire with fire, like convince Nintendo lawyers to go after Nexus Mods


Why do you guys care more about the appearance of a childhood rape victim than the woman whos meant to be super attractive...?

this faggot posted a picture of a woman in a similar angle and she doesnt look like a man

maybe if I feign ignorance, they wont think I'm a political tourist

many such cases

They don't care about Eddie, the white man with blue eyes and blonde hair, being turned into a toad demon either. They're all just crowd chasing faggots.

I can't find any information indicating this is true beyond the comments being closed for the mod.

I can't even find reason to suggest that nexus did this as opposed to the mod author.

Is she a child in the game?

moron, I didn't say she has to look sexy, she has to look like herself, and that means not looking like an ugly fat fuck
they're all fucked up - james, maria, angela
what, should I repeat myself again? seems like you can't even read, so I will:

It's like making a new mario game and making his mustache a fucking dali mustache for no reason

in other words, if the original character is not a hideous fat fuck, there's no reason at all to make her one in the remake
it would be as retarded as making Eddie thin, do you understand?

Do you really think that's the same angle, or are you just fishing for (you)s?

to be fair salóme's got crazy jaw game. her kids are gonna be gigachad tier

using reddit lingo speech

I genuinely cannot understand what you're trying to infer from the picture. Are you saying that I am somehow that person and that pic is irrefutable proof? Only a tourist would leap to such conclusions.

based if real
the female body is an aberration

casual reminder that every shill in this thread cant figure out how PCSX2 works

yes, it is literally an extortion racket

Is anyone claiming that Eddies appearance is harmful to society and needs to be banned or regulated like the girls are?

posting conservatard ragebait and then pleading ignorance is really funny
keep doing it

I played Legend of Dragoon on it and I prefer SH2 remake over the original

Yes. Troon.

Its always funny people complain this game isnt faithful yet you got the OG devs complimenting it.

I accept your concession

the people who get mad at its existance should be ip banned off the site for bigotry.

I think you might be retarded, anon. I'm not even American.

"If you dont like pedophilia then youre a tranny"

we know ivan

I just don't like bloober team.

God, you really are retarded.

You are silly. I won the argument.

uuuhh he's... he's... paid to say that! they paid him off! they had to! and even if they didn't... umm... he wasn't important anyway! take that!

Using reddit as a "gotcha"

I accept your concession

one programmer said its good

congrats. you do realize that team silent got completely fucked over by konami? even if SH2 remake was a masterpiece, they should hate it

You lost. Now go back.

"Why didnt me calling you a redditor work?!?!"

I accept your concession

You don't shit were you eat. You don't say bad things about other studios even if you think they are destroying your vision. It's just unprofessional. Like, Mark Hamill can have a mental breakdown on camera over how they're destroying his character but at the end of the day he will still smile and say the movie is great.

That said SH2 remake isn't that bad.

Nexusmods is so fucking thrash it's insane that it became the most popular place to host your mods
If your shit ain't on somewhere else e.g. github it's not worth downloading

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Man, how awesome would it be to see chuds that butthurt over losing all of their precious coomer shit.
Honestly, just get rid of it all. Chuds don't deserve a fucking thing, fucking bigots. I would love to see them lose everything.

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they're using a tweet made by the director BEFORE the remake even came out

holy shit you're desperate KEK

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dumbest poster in the thread and i dont think its baiting

nobody is going to ban, or better yet, ever be able to ban mods you stupid faggot OP

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i refuse to believe people are too retarded to setup PCSX2, i was able to run emulators on my hacked xbox 360 when i was 15
shills are just disingenuous.

implying art can't be controversial

literally just calling conservatives retarded


grow up

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Eh, I figure it's just Hit Detection doing their normal shit.

he was only satisfied with the remake's camera angle and doesnt even want to talk about the remake now that its out lmao
nice ringing endorsement, FAGGOTS

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Ito himself worked on the remake, faggot. If you knew a damn thing besides surface level nonsense internet drama, you'd know that this is the actual concern of SH2 fans, because Ito didn't agree with his fellow original devs on several things, but the remake (obviously) pushes more for his interpretation of the story than theirs.

Ito himself worked on the remake

he won't comment on his impressions of the remake

most curious

This isn't a hot take. It's pretty much inevitable. They're enforcing things ideologically in the same way that devs are changing things ideologically. Ergo, as one removes feminine sexuality from their games the other removes feminine sexuality from their mods.
It's heckin sexist and harmful to reinforce sexist standards and stereotypes after all. What about ugly women who want to see a reflection of themselves?
I will say this, Eddie is fucking hideous. Perhaps they should have eased up on the ugly stick with him if no one else. There's symbolically gross and then there's actual revulsion.

There's a reason that in the original, you might think that Pyramid Head was raping those mannequins. In the remake, it doesn't look like that at all. There's your first hint.

Do I need to spoonfeed you more?

did the mannequins consent in the remake to make (You) feel more comfortable about that scene?

I'm surprised the face models for Maria & Angela haven't said anything retarded about this in defense of the game even though it botched both their faces

But, anon, you're insane. That would never happen despite the fact that entire staff would probably love it.


Okay, here's your second helping. Zoom! Whoom! Here comes the airplane! Whiiiirrrr

he clearly wasn't raping them in the remake, he was trying to stuff their bodies down the sink. This would make sense to you if you knew anything about the story, rather than just taking sides on the latest internet drama.

based anon calling out hypocrisy

still seething

get over it already

cried about Anon Babble, conservatives (normal people), the russians, posted discord falseflag bait and used grifter buzzword all at once

its shit

Are you insane? You can see the sink before James ever hides in the closet.

For further detail, once you go through the door in the kitchen that was inaccessible earlier, it leads to a mirror image of the room that the whole scene took place in earlier. In this version, you see a massive cut across the closet James was hiding in, and you can see bloody bits of mannequins halfway forced into the kitchen drain.

completely disregards the SECOND rape scene that took place in the sinkless staircase

so you're blind and stupid? okay, if you wanna talk about the rape in the kitchen so bad explain this:

grabs both legs

moves his hips back and forth in a thrusting motion


chubby chaser or tranny detected

trump lost

i hate fat people

trump bout to win tho and ur about to lose all your rights tho

7 days

he won and he lost and you know what happened? nothing. so who fuckin cares

Alright. I watched that and yeah, it looks like rape.

just upload it to arweave, problem solved

so, where's the fucking mod link

james kills his wife


This isn't even a mod about giving her tits larger than her head or making her naked, so this really exposes the fact that these people are angry that she is less ugly or actually somewhat cute.

She has to look fucked up and repulsive and that's what they want for female characters in video games in general. It never was about "oversexualization" aka supermodels in video games, it was about making female characters look like garbage so that they look better by comparison.Eventually their true colors came out and now everybody sees what's what.

"Do I look like your girlfriend?"

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She doesn't look fucked up at all, anon. If you can't be bothered to play a game before forming opinions about it, at least watch a playthrough or something. Otherwise, you're wasting your time and mine. I piss on you. I shit on you. I flood my basement and I scrape the mold into your house. Such as it is. This is life.

I piss on you. I shit on you. I flood my basement and I scrape the mold into your house

Most sane leftist who wants the mod gone.

I used the mod and I think you're nuts

literal manjaw

not joking, you guys need to relax

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I used the mod

She doesn't look fucked up at all

used the mod to change a character that didn't look bad to begin with

Lies, more lies, and minute to minute half baked arguments. Leftists say what suits them in the minute, then 3 minutes later they switch it up again and lie again. Psychopaths.

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you are fighting shadows here. there are real problems elsewhere. this isn't one of them.

I will now play your game.

huh, the fire escape must've been removed when they built the other building

except in the remake there is no fucking fire escape. there's a door located INSIDE ANOTHER APARTMENT that leads into the other building for no apparent reason

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the reason is here

furry shit, gay shit and other degen shit are "safe" horny

attractive straight women are "unsafe" horny

did pyramid head build that door because he couldnt fit the mannequin inside the sink by raping it?

Unsafe horny is shit appealing to most heterosexual males. Safe horny is deviant. You can watch it in action best from parts of the gaming press.

Jun's bare ass in Tsukushima? Safe
Lady Dimescu in RE? Safe
Bearfucking in BG3? Safe

By comparison

Stelar Blade? unsafe
Lolipop Chainsaw? Unsafe

I don't think it should be banned, but downloading a mod to sexualize a rape victim in a horror videogame is fucking psycho behavior and they should probably be on a list.

Whether or not PH raped is entirely irrelevant. The entire goal of pyramid man was to punish James while also pushing him towards maximum suffering, that is, admitting his terrible crimes.