Oh right, this comes out today

oh right, this comes out today...

which third world hole do you hail from

1200 dollars for a videogame


Don't be a chud. Games should cost more to so that we can hire all the diversity hires.

it's been out for like 2 weeks

spic prices are fucking grim

t. spic

It's old news.
Anon Babble already played and beat this sloppa.

how's it compare to Superstar Saga?

Not even close.
Brothershit is self harm at best.

I have a feeling we're going to get ANOTHER remake of Superstar Saga using this games graphics.

nah, this shit is gonna flop hard and we're never gonna get another Mario and Luigi game.

It’s hard to imagine how Nintendo games can get more infantilized.

it's the nintedo tax
pay up
also price drop never ever

It actually came out a few days ago, but is right

That's nothing

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What's the blatant fetish joke in this one?

Fifty-eight dollars isn't so bad. Weird how specific they are on the fraction of the penny, though.

Probably better off that way. They clearly just don't understand what made the good ones good. I hope they make more Paper Mario though.

spics use dots as separator and comma for decimals

you'll pay anyway, drone

Tendies would pay this

Not as great as SSS, but definitely leagues above PJ and PIT. I’d say it’s probably Dream Team-tier. If it had more boss encounters then it’d probably rank higher.

You were very polite but I would hope my joke was obvious.

Who is even directing this? Is it new people or did they get AlphaDream staff back?

Main developer is Acquire (who made Octopath Traveler I & II, among other games) while some Nintendo EPD staff for the game were formerly at Alphadream supposedly.

Give names, zoomer. The ACTUAL people working on it. Is a the same director as previous M&L games?


lol this cover looks AI generated

really want to get this but still waiting for some reviews (not game ""journalism" ones) to see if it's worth the money

Octopath Traveler

Welp, that explains why it's boring and poorly paced.

EPD never worked on it
It’s acquire and the alphadream devs went there
Off the top of my head, the lead field and battle designers from alpha dream worked on it
The founder of alphadream who worked on them all and also directed super Mario rpg also worked on it
There’s more but I can’t be bothered looking through the credits for all the games again atm
When I get time I will

low budget switch holiday release


The princess peach game nobody gave a fuck about broke a million in ten days
Are we really going to do this same song and dance every time

No, the director is Haruyuki Ohashi, an Acquire employee (obviously). I think pic related is the only game previously directed by him.

All Nintendo games are overseen by EPD

I’m enjoying it, I just beat the first boss.
I think it starts faster than dream team and there’s not really any tutorials now. They’re basically pop ups you instantly dismiss and there’s not as many of them.

I wish this game was low budget. The budget was clearly higher than any other game in the series by far. It's bloated to hell and back and packed with nonsense that makes the game worse.


Lmao dream team was more expensive and took three years to make because of the labour intensive sprites
It’ll do fine. I don’t get why retards are claiming shits flopping when Nintendo games aren’t nearly triple a budget.

Thanks Joe Biden.

does this have exp and level ups or is it like nu-paper mario?


It's bloated to hell and back and packed with nonsense that makes the game worse

Minigames galore like BIS, or are the maps "too big"?

It’s still got exp, and the same battle system
They just kept adding to it each game instead of ditching it for no reason

Does this still have banger OSTs or is this the first Mario RPG without great music

I’m pretty sure the padding signifies the opposite, actually.

After the third sea you’ll start being sent sent to previous islands for plot reasons frequently. There’s typically a new area you can access on the island to justify it, but still.

it's the first M&L game without Shimomura composing, that should tell you enough

Too much cutscene budget. The game would be better if half the cutscenes and towns were completely removed. Almost every single island you visit starts off with a town full of cutscenes and dialogue, and it's unbelievably fucking annoying. I usually like towns in RPGs, but holy shit. They're so boring and they all have generic plug characters.

There’s typically a new area you can access on the island to justify it, but still.

Basically every game other than PiT does this, and that's only because the areas in that game are all excessively long.

It’s a lot less wordy than dream team thoughbeit

That sounds like modern Pokemon lol

schizo thread

Partners areas aren’t that long themselves, it’s just they they have switching between the babies and bros constantly
I think it’s the shortest one in the series but it felt like the longest when I replayed it

My biggest problem is selecting attacks with Luigi using a
Im three hours in and im still not used to it because I’ve played the entire series and it’s always been b until now

yeah, my muscle memory is fucked

I'm having the same issue, how did they mess up the most basic shit?


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Odds of it getting patched within the next few weeks?

Zero. It isn't a bug. It was a choice.

As in a toggle.

Plausible but still unlikely. They want to keep inputs uniform with the battle plug menu.

I think if people make a big enough stink about it but i reckon most people won’t care
Due to this being a title on the switch, chances are there’s going to be a lot of players who will play this as their first in the series, so they most likely won’t care either