Puts his crippie boy brother back in his wheelchair

puts his crippie boy brother back in his wheelchair


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Nobody is worthy of all the boons that life can potentially give them when its at the expense of something else.
We all deserve to be free.
Hopefully environmental regulations will be undone and corporations will irreversibly destroy the world.


Imagine instead lying to him as the book kills him, instead of him just living the life he was supposed to.

His brother isn't a cripple

It was all an illusion.

Escapism is.. le bad

What the fuck was his problem?

The book isn't killing anyone.

People just want their to be more to the story so they accept a stupid rumor that the translation cut a plot point.

Living your entire life in escapism is a problem. People don't get that this book is a metaphor for drugs and alcohol." The adult world sucks so I'm gonna live like a junkie dealer."
Short escapism can be educational or help you recharge. The problem here is he wants to live in his literal fantasy world forever where only he makes the rules and everyone else has to obey.

biggest problem in life is that your hair is white and you're afraid of getting bullied

this book is a metaphor for drugs and alcohol.

Make it a metaphor instead of an actual place where you have fun and can live long term.

Hey Doned, do you know what my favorite thing in the world is?

real life is escapism from death

Fuck Montblanc in particular
I left his ass for dead in the jagds

Marche did nothing wrong. He did not consent to being taken away from his family. The people of Ivalice did not consent to being taken away from their families. A lot of people like the school bullies got turned into disgusting undead just for being kind of mean (like kids often are). Mewt is a shithead and in the end everyone ended up being better people after taking Marche's advice and learning to love themselves.

Someone should tell him that the world he is forcing everyone to return to is also not real. He is inside a video game.

True until

and in the end everyone ended up being better people after taking Marche's advice and learning to love themselves.

Nah., thats just cope.

Isn't this the gimmick twist of deltarune

The people of Ivalice did not consent

who the fuck cares? if they like it enough to stay then that's not a reason to bring them back by force

This reminds me of those immortality bad stories except they never give an adequate reason why you're just supposed to accept its bad.

there is no such thing as escapism because there is no non-reality that you can escape to
the imagined, the hopeful delusion is just as much a part of life as anything else and is experienced with the most direct sense of all: the mind
categorizing something as escapism is simply an act of asserting your preference for one set of things over another and it is always a weak argument that fails before moral arguments grounded in explicit values rather than simple assertions of preference

Who the fuck cares if they like it? If he's capable of bringing them back by force then why shouldn't he? Why does their input matter now?

Only a handful of kids with no life experience are explicitly stated to have enjoyed their time there.


It's literally the ending of the game. If they weren't happy then the game would have given you a depressing ending like one of those RPGMaker horror games.


You didn't play the game. Doned has rickets and intentionally doesn't take his medicine for it so he can monopolize his mom's attention and affection. Marche rightfully slaps him with it after finding out about the hit placed on him and his clan.

Its amusing that these fantasy worlds always have some sort of “catch.” If a perfect world made by a perfect creator existed separate from our own, you’d be retarded not to join. And all the endless seething from “I LIVE IN DA REAL WORLD” tards would be hollow cope
Thats why these scenarios always get kneecapped by the author

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get to have better life in different world with no consequence to anyone

but what if I can go back to be shitty


It's almost like us humans only know how to create compelling narratives in worlds that echo our own.

Why do you assume there aren't downsides to anything? That's one of the things FFTA does best, it shows you just how scummy the world the kids think is so cool really is.

Everhood gives the reason as immortality leading to stagnation and then suffering as you constantly try to find new things to occupy your time with that you will eventually get bored of, including insanity.

A perfect world made by a perfect creator doesn't make for a story. There must needs be a flaw on some level in order to justify making a plot about said world.

The only possible way to deal with conflicting ideas of perfection is to have each and every person isolated within their own little bubble world and as I told the fag in Nocturne that's pathetic

I get to use magic, go on grand adventures to exotic lands, and meet all sorts of new and interesting species? Screw that, I want to go back to school!

Said no kid ever.

still has criminals

still has murder

still has poor people

still has resource scarcity

still has an oppressive government


Ivalice wasn't much different from the real world.

get juggler

the game is beaten

Ivalice had hot bunny girls.

get assassin

the game is beaten

get the dual sword katana

game is beaten

get a blue mage with all skills

game is beaten

The game balance was fucked lmao

Police doesn't do this for street brawl I'm real life

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Most parents would be pretty bummed about their children seemingly ceasing to exist anymore

Why didn't he just lock Marche away forever?

Viera are trees.
And hate men to the point where their 1-in-100 males are considered blighted.

Because it's just like immortality in most stories. It's a sour group situation, because the authors have no way of escaping our shitty world or making themselves immortal they make it seem like both of those things are bad or will always have some sort of catch to them. It's not just making conflict for the story.

Yes, yes, there are stories in which both of those things are good, but there was a trend to depict them negatively.

For gods sake, watch/read Freiren or The Forever War and actually get some context for what endless time looks like.

get doublecast summoner

game is deleted

Is FFTA1 the G Gundam of Final Fantasy games?

*for what some guy thinks endless time might look like

Immortality would suck because I hate people and having to spend more time around people would infini-suck. If I could have immortality in the world by myself, I'd take it without a second thought. Inb4 Le Squidward alone meme.

watch/read Freiren


you WILL pretend to read emails for 40 years and then die from a stress induced blood clot.

Isamu, you're a retard and your hat is stupid.

Retarded pseudos' will say this while going out of their way to use the internet to talk to people

If a perfect world made by a perfect creator existed separate from our own, you’d be retarded not to join

yes you would, because reality is more important... and other bullshit wagie copes.

pollution breaks the NAP

Marche, Cid and Mewt's stuffed rabbit all agreed to poopoo the matrix. Get fucked ironsides

Immortality is good because it is tyranny for man to live under the unjust eyes of the heavens. The same heavens that would have them born weak, born infirm, born poor. Man must take up what he can and slaughter the heavens and its servants to consume their essence and arise as immortal.
Refine Man
Refine Gu
Refine Heaven

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That's fuckin stupid

it's escap-

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not staying in a world where Viera's exists

I will fight you Marche.

Hoho, Junior has eyes but can't see Mt.Tai.

I mean, it's mostly the kind of message you see in a lot of other media. This trope has been done many times before (not saying it's bad, but the message is not difficult to understand).
It's an invitation to the person engaging with the story to see the goods in this fictional world and bring it to their own world. The "fake" world in the story is a representation of the story you're reading. For the reader, it's easy to dismiss the impossibility of living in this world because you know it's fake, but it's up to the author to create an in-universe explanation as to why it wouldn't work in their case and sometimes that doesn't stick the landing too well.
It's less about "wouldn't you live in a perfect world?" and more about "a perfect world doesn't exist, but if you can conceptualize it, you can help building it"

That worked out well for his friends that wanted to stay, didn't it?

A perfect world made by a perfect creator doesn't make for a story

if your justification for a plot point is ever "because then the story would end" then you've fucked up massively as a writer. people don't just ruin things because "then my job would be done" unless they're leeches trying to justify their paycheck, in which case that is the actual conflict

Holy based

But the story wouldn't end, it just wouldn't happen. There is literally no room for a plot to happen in a perfect world because nothing can happen.

The version of you born in the modern day having grown accustomed to comforts and conveniences would never survive in the middle ages.

Your comment is pointless. I don't have an alternative to let me live alone somewhere. It's not the 1950s where you could just buy an unbuilt house for delivery at Home Depot and stake your claim in butt fuck nowhere for $500. I'm not allowed to fully disengage from society, so you can't blame me when I'm engaging in society against my will.

The story would never actually start beyond establishing the setting

Perfection is a pipedream. Name me a perfect game/movie or book and I assure you someone will shit on it.

If you were really as anti-social as you think you are you'd be watching something or playing a single player game. You're a fucking idiot.

I'm giving my mom a back massage while watching YouTube and browsing Anon Babble on my phone. Suggest me some good phone games.

I'm not allowed to fully disengage from society

You've never even tried, you don't want to you just want to not have to work or leave the house while enjoying the fruits of society

Just make the threat external to the world. An invasion force, something or someone from another place wanting to usurp the world for himself.

Pokemon TCG

A perfect world would be perfectly impregnable
Where is the weakness that an invading force could use to get in?

absolutely no one defends this shit. they can regrow body parts so cripples make no sense.

There is literally no room for a plot to happen in a perfect world because nothing can happen.

there are a gorillion excuses to introduce some difficulty into a story even if everything is perfect

strong men create good times, good times create weak men

people stop being grateful for what they have and become spoiled

some greedy bastard or evil god starts sowing discord

god grows disillusioned with his duties and starts slacking on the job

the magic/magical artifact/star that powers the world is in danger of disappearing

some natural disorder strikes and causes scarcity, mass casualties, whatever

some inter-dimensional being starts fucking up stuff

a misunderstanding escalates into something really bad

something new (e.g. material, invention, energy source) is discovered its use becomes controversial. suddenly you have 2 factions: those in favor and those against. there's usually a huge downside to the new thing

as the saying goes, if you want peace, prepare for war

It isn't being "kneecapped by the author" if they are never presented as being created by a perfect creator. Both your image and OPs are both situations where the creator is imperfect. OPs is because kids are gigaretarded and yours is because he's a grief-stricken man with way too much power. To create a world implies governance, and that was Maruki's issue. HE decided what perfection was for people, and not only is he not a divine creator (therefore by definition imperfect himself) his definition of perfection was permanently discolored by his own discontent.

There is stories out there where the divine creator -> perfection question is tackled, neither examples you provided are that or are supposed to be that.

Someone should remake the game that adds a realistic ending where all his friends kill themselves over the course of a few days.

people don't just ruin things because "then my job would be done"

Main point aside, you're incredibly stupid if you genuinely think this since multiple systems, organizations and industries literally exist based upon this premise.

there are a gorillion excuses to introduce some difficulty into a story even if everything is perfect

Then the world isn't perfect and thus defeating your own point.

Marche is the only one who has any real reason to want to kill himself.

Everyone who thinks the people were better being in Ivalice, GET IN THE SOUL ORB NOW!

Well MAYBE if he didn't want to be a cripple he should've just stood up for himself.

No now you've moved from a perfect world to a good one, maybe even a great one but an imperfect one all the same.

Hey the real world isn't that bad really


No, I want a world where the fruits of my labor go only to me. That would only be possible if I was completely alone. Hence my first post. So I'd settle for a country where all of the citizen's work benefits only the citizens. But I can't even have that. I just get globohomo where every single thing I do benefits jews and nogs in one way or another.

Just started FFT and I'm genuinely surprised by how difficult it is out of the gate compared to the Advanced games. Started grinding random battles so I could have my team better prepared for the Corpse Bandits. Any recommendations or tips?

To this day it'll never be funny to me that most people don't even understand the meta-commentary that is happening in this game just because they took a meme and ran with it, hoping it would make it look like they actually played the game.

It wasn't like Tactics' world was good or perfect to any degree, in fact you could make the legitimate argument that staying in the realm was itself suicide because the world that they were in was so thoroughly war-faring that they had active battle monitors that would use god-like spells just so you were forced to lose fighters, which by the way were cognizant beings.

This is the vidya equivalent of taking a quote from a Nietzsche book and claiming Nietzsche was pro-suicide.

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everything has to have LE DEEPER MEANING

Maybe it's just shitty nip writing, and it wasn't meant to parallel anything.

Reminder, public opinion that Marche is the villain only turned that after reddit took over Anon Babble


Imagine a JRPG with actual balance.

isn't perfect

it is, until it isn't anymore
besides, no catches doesn't mean perfect

imagine a RPG with actual balance
(currently soloing BG3 HM with an open-hand monk)

That's not how he rolls

it is, until it isn't anymore

Then it was never pefect to begin with, hence why you defeat your own point by trying to introduce areas of conflict to a perfect world.

moving the goalposts

I accept your concession

Too bad he didn't have a leg to stand on.

besides, no catches doesn't mean perfect

Maybe, but "a perfect world made by a perfect creator" certainly fucking does

correct, and no one here will thank you for it

So you do need the world to stop being perfect in order to make an actual story

It was a deep-seated issue

Is this cope? You can't introduce conflict to a perfect world because then that would mean it was never pefect to begin with and thus reinforcing my original point (see ) that a world with no flaws isn't good for a story

Maybe he just needed someone to give him a push.

perfect doesn't have to mean "will continue to be perfect"

Well first of all, it's like FF8 where too much grinding can actually backfire a little bit. Nothing wrong with a little bit but don't overdo it.

Most important thing to nab early game is Squire's Job Point Up ability. After that, you'll want to go Chemist for the ability to use Potion and Phoenix Down in battle. And also nab the Squire's Move +1.

After that, you'll want to specialize a little bit. A white mage and a black mage from the random recruits and an archer too. Archers are actually quite good, especially early game. Ramza can be a knight after learning his Yell unique ability.

The eventual early game goal is to make your White Mage into an Oracle and your Black Mage into a Time Mage for the really good abilities you get from those classes. Get Potion, Phoenix Down, JP Up and Move +1 on everyone and get Ramza to learn Yell. Might be a good idea to dip Knight on your planned White Mage for Weapon Guard actually. It makes your healer a lot tankier for relatively little investment. But not imperative.

There's dozens of ways to easily break the game and get through a lot easier than this. But these are some easy beginner friendly benchmarks to hit before the end of Part 1.

Hopefully he can just walk it off...

Nah he would never stand for that

For the purpose of this discussion it has to mean exactly that

who decided that? ps you don't count

Yes, that's what perfection literally means. A perfect wouldn't change because then that means its not perfect

Try actually reading the reply chain

So the anti-Marche NEET defense force has resorted to just straight up lying now hm? How sad.

Thanks anon, I'll mess around with it. I'm really excited to put a Summoner and Dark Knight on my team, they're my favorite FF jobs.

living in an actual fantasy world where you're not a cripple and can go on adventures with your band of brothers while being handsomely rewarded for being what you've long trained to be is the same as doing drugs and spending the whole day in front of a computer

The Japanese are allergic to not being slaves, one of the most spiritually cucked people on this godforsaken planet.

Why does everyone ignore the fact that their mother is probably a tortoise or lying dead in a Jagd somewhere? Marche is the only one who actually cares about other people in this story.

It's all about me! Me! Me! Me! I'm happy and that's ALL that matters! No I don't care if other people are being turned into monsters or dying or also don't want to be there! Me! Me! Me!

Americans are allergic to not being selfish toddlers, one of the most mentally stunted people on this godforsaken planet.

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Cant see his moves

It's the same message as Paranoia Agent, running away from your problems doesn't actually solve them or their effect on you and the people around you it's better to face your issues head on instead and properly overcome them.

Being a cripple was never the problem with Doned, it was the fact that he isolated himself and never tried to make friends with others which is a problem that never went away even in Ivalice

Magical. Another book manages to open rifts from their pages and invade. You asked to a way to insert conflict and this is one. Doesn't paint a bad picture towards the perfect world.

The book isn't killing anyone.


Because the monsters like to think of themselves as equal to people for some reason

You can't unlock some of the advanced classes (with the real broken shit) until a couple chapters in
Prime grind strat i found in this game is

JP up on all characters you're using,

Equip with Throw Stone on everyone.

Get into a fight in Mandalia plains with a yellow chocobo

kill all enemies but the chocobo

surround chocobo and stone it like an infidel

yellow chocobo heals at low health

infinite JP for as long as you can bear to abuse the bird

The JP rate is pitifully low no matter what you do, but the method cuts out a lot of the extra busywork
Tbh youll end up getting some pretty broken dudes just out of the story mode TG Cid so it does take a bit of the piss out of grinding up all these mooks just to have some assblasting characters handed to you. It's a self imposed challenge to not use them, even if you do still need to grind them up
Also Ramza's Guts skill gets really good once you have Yell

Game is a classic but there's so much interesting stuff that is neglected by players or devepmentally undercooked. Not to mention a great deal of skills and meta that are pretty much essential to make any progress so experimentation also goes out the window

If it's just a simulated dream world it's not really any different than doing large amounts of hallucinatory drugs and getting lucky with a fantasy world simulation, or an autist who can become so immersed he believes in the fantasies he has in front of the computer. It would be cool, but of course other people just want to shame you into doing things that benefit them.

oh yeah I forgor
Enemy levels are tied to Ramzas level. You don't have to take him to random battles, so leaving him a bit underleveled is actually advantageous
At least I think so, but I don't think it averages from your party. Havent played in quite some time

A world that can be invaded is flawed

Donned isn't a cripple.

Yes he is

Not really. I'm not arguing semantics or comparing it to God with capital G nature of perfection. You know exactly what the nature of a perfect world where the player is allowed to wanna live in means.

Donned isn't in a wheelchair because his legs don't function. He's in a wheelchair because he has a weaker constitution. So he can walk but he tires easily, that kind of thing.

A cripple can't walk properly, which he can't.

One of FFT's biggest flaws is that it has a fuckload of archaic systems in place and does an extremely shitty job at explaining them to new players.

Someone whose crippled is incapable of using their limbs. Donned can walk. His condition isn't insurmountable. It's problematic but not something that can't be treated overtime.

You're talking about some worthless cripple kid but we're not discussing how immersive the law system is.

anyone know of mods to the FFTAs that completely delete laws? i want the judges and the laws to vanish entirely.

it exists
there's a big ffta hack community desu

fuck you

the only thing I don't understand is spell charge time. taking longer than a turn to cast makes spells useless

based. should i just google it(tm)?

Cripples can be capable of using their limbs, just not using them right

But that's still not Donned's issue. His limbs work perfectly fine. He can't exert himself physically and even minor activities can be straining but everything still functions properly.

Forspoken was weird in that the main character wanted to go back to her shitty world even though she was probably gangraped by the people she stole from.

i'd rather have a mod where you can smack judges

they are shit. its my fantasy and, i WILL stay as long as i please.
its annoying at first but then, you pick up new jobs and realize there are combinations of abilities that let you fuck up the enemy's spell casting. you could google all the meta strats or you could just go through, get stomped a lot and grind out new jobs to see what can be done.

what that anon above said about ramza's level dictating story battles is 100% false. story battles are locked in place. random battles go off of the highest level persons in your entire roster. this is why people will get JP up asap and grind chocobo's in mandalia with the monk free healing ability to max JP while minimizing EXP.

What was weird is that she immediately wanted to go back even though before she went through a portal she was about to kill herself

she was probably gangraped by the people she stole from


She was stealing from New Yorkers so it's probably true

There's no way she has the personality she does while having gotten gang-raped in the near past.

This nigga serious?

implying the champagne communists who write these shitty plots nowadays understand the human experience

Nobody ever said it was GOOD writing.

Taking 5+ cocks at once is an experience they might actually understand

There is a button you can press to show you when your spell will resolve, I think you just press right in the menu while hovering over the spell but it might be square or something. Be aware that there are two types of targeting


Spell is centered on the unit, even if they move it'll hit them


Spell hits that exact position only and will fail if nobody is there when spell resolves.

Also a funny way you can break the early game over your knee
Get a Mediator and recruit one of those Minotaur enemies, then walk back and forth between two blue spots until you get a egg to hatch with the unit called "Sacred" they do asinine damage

I do wonder, if you were somehow able to trascend into a reality that's perfect, and somehow you never get tired of it.
Would you ever look back into your original reality and wonder what's happening?

What would you do if you were literally completely free?

For me? Still playing vidya and shitposting here

Many things changed in my life, I changed jobs, got partners, got way more money and more stuff, and yet I still do play vidya and shitpost here

The only thing that would change is how much time I would do this

I think if I had unlimited access to food, electricity and internet I would spend all my time doing the same thing
Maybe all of this is the reason people keep getting depressed, you can fulfill so much with things like this or videogames, the outside world with all its flaws stops having any appeal.
Still, even I sometimes see what other people enjoy from regular life and feel envious, for how natural they make it look, while it's a chore from start to finish with a few good things in-between for me.
Perhaps we're not that far off from realities to escape to with what we have nowadays.

If a perfect world made by a perfect creator existed separate from our own, you’d be retarded not to join.

That's called heaven. Which you go to when you die. If you've been a good boy. Which none of you fuckers have. So perfect world no exist for anyone here.

nice post. i laughed.

Maybe all of this is the reason people keep getting depressed

no it's because you don't feel like doing shit and you're forced to do it anyway or bad stuff happens. and doing all that you have to do well leaves you exhausted and with no time to do anything else. you realize you live to work (and not the opposite) and then figure that you might as well die

Heaven isn't perfect because Christian God is an inherently flawed concept.

no it's because you don't feel like doing shit and you're forced to do it anyway or bad stuff happens

Bullshit. Humans were happier when we were struggling everyday just to survive. Our brains and bodies are literally designed to work to satisfy our needs and enjoy it. But the modern world satisfies those needs too easily.

I wouldn't say we were happier, we were too busy dealing with survival, anyone who has had to live in survival mode similar enough to how they did knows why they didn't commit suicide etc.

It's only acceptable if it's also a permadeath mod because judges are what canonically make you stay alive.

God is perfect but only seems imperfect because we can only conceive of him in imperfect ways.

Would you want to live in the Matrix? That's what the game basically is. Fake shit in fantasy land.

If you worked at oil rigs or at sea, I wouldn't say it's a happier life. You're just too busy and limited in things to do after shift work is done besides maybe drink a beer or play vidya for an hour or so before hitting the rack.

I thought the whole game was just them playing make believe? Did they really actually get sucked into the book???????

I mean yeah it's better he spend time on education and finding a career where his physical limitations won't matter as opposed to wasting away on a fantasy that will never help his situation aside from giving him false hope.

That is hilarious. The idea that Marche wants to go home just to his house but his friends and brother are keeping him presumably locked in the room to play make believe. He has to win a roleplaying session to earn the right to go home.

You know its a good character when people still argue over him years later

Stole all happiness and desire from his brother to put him into a world of suffering and pain. Damn, are we sure this isn't the antagonist? I mean, that just seems like unwarrented hate, and he just put down the "No Fun Allowed" sign into the ground because he didn't like any of it.

That's impossible because the world heals itself too quickly. However, I do believe that we could actually get a consequence of sorts where most of humanity stops giving a shit, and most still die, because why would the Earth need uncaring, worthless parasites that it could most definitely do without? The Earth is clearly alive, and it doesn't take much for us to die.

the thing is, the ones who will be left alive after tempests and other disasters will be those with immesaurable wealth, the ones who fattened their pockets fucking it up in the first place. and the unwashed masses are the ones who will pay the price for the former's hubris.
it's like a murderer having his victim's parents for his crime

If he can live in the fantasy until he dies and it feels real, what's the difference between that and the fantasy his brain conjures in the real world to keep him surviving? The real world is still just built with chemicals in your brain it released based on what it senses will help you survive, it's not like you're looking right out of the window of your eyes into base reality, sometimes it's a lie or an illusion that helps you survive the most.

He's imperfect, by acknowledging that you can only concieve of him in an imperfect way you also acknowledge that he has a flaw.

That not God being flawed. That's humans being flawed.

No, that's a flaw of God. If God is perfect we should be able to understand and percieve him as perfect, if you can't then that is a flaw.

God is both perfect and flawed, God is everything, if nothing of God was flawed, nothing he created would be flawed.

It's not?
Unless they're flawed by design

Oh, yeah? Well, the kikes in Ivalice weren't as powerful as the kikes IRL.

You could adventure, battle, keep your spoils, form a team, shit on kikes, and you can build your own happiness.

It's been over 20 years since I've touched the game, but I'm pretty sure it's better than what we have IRL.

It is. This Flaw is why people do not percieve God as the one true God.

Jesus Christ, fuck off back to redd1t, already.

But what if.... LE WORD PLAY PARADOX!!!

We've all heard this shit a billion times, by now. It stopped being anything resembling "profound" or "clever" centuries ago. Get new material.

Not an argument, Heaven is not a perfect world because its creator is a flawed being.

Why would he arbitrarily create flaws? God's will is done through physics, everything has a cause and effect, even a coin flip is determined by a million tiny variables that were determined by a million other tiny variables ultimately set in motion long ago, it's just a stack of dominoes falling.

A lot of people seem to forget the part of the story where his cripple brother literally hired hitmen to take Marche out in a Jagd. You know, the only place where death is actually death?
Marche was only ever kind and attentive to his brother in the real world. And how did the stupid cripple fuck decide to respect his brother's familial piety with him in Ivalice? Hire some niggers to get him iced.

I'm honestly surprised Marche didn't try to cave the fucker's kneecaps in when they returned to the real world. Guy is a fucking saint.

if that's what's going on behind the scenes then it doesn't sound half bad

This question is inherently pointless. It's like an ant asking why the human doesn't shit outside. You just have to accept that God is a being so far above you that you couldn't understand his reasons. Even humans are flawed by design is a guess.

The thing is those with immeasurable wealth would lack the skills and knowledge how to survive without someone else doing the work.
The unwashed masses would be culled, but there will inevitably be those who survive and those would be the ones that would revive humanity while the fat struggle in a lengthy, long, drawn out suffering extinction.

I don't like that people guess at what they want God to be because it sounds magical and comforting rather than observing his creations and inferring from that, what is punished by reality, what our minds are fundamentally tuned to find aesthetically beautiful or repulsive etc.

I beat this game and don't remember a god damn thing about it except stealing all the god tier items in the last mission when you can't use them after

The matrix is a world of modern society. Its regurgitated in other movies like equilibrium and wanted . One person stuck in an endless loop of societal collective conscious slowly becoming aware that reality in this form is by its very nature an equal if not a worse fate then succumbing to delusions.
Marche is retarded and so is his brother.
To much of one thing is always bad.

They never actually establish that the world of the book isn't real. Yes they say it, but a world full of people with feelings, emotions, etc is no less real than our own world. Marche is beyond evil.

this thread

because monster don't think

Marche was right.

Attempted murder required appropriate response. Now back into the wheelchair, Doned.

Marche was wrong

Play Recettear

Being an adventurer could barely afford to foot the bill

A merchant could become a millionaire in less than 3 months.

I want to be an ordinary kid again so I can go to school and earn my mc donalds degree.